Weight Loss

Nobody said I wasn't taking it seriously, I just don't know what to eat while watching the NCAA Tournament besides chips, popcorn and Diet Coke. Please someone help? If your honest you know what I mean.
okra63, I applaud your serious effort to get back in shape. I think a good idea would be to just drink water, which will help cleanse your body, and maybe eat some fruit while your watching tv. It will satisfy you in a healthier way than your used to and give you something to do while watching the games.
Thanks Col. Reb, you are always there for me!

As the American public becomes more and more obese due to the fact we are typing on our computers all of the time. Another dieting column is going to be on how to cut back on your computer time!!!!!
okra63, I can't wait to see it!
Exercise is key to loosing weight, right. The reason why Americans are so obese, is that they are stuck on the Interne all of the time. Atleast this is the case if you are in graduate school.

Sleep is also very important I have heard. What are some opinions on how much sleep a person should get while trying to loose some weight?
Your right okra63, exercise is key to loosing weight and losing weight. I would say that sleep does play a factor. I imagine if you are working out, your body will tell you when to go to bed. I would also say that the internet can be a tough spot to deal with, especially if you stay up till Midnight every night.
I guess your right, although most of what I gained was in undergraduate school. I think I have leveled off and am headed back down. My ideal weight for my height and build is about 153. When I get back there, I'll be satisfied.
okra63 said:
Those are some good points KD. Thanks. Now what should a guy eat when he is on Spring Break?



Yeah, I think those will burn a few calories.
I know Im gonna get killed for this one but I will tell you what I used to lose weight.

Best thing ever. Ephedra.

Nothing works like this stuff fellas.

Take it as directed though or wind up pushing up daisies.
Thanks for the testimony, but I am not going to take that stuff, I need to naturally loose the weight. Any other good ideas?
Try fasting okra 63, that will help you lose the weight, or you can go on a low carb diet, and do some walking along with it.
True Col. Reb. Just exploring options. I am not much of a fan of the low-carb diet because if not done correctly it will not keep the weight off if you stop it.

Any other suggestions!!!!!!
okra63 said:
True Col. Reb. Just exploring options. I am not much of a
fan of the low-carb diet because if not done correctly it will not keep
the weight off if you stop it.

Any other suggestions!!!!!!

No diet will keep the weight off forever, if you don't stay
on it. You need to make a lifestyle change, something you
can live with the rest of your life if you want to make your weight
loss permanent. You can't expect to follow a diet for 60 days, lose a
few lbs, then go back to the same pattern of eating that you had
before, that made you gain all that weight in the first place.

The simplest way to eat is the way we used to a century or so ago, when
people really had to work for a living, times were hard and you didn't
have ready access to junk food 24/7. Eat your three squares a
day, stay away from junk food, and if you're chosen career field
doesn't involve manual labor, then exercise, even if its just
walking for 45 minutes or an hour. I guarantee if you stick to
three modest portions of food per day, basically just eat whats on your
plate no more no less, and add some exercise, you'll lose weight.
Slowly but surely, and the pounds will stay off, too.

And you can eat bread, have a taco, drink a beer with some nachos even,
if you'll just mind your limits and stick to that one plate of food.

Throw in your ice cream or jelly doughnut on the weekend occasionally
and you will still feel that freedom of indulgence, that usually tempts
others enough that they drop dieting altogether.

If you think this is a good idea and want more specific ideas, PM me or ask here and I'll tell you whats worked for me.
White Shogun, I think that is a marvelous weight loss plan and have had the same thing on my mind as well. Please tell what has worked for you!

A few years ago I spent a year trying different diets and tracking
their effect on my body - weight gained and lost, body fat %, energy
levels, workout performances, etc. I tried low carb to vegetarian and
everything in between.

I had the best success with eating one meal a day, at night. I read
about the regimen in a couple of books and knew someone personally who
lost over a 100 lbs with this method. Rachel Keller wrote the
Carbohydrate Addicts Diet, and in the first chapter she writes that she
lost all of her weight eating one meal a day at night. She devised the
CAD because not everyone may have the fortitude to actually skip
breakfast AND lunch before eating. My friend who lost 100 lbs
this way skipped breakfast and walked for an hour during his lunch
break, and ate whatever he wanted at night. As for me personally,
using this method I dropped about 15 lbs and was doing handstand
pushups before I was done. :) You can find out more about this
style of eating by going to www.warriordiet.com, and checking out the
diet and nutrition forums of www.dragondoor.com.

A diet that is easier to follow but takes a while longer is what I
wrote about in my first post.... eat three squares a day, avoiding junk
foods altogether and skipping the between meal snacks. Just eat three
meals a day, one plate of food per meal, and the weight comes off
slowly but surely. You don't have to count calories, and aren't limited
to eating certain foods.

I also lost weight on a low carb diet; I even tried an all-meat,
meat-only diet for a period of time. I did lose weight but felt that my
energy levels suffered during workouts. I'd hit the wall pretty quick,
I was doing a hard calisthenic routine at the time; following the low
carb diet I couldn't get through it the same. But low carb proponents
will say that you have to be on a low carb diet for an extended period
of time before the metabolic pathways adapt to burning fat as primary
fuel, instead of carbs / glycogen. This may be true, but I didn't want
my workouts to suffer for the months in between while I waited for such
adaptation to take place.

I recommend one meal a day at night as best, if you can er, stomach it,
and three meals a day no junk food or snacks as second best. Of course,
to see real results you have to work out! If you try one meal a day,
make sure to have a recovery meal after a hard workout session.

If you're further interested and have specific questions, fire away!
White Shogun, what did you feel like when you were working out on the low-carb diet and how was it different from the one meal a day at night diet? Did you take any vitamin supplements?
okra63 said:
White Shogun, what did you feel like when you were
working out on the low-carb diet and how was it different from the one
meal a day at night diet? Did you take any vitamin supplements?

Okra, I was doing a routine that uses a deck of cards to determine the
type of exercise and the number of reps. I would run through a
single deck in about 20 minutes, and later began cycling through the
deck twice. My cal routine then was running about 45 minutes to an

Once I was into the low carb diet for a couple weeks, I noticed that I
was struggling to complete two decks, period, and what I was doing was
taking longer. I had to rest longer between reps, etc. I noticed
I was doing fewer reps in handstand pushups and pullups, too. Obviously
there are a multitude of variables that could have affected my workouts
like this, even overtraining, stress, you name it. But the one thing
that I noticed that was different than my normal routine was diet.

Note also that I was on a very low carb diet at the time, eating under 60 g per day.

When I was eating once a day, I normally felt that I had MORE energy
during the day. The warrior diet author attributes this to the sparing
of energy normally required by digestion, that is now available for
other uses - like working out. If I felt a little weak or too hungry,
I'd have an apple or a handful of nuts. After my workout, I'd have a
'recovery meal' consisting of your basic protein shake with creatine.
This would easily tide me over til dinner.

In addition to the protein / creatine shake I was taking a regular multiple vitamin and a fat burner.

EDIT NOTE: Okra, if you're interested in low carb, both one meal
a day and three squares will work just as easily with low carb as any
other diet plan. You might be able to reap the benefits of both meal
timing and low carb eating. If you're going low carb, I'd
recommend weightlifting and walking as the best types of exercise,
instead of calisthenics or any kind of aerobic-type routine.

Edited by: White Shogun
Man, white shogun, you really took that program seriously. I guess thats what it takes. I've been walking some everyday this week, plus working outside. I have also been watching what I eat. I plan to start running before long. I hope to get into hiking shape by the end of August. Mountains, here I come. Edited by: Colonel_Reb
Okra 63 is back with vengence. He now has his master's degree and has more weight loss questions. What do sleep and weight loss have to do with each other? This one is for the people who don't understand or really needs help.
testosterone boosting drugs really burn the fat..also if your having problems with slow metabolism get it checked out..they have medicine for this
To give a long overdue update. I'm 5-6, with a slightly larger than medium build (fairly muscular) and Iwas down to around 165 when I got back from Thailand in July 2006. I gained some back, but haven't been over 172 since last June. Keeping it off is the tough part, but the biggest thing for me has been to eat less. I have gotten off almost all soft drinks and cut way back on bread. Now that spring is on and I don't have to trudge through snow in freezing temps, I am back walking again. I hope to get down to 165 and stay there, but with being 30 now and engaged to be married, that may not be as easy as I think. Hopefully I can hit the weights again soon, but for now I'm just going to walk and run. It seems to help keep the weight off, along with a permanently changed diet.