We Are Living In A Cartoon


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Honestly, for a Black lady, I don't think that woman is ugly, but come ON. Are we really supposed to believe that all those tall, skinny, blonde Nordic beauties are less attractive than this chick?

It's just another example of people pandering and playing politically correct games, while they REALLY think something else, deep down.

Anyway I think the only Black women who are approaching "hotness" are those who are heavily mixed with White blood.

Because honestly, placed side by side, women who are BLACK Black are not at all attractive compared to White women.

People can play the whole "oh it's just Western domination of media and distortion of the norms of beauty!" but all that lip service is just BLAH BLAH BLAH FART.

My favorite laugh-out-loud thing for Black people is when their ignorant asses try to spout off about "Great African empires" and how the African continent had empires greater than Rome. HAHAHAHA.

Also when they try to CLAIM Carthage as a Black empire.

Or the biggest....When they attempt to claim the Egyptian Empire as theirs. Unreal. The Egyptians were mostly Arabs. Look at the current population today. Do they look like nigerians? Of course not. There was a rag tag "civilization" just south of Egypt. I believe it was called Nubia. Look at the pyramids they built. They look like they were built by a bunch of retards and on a much smaller scale.


Oct 4, 2013
Here is Miss Shephard herself, who judging by her age is likely another vile “former hippieâ€￾ whose politically-formative years occurred in the 1970’s (an entire generation of Jew-guided white liberals spawned by decadent “baby boomers,â€￾ who were themselves begot by the “Greatest Generationâ€￾ of Europe-ransacking, white-slaughtering, Roosevelt-deifying WWII vets)…

People like you are part of the problem. The last thing white people in this day and age need is any kind of divisiveness upon ourselves, and your go-to insult for a race traitor is to...suggest that he's female?? Which half of all white people also are?? And which isn't even a remotely fitting insult for what he's saying and doing?? Gee thanks. I guess white racial unity is only for men.


Hall of Famer
Oct 30, 2004
United States
People like you are part of the problem. The last thing white people in this day and age need is any kind of divisiveness upon ourselves, and your go-to insult for a race traitor is to...suggest that he's female?? Which half of all white people also are?? And which isn't even a remotely fitting insult for what he's saying and doing?? Gee thanks. I guess white racial unity is only for men.

Thrashen and people who call out traitors like that Shephard (a demonic dirtbag) to the White race are NOT "part of the problem". You are part of the problem. Are you even halfway out of your coma yet? Go take a flying leap into a diverse neighborhood and talk to us then. Your accusation in the face of the daily, minute-by-minute all-out war against those of us who are awake and the White race as a whole is traitorous in itself.


People like you are part of the problem. The last thing white people in this day and age need is any kind of divisiveness upon ourselves, and your go-to insult for a race traitor is to...suggest that he's female?? Which half of all white people also are?? And which isn't even a remotely fitting insult for what he's saying and doing?? Gee thanks. I guess white racial unity is only for men.
Geez relax. Calling a man a woman is not meant to be insulting to women. Men have been calling other men women for thousands of years . And it has to do with the biological differences that exist between the sexes. Men are supposed to be strong physically and emotionally. A feminine women is usually the opposite. Which isn't a bad thing at all. There's a reason why men are attracted to the most feminine women, and vice versa for men. One thing I've noticed about the very few women who post on this site is that you guys take things way too personally. Just accept the fact that 95% of the users on the alternative-right sites you visit are going to be men and most of us hold very traditional views on gender roles.


Hall of Famer
Oct 30, 2004
United States

Understandable PF. I am speechless too except for the derisive mockery with which I just told my 18 year old daughter about this headline. She was so disgusted and horrified she wouldn't even hear of it...

Our tax dollars at work... doing the satanic business of the hooknose Christ-haters that control the cesspool of a once great nation top to bottom for their own twisted gains and our demise. They can take our money for whatever they want and use it for whatever anti-human twisted fetishes they have.

We are a gone nation, toast, history. Correction: We're on the ash heap of history as dung...that is more like it.

Resistance needs to be become action...and by that I mean offensive in nature.
All things considered, we need drastic, and I mean DRASTIC measures taken. Someone might have the spine to put an idea on the table that would involve, but not limited to:
A military coup involving the highest ranking most trusted leaders that are also fed up and willing to die for the cause by implementing an entire overthrow of the anti-Constitutional ZOG government, which is totally corrupt and has been for years; and an overthrow and takeover of all media of every type and all broadcasting stations including the internet at least on a transitional basis; and most importantly a Wall-Street Banking Cartel overthrow by ANY means necessary; and of course a takeover of all Academia and Universities to save and renew the minds of the young...

A new persona like a Hitler and a regime like the SS would actually be a breath of fresh air. The problem with that is people are and have been brainwashed for years. There is no national pride much less White pride of European heritage for people to resonate with and rally around. After all, we are supposed to hate ourselves and cheer our extermination, right? The other problem related to that is, Americans en masse are now sheep to the NWO marching orders and all that has been sold to them as a bill of worthwhile goods for the last 50+ years.

Forget it. We are toast. Survival is the only hope. Everything else is a fantasy...


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Ieroner said:
People like you are part of the problem. The last thing white people in this day and age need is any kind of divisiveness upon ourselves, and your go-to insult for a race traitor is to...suggest that he's female?? Which half of all white people also are?? And which isn't even a remotely fitting insult for what he's saying and doing?? Gee thanks.

That wasn’t my “go-to insult.” I wrote the following about Shephard in the preceding paragraph…

That’s interesting, as I was always taught (from cradle to casket) by my Judeo-Zio-Marx media friends that a person’s racial background didn’t matter whatsoever and that we are all members of “one human race”…but according to “president” Bruce Shephard, the austerely anti-white, Cultural Marxist dogmatist with a paramecium-sized intellect and matching genitals, race clearly means everything to Western Washington University, Inc.

I believe you wrote in another thread that you were a homosexual, but now I’m not certain if you’re a man or a woman. I don’t care either way and I understand your point...which is that what I inferred was any male involved in anti-white Marxism is “acting like a woman.” I don’t believe that, as I’ve always felt that the precious few white women who are “pro-white” should be extolled and cherished…which I how I treat my own wife. All Marxists, no matter their gender, are created equal.

I referred to Shephard with a womanly title because his vile actions/ideals undoubtedly indicated that he hasn’t an atom of masculinity. It’s a common insult that should illicit feelings of dishonor, humiliation, anger, nausea, etc., in men. Naturally, an odious fellow like him likely believes that he’s a member of the “human gender,” along with the “human race.”

Ieonoer said:
I guess white racial unity is only for men.

Yes, “white racial unity” is (unfortunately) almost exclusively comprised of men. From my experience, I'd say there are 1,000 pro-white men for every to 1 pro-white woman, if not more. I wish this wasn't the case.
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Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Geez relax. Calling a man a woman is not meant to be insulting to women. Men have been calling other men women for thousands of years . And it has to do with the biological differences that exist between the sexes. Men are supposed to be strong physically and emotionally. A feminine women is usually the opposite. Which isn't a bad thing at all. There's a reason why men are attracted to the most feminine women, and vice versa for men. One thing I've noticed about the very few women who post on this site is that you guys take things way too personally. Just accept the fact that 95% of the users on the alternative-right sites you visit are going to be men and most of us hold very traditional views on gender roles.

I was golfing the other day with some friends and I rolled a 10 foot putt just short, one of the guys said "does your husband golf too, Mary?" (Mary is not my name). He thereby insulted every woman that has ever played golf. Ironically my wife went next and hit her 5 footer 3 feet past the cup. HAH! But none-the-less a victory for womankind!!


Oct 4, 2013
Thrashen and people who call out traitors like that Shephard (a demonic dirtbag) to the White race are NOT "part of the problem". You are part of the problem. Are you even halfway out of your coma yet? Go take a flying leap into a diverse neighborhood and talk to us then. Your accusation in the face of the daily, minute-by-minute all-out war against those of us who are awake and the White race as a whole is traitorous in itself.

Calling out a white race traitor is fine. But just call him a race traitor, no reason to call him female as an insult. That's an insult to women everywhere.

Geez relax. Calling a man a woman is not meant to be insulting to women.

Whether it's meant to be or not, it is.

And I could at least understand it if the post had been in reference to something like...physical strength or speed. As much as I despise the phrase "you hit like a girl" or whatever, at least such insults make biological sense as men hit harder than women. Equating traitorous behavior with women, however, just doesn't fit. In terms of sheer numbers, white men are more likely to marry outside their race than white women. And who are these bigwigs that control all the money that are using their money to support increased immigration to white countries? They are overwhelmingly men who want cheap brown labor so they can horde more money for themselves at the expense of the nation's well-being. A lot of them are Jewish, fair enough, but a lot of them are just normal white men who want to be richer and are eager to pay brown people less money rather than give jobs to their own people. They themselves don't have to deal with the perils of diversity on a daily basis so it's easy to ignore the struggles of the little men and women lower on the totem pole. I won't deny that there are plenty of unmarried white women out there squirting out brown babies or getting involved in "diversity" marches and other B.S., but treachery isn't a female thing anymore than it is a male thing.

I believe you wrote in another thread that you were a homosexual, but now I’m not certain if you’re a man or a woman.

I'm a woman, and very pro-white. And yes, homosexual (which is not mutually exclusive to being pro-white, although many homosexuals are unfortunately anti-white).

I don’t care either way and I understand your point...which is that what I inferred was any male involved in anti-white Marxism is “acting like a woman.â€￾ I don’t believe that,

I'm glad you don't actually believe that.

I referred to Shephard with a womanly title because his vile actions/ideals undoubtedly indicated that he hasn’t an atom of masculinity.

If vile actions mean that you lack masculinity, then that means you're implying "vileness" is feminine. This is problematic, because such attitudes and statements make white nationalism unappealing for women. We have the delightful dilemma of choosing between supporting a world that is hostile to our race (the current status quo), or a world that is hostile to our gender (a hypothetical future white nationalist country). This is a dilemma that white men don't have to deal with--any hypothetical white nationalist nation would obviously be pro-white, and probably also pro-male (which doesn't mean it has to be anti-female, but it seems likely it would be). Who wants to work for a world in which a significant chunk of one's compatriots conflate your gender with an array of negative qualities and behaviors? Virtue, honor, loyalty...these are not masculine traits. Not solely, anyway. To suggest that they are says terrible things about one's opinion of women. It's no wonder more women aren't involved in white nationalism.

I'm aware it probably seems like I'm making a mountain out of a molehill, but I see such attitudes on white nationalist sites often and they really grind my gears because I don't think anti-female statements are constructive to the success of white nationalism at all. We need more women on board, badly. And for women who are "on the fence" about white nationalism and are browsing pro-white sites, stumbling across statements that they perceive as being needlessly negative towards women may make the difference between them being interested in learning more, versus being turned off by it. Particularly if said woman is someone who is a proud, honorable individual, and who knows that the greatest human virtues aren't exclusive to men.

In all fairness, CF obviously has a much higher percentage of male users than most other "pro-white" sites due to its subject matter, so it's not like many women teetering on the edge of being pro-status quo versus pro-white would see anything written here anyway. So I suppose it's a moot point.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Men are belittled and mocked on a daily basis; just watch television for an hour to get a small sampling. Then there's the institutionalized legal biases against men and the general cultural hatred of them thanks to feminism and socialism. But we're supposed to feel ashamed because your precious feelings are hurt by a post.

The reality is that in a healthy society, "gender" issues and battles don't exist as there is a natural harmony between men and women, which means there is no feminism, hence no issues, much less animosity, between men and women. To call a liberal, wussy man "emasculated," "effeminate," or a "woman" is often perfectly appropriate. A truly pro-White woman would understand and appreciate the humor of where Thrashen was coming from and not react to it like someone who is always on hair-trigger alert looking for omnipresent "oppression" from the "patriarchy" that never existed as portrayed by feminists and even if it did is long gone now, replaced by a big government/feminist dystopia.

One of the reasons I don't bother with "White nationalist" forums is because they all seem to have a contingent of perpetually bitching females, who are often kowtowed to and even pedestalized by the men posters, who have yet to comprehend what 50 years of full-bore feminism has done to most "cupcakes." If/when men break through the current cultural communist matrix and regain their bearings and leadership, women will follow. End of story.


Nov 25, 2013
The kind of woman who is super-stereotypically-feminine and ultra-traditionalist simply isn't going to post here, because this is a football site and those women aren't interested in football. By the site's very nature the women who post on Caste Football are going to be sports-liking tomboys.

That, of course, does not mean feminists. Feminists are in fact the exact opposite in many ways, being whiny, weak, and insecure, completely lacking a sense of humor, and bitching that football is too "violent." It's perfectly possible for women to be both non-traditionalist and anti-feminist. I like football, hockey, aviation, archery, and firearms. I have always despised feminism and always will.

As to the men here preferring old-fashioned women...I have no problem with that. I didn't come here looking for dates. I do hope, however, that those with differing views on what an "ideal" lady should be like can agree that we're both on the same side in the larger and more important struggle of fighting for the rights of white people, and that trumps any petty differences.



Nov 25, 2004
The Michael Sam kissing crap was so over the top, even though always disgusted by the sight of two men kissing, I started laughing. It seemed like it was some kind of comedy skit. Well, I finally figured out what the connection was:



Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Ieroner said:
Calling out a white race traitor is fine. But just call him a race traitor, no reason to call him female as an insult. That's an insult to women everywhere.

Think of it this way…if someone referred to a Marxism-flavored white woman (say, Hillary Clinton) as a “Mr. Clinton,” I would merely smile or laugh and no issues involving “gender equality” or enraging, all-emcompassing insult to “men everywhere” would cross my mind. Why is that? Because when white women don’t act in a feminine manner, any allusions to their “imitation masculinity” should be as ruthless as possible.

The very fact that Shepherd is considered a “man” is an affront to real white men everywhere, but that doesn’t seem to bother you nearly as much as my harmless insult of his testicular deficiencies.

Ieroner said:
And I could at least understand it if the post had been in reference to something like...physical strength or speed. As much as I despise the phrase "you hit like a girl" or whatever, at least such insults make biological sense as men hit harder than women. Equating traitorous behavior with women, however, just doesn't fit. In terms of sheer numbers, white men are more likely to marry outside their race than white women. And who are these bigwigs that control all the money that are using their money to support increased immigration to white countries? They are overwhelmingly men who want cheap brown labor so they can horde more money for themselves at the expense of the nation's well-being. A lot of them are Jewish, fair enough, but a lot of them are just normal white men who want to be richer and are eager to pay brown people less money rather than give jobs to their own people. They themselves don't have to deal with the perils of diversity on a daily basis so it's easy to ignore the struggles of the little men and women lower on the totem pole. I won't deny that there are plenty of unmarried white women out there squirting out brown babies or getting involved in "diversity" marches and other B.S., but treachery isn't a female thing anymore than it is a male thing.

I undoubtedly concur that participation in Cultural Communism/Marxism involves a nearly identical number of white men and white women. Also, rich white men (with a healthy amount of Jews) are irrefutably responsible for the infinate cancers (both in the past and present) inflicting the white race. However, we can certainly all agree that participation in “pro-white politics,” both on-line and in real life, is almost 100% comprised of white males. So where are all these racially-cognizant white women? I’ve been reading CF (among many other pro-white forums) for around 10 years, dating back to when I was around 17 years old, and I can think of less than 10 women who’ve ever posted at CF. As Don mentioned, there are women who’ve posted at Stormfront and VNN, but they are few and far between.

Ieroner said:
I'm a woman, and very pro-white. And yes, homosexual (which is not mutually exclusive to being pro-white, although many homosexuals are unfortunately anti-white).

I once knew “a friend of a friend” in college who was a homo as well as a militant White Nationalist, so they do exist. Obviously, almost every single homosexual in the Western World holds diametrically opposed views to someone such as yourself.

Ieroner said:
If vile actions mean that you lack masculinity, then that means you're implying "vileness" is feminine. This is problematic, because such attitudes and statements make white nationalism unappealing for women. We have the delightful dilemma of choosing between supporting a world that is hostile to our race (the current status quo), or a world that is hostile to our gender (a hypothetical future white nationalist country). This is a dilemma that white men don't have to deal with--any hypothetical white nationalist nation would obviously be pro-white, and probably also pro-male (which doesn't mean it has to be anti-female, but it seems likely it would be). Who wants to work for a world in which a significant chunk of one's compatriots conflate your gender with an array of negative qualities and behaviors? Virtue, honor, loyalty...these are not masculine traits. Not solely, anyway. To suggest that they are says terrible things about one's opinion of women. It's no wonder more women aren't involved in white nationalism.

I'm aware it probably seems like I'm making a mountain out of a molehill, but I see such attitudes on white nationalist sites often and they really grind my gears because I don't think anti-female statements are constructive to the success of white nationalism at all. We need more women on board, badly. And for women who are "on the fence" about white nationalism and are browsing pro-white sites, stumbling across statements that they perceive as being needlessly negative towards women may make the difference between them being interested in learning more, versus being turned off by it. Particularly if said woman is someone who is a proud, honorable individual, and who knows that the greatest human virtues aren't exclusive to men.

In all fairness, CF obviously has a much higher percentage of male users than most other "pro-white" sites due to its subject matter, so it's not like many women teetering on the edge of being pro-status quo versus pro-white would see anything written here anyway. So I suppose it's a moot point.

I didn’t say anything like that, but thanks for the lecture, haha. Despite your unfortunate sexuality choices and oversensitivity concerning this topic, you’ve been a good, articulate, undeniably pro-white poster here and we can agree to disagree.
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Jul 29, 2008
We are in some deep, deep sh*t, and the people of this country are just sitting on their asses as the slow motion train wreck continues. I wonder how many of you know about this story because the corrupt American media hasn't covered it. The sheep deserve everything they'll get for electing their Destroyer-in-Chief Obama twice. And when they elect Hillary in 2016, the final nail in the coffin will be in place. It's simply beyond unbelievable how the leftist, cultural-Marxist, and homosexual agendas are progressing at a rapid pace, completely unopposed.



Hall of Famer
Oct 30, 2004
United States
We are in some deep, deep sh*t, and the people of this country are just sitting on their asses as the slow motion train wreck continues. I wonder how many of you know about this story because the corrupt American media hasn't covered it. The sheep deserve everything they'll get for electing their Destroyer-in-Chief Obama twice. And when they elect Hillary in 2016, the final nail in the coffin will be in place. It's simply beyond unbelievable how the leftist, cultural-Marxist, and homosexual agendas are progressing at a rapid pace, completely unopposed.


I was so disgusted I couldn't even begin to read all the way through that. Those pics are nauseating just by themselves, even worse the true story they tell of the Destroyer-in-Chief and the marching orders he gets and gladly perpetuates. He is truly a creature that is shamelessly evil.

Anybody opposing the Communist Kenyon Kyke is labled a hater, bigot, racist, homophobe, xenophone, et al...

I am guilty. Whoopteedoo!


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
We are in some deep, deep sh*t, and the people of this country are just sitting on their asses as the slow motion train wreck continues. I wonder how many of you know about this story because the corrupt American media hasn't covered it. The sheep deserve everything they'll get for electing their Destroyer-in-Chief Obama twice. And when they elect Hillary in 2016, the final nail in the coffin will be in place. It's simply beyond unbelievable how the leftist, cultural-Marxist, and homosexual agendas are progressing at a rapid pace, completely unopposed.

foobar75, the story you posted is succinct evidence of the USA corrupt media that provides aid and comfort to obummer. They never lead with stories like this. One has to access Dailymail.co.uk, to get the truth. I by the way check it out every day.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
foobar75, the story you posted is succinct evidence of the USA corrupt media that provides aid and comfort to obummer. They never lead with stories like this. One has to access Dailymail.co.uk, to get the truth. I by the way check it out every day.

Not a single word about the immigration invasion on Gayhoo News:


Their headline story is yet another one about stinking sex perverts:

"Federal appeals court: Gays have right to marry"

But what does the Jewish owned Daily Mail have to say about the immigration invasion of the UK?
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Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Not a single word about the immigration invasion on Gayhoo News:


Their headline story is yet another one about stinking sex perverts:

"Federal appeals court: Gays have right to marry"

But what does the Jewish owned Daily Mail have to say about the immigration invasion of the UK?
Werewolf, gayhoo news is one of the MOST corrupt "news" sites. They post any thing to defend Obummer and post everything to marginalize his critics and opponents. Example, they were ecstatic about grandpa Thad Cochran holding off TEA party candidate Alexander of Miss. Gayhoo day in and day out is a shill for obummer and his party.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Werewolf, gayhoo news is one of the MOST corrupt "news" sites. They post any thing to defend Obummer and post everything to marginalize his critics and opponents. Example, they were ecstatic about grandpa Thad Cochran holding off TEA party candidate Alexander of Miss. Gayhoo day in and day out is a shill for obummer and his party.

I think you mean Chris McDaniel, but you are right that Yahoo news is so over the top liberal that I sometimes think I have accidentally clicked on The Onion when I go there. Stories with headlines like "Conservatives really are racist" or "Predjudice: a White thing" are regularly featured there.

Rush Limbaugh featured the Mississippi primary on his show today talking several times about how the establishment Republicans joined with the Democrats to convince black voters to vote in the Republican primary to defeat the "Tea Party Candidate". He also referred to Cochran's win as illegitimate and several times poked fun at Cochran's senility.

The Limbaugh audience commented about 3rd party voting and sitting out Republican elections. Limbaugh responded that it doesn't make any difference, the Republican establishment doesn't care what Republican voters think. Win or lose they are going to stick with their agenda and continue to battle the Tea Party ideas.

It seems as if the lead "conservative" talking heads are breaking ranks with the Republican establishment as Limbaugh, Coulter, Ingrahm, and others continue to stick with the beliefs of the rank and file. Interesting development as the few media figures with an audience find themselves at odds with the establishment.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
I think you mean Chris McDaniel, but you are right that Yahoo news is so over the top liberal that I sometimes think I have accidentally clicked on The Onion when I go there. Stories with headlines like "Conservatives really are racist" or "Predjudice: a White thing" are regularly featured there.

Rush Limbaugh featured the Mississippi primary on his show today talking several times about how the establishment Republicans joined with the Democrats to convince black voters to vote in the Republican primary to defeat the "Tea Party Candidate". He also referred to Cochran's win as illegitimate and several times poked fun at Cochran's senility.

The Limbaugh audience commented about 3rd party voting and sitting out Republican elections. Limbaugh responded that it doesn't make any difference, the Republican establishment doesn't care what Republican voters think. Win or lose they are going to stick with their agenda and continue to battle the Tea Party ideas.

It seems as if the lead "conservative" talking heads are breaking ranks with the Republican establishment as Limbaugh, Coulter, Ingrahm, and others continue to stick with the beliefs of the rank and file. Interesting development as the few media figures with an audience find themselves at odds with the establishment.
You are correct Jaxvid, I flubbed his name. It was McDaniel. gayhoo site is like MSLSD(MSNBC) of the internet. Its going to be interesting this off year election. The obummer administration has f'd up in so many ways, not to mention the stagnation of our economy that if the less evil Repubs do not take the senate, surely the slide into the sh*tter accelerates. Also, one of the top conservative intellectuals, Mark Levine is furious with the establishment. I listen to him as much as I can.
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Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007

Total treason. The corrupt, co-opt'd, cultmarx fedg0v aiding & abeding an illegal invasion of our (crumbling) Republic. We need to bring ALL troops back from the Middle East & place them on the southern border to neutralize all encroachment (by any means necessary). However, we know that'll never happen. >:-(


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Total treason. The corrupt, co-opt'd, cultmarx fedg0v aiding & abeding an illegal invasion of our (crumbling) Republic. We need to bring ALL troops back from the Middle East & place them on the southern border to neutralize all encroachment (by any means necessary). However, we know that'll never happen. >:-(

This whole business of an invasion by "children" from Central America is another example of how the establishment misreads the mindset of the amrikan people yet continues on the path without stopping. It's obvious that this whole crisis was planned and manipulated. I think that the geniuses that run our oligarchy figured doing something for the "children" would bump the soccer moms and cat ladies firmly into the pro-immigration camp and at the worst would ensure a future surplus of statist voters, mindless consumers, and govt welfare customers.

I believe that the plan to convince the womens that we HAVE to take care of poor little Pedro and Maria has not worked. I don't see much sympathy either by media moms or the womens I know towards this invasion. Helicopter moms and busybody spinsters are all thinking "what kind of a mother would send their child unaccompanied to another country". Remember this is a group of womyn that would not send their kid down the block to play in the park without them hovering around. So this smacks of something wrong even to their logic deprived brains.

It makes no difference in the end. Without an opposition group or any individual players who will make this an issue it just becomes a done deal and the empire continues to implode.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Werewolf, gayhoo news is one of the MOST corrupt "news" sites. They post any thing to defend Obummer and post everything to marginalize his critics and opponents. Example, they were ecstatic about grandpa Thad Cochran holding off TEA party candidate Alexander of Miss. Gayhoo day in and day out is a shill for obummer and his party.

Yeah I know, but I get to look at it because I still sometimes use Gayhoo's free email, even tho the Gayhoo poofs have pretty well trashed it.

I'm surprised they're still not running baby pictures of the Reverend Doctor Trayvon Martin Jr. They were doing that almost daily for a year and a half. I guess they're too excited now about all the new pro-pervert laws that the occupational government is passing for them.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Stop Overestimating America

by Colin Liddell

“America is not a serious country.†— Greg Johnson

I’m a polite guy, so I didn’t really want to say this just yet, but it looks like I have to because everyone and their cat seems to be grabbing hold of the wrong end of the stick. OK, ready? Here goes:

America is a geopolitical idiot, a moron nation whose position as the world’s leading power has nothing to do with its meagre or non-existent merits. In fact, to be brutally honest, it’s a dysfunctional entity with a sub-standard population, and a leadership that would be better off wearing bells. In a just and fair world it would be about the size of Belgium and surrounded by a high wall.

Although this may sound like a bit of a rant, it’s pretty much what you would expect if you spent a few hundred years clearing all the rubbish out from Europe – religious fanatics, convicts, rootless sociopaths, mental cases, bottom-of-the-heapers, and other various outcasts and failures – and dumping them all in a big, empty continent with a liberal sprinkling of losing tribalists from Africa. Yes, America is exceptional, exceptionally crap, and the only reason it was able to become the world’s leading power was because the World’s truly great powers all cancelled each other out.

Imagine someone on a tricycle winning a Formula One race because all the F-1 cars crashed into each other. That tricycle is America. Yet the myth persists that it is somehow superior to other nations, and that its elites, while obviously evil, are mind-bending masters of the world.

This certainly seems to be a view particularly held by the Russian leadership, who, rather than seeing the mess in the Middle East as the natural outcome of a moron superpower waddling around with its head firmly stuck up between its butt cheeks, see the breakdown of Iraq and Syria into a state of anarchy as shining proof of America’s omnipotent genius. This is the view put forward on Russia Today, in an article by “German American†academic William Engdahl, entitled “ISIS in Iraq stinks of CIA/NATO ‘dirty war’ op.†Engdahl writes:

Details leaking out suggest that ISIS and the major military ‘surge’ in Iraq — and less so in neighboring Syria — is being shaped and controlled out of Langley, Virginia, and other CIA and Pentagon outposts as the next stage in spreading chaos in the world’s second-largest oil state, Iraq, as well as weakening the recent Syrian stabilization efforts.

Engdahl draws our attention to the following facts:

ISIS overran the Mosul region with barely a shot fired in resistance.

One of the ISIS leaders, General Ibrahim al-Douri, has managed to avoid capture by US forces despite being on the US most wanted list since 2003.

ISIS’s financial backing comes from three of the closest US allies in the Sunni world—Kuwait, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia.

Key members of ISIS were trained by US CIA and Special Forces command at a secret camp in Jordan in 2012.

Some ISIS warriors also hold US passports.

The “military mastermind†of the recent ISIS victories is Tarkhan Batirashvili (aka Umar al Shishani), a Chechen (!!!).

Washington has done nothing except express “concern†and dispatch a token force of US special forces to protect US personnel in Iraq.

Nice facts! The great thing about our complex, messed-up world (and the internet) is that whatever views you care to espouse, you can find little hints and half-facts to selectively fit into a plausible theory that can then be floated on the general sea of collective ignorance. With a highly selective micro-empirical approach like this, you can make a case for almost anything. To help construct his thesis, Engdahl ends up going to some unlikely places, quoting extensively from Jeffrey Silverman of Veterans Today, a relatively obscure webzine.

Yes, this fact may be true, and there may be something in such-and-such an association, blahdy, blahdy, blah . . . But once you get immersed in that kind of detail the argument has already been framed, the point made, and the allusion driven home.

Facts are never only facts, and only ever become facts when they combine with people’s emotional needs to believe in them, either out of fear or desire. If they don’t have that emotional component they tend to remain null and void.

The only way to attain a relative degree of objectivity is to take a macro-empirical approach, to look at all the factors while avoiding much of the quibblesome detail, and to factor in general truths. Among the main general truths that need to be factored in is the human propensity to believe only what humans want to believe.

The key point about the Russians – or more accurately the Russian political elite – is that they see themselves as one side of a superpower struggle. In the 19th-century they saw themselves as one of several players in the great European “balance of power†game and got RSVP invitations to all the big diplomatic balls in Vienna and elsewhere. Then, following the collapse of Europe in the 1914 to 1945 period, they took a step up and became part of a great binary with their rival the USA. This ended in 1990, but the Russians are emotionally driven to resurrect it, and, under President Putin, they have had some success in this respect.

But, unlike America, Russia has had to develop a complex understanding of other rival states, and show great geopolitical cunning merely to exist. Faced by tiny tribes of drunken, diseased, and dysfunctional Red Indians, the Americans grew up expecting everything on a plate, and through sheer serendipity the lunch trolley kept arriving. Among all the so-called “great nations†of history America has enjoyed the easiest ride to the top.

But there is a cost for such unearned power. The great tragicomedy of modern times is that the USA, on its way to number one status, never had to learn how the rest of the world worked, whilst Russia, just to survive, had to familiarize itself with every nut, bolt, cog, and camshaft. Quite simply, America is not a true hegemon, controlling the world through its superior qualities; rather it is a “hege-moron,†blundering around in parts of the world it can never understand

Mirror Vision

But although America is the World’s fool, the Russians are unable to see this. Russia, in order to survive, could not afford to underestimate its opponents, especially as most of them rose to power in equally challenging circumstances. The expectation that rival powers had at least as complex and nuanced an understanding of geopolitics as they did is deeply ingrained.

This expectation is further intensified when the rivalry is binary, because not only are you trying to avoid underestimating your opponent for security reasons, but there is also the question of how your opponent’s power reflects on you. If your opposite number is crap what does that say about you? You actually want to believe that the other guy is a worthwhile opponent. This is even truer in the case of Russia, as there is still a sense in Kremlin circles that Russia is still not quite equal to mighty America.

This impression was also driven home in recent months, when, after Putin’s masterly counterstroke to American adventurism in Syria, the coup in the Ukraine led the Russians to think that they had been victims of a devastating American counterstroke.

Now, don’t get all excited and start sending me the usual links. Sure, if you want to believe in America as malevolent geopolitical genius, you won’t have to log onto the internet for long to find convincing micro-empirical evidence that fits with your preconceived projection agenda. But, rather than a genius geopolitical chess move, the events in the Ukraine stink more of the unforeseen consequences of endemic political corruption (partly fostered by Russia) and the EU’s tendency to get economically touchy-feely with any part of Eastern Europe that it thinks it can sell and outsource production to.

But don’t expect the Russians to believe this. They didn’t see off Napoleon and the Mongols by believing the Golden Horde and Grande Armée were just oversized picnicking expeditions. Believing that your enemy is ruthless and cunning is a vital requirement for survival on the Eurasian plain. But this is a perception that the Russians continue to project onto America, a country that essentially arose within a geopolitical vacuum and therefore lacks the qualities that the Russians fear.

When the Russians see America pointlessly invading a country, occupying it, spending thousands of lives and trillions of dollars on its reconstruction, and then leaving it, only for it to collapse into complete anarchy, it is hard for them not to believe that it is all part of some infinitely cunning, satanic scheme hatched in Washington. Anyone who points in such a direction, like Engdahl, will be readily believed. Anyone who tells a different story won’t be.
