white frat forced to close down


Feb 27, 2015
This is utterly ridiculous. Can you envision the same uproar occurring if a few buck football players had raped a white coed? Would there be such outrage from the school? This cultural marxist insanity is driving me up a wall. And so few people get the bigger picture. On a side note, does no one realize that our nation was sooo much better during the segregation/"racism" period than it is now? That alone would be enough for me to come to my senses (if I were still unawake/clueless).


Jul 15, 2011
Closed down one day; open up the next day with different name and meeting place (if they have one); off campus the men can do what they want; not that difficult to comprehend capacity.
The kids will probably get expelled. You are no longer allowed to speak your mind in the privacy of your own home, but Steve A Smith is allowed to say what he wants to say without being held accoutable for his actions.


Jul 15, 2011
Some yahoo records two minutes of people of a frat on a bus, and now all these white people need to be punished. I'm sure they will be suspended the semester, if they don't get permanently expelled.


Feb 23, 2013
New York
The kids will probably get expelled. You are no longer allowed to speak your mind in the privacy of your own home, but Steve A Smith is allowed to say what he wants to say without being held accoutable for his actions.

Don't know if they'll be expelled but, yes, a man can say anything a man wants to inside a man's home.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
This was the lead story on tonight's national news broadcast of both NBC and CBS (I didn't check ABC). The second story was about the black kid with a criminal record who was acting crazy and was shot and killed by a White cop in ultra-liberal Madison, Wisconsin. The previous two days the "news" was dominated by the 50th year celebration of the civil rights march in Selma, Alabama. The power structure and their useful idiot street liberals still pretend that little has changed since the 1950s, or maybe even the 1850s. The U.S. is a country dominated by sheer fantasy and illusion.


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
This is utterly ridiculous. Can you envision the same uproar occurring if a few buck football players had raped a white coed? Would there be such outrage from the school? This cultural marxist insanity is driving me up a wall. And so few people get the bigger picture. On a side note, does no one realize that our nation was sooo much better during the segregation/"racism" period than it is now? That alone would be enough for me to come to my senses (if I were still unawake/clueless).

White coeds are beat and raped every year by black football players and the media and general public turn a blind eye to it. Look at Jameez winston - sexually assaulted a white coed - was protected by the school and police department and is now celebrated by the marxist media as the best player in the draft.


Feb 23, 2013
New York
This was the lead story on tonight's national news broadcast of both NBC and CBS (I didn't check ABC). The second story was about the black kid with a criminal record who was acting crazy and was shot and killed by a White cop in ultra-liberal Madison, Wisconsin. The previous two days the "news" was dominated by the 50th year celebration of the civil rights march in Selma, Alabama. The power structure and their useful idiot street liberals still pretend that little has changed since the 1950s, or maybe even the 1850s. The U.S. is a country dominated by sheer fantasy and illusion.

The unreal is preferred by most to the real.


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
Saw this yesterday and knew these boys were doomed. Damn evil white people..


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
I saw that two of the fraternity members were expelled. I sincerely hope that they bring a lawsuit against the school. This story is just another example of the cultural Marxist agenda in over drive. I think more and more people are waking up to the truth. The blacks as perpetual innocent victims narrative has proved to be a lie and more
white people are becoming wise to it.

These couple of years have been the worst I can recall in the leftist media to paint blacks as victims of a racist society. It's the boy who cried wolf on a grand scale and the leftist media/power brokers doing there best to stoke the fire into a total breakdown of whites in society.


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
This country is becoming pussified like France. Soon freedom of speech will be a thing of the past.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
This country is becoming pussified like France. Soon freedom of speech will be a thing of the past.

Spot on. The lunacy of some young students being expelled for just joking around is what's truly sickening here. The vile judeo-Bolsheviks have been really successful with their goal of rotting Western, White culture.

Quiet Speed

Dec 19, 2004
So, the most hated fraternity in the USA was a fan rap music. And what in the world is neocon Bill Kristol doing on msnbc? I thought Fox News was his home base.



Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
So, the most hated fraternity in the USA was a fan rap music. And what in the world is neocon Bill Kristol doing on msnbc? I thought Fox News was his home base.


I hate msnbc with a passion. It's a real mouthpiece of the radical left. Sometimes when at the gym on the treadmill msnbc will be on - some limp wristed, self hating, effeminate white liberal named Chris Hayes show. I Don't have audio so cannot listen to what they say but I really want to punch him in the face repeatedly...end rant :)


Jul 15, 2011
I hate MSNBC but I have to agree with her. If you find the word so offensive why use it in every rap song.

Wes Woodhead

Oct 23, 2011
I garuntee there are black frat houses that preach kill Whitey on a daily basis. Of course thats totally ok.


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
I hate MSNBC but I have to agree with her. If you find the word so offensive why use it in every rap song.

Because it's ok when they say it. Just like it's ok for black on black violence. A white man kills a black man and it's instant ghetto chaos and protests.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Good article from the Daily Caller on this subject, via VDARE.com

It turns out that David Boren (email him)president of Oklahoma University, isn’t so merciless after all, despite his instant expulsion of the SAE Fraternity Brothers.
When black players are accused of violent crime, including sexual assault, he’s quite forgiving.

University of Oklahoma president David Boren’s immediate expulsion of students involved with a recently-leaked racist video stands in sharp contrast to the lighter treatment the school has given to football players found responsible for violent crimes. (RELATED: Oklahoma Frat Shut Down After Racist Video Leaks)
Just two days after a video leaked of Oklahoma students, mostly freshmen, singing a racist song on a bus, Boren took decisive action by summarily expelling two students he claims played a leading roll in the chant. The students, he said, had created a “hostile learning environment†for other students and had to be kicked out immediately, with no opportunity to reform. Boren has suggested that more expulsions could be on the way. (RELATED: OU Could Be Making A Huge Mistake With Its Expulsions)
“There is zero tolerance for this kind of threatening racist behavior at the University of Oklahoma,†Boren said.
However, while Boren might have zero tolerance for racist songs sung in private, Boren and OU have taken a very different approach to the privileged members of the school’s elite college football team, emphasizing the importance of second chances and allowing the team to welcome back players with a history of violence and even sexual assault. (RELATED: Oklahoma Frat Song Was Racist, But Was Still Free Speech)
One such player was Joe Mixon, a freshman and one of the top football prospects for the Sooners. Last July, Mixon was caught on video in an altercation with another OU student, 20-year-old junior Amelia Rae Molitor. During the altercation, Mixon punched Molitor so hard he broke four bones in her face and knocked her unconscious.
Last October, Mixon accepted a plea deal on a misdemeanor assault charge, and was punished with a year-long deferred sentence, 100 hours of community service and mandatory counseling. The video of his assault has never been released, but president Boren has seen it.
Despite his conviction, Mixon faced a comparatively light punishment compared to the massive crackdown on the Sigma Alpha Epsilon students. He was suspended from the team for the season, but faced no other repercussions, remaining on campus and continuing to attend classes like any other student.
In February, Mixon was allowed to rejoin the football team.
Boren, at the time, said that while Mixon’s behavior was abhorrent, it was important to grant second chances.
“The judicial outcome and the video speak for themselves,†Boren said. “The University is an educational institution, which always sets high standards that we hope will be upheld by our students. We hope that our students will all learn from those standards, but at the same time, we believe in second chances so that our students can learn and grow from life’s experiences.â€
Boren’s mercy towards Mixon raises the question of whether he believes violence against women merits a second chance, but not racist words.
Mixon’s case is hardly the only one of the University promoting second chances for gifted athletes, even in the past year. Another recent case involving the Sooner football team is that of Dorial Green-Beckham, a wide receiver prospect who was hyped as a Randy Moss-caliber talent upon graduating from high school.
Green-Beckham originally attended the University of Missouri, but was kicked off the team after multiple drug arrests as well as an incident where he allegedly forced his way into a woman’s home, violently threatened her and then shoved another woman down the stairs. Green-Beckham likely would have faced assault and burglary charges, but police closed the case after the women involved said they did not want to press charges and became uncooperative.
Despite his extremely troubled history, Green-Beckham was accepted at OU, which subsequently pushed for Green-Beckham to be allowed to immediately play rather than missing a year as per NCAA rules regarding transfers.
In yet another case, a school investigation found that defensive end Frank Shannon had violated the school’s sexual misconduct policy after he reportedly attempted to have sex with an unwilling woman at his apartment. Far from being immediately expelled, Shannon was instead suspended for one year, a stern punishment but far below the one given for racism.
Unsurprisingly, there is no shortage of cases of Sooners receiving almost no punishment at all for endangering the lives of others by driving under the influence. For instance, in 2013 defensive end Chuka Ndulue was suspended for just a single game after pleading no contest to a DUI charge and receiving a deferred sentence.



Feb 23, 2013
New York
That came out earlier today. I read David Merrel's article on it. Same substance. So many sites are infested with trolls, idiots, fools, serpents, cheaters, spammers, spinners, disinformation meddlers, and confused blabbermouths; i passed two hours this evening battling all of the above over what and how those two men (the "expelled") can sue and demolish the "University" and the president in court. The men have a great case if they only knew it.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
That came out earlier today. I read David Merrel's article on it. Same substance. So many sites are infested with trolls, idiots, fools, serpents, cheaters, spammers, spinners, disinformation meddlers, and confused blabbermouths; i passed two hours this evening battling all of the above over what and how those two men (the "expelled") can sue and demolish the "University" and the president in court. The men have a great case if they only knew it.

My guess is they don't do anything and go the typical white male pussy route. Everyone in the world is telling them not to further expose themselves as one of the most vile criminals on the face of the earth, and they're kids, so probably totally brain-washed. If this stands then it is another step to punishment for what used to be free speech. Anyway one more non-white on the Supreme Court ends the limited "free speech" that exists now.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
My guess is they don't do anything and go the typical white male pussy route. Everyone in the world is telling them not to further expose themselves as one of the most vile criminals on the face of the earth, and they're kids, so probably totally brain-washed. If this stands then it is another step to punishment for what used to be free speech. Anyway one more non-white on the Supreme Court ends the limited "free speech" that exists now.

During this “racist chant,†it seems as if the SAE fraternity was on a moving bus, so this unpardonable “crime against humanity†certainly didn’t even occur on OU campus. And even if it did, how does a state university force every occupant of the frat house to “leave immediately,†shut down the frat house for good, put a pad lock on the front gate, block off the parking lots with barrier and caution tape, remove the SAE logo from the building, and permanently expel two members from the school?


CAPTION: Jewish-Run America: Where White Men Have No Rights

Talk about a massive violation of constitutional rights. Also, with the Zio-Marx-Corp media and their endless witch hunt to discover the next “White Race Pariah†(usually someone who was taped/filmed without their knowledge uttering a “bad†word), their lives have been ruined. I’d also sue for defamation of character. They’d win, because the university’s action against them simply isn’t defensible. Meanwhile, like all state universities, actual racism against whites goes unchallenged 24-7-365. Of course, their side is not lightheartedly signing “white boy,†“redneck,†or “cracker†in the company of friends on a bus…they’re openly promoting miscegenation, female chauvinism, race-mixing, diversity, tolerance, cultural communism, socialism, globalism, sexual deviancy/homosexuality, anti-family values, illegal immigration, and so many other anti-white endeavors. I hope that OU is successfully sued for millions, but as Jax said, these white kids will likely just slink away to the shadows now that the many millions of advocates of “tolerance†and “love†have unconditional hate and intolerance for them.

As if we needed any more reason to despise the hardcore Black Supremacist football coach, Boob Stoops, here's another...


I could only imagine the trouble I’d be in if anyone taped my private conversations in college!


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
In typical White Race Pariah fashion, the apologies are already rolling in...



This after-the-fact groveling is always an utterly meaningless gesture, as nobody actually “forgivesâ€￾ them for what they said. For financial reasons, I can understand a famous person (Mel Gibson, Paula Dean, Riley Cooper, Sergio Garcia, John Rocker, etc) expressing regret, but these kids might as well go out like a bad ass.