What’s Your Favorite Movie?

Some of my favorites:

The Passion
Blackhawk Down
Cinderella Man
Pride of the Yankees
The Charge of the Light Brigade (Errol Flynn version)
Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Gods and Generals
Million Dollar Baby

I especially enjoy a good historical film, and I don't like horror movies.
Edited by: JD1986
You know, I just watched the Transporter 2 on television the other day. I like the character as Statham portrays it, especially the opening scene where he calmly handles a gang of black thugs, and the part where he rejects the advances of his employers drunk and upset wife. (How many films would have shown him tupping the woman without regard to consequences, loyalty, or marriage vows?)
2001. The lesson is that you can defeat a more physically powerful enemy if you outthink them. The big apes control the waterhole? Hit'em on the head with a big bone! The mean computer locks you out? Hold your breath and go through the airlock! Never surrender! This why I am so optimist at times. Outthink them, you defeat them.
All quiet on the western front. Lew Ayes was perfect in the first one, while Ernest Borgnine was perfect as Kat in the second.
Das Boat. I seem to watch this once a year.
Red badge of Courage. Audie Murphy's best role.
To be or not to be. Jack Benny as Hitler!
12 O'clock high. Maximun effort!
Pork Chop Hill. I have a bias, my neighbor was at this battle.
Zulu, "Men of Harlec march to glory."
Conan, the first movie. Forget the second.
Sergeant York. The real sargeant was an advisor. They seemed to have listened to him.
Band of Brothers
And God Created Woman. Bridget Bardot!
Grand Prix and Lemans. Overlooked racing movies.
This is just a start.
Edited by: screamingeagle
- Back to the Future
- Star Wars (both trilogies)
- Lord of the Rings
- Titanic (I like ship and time period in general, not so much the romance story)
- Hunt for Red October (made me want to be Russian, but not communist; plus subs are cool)
- Most Bond movies
- Almost any comedy with Chris Farley, Chevy Chase, or Leslie Nielsen; I like most comedies in general

Sports movies:
- Rudy
- Major League trilogy (minus #3)
- The Sandlot 1

I like most sports movies, even "The Comebacks". Actually, the Comebacks makes fun of some caste issues in sports (like the "integrated" team of Remember the Titans), though it's generally pretty low-brow humor and spoofing.
Edited by: FieldThrower
My Top Ten

- Lord of the Rings Trilogy
- Monty Python and the Holy Grail
- Monty Python's Life of Brian
- Back to the Future
- Hot Fuzz
- Rocky
- Groundhog Day
- Terminator II
- Gladiator
- O Brother Where Art Thou?

I mainly like comedies and also historical movies but they seem to be very hit-or-miss, with debacles such as Alexander and the recent King Arthur movie.
Lord of the Rings trilogy
Legends of the Fall
Lonesome Dove mini-series
El Dorado(John Wayne flick)
Magnificent Seven
Ben Hur
Rob Roy
Terminator movies
Rocky movies
Rambo movies(especially first one)
All the previously mentioned movies are good, so there's no reason for me to repeat those choices. Here are some of my favorites to add to the thread's listing.

Escape From Alcatraz
Escape From New York
The Ghost and the Darkness
Big Trouble in Little China
The Thing
Cool hand luke
One Flew Over the Cuckokoos Nest
Bull Durham
Dances with Wolves
Godfather series
Eastwood's Westerns
The Wizard of Oz
What About Bob?
Old School
Dumb and Dumber
Meet the Parents
Field of Dreams
Young Guns
Tommy Boy
Trains, Planes, and Automobiles
Christmas vacation
Edited by: Kaptain Poop

The Lion King

The Man With Two Brains


The Outlaw Josey Wales

They Live

The Life Of Brian

Last Of The Mohicans

The Patriot

Gods And Generals

The Jerk
More movies:
Waterloo: What's not to like? Napolean versus Wellington in one of history's most important battles. "Nows your time, Matlin."
Longest day
Bridge too Far: Good movies explaining these large WW II battles.
Road Warrior: I like this movie better because I know how it ends.
Danger UXB: British series about bomb defusers in WW II.
Second-Hand Lions, I don't know if that one is on the list.
October Sky (has a magic negro character, but still good)
Thank you for smoking
A river runs through it
Guilty pleasure movie: Blazing Saddles

Edited by: C Darwin
Some great ones...

True Grit
*America : Freedom to Fascism
*They Live
First Blood
*The Passion of the Christ
*The Birth of a Nation
Heartbreak Ridge
Full Metal Jacket
Smokey & The Bandit (Southern fried fun

(* = Highly recommended for CF'ers)
Edited by: DixieDestroyer
Donnie Darko
Apocalypse Now
Lord of the Rings (Two Towers)
Empire Strikes Back
Dazed and Confused
They Live
Meet the Parents
Rosemary's Baby
Temple of Doom
Was looking at my list contributed to this thread two and a half years ago. At the time I didn't like Terminator 2 at all, but of late it's been on cable quite a bit and it's aged pretty well. When it came out in '91 my impression was that too much of it was about the then pioneering special effects of the terminator played by Robert Patrick, but it's a decent sequel but still quite a bit short of the original. T-3 was pure camp.
An interesting film that had great influence on the film industry is D. W. Griffith's "Birth of a Nation" It is not as well respected as it once was due to the nature of the story. It is a White Nationalist Treasure. At one time you could rent it from Block Buster.
I'm surprised that Black Hawk Down and American History X are not on any of these lists. Even though American History X had problems during the filming you could tell it had the potential to be a great film but conflict during the filmingtook away anychance if it being that. Edward Norton's performance wasdefinitely oneof the best you will ever see in the movies.I can still see his speech that he gives to his fellow skinheads before they trashed the supermarketover and over and still feel pumped. As far as Black Hawk Down,just the fact that you see white men killing black men at every sight was refreshing. But more importantly it reflectedthe true fighting spirt of white men even though they fought for the enemy(the government). They were against really insurmountable odds in that region but gave more that they got.In theface of adversity they showed the true warriors that they are.
Two recent films that I really enjoyed were No Country For Old Men and There Will Be Blood. No Country, directed by the Cohen Brothers, has a fantastic atmosphere, intense subtext to the dialogue, and waves of symbolism. The Cohen Brothers always insert something unique in their films. In Fargo, they "stretched the truth": they lied and said that the events were based on a true story; so, the audience went along for the ride longer. In No Country For Old Men, there was no soundtrack, just pure intensity: I could here a pin drop in the theater.

Trailor: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBqmKSAHc6w&feature=related

There Will Be Blood, based on Upton Sinclair's Oil, starred my favorite actor: Daniel Day Lewis. Fellas, you got to see this guy's performance. He's a true artist, not some Hollywood megalomaniac who regurgitates his lines. There's great story structure here too. The first half showed the strong bond that forms between father and son when they work together and are not separated by the system. Of course, the second half mirrors the first and his drive to succeed is blacked with madness.

Trailor: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ml2Ae2SIXac

Oh, and if you don't trust my recommendations, Bill O'Reilly's take on There Will Be Blood went something like this: no one wants to see it, this artsy movie, the American people want to see fun movies...
Yeah Bill, God forbid the American people see a movie that makes them think outside the box.
Edited by: Alpha Male
Tired old White said:
An interesting film that had great influence on the film industry is D. W. Griffith's "Birth of a Nation" It is not as well respected as it once was due to the nature of the story. It is a White Nationalist Treasure. At one time you could rent it from Block Buster.

"The Birth of a Nation" is a cinematic masterpiece. I strongly suggest it for fellow Nationalists. BTW, D.W. Griffith was the son of a CSA war hero, Colonel "Roaring Jake" Griffith.

If we are talking movies only one comes to mind. Taxi Driver is the absolute best movie ever made without a doubt. It has been on AFI's 100 best movie list for years. A young and super skinny Robert De Niro at the time played his part about as good as possible. The great musical score just added to the movie. Im suprised noone mentions this movie.
I'm a huge Scorcese fan whiteathlete33. Another one of his to watch is Raging Bull, also starring Deniro.
This is tough but I'll try three.

From here to Eternity.
Treasure of Sierra Madre
Soylent Green

Tom Iron...
darthvader said:
I'm surprised that Black Hawk Down and American History X are not on any of these lists. Even though American History X had problems during the filming you could tell it had the potential to be a great film but conflict during the filmingtook away anychance if it being that. Edward Norton's performance wasdefinitely oneof the best you will ever see in the movies.I can still see his speech that he gives to his fellow skinheads before they trashed the supermarketover and over and still feel pumped.

The scene around the dinner table when Norton denounces Elliott Gould's character, who is courting his mother, is the one I remember best. Definitely some great acting in that movie.
Birth of a Nation? Are you kidding? When the mulattos tie up Lillian Gish, her bonds are so loose, she could escape by herself. That takes away the suspense. It doesn't matter if the Klan gets there on time.
Actually, it was a good film.
BOAN made millions at a time when the admission was about 3 cents. Normally when a movie makes that kind of money, Hollywood jumps on the bandwagon and makes similar films. I imagine studio owners saying, "Get me another Birth of A Nation, Pronto!"
The only pro southern movies I could remember are gone with the wind, Santa Fe trail, and Gods and generals. Were there others?