Weight Loss

BTW when walking around french cities here I rarely see obese persons or even fat persons among white french people, statistics are becoming worse in France because of the obesity among black and foreign part of the french society.

obesity is said to be important amongst poor people
so i guess that the white obese must be in the north of france, and some other parts of france which are poor
do you see what the arabs eat? it's crazy
all the "kebab", "grec", "tacos", which are different ways to name the same rotten unidentified meat (in france "tacos" have nothing to do with mexicans, they are another tye of kebab basically, and here the kebabs are not owned by turks most of the time but by arabs - algerians, moroccans ect)
it's extremely bad for health: http://www.maxisciences.com/alimentation/les-mefaits-caloriques-et-lipidiques-du-kebab_art744.html

some of these things can contain 300% of how many fat and salt you can eat per day
obesity is said to be important amongst poor people
so i guess that the white obese must be in the north of france, and some other parts of france which are poor
do you see what the arabs eat? it's crazy
all the "kebab", "grec", "tacos", which are different ways to name the same rotten unidentified meat (in france "tacos" have nothing to do with mexicans, they are another tye of kebab basically, and here the kebabs are not owned by turks most of the time but by arabs - algerians, moroccans ect)
it's extremely bad for health: http://www.maxisciences.com/alimentation/les-mefaits-caloriques-et-lipidiques-du-kebab_art744.html

some of these things can contain 300% of how many fat and salt you can eat per day

Yeah it's crazy indeed! I'm Kebab free since many years :) I didn't eat much of that in the past, not speaking of the always-full of people mc Donald's, all over the country; I do eat burgers, fries and pizzas from time to time, but usually I cook them myself, it's way better
Here is the best weight loss plan that I have discovered: When you get hungry sip a tiny bit of healthy oil, like good olive oil or sesame oil or extra virgin coconut oil. It will assuage your hunger. Costco, by the way, has the best buys on the best olive oil and coconut oil. Your local Asian market has the sesame oil.
Here is the best weight loss plan that I have discovered: When you get hungry sip a tiny bit of healthy oil, like good olive oil or sesame oil or extra virgin coconut oil. It will assuage your hunger. Costco, by the way, has the best buys on the best olive oil and coconut oil. Your local Asian market has the sesame oil.

Anything with high protein like eggs or chicken breast will suppress your hunger and do it with minimal calories.
I have lost 65lbs in the past ten months.
I now weigh the same as I did as a high school junior.

I've been overweight all my adult life. No solution ever worked for me.
Then I read this book. From then on, losing weight was effortless. I'm not going to expound at length on the matter. If you want to know anything more specific, just ask.
I have lost 65lbs in the past ten months.
I now weigh the same as I did as a high school junior.

I've been overweight all my adult life. No solution ever worked for me.
Then I read this book. From then on, losing weight was effortless. I'm not going to expound at length on the matter. If you want to know anything more specific, just ask.

Looks like this is it in a nutshell, the low carb diet aka paleo etc.

"Taubes offers an alternative viewpoint: no carbs. While his recommendation to eliminate carbohydrates (grains, fruits, sugars, etc.) from one’s diet"

One argument against that is the healthiest population groups in the world today have carb based diets, the Japanese being the longest lived people and having a rice based diet.
Anything with high protein like eggs or chicken breast will suppress your hunger and do it with minimal calories.

I don't know about that. You can raid the refrigerator at night and spot the leftover chicken or cheese or roast beef and go into a feeding frenzy on it.
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Looks like this is it in a nutshell, the low carb diet aka paleo etc.

"Taubes offers an alternative viewpoint: no carbs. While his recommendation to eliminate carbohydrates (grains, fruits, sugars, etc.) from one’s diet"

One argument against that is the healthiest population groups in the world today have carb based diets, the Japanese being the longest lived people and having a rice based diet.

Here's a lot more comprehensive arguments against the book's premise, this one star review by D.M. It has 422 comments under it.


This is Dr Atkins stuff, low carb high fat and protein, "paleo". But aside from being a fat phony, Dr Atkins was a money hungry bastard who tried to extort as much money as he could from sick and elderly people.

All that being said, I'm glad it worked for you, but I don't know if it will continue to work. I am open minded on the subject. Vegetarianism works for some and the opposite works for others. Our white ancestors were forged in the long ice ages, though - and vegetarianism was unknown there as it is still unknown in the far north.
Here's a lot more comprehensive arguments against the book's premise, this one star review by D.M. It has 422 comments under it.


This is Dr Atkins stuff, low carb high fat and protein, "paleo". But aside from being a fat phony, Dr Atkins was a money hungry bastard who tried to extort as much money as he could from sick and elderly people.

All that being said, I'm glad it worked for you, but I don't know if it will continue to work. I am open minded on the subject. Vegetarianism works for some and the opposite works for others. Our white ancestors were forged in the long ice ages, though - and vegetarianism was unknown there as it is still unknown in the far north.

yes, people are different, thats why the rice/carb etc diet may work for Japanese and not people with European ancestry
Here's a lot more comprehensive arguments against the book's premise, this one star review by D.M. It has 422 comments under it.


This is Dr Atkins stuff, low carb high fat and protein, "paleo". But aside from being a fat phony, Dr Atkins was a money hungry bastard who tried to extort as much money as he could from sick and elderly people.

All that being said, I'm glad it worked for you, but I don't know if it will continue to work. I am open minded on the subject. Vegetarianism works for some and the opposite works for others. Our white ancestors were forged in the long ice ages, though - and vegetarianism was unknown there as it is still unknown in the far north.
In the far north East Asians and Laplanders have a diet similar to bodybuilders(less the meat and protein overload). Since very few vegetables exist in the area the Eskimos and Laplanders have a minimal intake of vegetables and fruits. I saw a study where these people when they were housed in a western style village and ate "Captain Crunch" and other processed food, diabetes and tooth decay skyrocketed.
"...diabetes and tooth decay skyrocketed."

Amongst the modern Eskimos, or Inuit, too.

Vegetarianism is unknown in the far north.
Here is the best weight loss plan that I have discovered: When you get hungry sip a tiny bit of healthy oil, like good olive oil or sesame oil or extra virgin coconut oil. It will assuage your hunger. Costco, by the way, has the best buys on the best olive oil and coconut oil. Your local Asian market has the sesame oil.

Still doing it, over 3 months now - and still working great - best trimming down diet plan I ever came up with.
Speaking of diets in the far north - and our Aryan race was forged over tens of thousands of years of severe ice age weather - there is a great movie that was made in 1987, and it was at the time, and maybe it still is, I don't know, the only movie ever made in the Saami (Laplander) language, and it shows how our ancient ancestors would have lived during the long ice ages. The entire film was available online for free, at least it was a month or so ago.

"Pathfinder" ("Veiviseren")

Good thread deserves a bump.
My cousin started this thread well over 10 years ago and I know it has been a continuing struggle for both he and myself, although I must admit I've done a better job of keeping unhealthy obesity at bay than he has. I joined a gym for a while last year and saw some marked improvements in terms of weight and endurance. With two sons under 18 months old right now, it is tough to find time away from the house to work out. Of course, there is plenty to do around the house that can help me stay in decent shape, if not at my ideal weight. :)
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I have kept my weight down for about a year now I know have a BMI of about 24 or 25 and weigh about 180 pounds. The only thing that works for me is aerobics. I run or ski, use the stepper for 20 minutes plus. Granted when I was 200 pounds I wasn't truly obese as I looked similar to an NFL fullback or Marshawn Lynch but the hunger pangs I had if didn't eat after 3 hours was insane.

Ps I don't eat any junk food from chain restaurants anymore unless I am stuck out in the middle of nowhere and don't eat even "healthy" Granola cereal(which is loaded with sugar). I eat a diet similar to a bodybuilder without the volume. I also have reduced the snack type junk food to just 1 or 2 nights a week and only if I do a longer aerobic session.
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I've been reading about gut bacteria and how modern diets and anti biotics have killed off our good bacteria which can help keep us thin.


". First, they raised genetically identical baby rodents in a germ-free environment so that their bodies would be free of any bacteria. Then they populated their guts with intestinal microbes collected from obese women and their lean twin sisters (three pairs of fraternal female twins and one set of identical twins were used in the studies). The mice ate the same diet in equal amounts, yet the animals that received bacteria from an obese twin grew heavier and had more body fat than mice with microbes from a thin twin. As expected, the fat mice also had a less diverse community of microbes in the gut."

so I've added yogurt and kefir to my diet as well as more fiber which is supposed to help promote good bacteria. Along with a little exercise I've dropped 25 pounds this month. Although I'm having gallstone problems now and they say it flared up from losing weight to quickly...
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By the way what was your height and weight before you lost weight? 25 pounds seems extreme to me.

In the past I have lost 20 pounds or so in about 6 weeks but I never kept the weight off in the end because I limited my aerobic activity and slacked off with the diet at the same time.

I also have this problem where if I wake up to urinate after 3 or 4 hours of sleep after a hard days of exercise my stomach has non stop grumbling/gurgling that won't go away unless I take a calcium supplement or eat something. I have noticed that If I eat before bedtime this won't happen if I wake up to urinate. Anybody have this problem?
Has anyone ever done a cleanse to flush the body of toxins? I am about to start paleo cleanse to just flush out my system and give my body a reset. I am hoping I will be able to workout during the two week regimen.
I did a five day liver cleanse which consisted of only eating certain vegetables and small amounts of fruits and nuts. I was also drinking cleansing liquids. No meats. It was tough as I was always hungry and my energy levels waned.

However, I was happy with the results as I passed a fair amount of liver stones. I'll probably do another later this year.
I did a five day liver cleanse which consisted of only eating certain vegetables and small amounts of fruits and nuts. I was also drinking cleansing liquids. No meats. It was tough as I was always hungry and my energy levels waned.

However, I was happy with the results as I passed a fair amount of liver stones. I'll probably do another later this year.

Thanks Freethinker. Do you workout regularly? If so, Were you able to workout during the cleanse?
At the time I was in a couple month lull of not working out. I used this as a jumping off point towards reestablishing healthy habits. My energy levels dipped (maybe I was going through withdrawals?) so I can imagine heavy weight lifting could be a challenge. Maybe biking or other light cardio, no problem. Then again, everyone is different and my conditioning was poor at the time. Perhaps you'll be fine.

Let me know what cleanse you do and how it goes for you. Best of luck.
Has anyone ever done a cleanse to flush the body of toxins? I am about to start paleo cleanse to just flush out my system and give my body a reset. I am hoping I will be able to workout during the two week regimen.

i eat primal/paleo, though i'm not completely strict (a bit better than the 80/20 rule), and the only cleansing i do is the occasional fast. i'll fast for a day or two, and it is amazing how my body re-sets. that kind of thing can be tough for people who aren't accustomed to eating in such a natural, sugar-free style, however. for those who eat a more traditional American diet and attempt to switch over to paleo eating, the initial few days are often difficult, with many experiencing flu-like symptoms (called the carb flu) as their bodies go into sugar withdrawal. think a drug addict at rehab, because that's exactly what's going on. sugar is a POTENT drug.

i also do Crossfit 4-6 times per week, and i don't change up my workout regimen during a fast. it would likely be more difficult for someone just starting their journey, though. it certainly was for me, but now it's just part of a (historically and biologically) natural cycle.
At the time I was in a couple month lull of not working out. I used this as a jumping off point towards reestablishing healthy habits. My energy levels dipped (maybe I was going through withdrawals?) so I can imagine heavy weight lifting could be a challenge. Maybe biking or other light cardio, no problem. Then again, everyone is different and my conditioning was poor at the time. Perhaps you'll be fine.

Let me know what cleanse you do and how it goes for you. Best of luck.

Thanks Freethinker. It's actually the paleo cleanse and from what I have been reading people have had all sorts of different experiences. I am debating whether or not to wait until early spring to do it. I am not a terrible eater but do enjoy beer from time to time and this time of year lends itself to drinking a cold one or two while watching games or after softball etc. I just don't feel like spending the first few days on the crapper or having stomach nausea and pains that will hamper my workout routine. I lift 3 days a week and do cardio another 2-3 days a week and play softball once a week so I am pretty active and I get annoyed if my workout routine get's too out of whack. I've recently started up with my running again rather than doing interval cardio stuff and want to keep it up without a fast/cleanse getting in the way of me getting back into running.

If I end up going through with it I will probably start it this upcoming Saturday so I can be home just in case my stomach needs to adjust to it over the weekend.