Wildcard Weekend

to be honest, if i was his lineman i'd probably try and give him a little push and see if i can get away with it.
Yeah, that's become pretty much SOP, a rare change in how the game's played in the Caste System era that makes sense.
Weltner said:
Sorry for this being over a week late, but,regarding the Titans-Chargers game, did anyone notice that Ladanian Tomlinson's "second effort" game winning TD should not have been allowed?

You're right. I didn't notice that he was stopped and falling backwards until one of his lineman pushed him forward. You tube clip shows it clearly.

[url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yS7wJtUGAXg&feature=relat ed[/url]
Why shouldn't a linemanand any other teammate try to push him forward? I don't see anything wrong or unethical about it. It happens often on running plays.
I think the lineman should be able to pick the running backs up over their heads carry them into the endzone and spike them into the turf. Headfirst. That would add some excitement to the game!
Don Wassall said:
Why shouldn't a linemanand any other teammate try to push him forward? I don't see anything wrong or unethical about it. It happens often on running plays.

I'm pretty sure it's against the rules. Why not pull em across the line? In Rugby it's okay. Any rule book geeks here?
As far as I know this is against the rules, but the referees do not seem to enforce it.
I've only ever seen it enforced once, about 15 to 20 years ago. The penalty was "asisting the ball carrier". The ball carrier at the time was Robb Thomas a wide receiver playing for Kansas.
I remember the USC/Notre Dame game a couple of years ago where the Irish had a real shot at upsetting the Trojans but Matt Leinart clearly pushed Reggie Bush into the end zone and they won the game. It's illegal in the college game but the refs didn't notice it and/or enforce the rule. I personally think it should be ok to push the runner from behind but a rule is a rule.
I'm the only guy that had it backwards, you are right, it was Bush pushing Leinart into the end zone. My bad.
no biggie
Bart said:
Don Wassall said:
Why shouldn't a lineman and any other teammate try to push him forward? I don't see anything wrong or unethical about it. It happens often on running plays.

I'm pretty sure it's against the rules. Why not pull em across the line? In Rugby it's okay. Any rule book geeks here?

Yes, it's against the rules,for good reason.The rules are, the blocker tries to move the defensive players out of the way,as best he can, for the ball carrier to get through.If the ball carrier can't get through, too bad.Edited by: Weltner
What's the name of the penalty when the rule is violated and how many yards is it?
Don, As I said in a post above I've only ever seen it enforced once, about 15 to 20 years ago. The penalty was "assisting the ball carrier". The ball carrier at the time was Robb Thomas a wide receiver playing for Kansas. It is possible that the NFL rules have changed since then. I've tried to find out how many yards the penalty is in the NFL to no avail, but in College football it is 5 yards.
At the NFL.com site there is a section dealing with rules.There may be a more detailed explanation, but I don't know where it can be found.

<H2 _extended="true">Use of Hands, Arms, and Body </H2>
<DIV =newsfont _extended="true">

  1. <LI _extended="true">No player on offense may assist a runner except by blocking for him. There shall be no interlocking interference. </LI>
Thanks for the link Bart.
Rule 10b is interesting.
10. A player may not bat or punch:
(a) A loose ball (in field of play) toward his opponent's goal line or in any direction in either end zone.
(b) A ball in player possession.
I've seen balls knocked loose by what looked very much like a bat or punching action and never seen it penalized. (a bit like travelling)
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