white women with no shame

Jan 1, 2006
I want to comment on the scenario of attractive white women being seen in public with black men. I am temporarily staying in a "more contemporary" city and I see mixed couples on a more frequent basis. In fact tonight I saw two in one club/rest and as historically has been the case the vast majority consist of a black male and a white female. I am actually finally seeing white males with black girls which does not bother me as much although it should I admit.

I hate to sound sexist but its true that I would be more forgiving (still not liking it though) if the female was fat or otherwise undesirable and had to resort to dating black men as her white male options would be limited. But the typical case is on the contrary where the girl is moderately to even highly attractive. These girls have no apparant bashfulness or shame about it while in public and what puzzles me more is the casual observers apparant lack of shock or concern. Fair or not these women cause me to lose respect for white women in general. Incidentally, a friend of mine still gives dirty looks in a general way when seeing mixed couples and he said he knows non involved people must notice which is good as they are getting the point that it is unacceptable.

Typically white men are the brunt of ridicule from all directions but as piggish as we are portrayed you will rarely see us in public with a black woman (until recently but still not common). I don't condone it but if one of us is so desperate and depraved to go slumming and have a one night stand with a black woman, as despicable as that is, a white guy would probably do it on the sneak and not even let his closest friends find out let alone be seen in public with the black girl(ala Strom Thermon). White women hang on as proud as can be to an ugly black man who statistics show will probably beat her and leave her pennyless with his low IQ half breed offspring to raise by herself.

Sexist or not, its worse for a girl to have a one night stand so rather than being even more descrete than a white male white women are ironically much less descrete and even air out the fact they are trash. Why don't white women have some more self respect for themselves ? Yet they demand white men to kiss their buts. Perhaps subconciously many white women actually don't want to have their buts kissed like they say but rather they want to be degraded and abused in some masacistic bizarre fetish twisted menatlity. Its counterintuitive but it would not surprise me.
Sean Carlisle said:
I want to comment on the scenario of attractive white women being seen in public with black men.

You might have just had a "bad" day, thats how I classify it. For the most part, the White women I usually see with black men are nasty. Basically the kind that really have no choice but to date them because thats all they can get. The kind that after they walked past me, I'd feel the urge to run home and take a shower. You know...pigs.

However, there are times that I do see the occasional
attractive White female with one, and it does disgust me quite a bit. Here's my theory on why they do it. I hope you're comfortable, because this might take a while.

You see Sean, women are...well...morons (especially our own). They think that everything they see on shows such as "Sex and the City" are "real" and "desirable" and "trendy". Therefore, they tend to copy these patterns and act them out in their daily lives. For example, I am a student right now, but I tend bar at night in a trendy, upscale lounge by my school to pay my bills. Now, what do you think is the most commonly ordered drink by females patrons? Any guesses? Thats right, the Cosmopolitain. Do you know why? Because thats what those four bimbos on that stupid show always drink in bar scenes. This is my point, with women, its like "monkey see, monkey do."

Also, women are social-climbers, which means that they will basically keep up with whatever the newest trend is, including dating the homeboys, just to be considered "fashionable". I kid you not, if one woman from her little clique starts dating a brutha, every other woman in that group will, at least, entertain the idea of doing it herself in her head. When one of these idiots gets a new purse, you can bet the rest of them with run right out abd but that same purse. Its no different with men.

To add to this, women are biologically designed to be "nurturing" and "loving". This, however, translates into "weak" and "a sucker" in the real world. To them, being labeled a "racist" is the most horrible thing on Earth, and black males know this. And you can bet your bottom dollar that they use it against them every chance they get.

Women are also fascinated with the concept of romance and secrecy. In other words, fooling around with a subhuman excites them because they feel they are doing something that is taboo. Males, in contrast, tend to be more logical in their thinking, as we go for more practical routes regarding relationships. I, for example, lay all the cards out right away when I meet a girl. By laying the cards out, I mean revealing my "political" views, if you catch my drift. If I drop the "N-bomb" in conversation and she gets all offended, then I know shes a pig that might date blacks, and she can't be trusted. If she laughs or agrees with me, then we might be in business.

I hope I didn't veer too far off topic, but its 5 a.m., and my mind is a little warped right now. I hope that I was at least partially helpful.
White women hang on as proud as can be to an ugly black man who statistics show will probably beat her and leave her pennyless with his low IQ half breed offspring to raise by herself.

Thats precisely why intelligent goodlooking white women with options are less likely to date Black men.To be blunt,Black men are ugly,not just physically but it encompases everything that could possibly make a person attractive to someone else.Personality,moral standards,culture and behaviour conduct..They're ugly guys no doubt,they create ugly enviroments whether it be nations,cities or small town community's.White women with intelligence see this and its instinctive as there is a media agenda to pair Black males up with White females which is actually unfair on the majority of White women as it effectivly arms the already aggressive Black male who can never match up with false notions that even the most attractive White woman is his property for the taking.Quite the contrary,this makes many White females intimidated by them as they can find themselve,if in the wrong enviroment inundated by unwanted attention by males filled by false propaganda and lies.The media lies of the smart intelligent all knowing Black dude is dispelled by daily reality,hence White flight.The crap and dysfunction that emanates from their community's aswell as the daily experiences of other relative forms of inferiority i can only imagine puts off a great deal of aspirational intelligent White women.In South Africa and other parts of Southern Africa like Kenya and Zimbabwe with White minority's mainly of British descent,you never see a white women in an interacial relationship despite living in country's that are obviously Black.If you do see it,they're most likely liberal Europeans that were not brought up in these nations.These women know the truth,they're sorrounded by it and no amount of media spin or lies can distort that.I know people's experiences of interacial dating obviously differs from location to location,but i think you can apply that same standard rule no matter the nation or city.People of European descent are naturally repelled by large populations of Blacks which,from a cultural survival aspect is a good thing.
As I am a female, this is my take on it. Yes, a lot of girls are lemmings, and nurturing and all that crap. However, not all girls are like that. I think it's the dumb, shallow girls who are like that. I don't like this at all. My brother likes to say I have a guy's brain trapped in a woman body
. I tend to think in a rationalistic, logical manner, which seems to be alien to a lot of women.

I could never date a black guy, for several reasons. One, my parents would disown me. Two, they are ugly and immature. Three, the social disapproval would be overwhelming. Four, it is wrong, period. White girls dating black guys are disgusting, and repulsive.

In my high school, the girls who liked black guys were skanky and gross. And it was always the same reason: they got big you know what
. So do donkeys, but that doesn't mean you should sleep with one
. Also, I think they wanted to piss off Mom and Dad, but their parents were liberal douchebags who thought it was cute and trendy
. Morons. Whenever I go to the mall and see these girls, I have to suppress an urge to laugh at them. You see, these girls invariably have ugly mulatto kids, are fat, and no baby daddy in sight. I have to fight the urge to say "I told you so". This is just my two cents, and I thought I'd get a female perspective in here.

You know, about the reasons why these girls go out with black guys, you
have to understand that they have to rationalize it somehow. Many don't
get asked out by guys (especially the heavy ones) and they have to make
it look to themselves and others that a black is a good catch. Lots of
them are angry at white men. Slutty girls get used a lot, then dumped.
They especially don't like being rejected by white men. Dating a black is
easy because they know they can always get a date--there's a long line
trying to date a white woman, and they don't feel so bad if it doesn't work
out. In other words, many of them are slumming.

As far as the size issue goes, from what I understand, its a myth. Sure
some guys are built, but then again so are a number of white guys. My
guess is that there is little difference overall.

Also, it doesn't help that black ghetto culture is being force fed to kids
through the media. Think of it, the least successful culture in all of
western civilization is promoted as "cool". Liking the same bands and
music, and watching the same shows goes a long way for immature
people in being able to relate to one another. Its superficial, sure, but the
leftist idiots who run the media know what it does, and they intentionally
promote it. Its all really sickening. These kids grow up thinking white
achievement and culture are somehow bad and corrupt, and somethting
to be ashamed of, rather than something to be proud of. It may not be
perfect, but its a heckuva lot better than what other people have done.

That's why sites like this are so important. No matter the trolls and
naysayers, they record and celebrate the accomplishments of our group
and detail how we are being lied to and dsicriminated against.
Puncturing the black athletic superiority myth is important to stop the
brainwashing of the immature and ignorant. Thanks for your input.
Even Spike Lee noted that the only white women the average black gets tend to be the bottom-of-the-barrel type.

But look at it from the black male's perspective: would YOU want the average black female? Good God, no! They tend to be slovenly, whorish and manly. What man (even a black man) wants THAT?

However, I have seen some of the pig-ugliest black women pregnant by normal looking black males, who would "hit" anything, so it seems.
Bronk said:
Even Spike Lee noted that the only white women the average black gets tend to be the bottom-of-the-barrel type.

But look at it from the black male's perspective: would YOU want the average black female? Good God, no! They tend to be slovenly, whorish and manly. What man (even a black man) wants THAT?

However, I have seen some of the pig-ugliest black women pregnant by normal looking black males, who would "hit" anything, so it seems.

For all the b.s. that black men say about their own women..."Oh, the mighty black woman, precious mother of all Earth..." and yadda yadda yadda, they still, on average, will take a "so/so" White girl over their own. I see it happen constantly. And, not to go down this road, but from what I hear, black women's "personal hygeine" isn't exactly...ummm..."up to par", if you catch my drift.

And you're right, Bronk, about the undesirable White girls dating blacks because they know its a sure thing. And not only will they date them, they will also play it off like its the best thing in the world. Oh well, people dig their own graves, what can you do.
It annoys me, but at least they aren't passing their genes into our gene pool. We don't need them. Their kids are not very likely to breed with whites. It seems that mulattos are militantly black. What worries me more is our breeding with races that are more similar looking. Their offspring are more likely to become part of our gene pool.
Actually, the whole size myth is based on exagerrated differences in flaccid size, not performance size if you get my drift. When comparing flaccid size there is only about a half inch difference on average, but when looking at performance size, there is almost no difference. I guess like so many black traits and attitudes, they are all show and little go.
Edited by: Colonel_Reb
Colonel_Reb said:
Actually, the whole size myth is based on exagerrated differences in flaccid size, not performance size if you get my drift. When comparing flaccid size there is only about a half inch difference on average, but when looking at performance size, there is almost no difference. I guess like so many black traits and attitudes, they are all show and little go.

Some speculate that white men are "growers" as opposed to "showers" so that our genitalia could be protected against frostbite in the colder climates that we historically inhabited.
The "Definitive Penis Survey" to which I posted a link awhile back actually came up with Whites averaging half an inch longer when erect.

You know, all these traits of superior or supposedly superior physicality they talk about, how assinine can you get? There are hundreds of species of large mammals out there that are physically stronger than any man, and have larger dicks to boot. The fact that basketball and genitalia are about it for "racist" remarks the Enemy can make against Whites really shows how deep they have to reach for anything believable. It's not like they can claim we're underachievers or anything.
Ground Fighter said:
Sean Carlisle said:
I want to comment on the scenario of attractive white women being seen in public with black men.

You might have just had a "bad" day, thats how I classify it. For the most part, the White women I usually see with black men are nasty. Basically the kind that really have no choice but to date them because thats all they can get. The kind that after they walked past me, I'd feel the urge to run home and take a shower. You know...pigs.

However, there are times that I do see the occasional
attractive White female with one, and it does disgust me quite a bit. Here's my theory on why they do it. I hope you're comfortable, because this might take a while.

You see Sean, women are...well...morons (especially our own). They think that everything they see on shows such as "Sex and the City" are "real" and "desirable" and "trendy". Therefore, they tend to copy these patterns and act them out in their daily lives. For example, I am a student right now, but I tend bar at night in a trendy, upscale lounge by my school to pay my bills. Now, what do you think is the most commonly ordered drink by females patrons? Any guesses? Thats right, the Cosmopolitain. Do you know why? Because thats what those four bimbos on that stupid show always drink in bar scenes. This is my point, with women, its like "monkey see, monkey do."

Also, women are social-climbers, which means that they will basically keep up with whatever the newest trend is, including dating the homeboys, just to be considered "fashionable". I kid you not, if one woman from her little clique starts dating a brutha, every other woman in that group will, at least, entertain the idea of doing it herself in her head. When one of these idiots gets a new purse, you can bet the rest of them with run right out abd but that same purse. Its no different with men.

To add to this, women are biologically designed to be "nurturing" and "loving". This, however, translates into "weak" and "a sucker" in the real world. To them, being labeled a "racist" is the most horrible thing on Earth, and black males know this. And you can bet your bottom dollar that they use it against them every chance they get.

Women are also fascinated with the concept of romance and secrecy. In other words, fooling around with a subhuman excites them because they feel they are doing something that is taboo. Males, in contrast, tend to be more logical in their thinking, as we go for more practical routes regarding relationships. I, for example, lay all the cards out right away when I meet a girl. By laying the cards out, I mean revealing my "political" views, if you catch my drift. If I drop the "N-bomb" in conversation and she gets all offended, then I know shes a pig that might date blacks, and she can't be trusted. If she laughs or agrees with me, then we might be in business.

I hope I didn't veer too far off topic, but its 5 a.m., and my mind is a little warped right now. I hope that I was at least partially helpful.
If you live close to a ghetto area of major metropolitan city you will invariably see the ghetto whigger white who dates black men(or get pregnant by one). Out in more normal areas if that occurs the black male looks normal and acts normal. I guess the biological clock ticks for all females. I just wish that the offspring of the first relationships didn't have the welfare office as their dad....
Colonel_Reb said:
Actually, the whole size myth is based on exagerrated differences in flaccid size, not performance size if you get my drift. When comparing flaccid size there is only about a half inch difference on average, but when looking at performance size, there is almost no difference. I guess like so many black traits and attitudes, they are all show and little go.
Supposedly Nordic people have the largest penises. Or that's what I read a few years ago.
Just thought I would give a american /aussie opinion. Being Born in the states. (chicago) I did not see massive numbers of white women with black boys. I can honestly say in Australia I have not seen one white women with a black boy. Now we don't have many blacks, but we do have a few straight from their motherland. That being said, white men over here are running wild with anything. (particularly chinese) My wife is a true Aussie and wonders why this is happening. I myself do not even know why because the white Australian women (although somewhat liberated, whatever that means? )are still very respectable mates, and much more conservative when it comes to race and sex roles then their American counterparts. Over here many of our TV shows have somewhat attractive asian girls hangin on Blonde surfer dudes. It kind of offends me I suppose because I have a beautiful white daughter who sees nothing but asian beauty portrayed. I suppose it is a bit of a stretch to say only asian beauty is portrayed out here but you all can probably get the drift. We went to the mall in downtown Sydney (I hate shopping) and out of complete boredom while waiting for her to finish shopping I counted 26 Asian women white male couples. The only reason I remember the exact number is because of the incredible amount. I am no troll, and I am not making up stories, just simply telling it the way it is.
It makes me think about starting an internet dating website. White american men for white Australian women. It seems as though they could use each other's company.
aussieaussie said:
It makes me think about starting an internet dating website. White american men for white Australian women. It seems as though they could use each other's company.

Would the Australian government let you actually setup and operate such an exclusive site? I'm not being sarcastic, I'm genuinely curious if there are any laws prohibiting such a thing.

I know that there are a number of sites that advertise specifically Asian and Russian / Eastern European women seeking Western men, but I don't know of any that are solely for white people.
I guess I had the study mixed up then, White Savage. Thanks for setting the record straight. Just more FACTS to support our cause. Wait a minute though, since when do facts matter? JK
aussieaussie said:
It makes me think about starting an internet dating website. QUOTE]

A similar website for white people already exists. Its called "Eurodate.com" or "Eurodater.com" or "Euromatch.com", or some 'schiesse' like that. I've never checked it out, but since I'm single now, it may be time to get back in the game again. LOL]
The white trash whores that bed black boys will get HIV just like the ones that slept with Everson banda.


linkEdited by: Deacon
Deacon said:
The white trash whores that bed black boys will get HIV just like the ones that slept with Everson banda.



The unfortunate thing about that is, they will probably then go back to White guys and give "the monster" to them. Although, I am beginning to believe more and more that White girls who stray from their own race generally don't return...ever. Thats their decision. Oh well.

Which reminds me of another funny story. Come on, everybody gather 'round the campfire next to Uncle Ground Fighter. I remember there was a guy I worked with last year. Some "we're all the same, I'm not racist" White idiot type from Numbnuts, Pennsylvania oor some place like that. You know, one of those people who list their favorite athletes, and, coincidentally, they're all black.

Moving on, I was going through one of my many tirades at work, and the N-word slipped out. He got all offended, and said that his younger sister was half black (His mother was with a black man, not married of course, surprise surprise). He then asked me to apologize. I refused. Anyone want to take a friendly guess as to what road this went down?

Then I proceeded to tell him that his little mulatto darling of a sister will, most likely, grow up to be militant as hell, hate White people including you, and date nothing but blacks. This is where it grew even uglier. He then told me that he comes from a good household with good values and that won't happen. Here's where I dropped the bomb, I couldn't resist, I had to say it... "Well, the values in your home couldn't be that sturdy...look what your mother brought home."

As I've grown, I've learned to keep my mouth shut. But sometimes the situation is just begging for it, and you just have to let people have it.

I mustsay thati enjoy reading your posts. I had a similar conversation with some guy who went to college with me. I was going off on some anti-black tirade when he told me his cousin was going out with somenegro and not to be racist.

The funny thing is that the more time he spent with me the more i managed to 'convert' him to my point of view. Just goes to show there is racial awareness in all of us even people who you would never expect it from

Edited by: irokez
I bet I can top that. My one cousin, who of course is a female, started dating a blacky and eventually married him about 3 years ago. My family completely disowned her. Haven't talked to her since she started dating him and NO ONE from my family went to the wedding. My cousin has one sister, and my uncle is dead, so he wasn't around to beat this guy to the curb and she has no brothers who could have done the same. She lives about 4 states away so there's nothing I could have done. but I tell ya, my family "don't f*ck around." I strongly believe, that females with no proper male figure in their lives will turn out almost the same. I have 2 younger sisters 22 & 17 and a brother 23, none of them will EVER date outside of our race as long as I am around to do something about it.
irokez said:

I must say that i enjoy reading your posts. I had a similar conversation with some guy who went to college with me.  I was going off on some anti-black tirade when he told me his cousin was going out with some negro and not to be racist.

The funny thing is that the more time he spent with me the more i managed to 'convert' him to my point of view. Just goes to show there is racial awareness in all of us even people who you would never expect it from




I'm glad I entertain everybody. lol. I live in a very "diverse area", so believe me, I have these kinds of "stories" out the ying-yang. Maybe when we do our eventual "Caste Football Group Trip to Vegas", we'll all gather 'round the craps table and I'll share more of them with everyone.
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