We Are Living In A Cartoon

Health care and IT are the two "industries" creating all the new wealth in and around Pittsburgh (western Pennsylvania) and many big cities. The small towns used to have factories, and/or lots of family farms but now have nothing; family farms around the country have been consolidated into large corporate farms. Factories and family farms don't have a place in Amerika 2.0. and small businesses rarely have a chance against the mega-chains, to the extent they exist in rural areas. Being overwhelmingly White also works against smaller cities as the Great Replacement intends for Whites to be a small, hated minority.

Gentrification of large cities is being used to lure back young professionals, who tend to be leftists, and retirement age people with money. The big cities are being designed now as 24/7 surveillance hubs. It's a partnership of wealthy urban neighborhoods and well-off suburbs, to the detriment of everyone else. The rural areas will more and more be run by the federal government, much as most of the open areas of the Western U.S. are now. Small town Whites and working class Whites have no present or future in this country.

This is too pessimistic a view. What is to be has not yet happened. What may be is up to us. Whites still possess most of the land of this country. Whites are still the majority by at least a fourfold to any other group. Whites in rural areas, and semi-rural areas, have the lowest cost of living, experience the greater freedom, and live longer than their urban counterparts. Communication technology has made it easier to live in semi-rural areas while still gaining access to urban markets. Whatever happened to our practice of ingenuity and inventiveness? By forward thinking, learning, and application of our inherent talents, we can and will succeed this industrial evolution we are presently in.
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My post is based on well-established trends. Obviously I think there's hope or I wouldn't bother, with this site or anything else I do, which is based on informing and motivating those targeted for extinction to actually get off their butts and do something (and that includes a lot more than merely posting opinions; I'm interested in knowing what you're doing to make the future much better for Whites other than posting; feel free to pm me). I'm going to call what's happening to my country and my race as I see it and am not going to pretend things currently aren't bleak on many fronts simply because "what is to be has not yet happened."
I'm interested in knowing what you're doing to make the future much better for Whites other than posting

Sour man? The site is not a blog; posters are the site; no posters, no site; we do here what you can't do alone. Happy to help you my good friend.;)

What I do privately, in my private capacity, remains private for I keep and value my privacy. I have no obligation to expound on what I do privately for my fellow whites.

Here. Here. Here. I'll second that. Motion carried.:)
Sour man? The site is not a blog; posters are the site; no posters, no site; we do here what you can't do alone. Happy to help you my good friend.;)

What I do privately, in my private capacity, remains private for I keep and value my privacy. I have no obligation to expound on what I do privately for my fellow whites.

Here. Here. Here. I'll second that. Motion carried.:)

In other words you don't do anything. Hunch confirmed.
Sour grapes. Hunch confirmed.

I wrote a post detailing some trends. You called it too pessimistic, writing, among other things, "What may be is up to us." Since you have such an optimistic view, I am simply asking what you personally are doing to try to bring that better future about. You can tell what you are doing without giving away any personal details. Instead you call me "sour" not once but twice for simply asking the question.

You started this by jumping on my post, and then engaging in name calling. I'm not sour, but I do recognize a do-nothing when I see (read) one.
I wrote a post detailing some trends. You called it too pessimistic, writing, among other things, "What may be is up to us." Since you have such an optimistic view, I am simply asking what you personally are doing to try to bring that better future about. You can tell what you are doing without giving away any personal details. Instead you call me "sour" not once but twice for simply asking the question.

You started this by jumping on my post, and then engaging in name calling. I'm not sour, but I do recognize a do-nothing when I see (read) one.

Ah, don't be so defensive my friend, we're on the same team, and we've been since 2006 if my figures are correct. Yes, I've very positive and optimistic -and well I should be as I've had so much success at so many things.
Posting here is amusing, and it keeps the message ongoing, but our writings here, and other forums, are not physical, though they must in some way affect the physical world. Outside of the internet:

I always have at least one pro bono case on going helping some of our poorest to defend themselves against these tyrannical servants that most people call "The Government" who try to steal from them or cage them; our people really need to re-learn that all the authority in their lives they already have;

I teach whites that want to learn how to build winter greenhouses with climate batteries; they, in turn, teach others; if the country ever does go very poor for awhile those rural and semi-rural white folk will be the envy;

With almost everything I do I only hire whites; no hatred for others, but family first.

When we evaluate the condition of the urban black dwellers in cities like Baltimore, Detroit, Philadelphia, St Louis, and others, I'd say we whites can and will pull through just fine. I stand positive and firm by that statement. Remember Detroit was once just a forest along a shore and we once made it a brilliant metropolis; we'll do it again.
Well done, Ambrose, you actually answered my question without being defensive. Big pat on the head for that. Other than calling me defensive. I don't get defensive, this is my site, or as you have posted, my property. I try to be quite patient with those that try my patience, which you sometimes are very good at doing, and try as I might my patience does have limits when it comes to hot air and pomposity.
Health care and IT are the two "industries" creating all the new wealth in and around Pittsburgh (western Pennsylvania) and many big cities. The small towns used to have factories, and/or lots of family farms but now have nothing; family farms around the country have been consolidated into large corporate farms. Factories and family farms don't have a place in Amerika 2.0. and small businesses rarely have a chance against the mega-chains, to the extent they exist in rural areas. Being overwhelmingly White also works against smaller cities as the Great Replacement intends for Whites to be a small, hated minority.

Gentrification of large cities is being used to lure back young professionals, who tend to be leftists, and retirement age people with money. The big cities are being designed now as 24/7 surveillance hubs. It's a partnership of wealthy urban neighborhoods and well-off suburbs, to the detriment of everyone else. The rural areas will more and more be run by the federal government, much as most of the open areas of the Western U.S. are now. Small town Whites and working class Whites have no present or future in this country.

You're certainly right about the situation now. What about all the talk of the future economy, millions of people, no jobs for them, but enough food to keep them fat. Full automation, robots doing all the work, a yearly basic income to keep people from rioting and all the opioids and porn needed to pass the time? A good percentage of society lives like that now. What's the difference in expanding it to a larger percentage of the economy? It's all phony money anyway. In that case maybe living in the wilderness will become more desirable.
My post is based on well-established trends. Obviously I think there's hope or I wouldn't bother, with this site or anything else I do, which is based on informing and motivating those targeted for extinction to actually get off their butts and do something (and that includes a lot more than merely posting opinions; I'm interested in knowing what you're doing to make the future much better for Whites other than posting; feel free to pm me). I'm going to call what's happening to my country and my race as I see it and am not going to pretend things currently aren't bleak on many fronts simply because "what is to be has not yet happened."

I think that would be a great thread. What are you doing to make the future better for white people? I have over the years been out front on many things I believe I've done. Probably more than I should, because I value my privacy also. I like Don would like for others to get off their butts and do something other than posting opinions! I hope most of ya'll are!
I put in about 45-50 hrs/week at work consistently so I don't have a great deal of extra time. So, instead, I'm particular about what or to whom I will give my money to. I'm certainly not a big drinker, but if I do buy beer or liquor I go to a local brewery or distillery where the owner and workers are almost all White and don't try to sell Cultural Marxism (instead of beer, etc.) like the major Corporate ones do (and probably donate heavily do left-wing causes). I often apply that same concept when it's not Winter by going to local farmers markets and buy from sellers that are White and have local farms. I try to do the same thing with other things I buy. I know it's not much, but one of the things they are trying to do is "starve us out" by depriving us of economic opportunity. If every other racially-conscience White person did that, at least to some degree, it would make at least a bit of a difference. Keep the dollars in the local White community as much as possible.
I put in about 45-50 hrs/week at work consistently so I don't have a great deal of extra time. So, instead, I'm particular about what or to whom I will give my money to. I'm certainly not a big drinker, but if I do buy beer or liquor I go to a local brewery or distillery where the owner and workers are almost all White and don't try to sell Cultural Marxism (instead of beer, etc.) like the major Corporate ones do (and probably donate heavily do left-wing causes). I often apply that same concept when it's not Winter by going to local farmers markets and buy from sellers that are White and have local farms. I try to do the same thing with other things I buy. I know it's not much, but one of the things they are trying to do is "starve us out" by depriving us of economic opportunity. If every other racially-conscience White person did that, at least to some degree, it would make at least a bit of a difference. Keep the dollars in the local White community as much as possible.

I am much in the same boat as you Heretic. I am working 40-45 hours at my job a week. So between work and family and home projects I don't have much extra time. If always vote for pro-white candidates, and I only contribute money (in meager amounts) to candidates or organizations that will benefit white people either directly or indirectly. These include the NRA, NumbersUSA, AmRen, Caste Football, Donald Trump, Ron Paul, Roy Moore. I do not buy from companies that show themselves to be anti-white through their advertising. One organization I have done alot of work for is the Boy Scouts which teaches many of the traditional values and virtues that have made Western Civilization great.
I am glad to read post like these ,whites helping whites I have been trying for the last 8 to 10 years to buy only from white only business. It is a little easer living in small town but you get the label as the racist who doesn't buy from blacks or Indians. I don't care a rats ass what they call me I am helping my white brothers who help me and my family.
All racially aware Whites need to financially support the few remaining organizations that are pro-White. There just aren't enough of us for anyone not to do their part. It can be done anonymously (through money orders and cash) for those concerned about their privacy, though the reality is that we have precious little privacy any more and haven't for a long time, and there is nothing remotely illegal about financially helping groups the system doesn't like. Even back in the 1980s at meetings the standing semi-joke was "ok, which one here is with the ADL?" Sure, you might have a file, but tens of millions of Americans have a file for one reason or another. You just have to be very careful what you say, don't even make jokes about certain topics even in private conversations with people you don't know very well and trust because in the "land of the free" you have to assume that someone is recording you at all times.

I hope times don't get desperate enough that aware Whites realize too late the truth of what I'm saying, but I fear that's exactly where we're headed. Even though small in number, together we can create a force to be reckoned with; hoping others will somehow get it done without everyone chipping in is a hope that will never be realized. When most aware Whites do little or nothing, fewer and fewer Whites will stick their necks out. Donald Trump is the perfect example of why things can't change solely from the top down -- he has billions of dollars, he's a well-known celebrity, almost half the country strongly supports him, but even if he's totally sincere he lacks the ability to get much done because he's an island surrounded by an ocean of hostile forces and institutions. There's no grass-roots movement in America to speak of, and that's totally on us.
Let Them Eat Rape

by Jim Goad

We’re perched at a precarious point in history where it seems impossible to become a celebrity anywhere in the West if you don’t make a grand public display of denouncing all things Western.

Case in point: British pop singer Lily Allen, a multiplatinum artist who at age 32 has an estimated net worth of $20 million via sales of songs such as the pro-gay anthem “**** You.” In 2016 she made headlines after visiting a migrant camp in Calais and apologizing to the refugees on behalf of her country, even though, if you were to peek at a map, you would realize that Calais is in France and her country is England.

You can bet your sweet bippy that if Allen sang anti-gay anthems and expressed the merest concern over England’s Islamification, she’d be waiting tables somewhere in a kebab shop rather than living in mansions, walking on red carpets, and drinking champagne out of slippers.

Last week in the midst of a Twitter argument about Muslim rape gangs in England—specifically the charge made in 2015 by Rotherham’s Labour MP Sarah Champion that grooming gangs may have abused up to a million British children—an anonymous tweeter who calls himself Tolerant Man asked Allen whether this would have happened if England didn’t have such an open-door policy toward Muslim immigrants:

I want a ******* answer, @lilyallen, would those children have been raped if we hadn’t let those people come here? Sarah Champion estimates 1 million British children have been raped by these barbarians

Allen’s response was to invoke the nirvana fallacy and speculate that if there weren’t Muslim immigrants to pick up the slack, evil indigenous white British males would have done the raping anyway:

Actually, there’s a strong possibility they would have been raped or abused by somebody else at some point. That’s kind of the issue.

She even doubled down and insisted that all of the truly nasty raping in Britain was being done by white males:

The Type 2 Rapists of which 100% are British white males. The men that have sex with their stepdaughters twice a week for years at a time. The, neighbors, uncles, gardeners, priests, fast food restaurant managers that do it over and over again.

In case you were unaware of the distinction between Type 1 and Type 2 rapists, here’s a quick breakdown:

[T]he interpersonal type (Type 1) views the sexual abuse as a mutually satisfying romantic relationship, whereas the narcissistic type (Type 2) is self-focused and views the sexual abuse primarily as a means to achieve his own sexual gratification.

Allen is therefore alleging that all of England’s grooming gangs could be classified as Type 1 rapists. Last year a British think tank called Quilliam released a report claiming that of 264 criminal convictions in England of grooming gang members since 2005, 222 of those convicted—a resounding 84%—were of Asian origin.

(In England, “Asian” doesn’t carry the same connotation as it does in America. What Americans call “Asians” are referred to as “Orientals” in England. To Britons, even Turks are “Asians,” and on this point they’re technically correct—nearly all of Turkey is in Asia, as is all of Pakistan. In current British parlance, “Asian” is a very polite way of saying “Muslim.”)

Modern England is 85.4% white and only 7.8% Asian. When it comes to organized gang rape, Asians (i.e., Muslims) are overrepresented by 1076%. But Allen would have us believe that the grooming gangs in Rotherham, Rochdale, Derby, Oxford, Bristol, Telford, Banbury, Aylesbury, and Keighley are comprised entirely of Type 1 rapists, who butcher and rape and threaten to immolate their victims because they view it all as part of a “mutually satisfying romantic relationship” rather than as part of a grander scheme of cultural conquest.

The Mirror took Allen’s side and jumped at yet another opportunity to bash indigenous Britons in an editorial titled “Lily Allen’s right - it IS white males we need to worry about”:

All the statistics show they run the world, and all the evidence shows it’s not being run very well….It’s white men who prosecute the crimes, hand down the jail sentences, decide how little to pay female staff, and tell the lies that keep everybody else blaming each other for the world’s problems.

They even had the moxie to concede that if nonwhites were getting convicted of sexual assaults at higher rates than whites were, that’s only because England’s legal system is unfairly stacked with racist white juries. In essence, the Mirror was running cover not only for oikophobic Muslim apologists such as Allen, but for actual Muslims such as former British MP Naz Shah, who last year retweeted and “liked” the following comment:

Those abused girls in Rotherham and elsewhere just need to shut their mouths. For the good of diversity.

And it’s not only in England where people who dare to notice Islamic rape patterns are being told to shut up. Two German MPs, both of them female, are currently facing a police investigation for their comments about “barbaric, gang-raping Muslim hordes of men” and “imported, marauding, groping, abusive, knife-stabbing migrant mobs.” This is in spite of the fact that a recent spike in violent crime in Germany has been statistically “attributed more than 90 percent to young male refugees.”

At the moment, you’re still able to notice; you simply aren’t allowed to say anything. But if there’s a way to medically ensure, whether through chemicals or surgery, that people are no longer even able to notice, you can bet they’re feverishly working on it right now.

If that technologically dystopian day ever dawns, you won’t even be able to notice that in Denmark, a third to half of all men convicted of rape are described as “foreigners.”

You won’t be able to notice that over three-quarters of Sweden’s rapists were also recently described as “foreigners.” Despite this fact, you’d never notice that the Swedish press refers to all rapists as “Swedes,” whether or not they were born in Sweden or have one drop of Swedish blood.

You won’t be able to notice what people noticed after reviewing 86 cases of sexual assault in Oslo, Norway from 2005-2010 and finding that 83 of the perpetrators were described as having a “non-Western appearance.”

You wouldn’t notice that on New Year’s Eve in Rome, a Somali migrant allegedly disguised himself as a nurse and sexually assaulted an Italian woman while she was in labor.

And you definitely wouldn’t be able to notice that FBI statistics from 1996-2008 show that in America, a white woman was 64 times more likely to be raped by a black man than a black woman is by a white man.

The only thing they’ll allow you to say or think or feel is that white people are evil.

The powers that be are systematically violating the Western mind. It’s a deliberate act of cultural rape.

But if you aspire to have a career in entertainment, you’d be best served never to make a peep about it. Just ask Lily Allen.

Good post Don! But to answer the question; what are you doing for whites here goes... I've donated to this site, recommended people to this site, and try to vote for pro white policy candidates. IMHO Trump is a somewhat empty suit but I voted for him. I teach at a pretty much all black school so I always wind up taking the handful of white students under my wings and believe or not my black female administrator appreciates it. But here is the most important contribution to the white race...DRUMROLL PLEASE...I have 2 white sons, 1 white daughter and 7 beautiful white grand kids. Not an oil driller or mudshark, some of yalls words not mine, in the bunch. OUR battle aint gonna be won on the net and you are extremely naive and obtuse if you don't understand where I'm coming from. Good day gentlemen!
I am much in the same boat as you Heretic. I am working 40-45 hours at my job a week. So between work and family and home projects I don't have much extra time. If always vote for pro-white candidates, and I only contribute money (in meager amounts) to candidates or organizations that will benefit white people either directly or indirectly. These include the NRA, NumbersUSA, AmRen, Caste Football, Donald Trump, Ron Paul, Roy Moore. I do not buy from companies that show themselves to be anti-white through their advertising. One organization I have done alot of work for is the Boy Scouts which teaches many of the traditional values and virtues that have made Western Civilization great.
Yeah, good point about joining groups like the NRA. I did that not too long after the Sandy Hook hoax when the gun-grab push by the govt and media (one and the same) went into high gear. I was very alarmed as to what their “end game” was if they were so bold to pull off something like that. Been a member ever since. I need to check out other groups to join as well...maybe Gun Owners of America. I'm not aware of any other general ones that are not gun-related, that would help the cause, but if anyone else does feel free to post.
Yeah, good point about joining groups like the NRA. I did that not too long after the Sandy Hook hoax when the gun-grab push by the govt and media (one and the same) went into high gear. I was very alarmed as to what their “end game” was if they were so bold to pull off something like that. Been a member ever since. I need to check out other groups to join as well...maybe Gun Owners of America. I'm not aware of any other general ones that are not gun-related, that would help the cause, but if anyone else does feel free to post.

Serious pro-White, nationalist-oriented organizations that don't skirt "controversial" issues but aren't into parading around in costumes and other counter-productive theatrics:

American Freedom Union (my group)
Council of Conservative Citizens
American Freedom Party
American Renaissance

American Renaissance has an annual weekend-long confab in a Tennessee state park outside of Nashville that has become very popular. I go to about half of them and am planning to go this year. Maybe we can get a contingent of CFers there this summer and get together "in real life."

If you want to see patriotic print publications stay in existence, the remaining ones are:

The Nationalist Times (mine)
American Free Press (bi-weekly, has the largest circulation but only a small fraction of what it was in days past)
The First Freedom
If you are interested in attending the American Renaissance Conference, I suggest registering as early as possible as it will likely sell out fairly quickly. Details were just announced yesterday. It's best to stay at the on-site hotel; there are motels in the area but logistically it's much much easier if you stay at the place where the meeting is held rather than at a motel ten miles away from a state park, and those on-site rooms are limited in number and also sell out quickly.

It's kind of pricey, and men must wear suits and ladies must wear dresses. Speakers are still being lined up. The maximum is 300 attendees and many, maybe the majority, will be in their 20s and 30s. Definitely worth attending. https://www.amren.com/2018-american-renaissance-conference/
This is something I've noticed for a long time. Older women used to teach girls how to be a good woman; fathers and older men used to mentor boys how to be a good man, now a boy or girl is very lucky to have a good mentor.

Where Have All Our Mentors Gone?

By Mike Stone

What's the missing ingredient
in almost all of our lives? Mentors!

Boys are no longer taught how to be men, and girls are no longer taught how to be women. As a result, society has turned upside down.
I speak from personal experience. Growing up, nobody told me anything about money, about being a man, about women. It was years later before I began to figure life out on my own, and in some areas, I'm still struggling.

It would be easy to blame our mentor-less society on the two-income system we currently inhabit, in which both parents work and their children are raised by the state via daycare and the school system. While that is definitely a factor, it's not the entire answer.

As a child, I was never sent to daycare. My mother was a stay-at-home mom and yet she offered little to nothing in the way of mentorship.
When the kids came home from school, she was on the phone, complaining about her life and talking for hours about absolutely nothing.
At night, she sat in front of the boob tube with a stupid grin on her face, laughing at the stupidest sitcoms imaginable.

The senseless sitcom characters that my mother idolized were her mentors, and she hated the fact that her own life did not match theirs. This led to constant arguments and fights with my father, who retreated by hiding in his work. As children, we never saw him not working. The poor guy literally worked himself to death and died at age 48.

Needless to say, I found no mentors at home.

You would think that my childhood was an aberration, but most of my friends led similar lives. And school was no better. Looking back, I believe almost every teacher I had, from kindergarten to college, was a leftist. Certainly, every teacher I had in college was a leftist, more concerned with their paycheck, their pension, and their propaganda than anything else. I had no idea what leftism was in those days, or that it even existed, but I did recognize the anti-white agenda, as well as the obsession with sex, personal feelings, and radical feminism. As a result, I left college after only a year.

School provided no mentors in my life.

I was raised Catholic, and from what I've read, there were priests and nuns before Vatican II who taught the true Catholic faith and acted as mentors to the young people of their parishes. Not anymore. Once the church was infiltrated and overrun by communists, that all ended. Today, the so-called Catholic Church is a complete sham. It's a counterfeit church that no longer teaches the true Christian Faith and is presided over by a leftist antipope who epitomizes everything that's gone wrong in the world for the last fifty years.

I found no mentors who could help me in the counterfeit Catholic Church.

When a young man finds no mentors at home, at school, or at church, where else can he turn? Most young men look to sports and entertainment figures. I can't speak for sports, but I did work in the entertainment industry for several years, and I guarantee you that anyone looking to anyone in the entertainment industry to be mentors or role models has gone completely mad.

Almost every male that I met in the entertainment industry was either openly homo, a closet homo, or a sex addict. All but one were leftists. All but one were egomaniacs. All but one were lousy role models.

The women I met in the entertainment industry were even worse. They were all whores, on one level or another, whether they admit it or not. When I produced my first film, young women sent me half-naked pictures of themselves. The implication was clear. Today, those same women would scream, "Me too!"

I feel so bad for young women today who look to actresses, female pop stars, and female media figures to teach them about life. Women in the entertainment industry are among the most disgustingly perverse individuals on the planet. Some of them aren't even women. At least, they weren't born that way. It's no surprise that both women and men today are half out of their minds when you consider the absolute garbage Hollywood and the media feed them.

So where does that leave us? Very few parents are acting as positive mentors and role models for their children. The education system is a complete joke and causing more harm than good. The Church is now a counterfeit church that no longer practices the Catholic faith. What passes for pop culture and "art" in today's society is complete garbage, and the people responsible for that garbage are the worst role models imaginable.

The only answer I can see is it's up to us.

We're going to have to become the mentors and role models for the children and young people in our lives because no one else is doing it. And we all have children in our lives.

Practical steps include practicing the true Catholic faith (www.MostHolyFamilyMonastery.com) and encouraging young people to do the same, turning off the boob tube and educating our young on what complete garbage it is, boycotting everything coming out of Hollywood and the music industry, homeschooling children and encouraging others to do the same, and most of all, becoming true role models ourselves.

Imagine how much better life would be if we'd only had positive mentors in our lives. We can be those same mentors to young people today.

This is something I've noticed for a long time. Older women used to teach girls how to be a good woman; fathers and older men used to mentor boys how to be a good man, now a boy or girl is very lucky to have a good mentor.

Where Have All Our Mentors Gone?

By Mike Stone

What's the missing ingredient
in almost all of our lives? Mentors!

Boys are no longer taught how to be men, and girls are no longer taught how to be women. As a result, society has turned upside down.
I speak from personal experience. Growing up, nobody told me anything about money, about being a man, about women. It was years later before I began to figure life out on my own, and in some areas, I'm still struggling.

It would be easy to blame our mentor-less society on the two-income system we currently inhabit, in which both parents work and their children are raised by the state via daycare and the school system. While that is definitely a factor, it's not the entire answer.

As a child, I was never sent to daycare. My mother was a stay-at-home mom and yet she offered little to nothing in the way of mentorship.
When the kids came home from school, she was on the phone, complaining about her life and talking for hours about absolutely nothing.
At night, she sat in front of the boob tube with a stupid grin on her face, laughing at the stupidest sitcoms imaginable.

The senseless sitcom characters that my mother idolized were her mentors, and she hated the fact that her own life did not match theirs. This led to constant arguments and fights with my father, who retreated by hiding in his work. As children, we never saw him not working. The poor guy literally worked himself to death and died at age 48.

Needless to say, I found no mentors at home.

You would think that my childhood was an aberration, but most of my friends led similar lives. And school was no better. Looking back, I believe almost every teacher I had, from kindergarten to college, was a leftist. Certainly, every teacher I had in college was a leftist, more concerned with their paycheck, their pension, and their propaganda than anything else. I had no idea what leftism was in those days, or that it even existed, but I did recognize the anti-white agenda, as well as the obsession with sex, personal feelings, and radical feminism. As a result, I left college after only a year.

School provided no mentors in my life.

I was raised Catholic, and from what I've read, there were priests and nuns before Vatican II who taught the true Catholic faith and acted as mentors to the young people of their parishes. Not anymore. Once the church was infiltrated and overrun by communists, that all ended. Today, the so-called Catholic Church is a complete sham. It's a counterfeit church that no longer teaches the true Christian Faith and is presided over by a leftist antipope who epitomizes everything that's gone wrong in the world for the last fifty years.

I found no mentors who could help me in the counterfeit Catholic Church.

When a young man finds no mentors at home, at school, or at church, where else can he turn? Most young men look to sports and entertainment figures. I can't speak for sports, but I did work in the entertainment industry for several years, and I guarantee you that anyone looking to anyone in the entertainment industry to be mentors or role models has gone completely mad.

Almost every male that I met in the entertainment industry was either openly homo, a closet homo, or a sex addict. All but one were leftists. All but one were egomaniacs. All but one were lousy role models.

The women I met in the entertainment industry were even worse. They were all whores, on one level or another, whether they admit it or not. When I produced my first film, young women sent me half-naked pictures of themselves. The implication was clear. Today, those same women would scream, "Me too!"

I feel so bad for young women today who look to actresses, female pop stars, and female media figures to teach them about life. Women in the entertainment industry are among the most disgustingly perverse individuals on the planet. Some of them aren't even women. At least, they weren't born that way. It's no surprise that both women and men today are half out of their minds when you consider the absolute garbage Hollywood and the media feed them.

So where does that leave us? Very few parents are acting as positive mentors and role models for their children. The education system is a complete joke and causing more harm than good. The Church is now a counterfeit church that no longer practices the Catholic faith. What passes for pop culture and "art" in today's society is complete garbage, and the people responsible for that garbage are the worst role models imaginable.

The only answer I can see is it's up to us.

We're going to have to become the mentors and role models for the children and young people in our lives because no one else is doing it. And we all have children in our lives.

Practical steps include practicing the true Catholic faith (www.MostHolyFamilyMonastery.com) and encouraging young people to do the same, turning off the boob tube and educating our young on what complete garbage it is, boycotting everything coming out of Hollywood and the music industry, homeschooling children and encouraging others to do the same, and most of all, becoming true role models ourselves.

Imagine how much better life would be if we'd only had positive mentors in our lives. We can be those same mentors to young people today.


Good article. His main point is true; each individual adult should focus on improving their own small part of the world and leading by example to both children and adults around them.

Illegal immigrant kills cops and shows no remorse. The article still refers to this POS as an undocumented immigrant.

The fact is I wish more of these pukes would plead guilty with such shamelessness in our courts, with sentence passed and execution carried out immediately.

Of course, in our ussa kangaroo/bleeding heart Leftist court system more hell-bent than ever to destroy Western Civilization, he'll be at best on death row til he stops breathing at tax-payers' expense. And yes, while he's there he'll be getting a great medical/dental/College degree package of freebies all the while with nary a peep from the paying populace of that once great state I lived in. The Golden State on the whole just keeps voting back in Feinstein, Brown, Boxer, and the like.
The UK appoints a "Loneliness Minister" to combat 'sad reality of modern day life'.

What did they think was going to happen after four decades of State propaganda sowing division between men and women to the point of distrust and hatred? Divide the native-born citizens until they become completely atomized, then conquer them by making them reliant on the State for everything since they have no one else to rely upon.
The UK appoints a "Loneliness Minister" to combat 'sad reality of modern day life'.

What did they think was going to happen after four decades of State propaganda sowing division between men and women to the point of distrust and hatred? Divide the native-born citizens until they become completely atomized, then conquer them by making them reliant on the State for everything since they have no one else to rely upon.

And the intentional destruction of religion is a big part of it also.
American Freedom News