We Are Living In A Cartoon


Not a mental disorder - a physical disorder. They are doing something to white people that is turning men into women and vice versa.

Those sick freaks need to be removed from humanity. Furthermore, those pushing such degeneracy should be publicly drawn & quartered.
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Newsweek also said that there is no such thing as Antifa and it is only a figment of the imagination of right wing neo Nazi antisemitic white supremacist racist homophobic islamophobes.

Who owns Newsweek is an interesting question. It used to be owned by two Jews, but in 2014 it was sold to a mysterious private company called ibt which is owned by a negro named Davis and something called Entienne Ubac. Mother Jones magazine ran a story saying ibt is connected with a Korean cult run by a man named Jang.

Who’s Behind Newsweek?


Meet the Weird Christian Content Mill Behind Newsweek's New Owners


Staffers slam IBT over ties to Christian University


A fool and his money — are the new owners of Newsweek financing a South Korean cult?


My brother lives near their new "university". He says they are very weird and extremely secretive and it looks like something from "the invasion of the body snatchers"!
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Here we have the newest celebrity race mixing couple, actress Laura Dern, 50, and Ex-NBA player Baron Davis, 38 that is being shoved down my throat in all social media circles

This “couple” perfectly illustrate the insanity of most western women and black men

Laura Dern, whom I’d never heard of but apparently starred in some big roles in the 90s and mid 00s is a washed up (and likely used up) Hollywood actress that will literally scrape the bottom of the barrel to score some miscegenation brownie points, and stay in the news and relevant even if it’s for a fleeting moment

Baron Davis will date someone who (judging by the photo) has clearly seen better days and is 12 years his elder just as long as she is white


Paul Joseph Watson is probably my favorite political/social commentator. Here is a good video of him summing up 2017 and looking ahead to 2018. As an individual he is absolutely relentless in attacking the left and IMO is one of the most important people in the fight against cultural marxism/communism.


Not a mental disorder - a physical disorder. They are doing something to white people that is turning men into women and vice versa.

"If God doesn't punish America, He'll have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah." Ruth Graham, wife of the Evangelist Billy Graham.
"They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen. Ezekiel 16:50.
I wonder what Ruth Graham would think of America if she were alive today. I'm sure Billy Graham is deeply saddened if he's coherent enough at his age,(99) to see this. Hopefully he's been spared and is not aware of these disgusting things!
What does the Bible say about race?

The fastest runner will win the race:). Oh so wise...

Actually it does:

1 Corinthians 9:24
Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it.

No kidding!

Alright, also, all men are equal -which we all accept they are- as it is a principle of our civilization.

Galatians 3:28
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
Verminous filth at UW “Madiscum” bring back their course entitled “The Problem of Whiteness”. The only “problem” of being a part of the great White race is facing (or cowards who kowtow to) the scourge of cultural Marxism & all its weak minded adherents.

Laura Dern, whom I’d never heard of but apparently starred in some big roles in the 90s and mid 00s is a washed up (and likely used up) Hollywood actress that will literally scrape the bottom of the barrel to score some miscegenation brownie points, and stay in the news and relevant even if it’s for a fleeting moment

Dern is most famous for playing the annoying, pro-feminist scientist in "Jurassic Park"...


This lowlife is no stranger to race-mixing, as she had two children with a singer named Ben Harper, who might be the ultimate "Mystery Meat." He is Jewish, black, Native American, and white...

Chelsea Clinton wishes the Church of Satan "Happy New Year!".


She also loves to wear an inverted crucifix necklace:

by Bryce Lockwood

"Weimerica,” an amalgam of Germany’s pre-Nazi era Weimar Republic, is a term you’ve probably heard in the past year if you’ve been active in the ongoing political maelstrom that is social media. Some alternatively call it “Clown World.” I prefer “Weimerica” as it more specific to what the United States has become recently and hints at a cataclysm yet to be.

This “guide” to Weimerica was written on the fly in-between back-to-back New England snowstorms, originally for an audience of one person. The genesis of this guide was the impending first-time visit to the US of a friend of mine from Lebanon. I wrote it not to show how bad things are, but instead to show how ugly things are. Not to frighten, but to inform on the many unpleasant realities that are all too quickly (and conveniently) forgotten about on a day-to-day basis. How indifference is the order of day despite the ever-tightening noose around the necks of most people.

So what is Weimerica, you ask? Read on and find out.


The New Normal

What is Weimerica?
Weimerica is….

…homicides being up 20% from 2014 (equivalent in raw numbers to more than the September 11th attacks).

…the 17,250 confirmed homicides of 2016 being more than any other year since 1997 (when there were 18,208).

…66,324 drug overdose deaths in a 12-month period (the Vietnam War saw 47,434 hostile deaths over 15+ years).

…44,193 suicides in 2015, with suicides being at 30-year highs in 2016, and suicide being one of the top ten causes of death in Weimerica.

…23,000,000,000 views on Pornhub in 2016 (729 per second every single day non-stop for the whole year) with there being only 7,466,964,000 people on Earth.

…70% of Weimerica being on prescription medication with 20% being on more than five medications at once (and life expectancy still dropping).

…real income showing little to no gains for decades on end.

…being worse off financially than your parents.

…a decrease in the average household income in New Jersey from 2005 to 2015.

…everything being fleetingly temporary, you won’t have that long lasting job, house, car, marriage, etc., like your parents and grandparents did.

…nearly half of all pregnancies being unintended.

…Weimerica is a colossal, dystopian shopping mall filled with 325 million atomized, rootless individuals with no common culture, cause, language, religion or background, united only by their shared consumerism (“Did you see the Giants game last night?” “Oh my Gawd, Stranger Thingssss!”).

The Motto for Weimerica:NO LIVES MATTER
A seven-time convicted felon and five-time deportee fatally shoots an innocent passerby in the back with a stolen 40-caliber Glock handgun on a public pier? Acquitted.

A crying father begging for his life shot to death crawling on his hands and knees towards a SWAT team aiming AR-15s and screaming at him? Acquitted.

A bride-to-be gunned down in front of her house in her pajamas when a police officer sitting in his squad car suddenly draws and fires pointblank into her face? No charges.

22,000 attend a country music festival surrounded by high walls and patrolled by security guards and police officers in the most heavily surveilled city in the Western hemisphere? Gunned down by the score with total impunity in the biggest mass shooting of all time.

926,190 abortions in 2014, with an estimated 98.3% being elective (meaning unrelated to rape/incest and medical complications).

Everything Is Fake
Zillow.com and other real estate websites photoshop clouds, grass, and trees around properties and present them in a way that makes them appear much larger and more modern than they actually are.

These two pictures are of the same person:


Real Life


Social Media

Wall Street rating agencies graded $400 billion worth of subprime mortgage bonds without knowing what was in them, giving many of them the highest “AAA” rating (effectively making them rating agencies in name only).

The 5-star Mandalay Bay hotel in Las Vegas employed an unregistered, unlicensed illegal immigrant as a security guard.

Love To Hate
Everything being either “awesome,” “insanely good,” or “the best ______ ever,” or “****,” “shitty,” or “the worst _______ ever,” with little to no middle ground and/or reasoned opinions. For example, the discrepancy in reviews for The Last Jedi and nearly every one of the 100+ reviews I read for the Ford Fusion being either “BEST CAR EVER” or “Should be recalled, WORST CAR EVER.”

Every piece of media being heavily and ridiculously scrutinized down to the last detail for any inane reason to hate it. For instance, one of the top comments on a YouTube video for “Shout” by the Isley Brothers accused the video’s author of not including enough black people dancing in his/her photo montage and further asserting that this lack of inclusion was deliberate.

Hating something because it is successful/popular just to go against the grain. For instance, actual “professional” reviews of Dunkirk being “Yeah, yeah, it was great, but why weren’t women the main characters?” and “Yeah, it’s good, but Christopher Nolan and his Nolaniods….”

The hate-watching of TV shows (Keeping up with the Kardashians, Jersey Shore, etc.) propelling them to ultimate success.

Insane Anti-Social Atrocities Are The New Norm
4 out of the 5 worst mass shootings in Weimerican history took place in the past five years.

The worst mass shooting in US history (600+ gunned down) disappears from the news and thus collective consciousness in the space of a week.

The Sutherland Springs massacre (which featured babies being executed at pointblank range by rifle fire) disappears from the headlines within a day or two. This shooting would have ranked as the worst in Weimerican history as recently as 2007.

The mass shooting body count record for Weimerica was broken in 2017 a mere 15 months after the now-second worst mass shooting in Weimerican history occurred.

The firearms technology used in recent mass shootings has been around for decades, and gun laws as a whole have never been stricter and mental health resources have never been more available (remember 70% of the population is on prescription medication), so why is this happening now?

War Is The Default State
After 16+ years in Afghanistan and 14+ years in Iraq (and 6,935 total US deaths), war is the default state of Weimerica and no longer afforded special or notable status (in contrast, the major combat phase of the generation-defining Vietnam War was seven years).

0.4% of the population is active-duty military, meaning ~95% of the population most likely is not emotionally invested and/or cares minimally about whatever combat is/was taking place (or will take place).


**** me in the butt!!!

The Everyday Absurdisms Of Weimerica
Prescription medication used to combat anxiety, depression, and suicidal/homicidal thoughts and actions causes anxiety, depression, and suicidal/homicidal thoughts and actions as a side effect.

A Rutgers University professor lamenting the Sandy Hook massacre so much that he made a YouTube video about it, but still believing in infanticide up to one year of age.

New Jersey has the highest paid police officers in the nation with an average salary of $100,000/year, but also has three cities in the top ten for “worst homicide rate” and those officers still have the right to shoot you to death if you don’t follow their conflicting orders to the letter while having a gun pointed at your head.

Parents working and saving money for twenty years to send their kids to college only for them to return home after graduation hating them, their country, and themselves in addition to being tens of thousands in debt.

One-fourth of graduates leaving college with a four year degree in hand are no better off than if they did not go to college at all from a wage perspective.

The maintenance staff at a college making more than most of the graduates of that college because they are unionized.

Consensual sex (“**** me in the butt!!!”) being redefined as “rape” with such concepts as “enthusiastic consent” (Yes.=Rape, YES!=not rape), “continuing consent” (“ask every ten minutes if it’s okay to keep going”), and “affirmative consent” (“Can I hold your hand? Stroke your thigh? Whisper into your ear?”).

The wife of “American Sniper” Chris Kyle saying she married him because “he was a nice guy.”


“I do not care, I am a millionaire, I do not give AF.”

Some Classic Weimerican Quotes
I was naked underneath my clothes.” ~A woman explaining her #metoo moment.

CRAWL TOWARDS ME! IF YOU FALL, YOU BETTER FALL ON YOUR FACE!” ~A police officer’s reasonable and coherent order that must be obeyed upon penalty of death.

He was turning his life around!” ~The classic family/friend lament of a dead victim/perpetrator with a less than stellar background.

He changed into something he wasn’t.” ~The pathetic attempt of a high school chum of a mass shooter to cover up for the fact that he somehow missed what a psycho his friend was.

Russian interference!” ~A viable excuse for anything and everything.

The hoes are laughin’? YEP!” ~An exchange between a confused TV doctor and a 14-year-old aspiring female rap artist.

He was COMPED!” ~The humblebrag of the coked up brother of a mass shooter/pasty.

Stay in the car.”~A plea to do nothing and ignore the situation, whatever it may be.

When Did America Become Weimerica?
No firm answer, I first noticed it in the spring of 2009 when there was a constant stream of family murder-suicides and mass shootings, some of them recession related. Afghanistan also escalated that year (with death tolls doubling for both Britain and the US from the year prior) under the election promise of “I’ll get us out of Afghanistan, take that to the bank!”

Things really picked up steam in 2012 when large public mass shootings began occurring with increasing regularity, labor force participation hit a three decade low (meaning there was no economic recovery), and drug overdose deaths had already jumped 211% (in the Northeast) in comparison with 2010.

Paul Craig Roberts has a lot of readers but rarely delves into race so it's good to see this:

AreWhites Being Set-Up for Genocide?

Identity Politics has responded with outrage against People Magazine’s choice of white male country singer Blake Shelton as “sexiest man in the world.” According to adherents of Identity Politics, the choice indicates that People Magazine is itself racist and part of the white supremacy movement to elevate white people above people of color. The choice is doubly outrageous because, according to a writer in Salon, it reinforces and celebrates toxic white male sexuality and elevates a white man to a position of popular acclaim.

Every white person needs to read this article — http://www.unz.com/article/the-end-of-white-celebrity/— to understand how they are being demonized and marginalized to the point of oblivion. By focusing primarily on white heterosexual males, Identity Politics tries to split white women off from white men by the use of the pejorative “misogynist”, but, as the article reports, white women, such as Taylor Swift, are also publicly demonized for their whiteness.

Reading this article in The Unz Review reminded me of an article I read last November in a Texas university newspaper that declared white DNA to be an abomination. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2017/11/3...nti-white-your-dna-is-abomination-column.html

Think about this for a minute. Suppose the writer had said “homosexual DNA is an abomination,” or “black DNA is an abomination,” or, heaven forbid, “Jewish DNA is an abomination.” Anyone who declared homosexuals, blacks, or Jews to be an abomination would be instantly fired, sued, charged with hate crimes and driven so deep into the ground that they would never reemerge.

The article in the student newspaper was a bit too much for Texas and produced a furor of its own. Lost in the furor was the realization that the writer was correctly interpreting the Identity Politics that today defines the liberal/progressive/left. Hillary Clinton herself expressed Identity Politics when she declared Americans who rejected her as president to be “deplorables.” CounterPunch printed an essay by its radio host that concluded Trump’s election was not legitimate because he was elected by racist, sexist, homophobic white male Trump deplorables.

In other words, Identity Politics cannot be dismissed as some sort of idiocy on the part of a few kooks. It is institutionalized in American politics and culture and is becoming a habitual way of thinking. The growing demonization of white people parallels the demonization of the Jews and can result in marginalization and physical destruction.

The immigration policies of white countries have created a diversity basis for ganging up on whites. If we put together a diverse population with the anti-white ideology of Identity Politics, we have a political and cultural trap for white people.

It seems paradoxical that Identity Politics is led by white/liberal/progressive/leftists advocating their own marginalization. However, as it is a correct conclusion from Identity Politics that white DNA is an abomination, white adherents of the ideology can logically see their demise as a benefit to humanity. But why should they be allowed to condemn whites who do not see themselves as an abomination?

What we are seeing unfold with Identity Politics was foretold by Jean Raspail in his futuristic novel The Camp of the Saints. Perhaps white people should read it as an indication of their possible fate.


Paul Craig Roberts has a lot of readers but rarely delves into race so it's good to see this:

AreWhites Being Set-Up for Genocide?

Identity Politics has responded with outrage against People Magazine’s choice of white male country singer Blake Shelton as “sexiest man in the world.” According to adherents of Identity Politics, the choice indicates that People Magazine is itself racist and part of the white supremacy movement to elevate white people above people of color. The choice is doubly outrageous because, according to a writer in Salon, it reinforces and celebrates toxic white male sexuality and elevates a white man to a position of popular acclaim.

Every white person needs to read this article — http://www.unz.com/article/the-end-of-white-celebrity/— to understand how they are being demonized and marginalized to the point of oblivion. By focusing primarily on white heterosexual males, Identity Politics tries to split white women off from white men by the use of the pejorative “misogynist”, but, as the article reports, white women, such as Taylor Swift, are also publicly demonized for their whiteness.

Reading this article in The Unz Review reminded me of an article I read last November in a Texas university newspaper that declared white DNA to be an abomination. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2017/11/3...nti-white-your-dna-is-abomination-column.html

Think about this for a minute. Suppose the writer had said “homosexual DNA is an abomination,” or “black DNA is an abomination,” or, heaven forbid, “Jewish DNA is an abomination.” Anyone who declared homosexuals, blacks, or Jews to be an abomination would be instantly fired, sued, charged with hate crimes and driven so deep into the ground that they would never reemerge.

The article in the student newspaper was a bit too much for Texas and produced a furor of its own. Lost in the furor was the realization that the writer was correctly interpreting the Identity Politics that today defines the liberal/progressive/left. Hillary Clinton herself expressed Identity Politics when she declared Americans who rejected her as president to be “deplorables.” CounterPunch printed an essay by its radio host that concluded Trump’s election was not legitimate because he was elected by racist, sexist, homophobic white male Trump deplorables.

In other words, Identity Politics cannot be dismissed as some sort of idiocy on the part of a few kooks. It is institutionalized in American politics and culture and is becoming a habitual way of thinking. The growing demonization of white people parallels the demonization of the Jews and can result in marginalization and physical destruction.

The immigration policies of white countries have created a diversity basis for ganging up on whites. If we put together a diverse population with the anti-white ideology of Identity Politics, we have a political and cultural trap for white people.

It seems paradoxical that Identity Politics is led by white/liberal/progressive/leftists advocating their own marginalization. However, as it is a correct conclusion from Identity Politics that white DNA is an abomination, white adherents of the ideology can logically see their demise as a benefit to humanity. But why should they be allowed to condemn whites who do not see themselves as an abomination?

What we are seeing unfold with Identity Politics was foretold by Jean Raspail in his futuristic novel The Camp of the Saints. Perhaps white people should read it as an indication of their possible fate.


Roberts has been mostly red-pilled on quite a number of things, but not really on the anti-White agenda. Nice to see him come fully around, although the writing on the wall is now in plain sight for all to see, in bold print, if they can read, so there's really no excuse at this late hour.

Taylor Swift was demonized by the cabal media because she dared called 2017 a "great year". They also demonized her and her new album as being too "White". I haven't listened to it, so I don't know. Plus, she has a White boyfriend, so that makes her even more evil to them. To her credit, she hasn't groveled before them and begged for "forgiveness".

As far as the Identity Politics of the likes of Hillary Clinton, et al and the media, Fusion GPS just lost their court battle on Friday and must turn over their bank records to the House Select Committee. According to Doug Hagmann, these records will not only show who paid for the bogus Russian "dossier", but that there were large payouts to media companies to push Fake News that probably involved anti-White or other Identity Politics propaganda. It would be nice to see all of this come crashing down, but I know better than to be overly optimistic that it will.
I found this to be a very interssting in depth look into the struggles and hopelessness of small town America. It describes a town in Western PA that is essentially in no mans land. Too small to attract growth and new businesses but too big to market itself with tourism as a quaint small town. Essentially it’s there as a (dying) revenue stream for corporations which make up the fabric of the towns “downtown” that has been left in the dust during the technological / internet revolution and smaller towns forgotten as people emigrate to late cities. It too, I think unintentionally, does a great job describing what many posters have alluded to how everywhere in America feels the same from the architecture to businesses etc. it then goes onto profile a struggling retiree (who we get the sense is not alone) who comes to the realization that she can’t afford to stay retired and is forced to give it her all as a J.C. penny’s jewelry saleswoman making a pittance of 8.25 an hour and given lofty sales goals of 1,500 a day for the giant retail dinosaur until the holidays are over at which point her hours will be severely cut

First, this town lost its Macy’s. Then Sears. Now, all eyes were on J.C. Penney.

By Jessica Contrera January 1

Barbara Cake shows watches to customers at the J.C. Penney jewelry counter. (Dustin Franz for The Washington Post)
HERMITAGE, Pa. — Barbara Cake had made the sale. A man was hovering near the gold bracelets at the J.C. Penney jewelry counter when she said, “Hi, sir, how are you?” Before long, he was swiping his credit card for both a bracelet and a pair of diamond earrings for his wife. But Barbara wasn’t done.

“If she doesn’t like these,” she told the customer, “then tell her you know a lot of ladies who would.”

“I just want my husband to buy me a watch,” she continued. “She should be truly happy with these.”

Barbara ripped the receipt from the register, pointed at the flimsy paper and, in a tone that sounded as if she were revealing a sworn secret, she delivered her favorite line.

“Just wait till you see what you saved.”

There were four days until Christmas, and this customer had decided against shopping online to come to a real store and talk to real people. To Barbara, that meant she had to provide something he couldn’t get from clicking buttons on a computer. Could the Internet assure the customer that he was making the right choice? Could it praise him for being a thoughtful husband? Could it make sure that he was getting the best possible deal?

That was what Barbara could offer at the last remaining department store in the only mall in Hermitage, a city of 16,000 in Western Pennsylvania. J.C. Penney used to be one of three anchor stores at the Shenango Valley Mall. Then, one day last March, both Sears and Macy’s shut down, becoming two of the more than 500 department stores that closed across the country in 2017. Headlines have called the shrinking of these American staples the “retail apocalypse.” In Hermitage, employees called it “the funeral,” because of the way it sounded as customers lined up to make their final purchases. “I’m so sorry,” they said. “I’m in shock.” “What are you going to do?” “What am I going to do?”

What might have been just a sign of the times in a bigger city was a life-changing and economy-altering loss for Hermitage, the kind of place too far from anywhere to be considered a suburb, but too developed to be considered rural or to attract visitors with small-town charm. The closest thing Hermitage has to a downtown is the intersection where its mall sits, surrounded by McDonald’s, Walgreens and Dunkin’ Donuts. The biggest buildings down the road are Kohl’s, Kmart and Walmart. The retail industry is the third-largest employer in town, just behind health care and manufacturing


Black tape is used on the mall directory to distinguish which stores no longer exist. (Dustin Franz for The Washington Post)

The Shenango Valley Mall has multiple empty stores. (Dustin Franz for The Washington Post)

When Macy’s and Sears closed, nearly 200 people lost their jobs — the equivalent of 1 in 5 retail positions in the city. In the months that followed, strips of tape kept appearing on the mall directory, blacking out the names of stores that followed suit: FYE, Rue 21, GNC, the local antiques store, Jammin Jac’s pizza shop. At many of the businesses that remained, foot traffic and sales numbers plummeted.

But come November, J.C. Penney was still open, and the most important season in retail was about to begin. Sharon Loughner, the general manager, was confident that the rush of holiday customers was on its way and, with little choice of where to go, that they would be coming to her store. She would need more workers to do all the extra fetching, folding, stacking and selling, and so she put out a call for seasonal employees.

Among the parade of well-qualified applicants from Hermitage and towns nearby came Barbara, a 67-year-old woman who seemed to represent all that retail used to be. She was impeccably dressed for her interview. She planned to wear a pantsuit each day. She talked about catering to the customer’s every need. She addressed everyone, no matter their age, as “sir” or “ma’am.”

For J.C. Penney to succeed, it needed employees like Barbara, whose necklace and bracelet, Sharon noticed, coordinated perfectly with her outfit. Sharon thought of the department where the sale of a single item could equal a dozen sweaters in revenue.

“How would you like,” she asked Barbara, “to work behind the jewelry counter?”


J.C. Penney is the only anchor store that remains at the Shenango Valley Mall in Hermitage, Pa. (Dustin Franz for The Washington Post)
Barbara accepted, not thinking about the arthritis in her hands that would make it hard to work the small clasps, the plantar fasciitis in her right foot that would act up if she stood for hours, the reading glasses she would need to see the small numbers on the price tags. She had been an executive secretary for 30 years, and now, a few years into her retirement, had done the math on her savings, her mortgage payment and her grandchildren's Christmas gifts and decided it was time to return to work.

The job at J.C. Penney was guaranteed only until the new year, but if she worked hard enough, she thought, they might keep her on. As a “sales associate,” she would be expected to sell about $1,500 worth of merchandise a day and would bring home $8.50 an hour, before tax.

She studied up on diamond ratings and learned to lock the jewelry counter’s glass cases to help prevent shoplifting. She learned not to ask if customers had J.C. Penney credit cards, but to assume that they did, so they would feel like they should. “And that will be on your Penney’s card, sir?” She survived Black Friday, perfecting her response to unhappy customers: a hand over her bedazzled brooch and a sincere apology. “I’m sorry, ma’am, we don’t have the Fitbit here.”

Sometimes she worried she might be taking this position from someone who needed it more than she did. For many of her co-workers, Penney’s was a second job. Amanda in jewelry had four children to support. Tina in home goods was taking care of her sick mother. Marcia in the men’s department had been laid off when Macy’s left. The employees bristled every time a customer asked, “Is Penney’s going to close, too?”


J.C. Penney offered big sales around the holidays to entice shoppers into the store in Hermitage. (Dustin Franz for The Washington Post)

Security officer Don Howell patrols the Shenango Valley Mall on Dec. 23. (Dustin Franz for The Washington Post)

The question was being asked constantly during the holidays, as customers returned to the Shenango Valley Mall and saw, some for the first time, the hallways of empty storefronts. There was nowhere except Penney’s to buy men’s dress clothes. The store known for its elastic waistband pants for “mature women” was still thriving, but staples such as Bath & Body Works and the Hallmark store kept reporting drops in profits to their corporate owners. Fewer than 100 people still worked at the mall year-round.

One of them was Don Howell, the man some shoppers called the rent-a-cop, but who called himself director of public safety. Don roams the wide halls for hours a day, wearing a round-brimmed hat, a gold badge and a radio to page the mall office, because there is really a need for only one officer at a time.

When the mall tenants kept complaining that the building’s New Jersey-based owner wasn’t doing anything to improve the mall’s situation, Don decided to give himself another title: assistant mall manager. That is how he introduces himself when he emails established retail giants in hopes they will take a chance on the mall. He has contacted Target and Rural King, Boscov’s and Dick’s Sporting Goods. He has been in talks with a local bakery that might be interested in the old GNC space. So far, the biggest success has been a local coffee shop that opened in what used to be an American Eagle.

When he hears shoppers complaining about the state of the mall, he offers them a simple solution: “Use it,” he says, “or lose it.”


From left, co-workers Holly, Barbara and Angie laugh together behind the jewelry counter at J.C. Penney. (Dustin Franz for The Washington Post)

Sharon Loughner, the general manager of the J.C. Penney in Hermitage, meets with floor managers in her office. (Dustin Franz for The Washington Post)

Three days before Christmas, Barbara arrived in the J.C. Penney break room to find her co-workers huddled around the local newspaper.

“Wow, look at this,” she said, picking it up. A photo of the mall was at the top of the page.

The article said the county had decided that the mall building and the property it sits on is no longer worth what it once was. Soon, the amount of taxes the mall owners pay the city would be cut by more than half. This would make the mall easier to sell — but would mean huge losses in revenue for the city and its schools.

“Yep, people’s home and property values are going to be going down now,” said Lori Ost, who had been working at J.C. Penney for four years.

“Is that what it’s saying?” Barbara asked, thinking of her home four miles from the mall.

“Hermitage has nothing; this is what Hermitage has,” Lori said. “I would be out there hustling every day to get business in here. Maybe a lower price will attract potential buyers.”

Barbara nodded, opening up the paper to find the rest of the article.

“If I had that kind of money,” Lori said, “I’d just buy it and tear it down and build something new.”

Barbara closed the paper. “That’s really scary,” she said, and then she went down to the sales floor, where nearly every customer she met would be affected if someone did decide to tear down the mall.

Here came the “mall walkers,” who arrived for their exercise every day at 9 a.m. There was John and Marty, two older gentlemen, accompanied by Jim, the younger one whom they let join their routine after he lost his job at the Cooper Bessemer engine-making plant nearby. There was Tom and Lorene, a couple who had been walking in the mall every cold day since 1991. They hadn’t yet been to the mall’s new coffee shop, where coffee is $2.50 more expensive than it is at Auntie Anne’s. “We’re not really fancy Starbucks people,” they explained.


Michael Anthony, owner of Michael Anthony’s Cafe in the Shenango Valley Mall, opened his shop in what was once an American Eagle clothing store. (Dustin Franz for The Washington Post)
Here came the kind of shoppers malls have always depended on: the browsers, who saw shopping as something fun to do. Liz and Bob Adams planned on picking up a Paw Patrol toy for their grandson but ended up at the jewelry counter.

“There are some great deals today. You would be shocked,” Barbara told them.

Liz hovered near the diamond rings. She and Bob had both been widowed before they met. Usually at Christmas they said “we are each other’s gift,” but these rings, Liz told Bob, were really beautiful.

Barbara showed them the “Holiday Extra Effort” deal that meant they could get an extra 30 percent off if they spent more than $500. They walked out with a $612 ring, $1,887 off the retail price.

Then came the type of customer Barbara loved helping most: those for whom a trip to the mall was a special occasion that had to be saved for, as it had been for her growing up in Shamokin, Pa. She was one of eight children. Her mother would send her to scour the Woolworths, W.T. Grant and Newberry stores to see which had the best price before they bought anything.

Now she met a 7-year-old named A.J., whose mother had given him $50 from her Social Security check, her only income, to buy her a Christmas gift. A.J. asked his grandparents to take him to buy her some jewelry.

“She likes pink,” A.J. told Barbara.

“She likes earrings that dangle,” his grandmother said.

Barbara walked them to the cases of sterling silver hoops, to the bracelets, to the pendants with 1/10 karat of a diamond on special for $25.

“Nothing gold?” the grandmother asked.

Barbara placed her hand over her brooch. “Not for $50,” she apologized.

She walked them back to the case of gold anyway, opened it and started taking out each box, scanning bar codes and adding all the coupons she could.

“His mom doesn’t have too much real stuff,” A.J.’s grandmother said.

In the corner of the case, Barbara found a $124 pair of earrings on sale for $31.79. The jewels were cubic zirconia, but the thin metal loops were 10-karat gold.

“A bargain,” she promised. A.J. gave her a thumbs up.

Barbara looked at her watch as she rang them up. She had spent nearly 40 minutes helping them. She knew she wouldn't meet her sales goal today.


Barbara Cake cleans the counter toward the end of her J.C. Penney shift on Dec. 23. (Dustin Franz for The Washington Post)
By Dec. 23, the slowdown had begun. Barbara’s manager posted a sign at the counter saying the fine jewelry department was less than $8,000 from its holiday season goal. “Ladies!” she wrote. “Keep pushing, we’re almost there!” But the snow was coming down during Barbara’s closing shift, and she knew it would stop her customers from visiting. She was already worried about driving to her daughter’s house on Christmas Day. She had saved up enough to buy her 8- and 10-year-old granddaughters iPads, which she had purchased online with discounts.

Barbara watched the last-minute shoppers browse — too late to buy things online now, she thought. She tried to sell a $60 watch to a mother looking for her son but quickly pulled out the $29 one when the woman grimaced at the price. “A steal!” she said as she handed over the receipt.

A husband bought a necklace and earring set at nearly 70 percent off. “She’s going to think you robbed the bank to get her gift,” Barbara said.

She rang up purchases for customers who didn’t want to wait in the regular checkout line, selling them jeans and socks and pajama bottoms.

“I feel weird just standing here,” she said.

In a few days, the store managers would call Barbara to ask if she would like to stay on after the holidays. They would warn her that the job would be far fewer hours come January. After customers finished their post-Christmas returns, things would be slow, at least until Valentine’s Day. They just weren’t sure how slow.

“Excuse me?” a customer said, and Barbara turned around.

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“Yes, sir,” she said. “What can I do for you today?”

“Where’s the men’s bathroom?” he asked.

She pointed him in the right direction. There were still two hours to go until midnight and closing. She slipped a foot out of her heels and stretched. Then she reached for a roll of paper towels, picked up a spray bottle and began to polish the glass counters, trying to make everything as shiny as she thought it ought to be
That was a fascinating read - depressing for sure. I feel bad for the small towns that are slowly dying out. The closing of malls seems to be a huge epedimic (if you will) due to brick and mortar stores struggling as more people turn to shopping online. I found it ironic that this story was written for the Washington Post - who's owner is Jeff Bezos - he also owns Amazon which is probably the biggest culprit in destroying brick and mortar stores. He seems to support all "liberal" causes yet operates like a cut throat capitalist - essentially a limousine liberal.

No one is offering any real answers or solutions for small towns. One would think that a smart company could go into one of these towns and for a lower price could set up an office and establish a symbiotic relationship where the company employs citizens of the town and brings revenue to the town while the company reaps the benefits of lower prices for property, lower taxes etc. Power and money seem to be concentrated in the beltway, Silicon Valley and bigger cities which are all resoundingly leftist in their politics and live in their safe capitalist cocoons while preaching their Marxist diversity BS while small town America is resenting them.
I found this to be a very interssting in depth look into the struggles and hopelessness of small town America. It describes a town in Western PA that is essentially in no mans land. Too small to attract growth and new businesses but too big to market itself with tourism as a quaint small town. Essentially it’s there as a (dying) revenue stream for corporations which make up the fabric of the towns “downtown” that has been left in the dust during the technological / internet revolution and smaller towns forgotten as people emigrate to late cities. It too, I think unintentionally, does a great job describing what many posters have alluded to how everywhere in America feels the same from the architecture to businesses etc. it then goes onto profile a struggling retiree (who we get the sense is not alone) who comes to the realization that she can’t afford to stay retired and is forced to give it her all as a J.C. penny’s jewelry saleswoman making a pittance of 8.25 an hour and given lofty sales goals of 1,500 a day for the giant retail dinosaur until the holidays are over at which point her hours will be severely cut
But 0bama could find $150 billion to give to Iran and past administrations over the last 15 years $33 billion to Pakistan...along with whatever other countries and however many other total billions were sent combined...most that hate us.

A while back I was in an area not too far from there and witnessed it first hand...empty buildings in mall parking lots strewn all over the place with weeds growing through the cracks of the pavement. It was depressing and I felt bad for the good people living there.
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But 0bama could find $150 billion to give to Iran and past administrations over the last 15 years $33 billion to Pakistan...along with whatever other countries and however many other total billions were sent combined...most that hate us.

A while back I was in an area not too far from there and witnessed it first hand...empty buildings in mall parking lots strewn all over the place with weeds growing through the cracks of the pavement. It was depressing and I felt bad for the good people living there.
I felt like I was reading about my home town when I read that article. No jobs, no stores down town, no hope.
Health care and IT are the two "industries" creating all the new wealth in and around Pittsburgh (western Pennsylvania) and many big cities. The small towns used to have factories, and/or lots of family farms but now have nothing; family farms around the country have been consolidated into large corporate farms. Factories and family farms don't have a place in Amerika 2.0. and small businesses rarely have a chance against the mega-chains, to the extent they exist in rural areas. Being overwhelmingly White also works against smaller cities as the Great Replacement intends for Whites to be a small, hated minority.

Gentrification of large cities is being used to lure back young professionals, who tend to be leftists, and retirement age people with money. The big cities are being designed now as 24/7 surveillance hubs. It's a partnership of wealthy urban neighborhoods and well-off suburbs, to the detriment of everyone else. The rural areas will more and more be run by the federal government, much as most of the open areas of the Western U.S. are now. Small town Whites and working class Whites have no present or future in this country.
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