We Are Living In A Cartoon

Good articale Don.

But I believe the culture of Amerika has changed. Most believe in hand outs and entitlements, even those who did not pay into these programs. It seems most have bought into the idea, "where's my sh*t!". Not just negros and other miscreants. EVERYONE!

The dems/libs/socialists/communists fostered the receipe of "give them something for nothing and LIE,LIE and LIE again. Today's low information voter or morons slurpped it up big time. It worked, especially aided by the media who also bought into this as well. No matter how the conservatives would argue with empirical evidence and history of his country, the media would just white wash it or call the messenger a racists. If their (dems) argument fails call the other a racists.

Now, begins the slow bumpy ride toward disaster and chaos. Certainly there can be hope. A young charsmatic conservative who speaks in complete sentences to turn back the hordes, but the task will be almost impossible. I am a specator at this point. I did all I could to reverse the tide. I will watch with great interest and hope in the years to come to build a fortress and surround my self with like minded people. Times have a changed.......unfortuneately alot of good and innocent people will be hurt in many ways.
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The cultural Marxists continue their unabated attack on the family. MSNBC (I know that says it all already) host, Melissa Harris-Perry, tells us our children are owned by the community. Melissa is a Marxists' wet dream. A black, feminist (hyphenated last name), college professor. An excerpt:

We have to break through our private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families,” says the professor of political science at Tulane University, where she is founding director of the Anna Julia Cooper Project on Gender, Race, and Politics in the South. Kids belong to whole communities, she insists, and once we realize this we’ll make “better investments” in government indoctrination of children.

I'm sure her ideas on gender, race and politics are just as toxic as her ideas on the family. I can't believe a radical socialist like this woman is granted a soapbox to preach her anti-American, Marxist garbage by a major university. Oh wait, I keep forgetting that we live in a cartoon now....

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The cultural Marxists continue their unabated attack on the family. MSNB (I know that says it all already) host, Melissa Harris-Perry, tells us our children are owned by the community. Melissa is a Marxists' wet dream. A black, feminist (hyphenated last name), college professor. An excerpt:

“We have to break through our private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families,â€￾ says the professor of political science at Tulane University, where she is founding director of the Anna Julia Cooper Project on Gender, Race, and Politics in the South. Kids belong to whole communities, she insists, and once we realize this we’ll make “better investmentsâ€￾ in government indoctrination of children.

I'm sure her ideas on gender, race and politics are just as toxic as her ideas on the family. I can't believe a radical socialist like this woman is granted a soapbox to preach her anti-American, Marxist garbage by a major university. Oh wait, I keep forgetting that we live in a cartoon now....


I had a pretty intelligent black guy tell me 20 years ago basically the same thing. That the only way to fix problems in the black community was to take the children away from the parents and raise them right through some sort of idealized government "villiage". Unfortunately even if this silly idea was attempted it wouldn't change much, too much of a person is in their genes. But for the nurture is everything crowd this is a logical extension of their thinking. I think if the super sized social welfare state continues in it's present form that this is the next step. Right now the govt. feeds, houses, transports, educates, and amuses, the vast majority of the underclass. How much of a leap is it to have them take it one step further?
I had a pretty intelligent black guy tell me 20 years ago basically the same thing. That the only way to fix problems in the black community was to take the children away from the parents and raise them right through some sort of idealized government "villiage". Unfortunately even if this silly idea was attempted it wouldn't change much, too much of a person is in their genes. But for the nurture is everything crowd this is a logical extension of their thinking. I think if the super sized social welfare state continues in it's present form that this is the next step. Right now the govt. feeds, houses, transports, educates, and amuses, the vast majority of the underclass. How much of a leap is it to have them take it one step further?

It was attempted, and is ongoing -- namely The Great Society, and it, along with the Vietnam War, the onset of the female supremacist and black vengeance movements and the rest of the accoutrements of the Permanent Cultural Revolution have done a fine job indeed of fulfilling its actual (as opposed to claimed) agenda. The Great Society utterly destroyed the black family unit by replacing the father/provider with the government.Prior to the mid-1960s, the black illegitimacy rate was equivalent to what the White illegitimacy rate is today. That's one reason why the black athletes of the 1960s were generally noticeably more hard-working and articulate than the affirmative action specimens being recruited out of the ghettos today. Of course the illegitimacy rate has soared in both communities, as The Great Society spread to the White working class.

There are many other factors involved in why the family unit has been destroyed under Cultural Communism in the USSA, but Big Brother as substitute Daddy is one of the biggest.
foobar75, Yep, not much anyone can say about that. Sheer lunacy.

What I can't understand is people seem to be attempting to live their lives based on untruths. Even to the point of denying their physical surroundings. As if they can go about their daily life at odds with nature. Possibly trying to deny basic math. Then not understanding why things constantly go wrong for them. Even when they make a mess of things, their answer is to make a bigger mess. They never smarten up, learn from mistakes, etc. Very intersting to watch.

foobar75, Yep, not much anyone can say about that. Sheer lunacy.

What I can't understand is people seem to be attempting to live their lives based on untruths. Even to the point of denying their physical surroundings. As if they can go about their daily life at odds with nature. Possibly trying to deny basic math. Then not understanding why things constantly go wrong for them. Even when they make a mess of things, their answer is to make a bigger mess. They never smarten up, learn from mistakes, etc. Very intersting to watch.


Professing themselves wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.
therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. THEY EXCHANGED THE TRUTH OF GOD FOR A LIE......Romans;1:22-25

Ironically, I was just discussing this very subject yesterday with longtime poster Jimmy Chitwood. Although he has not posted in awhile, he is doing fine and is very busy with his job and is having big time computer problems.

Most here on CF know I am Christian, but no matter your faith, you have to admit those are some profound words as spoken by the apostle Paul to the Christians in Rome. As did the Romans live in Paul's day, America is now living their lives as Paul predicted in the Bible.

We are truly living in an upside down and insane world!
Professing themselves wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.
therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. THEY EXCHANGED THE TRUTH OF GOD FOR A LIE......Romans;1:22-25

Ironically, I was just discussing this very subject yesterday with longtime poster Jimmy Chitwood. Although he has not posted in awhile, he is doing fine and is very busy with his job and is having big time computer problems.

Most here on CF know I am Christian, but no matter your faith, you have to admit those are some profound words as spoken by the apostle Paul to the Christians in Rome. As did the Romans live in Paul's day, America is now living their lives as Paul predicted in the Bible.

We are truly living in an upside down and insane world!
Carolina Speed, that is very true. As a fellow Christian, I think of that often. I'm glad to hear that JC is doing well. I hope he is able to get his computer fixed so he can post more often. I understand about being busy though.
We are truly living in an upside down and insane world!

Exactly, Carolina Speed. We have a Marxist establishment that has taken control of this country, and they are on a mission to destroy and eliminate anything that has to do with traditional values, decency, morality, and normal behavior. This is done in the name progress and equality, and anyone who disagrees with this agenda is immediately labeled a hater and bigot, a neandearthal stuck in the 19th century. The levels of bullying that the progressives impose on their opponents is alarming, and they're now getting away with it fairly easily. Good, normal, honest people are terrified of standing up for what they believe in, because most have jobs, lives, and families to feed and do not want to risk any of that.

Of the top of my head, some of the upside down stuff that I can think of, that is being promoted 24/7, no matter how impractical and nonsensical, all because these perverted members of the religion of equality want to feel good about themselves:

1. The promotion of homosexual marriage and normalization of homosexual behavior in all aspects of everyday life
2. Women in combat roles in the military (as well as homosexuals)
3. The dumbing down of all sorts of tests and standards so that women and minorities can pass the requirements, whether in school or the workplace
4. Continued parading of negro analysts and reporters (especially in sports television), along with their extremely poor grasp of the English language, in an effort to further dumb down the viewers and normalize ebonics/ghetto English
5. A virtual blackout (pun intended) on increased levels of black-on-White crime, and in virtually all instances, no reporting of any black crime what-so-ever.

Not to mention the filth coming out of Hollyweird or your tee-vee set, with constant demonization and marginalization of White males, or the brainwashing the children must endure starting with 1st grade, and I'm sure I'm leaving out many more examples.

The USA has gotta be the first superpower/empire in history that is falling apart without being invaded by a single outside force; it's all happening from within. There are a number of parallels with the Roman Empire, as we're seeing similar levels of disintegration happening politically, socially, and economically in America today. But there was also the barbarian invasions which played a big role in the fall of Rome. There's no such thing here, as the enemy within, the liberal/Marxist vermin, are doing a much better job than any invading foreign army could ever do.
Carolina Speed, Sir, I'm not that religious, but my favorite verse is Ecclesiastics 3-2. I like it because it's up front and very comforting in it's own harsh way. When I do accompany my wife to church, I'm astonished at how narrow the preaching is. Everything is all about "Love," all the time. That's not what we're all about, all the time. We're multi- faceted. Everything is in everybody. Just like the verse I just mentioned says and it's for us to act accordingly during each phase. That may be what's wrong with many people. They're attempting to fight their natures. They're suppressing their inner feelings and not acting accordingly at the proper times. This may be the reason we're seeing all this anarchy around us constantly.
Just some random thoughts from a mere working man.

There are a number of parallels with the Roman Empire, as we're seeing similar levels of disintegration happening politically, socially, and economically in America today. But there was also the barbarian invasions which played a big role in the fall of Rome. There's no such thing here, as the enemy within, the liberal/Marxist vermin, are doing a much better job than any invading foreign army could ever do.

Your list was excellent. But we are being invaded by "barbarians". Third World hordes, mainly from Mexico, but imported from every other sewer in the world are being brought in to replace the native population.
Your list was excellent. But we are being invaded by "barbarians". Third World hordes, mainly from Mexico, but imported from every other sewer in the world are being brought in to replace the native population.

Beat me to it.
Not much to say about this one, the thread title pretty much covers it:

Sometimes it's a bad idea to read CF while on one's lunch break.

So this fat f@g isn't just content coming out and expressing his "pride"? No, he's going to parade around as a woman. He'll expect everyone, including his co-workers, to now call him Dawn? I'm sure anyone who fails to indulge this sicko in his perversions will be fired for lacking "sensitivity". Western culture is on life support.
Sometimes it's a bad idea to read CF while on one's lunch break.

So this fat f@g isn't just content coming out and expressing his "pride"? No, he's going to parade around as a woman. He'll expect everyone, including his co-workers, to now call him Dawn? I'm sure anyone who fails to indulge this sicko in his perversions will be fired for lacking "sensitivity". Western culture is on life support.

Last November I went over to ESPN.com to read up on the blockbuster trade between the Miami Marlins and the Toronto Blue Jays. While there, I noticed an article by a "female" writer named Christina Kahrl...But I couldn't really focus on the words, because "her" columnist/writer bio photo seemed somewhat bizarre:


At first glance, I figured "she" was your typical BSPN Lesbian -- Title IX athlete from the 1980's/1990's. You know the type that do play-by-play for Big Ten football games?....But after seeing the photo above, I did a quick net search to find out a little more about this flaming Ginger-haired "woman" and even I was shocked at what I found:


This is even more "cutting-edge" than I expected from the Marxist network based in the trash dump most know as Bristol, Connecticut. I wonder if we'll ever see this "beauty" on baseball tonight or Sport Center, fielding serious question from the likes of Steve Levy, Karl Ravech and Bram Weinstein? Heck, perhaps they'll even let "her" work with the venerable Chris Berman at some point?

Here's some more photos of "Christine"...can't tell "she's" a he, right?


Caption: Christine practicing for a future Sports Center spot?


Caption: I wonder how much Adam Schefter likes my eyebrows?


Caption: I wonder if "she" borrowed the turtle neck from Karl Ravech?


Caption: Anyone want to guess if there are any real woman in this photo?


Caption: Rare Photo as Chris Kahrl? If so, nice job of covering a heavy beard!
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There are a number of parallels with the Roman Empire, as we're seeing similar levels of disintegration happening politically, socially, and economically in America today. But there was also the barbarian invasions which played a big role in the fall of Rome. There's no such thing here, as the enemy within, the liberal/Marxist vermin, are doing a much better job than any invading foreign army could ever do.

"And now let me speak at once of the race which is most dear to our rich men, and which I avoid above all others; no shyness shall stand in my way. I cannot abide, Quirites, a Rome of Greeks; how many of these rejects are real achaeans though?
The Syrian Orontes has long since poured into the Tiber, bringing with it its lingo and its manners, its flutes and its slanting harp-strings"


they had the same inmigration problem
Last November I went over to ESPN.com to read up on the blockbuster trade between the Miami Marlins and the Toronto Blue Jays. While there, I noticed an article by a "female" writer named Christina Kahrl...But I couldn't really focus on the words, because "her" columnist/writer bio photo seemed somewhat bizarre:


At first glance, I figured "she" was your typical BSPN Lesbian -- Title IX athlete from the 1980's/1990's. You know the type that do play-by-play for Big Ten football games?....But after seeing the photo above, I did a quick net search to find out a little more about this flaming Ginger-haired "woman" and even I was shocked at what I found:


This is even more "cutting-edge" than I expected from the Marxist network based in the trash dump most know as Bristol, Connecticut. I wonder if we'll ever see this "beauty" on baseball tonight or Sport Center, fielding serious question from the likes of Steve Levy, Karl Ravech and Bram Weinstein? Heck, perhaps they'll even let "her" work with the venerable Chris Berman at some point?

Here's some more photos of "Christine"...can't tell "she's" a he, right?


Caption: Christine practicing for a future Sports Center spot?


Caption: I wonder how much Adam Schefter likes my eyebrows?


Caption: I wonder if "she" borrowed the turtle neck from Karl Ravech?


Caption: Anyone want to guess if there are any real woman in this photo?


Caption: Rare Photo as Chris Kahrl? If so, nice job of covering a heavy beard!

I feel this post is intolerant. This he/she has internal beauty (and penis.) Is there anything more beautiful and feminine that a surgically inverted tallywhacker? :puke::puke:
It's a sad irony that Russia Today allows far more interesting shows and topics than the U.S. corporate media, which is tightly wedded to the establishment party line ala the old USSR.

It's a sad irony that Russia Today allows far more interesting shows and topics than the U.S. corporate media, which is tightly wedded to the establishment party line ala the old USSR.

Excellent video. Abby Martin is one of the best and brightest I've seen coming out of the alternative media. She has some good "guerrilla interviews" exposing various crooks in government. Plus she's easy on the eyes.
Yeah nice looking but her hairdo distracts me. One side is longer than the other. Looks off balance.

Lot of truth in that video, but so what? What good does it do me? I've come to the conclusion that I'm just on the wrong end of things. I'm not sitting off in some fabulous place somewhere getting super rich with money funneling into my accounts because I'm inferior to those who are. I'm just a piss ant nobody and that will never change.

Plus I'm lazy.

I think I'm depressed.
but isnt that the whole point ...

maybe wont feel so depressed when people are alot more equal
due to things like vast differences in money ,celebrity ,elite sport etc
get rid of the lot or at very least keep it to a very minimum and well controled within ones own kind .

any system that makes people feel like this has it ****ing coming ...

we are all piss ants , and the system is simply raising certain people and enabling others to behave and pretend like they are not .more like the scandinavian collective view of jante , rather than this fraud of uber individualism .
the individual in anyway complex system depends on the collective rather than the individual ,ie food , law and order and so on .
but all taken as a given .

all ye ****ing whores and sellouts have it coming ..........
A cartoon within a cartoon..

My little one watches some of the cartoons on PBS (I know PBS is garbage,.. but they got some decent cartoons..) Anyways, in between cartoons, a few years back, they started running a 'Now You Know' segment. I assume for Black history month bcuz it's an accounting of profound Black innovations & inventors.

But I guess you have to play the hand you're dealt: in their search for a solely Black list of innovation.. Forget Edison, they are chronicling stuff like the brother who invented the pump-action squirt gun. In his defense, he worked for NASA.. but c'mon..a squirt gun.
A squirt gun
is what they're holding up as multi-cultural achievement..
This thread can use a timely bump. The new mayor of NYC Bill de Blasio was sworn into office yesterday. Here's a picture of the new mayor with his family:


I really hope New York becomes the next Detroit or [insert your favorite black hellhole here].
He uses an Italian name, Di Blasio, but that's not his real name. His real name is Wilhelm. He's probably Jewish. They're keeping it secret. It will come out when the pig dies and the news story says services were held at the temple. That's the way it usually comes out.
American Freedom News