Wildcard Weekend

On Garrard's long run on 4th and 2, two different Jaguar offensive linemen were clearly holding. As I've noted several times on this forum, holding could be called on every play in the NFL (and this is publicly admitted by everyone in the league). Seeing Jack Del Rio smile triumphantly on the sidelines, while hoisting his clenched fist in triumph, was hard to take. Jacksonville is THE dream Caste team. I keep hoping that Matt Jones will suddenly lose it on the sidelines and just pummel his white-hating coach.
Don Wassall said:
Garrard beats safety Tyrone Carter like a rented mule on his long run on 4th down. Same Carter who was beaten badly by Jones-Drew on his TD reception. Neither time was Carter even mentioned by Al and John. Just imagine if it was Archuleta or any white player instead of Carter. . .

You got that right. They would have made minced meat out of him.A couple of my brothers in law showed up for a belated New Year's toast, and we watched some of the game together. We all expected Garrard was going to run the ball on that fourth down play that iced it. I suspect most everybody watching had the same notion, except the Steelers defense, I guess.
Don Wassall said:
Collinsworth just expressed sympathy for the four defendants in Taylor's killing, saying they thought they could rob Taylor's house but "panicked" when they found out he was there. What a complete fool. An early candidate for 2008's white Uncle Tom award.
Wow Tom Hayden couldn't have spun that any better.....
I wouldnt worry too much about Blacksonville (who starts almost the same amount of whites as Seattle) getting past anyone accept the injury-plagued Steelers.

It sucks that they pulled it out in the end, but that will make the let-down even greater when they get blown out by NE in a week. If they couldnt cover Hines Ward, Holmes, and Miller, can you imagine them covering Welker and Moss?
I cant wait to see Del Rio cry as Jacksonville fails yet again to get deep into the playoffs....not to mention losing badly to a very white NE team.

That game was actually pretty entertaining. The Steelers were seriously robbed on that Gerrard scramble playing with Kalif Barnes holding.

Whatever, so the greater of TWO evils won, right? No big deal in my mind. The Steelers can blame there terrible saftey Tyrone Carter for the loss, as Don pointed out, he sucks for real and gave up the biggest plays.

PS - I love the fact that the former Minnesota RB, a fat, slow, stupid, thug Gary Russell got to play tonight!
....I wonder what Jesse Ludsmen is doing right now?
Thrashen said:
PS - I love the fact that the former Minnesota RB, a fat, slow, stupid, thug Gary Russell got to play tonight!
....I wonder what Jesse Ludsmen is doing right now?

The Steelersalso had cement-footed Carey Davis running from tailback at times along with cement-footed starter Najeh Davenport. And returning kickoffs, why none other than Davenport. Even John Madden said something during the game after one of Davenport's runs to the effect that "he'll never be able to turn the corner in his lifetime." It's amazing how irrelevant speed is when it comes to plugging in one slow cookie cutter black after another into "speed" positions.Edited by: Don Wassall
When your "QB" goes 9 for 21 with 1 TD and 2 ints you should not be allowed to advance in the playoffs.
The Davis runs were all I needed to know about the caste system. Krieder would never have been allowed to carry in that game, yet he is better than Davis in every way including being faster.

And hey, look at that, the Steelers found a black guy to be the last minute, undrafted, from out of nowhere backup running back to Davenport. And incredibly, they even let him carry the ball in a playoff game. That's indescribably stupid.

Not to mention the Steelers signed Bloom, but had...Davenport return kicks.

On most NFL teams, there will NEVER be a situation in which a white guy is allowed to run the ball on purpose. White guys can catch on-sides kicks if they are standing the right place and then try to run, that's about it.
The backup TE for Pittsburgh, a white player, got tackled on the two yard line and extended his arms trying to get the ball to break the plain of the goal line. He fumbled the ball trying to reach the goal line but the referee said he was down by contact. This is done throughout the NFL by any and all offensive players. It is common practice but by the way the announcers jumped all over him you would think he was the first player to try this in thirty years.

They mentioned it over and over while the play was being reviewed.

If Madden had any guts, other than the one he follows around, he would have stated that this all too common practice of exposing the football near the goal line is bad football and he sees way too many players doing it.

For me, the Steelers lost the game when they had the ball with about three minutes left and started managing the clock. They ran plays to make the Jags burn timeouts instead of concentrating on getting first downs to seal the deal.

In todays game, you win at the end by getting first downs and not putting the pressure on your defense to win it for you. The Jags had a ton of time left to kick a field goal so worrying about timeouts was bad coaching by the Steelers.
Don Wassall said:
Collinsworth just expressed sympathy for the four defendants in Taylor's killing, saying they thought they could rob Taylor's house but "panicked" when they found out he was there.  What a complete fool.  An early candidate for 2008's white Uncle Tom award.

He said, "four young kid's" -- and since I was watching the game with company, we were like WTF; get him out of there! He's such a disgrace.

Doesn't it appear that Collinsworth-less is a druggie, or a homosexual with AIDS... or all of the above??
It was great to see Josephine Gibbs and his band of criminals get whupped. In DC, it's all about Dan Snyder and Diversity and an all-Black team
I loved seeing the Giants start 7 on offense today. Coal black defense however. THye had one whitey start earlier in the year and he did a good job. But we know the NFL guidelines about blacks losing jobs to better whites.

Tampa only started 5 of our people as usual.
Nice to see Eli Manning lead the Giants to an apparent victory. He's been ridiculously maligned by the drunk white fans and media alike. I wouldn't be upset if the Giants make it to the Super Bowl given how little there is to root forin the NFC.
It's funny when knocking out the opposing teams starting quarterback actually improves their chance of beating you.

Young is on the turf, writhing on the ground. Looks like he might have banged his head hard on the turf.

At least it isn't a quad injury.

Ah, never mind! Apparently he is fine. He jumped up and jogged to the sideline.
Edited by: White Shogun
It's 6-0 at halftime of the SD-Tenn game. I know they have decent D's but we're not talking '85 Bears or anything. Neither quarterback has thrown for more than 100 yards, and Rivers has an INT.

During the halftime show, Boomer Esiason said that the Chargers are looking at being upset again this year, with Gates out and the game riding on Rivers' shoulders. He said in these circumstances, with this kind of pressure, he'd rather have Vince Young than Philip Rivers leading his team.
Could Shannon Sharpe's racism be any more blatant than during that half-time show? "Who'd you rather have in the 4th quarter - Vince Young or Philip Rivers?" Did Sharpe need to be so contemptuous of Rivers? And, of course, he said Cowher was wrong to put the interception on Chambers. Everything is the fault of Philip Rivers. All we need now is for "classy" LT to diss his own QB by refusing to sit with him on the sidelines..
For some reason, I'm reminded of the 1979 and 1980 AFC Playoffs when the Chargers lost at home to Houston and Oakland. They were also eliminated last year by New England at home.

They were heavy favorites in the Houston game of 1979. Both Earl Campbell and Dan Pastorini were out with injuries, but the Chargers still lost with their high-powered Dan Fouts-led offense.
I would never have been able to quote Shannon Sharpe, Matra. I can't understand what he says. He speaks as though his mouth is full of marbles.

I don't know how anyone can watch him on television and not ask themselves how the hell this guy was offered a job as a professional, paid, sportscaster. There is no one more inarticulate and unintelligible on TV today than Shannon Sharpe. He is the epitome of affirmative action.
I'm wondering when and if they are going to criticize LaDanian Tomlinson for his lackluster performance today. He has 10 yards on 12 carries.

Or how about Norv Turner, for calling only 12 running plays for LT when they have been down less than a touchdown the entire game.

It's all Rivers' fault.
Matra1 said:
Could Shannon Sharpe's racism be any more blatant than during that half-time show? "Who'd you rather have in the 4th quarter - Vince Young or Philip Rivers?"

I'll take Rivers with his 82.4 21/ 15 regular season over Young with his 71.1 9/ 17 regular season anyday.

Oh how I would love to see Rivers win this game. Half way through the 3rd he has almost 200 yds passing while Young has under 100.

HAHA! TD pass Rivers.Edited by: Poacher
On the SD scoring drive, Albert Haynesworth (surprise, surprise) was penalized 15 yards for unsportmanlike conduct. I didn't hear anything about how this penalty might have cost the Chargers the game.

So what do you think, next series Young pulls a quad?
Yes, a pulled quad sounds reasonable.

Isn't Haynesworth the guy that all the pundits said was so important to the team?

How bad was the penalty? I can't see the game.
I missed the play, too, heard the announcers talking about it when I sat back down in front of the teebee.

I can't wait to hear Esaison, et al, discuss this game at it's conclusion. I wonder if they will give Rivers' any credit for leading two scoring drives (at least) in the second half.

Oh, no! Poster boy Radio throws an INT to seal the game for the Chargers! Boo hoo hoo! Shoulda pulled a quad, Radio! Edited by: White Shogun
The Steelers temporarily overcame an 18 point deficit in the 4th quarter last night, but once San Diego got ahead by more than a touchdown, this one was over. That's true forany team that plays a black QB, other than McNabb at times. Vince Young personifies the dink and dunk passing style that black QBs play. Asking these limited quarterbacksto throw it down the field consistently for big gains while trailing in the game --
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