What do suspected PED users have in common?

Aug 26, 2011
Land of the Savages


Sep 19, 2012
not Brooklyn
Pretty sure Francisco Cervelli counts as white... google says he is half Italian half Venezualan (whatever that means), anyway I expect he'll get a 500 game suspension to show that Bud Selig is tough on crime. But then again I also expect the beaners to just retreat back into Mexico and reemerge three months later claiming to be a new 16 yr old prospect with a slightly different name... Jesus Cabrera, Melky Orlando, Pedro Burrito, etc. It works when they get pinched here for drink-drive and I see no reason why baseball franchises wouldn't buy into it as a policy. Whenever David Ortiz goes off-cycle he just accuses beat writers of racism.

Anyhow, I browsed through a few DWF comments and was pretty surprised to see some calls for a Hebrew Hammer "lifetime suspension", I guess they didn't realize it would be racist and anti-semitic to penalize him in any way. Braun hit six million homers in 2011 and that's all we need to remember. But even a self-interested multiculturalist has to admit it is pretty funny that he escaped his penalty by getting a really crafty cadre of lawyers to sue over a technicality.
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Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Anyhow, I browsed through a few DWF comments and was pretty surprised to see some calls for a Hebrew Hammer "lifetime suspension", I guess they didn't realize it would be racist and anti-semitic to penalize him in any way. Braun hit six million homers in 2011 and that's all we need to remember. But even a self-interested multiculturalist has to admit it is pretty funny that he escaped his penalty by getting a really crafty cadre of lawyers to sue over a technicality.

The only reason Braun wasn’t suspended in 2011 is because his “World Record Setting,” testosterone-laced urine sample wasn’t shipped via FedEx on the exact same day it was received (because it arrived late in the evening), which apparently wasn’t in complete accordance with “pee testing protocol.” Thus, he got off on this ludicrous technicality. Now this “Biogenesis” clinic controversy arises, from which Braun almost certainly purchased PED’s in the past. I was watching ESPN the other day, and Braun’s goy-boy teammates were being interviewed, all of whom fervently avowed that they “believed he was clean.”

Braun, whose last name, of course, literally translates to “Brown” in German (a make-believe surname featuring a color, is there a more telling sign of a German, Swiss, or Austrian Heeb?), actually has a Catholic mother…but he never seems to mention her when polishing his proverbial menorah during the endless parade of interviews in which he expresses his “great pride” in being a “role model for Jewish children.” Cheating at your profession, lying to the masses, utilizing corporate lawyers to bend the rules, and fine-tuning your art of deception…yes, those fledgling Yarmulke-heads who hope to emulate Braun will make fine Jews in adulthood! Here is Braun’s father, Joe (supposedly raised in Israel as a child), who actually looks rather white…


CAPTION: Joe Braun With Twerp Son, Ryan

Braun is such a protrusive Jew-boy that back in 2007, he was invited to the annual “White House Hanukah Party,” a vile tradition first inaugurated by Arch Zionist High Chief Supreme, George W. Bush, back in 2001. Below is photo of George “W” (Wigger) speaking at the event in which Braun was presumably somewhere in the crowd (or possibly in the men's room with a syringe dangling from his “tuckus”)...


CAPTION: Honorary Yid “W,” Speaks at 2007 Hanukah Dinner

I hope that Braun-o-wicz, along with that police lineup of portly, taco-imbibing “Latinos” are all suspended.
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Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
We might realize here that Braun is part jewish but to the DWF world at large he is white as rice. Therefore this scandal will resonate around him. I think he'll get some media cover as the tribe will try to run some interference for him but when the fans choose who to boo and who to greet with a "STEROOOOIDS" cheer it won't be a guy named Cabrera or Rodriguez.


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
Excellent posts Phall and Thrashen.

If this policy to clean up baseball from drug cheats continues, hispanics will be suspended at exponentially higher rates than Whites. I can only see this trend as a good thing. However, how long do you guys think this will go on before the Kosher Commish realizes that his percentage of precious Latinos is going down? I'm sure if it gets to a noticeable rate, MLB will loosen the reigns on testing.
Aug 26, 2011
Land of the Savages
Now, now. These latinos are just using the PEDs that Americans refuse to use.

The nuthuggers on the chicago radio station were speculating that the PED users are mostly latino because they're just poor naive kids that come from poverty and don't speak english and some mean ruthless american takes them under their wing and shows them how to take PEDs so it's not really their fault, they didn't know any better and didn't know it was wrong.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Now, now. These latinos are just using the PEDs that Americans refuse to use.

The nuthuggers on the chicago radio station were speculating that the PED users are mostly latino because they're just poor naive kids that come from poverty and don't speak english and some mean ruthless american takes them under their wing and shows them how to take PEDs so it's not really their fault, they didn't know any better and didn't know it was wrong.
And do these callers believe in the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy too? The high school aged kids I could agree with the callers, but grown men making hundreds of thousands to multimillion dollar salaries know perfectly well what they are doing. Here is a story about the exploited Dominican high school kids.....http://www.cbc.ca/player/News/TV+Shows/The+National/Sports/ID/2386426775/