This type of rubbish is just further evidence that Whites have all the cards stacked against them.
We all know Welker's wife probably isn't ONE BIT sorry she said those things.
She only apologized because to not do so would make life increasingly uncomfortable not only for her husband in the NFL, but also for herself.
Whites (I'm including mongoloid DWF retardates in this equation) are just as racist as anyone else, it's just that Whites gradually learn to play the "I'm sorry" game, when they're not really sorry, and they learn from an early age to NEVER say what they really think, because some dumbf**k Black or Mexican or Chinese or Jewish f**kface will get his or her panties in a bunch.
Ironically I think most posters at CF have as egalitarian a view vis-a-vis the races as can be reasonably expected when human instinct naturally causes one to root for his or her own above all others.
The thing is, the puppetmasters in charge of this country are the most racist of all, because they harbor their own racism deeply—and sanctimoniously boo-hoo at ANY Whites who show signs of racial awakening—yet they encourage racism in Blacks and other minorities [soon to become majorities].
All Whites gradually catch on, so despite inwardly thinking, "Look at this stupid N***er, making other Blacks look bad," they watch their mouths, and call other Whites racist if those Honkies actually surrender themselves to say out loud what everyone is thinking.
Whites learn to hold their tongues if they want to keep their jobs, houses, apartments, whatever, thinking one thing in reality while pretending to think another (that which they actually say out loud). Meanwhile, because the world's leaders—in their RACIST wisdom—treat Blacks like monkey children, Blacks play the game too but don't realize a game.
Those decent Blacks who actually realize, "Hey, we're all being manipulated—Black, White, EVERYONE," are pilloried for their intelligence by the retarded masses and labeled Uncle Toms.
Thus the majority (I don't need statistics; we know it's true) of Blacks really do feel that they are victims and that the world owes them a free ride because some other Black dumbass 200 years ago sold their great-great-great-great grandpa to a White guy, and spoiled their paradise life of being outsmarted by Zebras and living in mud huts and trying to master the sharpened wooden stick while Whites were forging the Industrial Revolution.
EVERY WHITE PERSON ON EARTH, at one time or another, calls certain Blacks the N-word in their mind, some more often than others, but politeness, common decency, and fear of being banished from the world restrains its use.
Meanwhile Blacks need not apologize for similar insults against Whites because Blacks have been conditioned to believe that their own racism is not only acceptable, but good.
Once again, Welker's wife isn't sorry, she's playing the game.
Whites in the NFL are "playing the game," too, but looking for the "Whitest team" is a game we will always lose because controls aren't set to make the experiment equal and accurate.
America's racial issues will NEVER be solved if there isn't a frank, open dialog in place where ALL groups get equal say. Not this bullsh** we have now where Whites have to p*ssyfoot everything they say because other races can't stand hearing the truth.