
Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
This Reddit group is shaking Wall Street and the oligarchy's financial system to the core. Now they're targeting silver:

"Everyone Is Afraid Ahead Of The Open" - Reddit-Raiders Spark Nationwide Physical Silver Shortage

This is part of the ongoing populist revolt. If the oligarchy thought they had finished it off when Trump left the White House they're wrong. Death by a thousand cuts is the only feasible strategy to pursue, and small, hard to smother battlegrounds like this one will continue to pop up. . .

Another article:

The Stock Market, Fatally Wounded by the Truth, Will Stumble and Crash

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This Reddit group is shaking Wall Street and the oligarchy's financial system to the core. Now they're targeting silver:

"Everyone Is Afraid Ahead Of The Open" - Reddit-Raiders Spark Nationwide Physical Silver Shortage

This is part of the ongoing populist revolt. If the oligarchy thought they had finished it off when Trump left the White House they're wrong. Death by a thousand cuts is the only feasible strategy to pursue, and small, hard to smother battlegrounds like this one will continue to pop up. . .

Another article:

The Stock Market, Fatally Wounded by the Truth, Will Stumble and Crash

Gamestop was bought regardless of the fundamentals and has gone from a small cap to a Fortune 500 price range and Hedge Funds have lost billions try to short this bubble. Quite a bit of the profits have been given back and some mom and pop investors will get destroyed similar to Bitcoins various bubble pops over the years.

Why some hedge fund managers haven't done jail time for manipulating commodities and stocks over the years is a mystery to me. The SEC fining to jailing some of these a holes would set a message loud and clear about tanking sectors of the economy.
Gotta love it. Elites getting mad at the little guy for using the same tactics they've always done to manipulate the markets
I've always been dumb when it comes to understanding "shorts" and "longs" and the strategies involved, but all the articles during the past week about the populist uprising taking place has finally turned on the light bulb, at least a little bit.
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If anyone has a bit of money to throw around, I’d get some silver coins. For first timers, it’s as easy as bidding on EBay. If stocks are more your thing, look to SLV or AG (First Majestic Silver). There is a lot of momentum behind this and it’s almost guaranteed that the price is going up this week. Beyond that it’s hard to say but the upside is there for it to really break out and set all time highs.
If anyone has a bit of money to throw around, I’d get some silver coins. For first timers, it’s as easy as bidding on EBay. If stocks are more your thing, look to SLV or AG (First Majestic Silver). There is a lot of momentum behind this and it’s almost guaranteed that the price is going up this week. Beyond that it’s hard to say but the upside is there for it to really break out and set all time highs.
Funny you say this I had friend settle a small debt with a payment in silver coins a while back and have maybe 100 and something US worth of silver but I never was really into the precious metal because of the lack of preciousness.

I recall a funny scene on Pawn Stars where a customer brought 100K in old junk silver(non rare or high grade coins) and he needed to bring it on a dolly and could have had an armed guard escort. If it was in gold it would have been maybe a book bags worth for 100K

PS we talked about this before on another thread but silver has had recent history of being bet on before and it blew up in the face of one of the Hunt brothers(yes a brother of Lamar). He lost millions and paid fines and might have done time for his robber baron manipulation of the silver market.
Never trust any narrative that the mainstream media doesn't bother fighting against.
If they say "The little guys stuck it to the rich elite", then don't believe it. Something else must have been going on.

I haven't looked into Gamestop yet, but this AMC portion stinks like Moochelle Obongo's bicycle seat.
Who actually profited from the runup on AMC? I'll give you two names:
1. Hollywood. That one is obvious. They need theaters to still exist and AMC was definitely in danger of disappearing forever, which would have dominoed rapidly.
2. Silver Lake Partners. A private equity fund. They made a huge investment in AMC in 2018. These recent events allowed them to dump their worthless stocks for cash and solidify AMC's financials for at least the rest of the year. Why does that matter? Because Silver Lake Partners was founded and run by the sleaziest of Deep State slimeballs. Clintonites, Zuckerbugs, people with close ties to our phony government.

Keep your eyes open
If Putin sends his army into Ukraine proper expect gold to break through the 2k US barrier and plant a flag above this level for as long as the fighting ensues, silver like a kid brother will tag along and probably break the recent high of 28 US too.

Precious metal speculation tends to occur during war time uncertainty.

PS, Russian tanks have crossed the Ukrainian border and gold as of 6am EST is now up 70 US on this news and silver is up a shade over 50 cents.

PS2 Call me shocked but as of 8pm gold gave back all it's gains and is now roughly level with the late evening quotes anticipating the tanks rolling in from the breakaway sections of Ukraine. Silver did the same retreat. Obviously profit taking happened on both metals.
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Gold still can’t crack 2k a couple months later.

Utterly bizarre. Crypto has deflated and so have stocks and bonds and gold has barely moved .

I guess you could argue it’s not manipulated but the reality is the government doesn’t want you competing with their fiat currency and so I think it has some very limited upside
Gold still can’t crack 2k a couple months later.

Utterly bizarre. Crypto has deflated and so have stocks and bonds and gold has barely moved .

I guess you could argue it’s not manipulated but the reality is the government doesn’t want you competing with their fiat currency and so I think it has some very limited upside
It did crack 2k but quickly retreated to 1900 and change since then it's further eroded to pre war levels of 1800 and change. Silver retreated from 24 and change to 21 and change.

Crypto currencies are bombing and the bubble has burst on these mythical forms of payment. The media has stories of people losing 100's of thousands of money again like the last bubble that burst few years ago.

The Led Zepplin song The Song Remains the Same comes to mind about crypto currencies...
This is probably a stupid question but I know next to nothing about economics past the high school level.

If the value of fiat currency goes down, then it seems like the crypto-to-fiat exchange rate go up, not down, right? Using bitcoin as an example, the exchange rate is the value of 1 bitcoin divided by the value of 1 dollar, and if you decrease the denominator of a fraction, then the fraction increases in size. What am I missing here?
This is probably a stupid question but I know next to nothing about economics past the high school level.

If the value of fiat currency goes down, then it seems like the crypto-to-fiat exchange rate go up, not down, right? Using bitcoin as an example, the exchange rate is the value of 1 bitcoin divided by the value of 1 dollar, and if you decrease the denominator of a fraction, then the fraction increases in size. What am I missing here?
It would if the crypto currency was stable but the swings are enormous and at the moment all of the major currencies resemble this scene from American Vacation...
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Crypto has largely functioned as a way to absorb excess fiat in the last few years.

the fact that crypto is challenging to use as an actual medium of exchange in real life is I think it’s biggest issue. That and of course the fact that if the governments want to outlaw it, they can.
I'm keeping my eye on Bitcoin. I want to get in on it as it drops. I think it will go back up again. From what I hear alot of the reason it is dropping it because people took out loans to invest in it and now are panicking because they don't have money to pay back the loans plus interest. BTC is the most stable of all the cryptos.
I'm keeping my eye on Bitcoin. I want to get in on it as it drops. I think it will go back up again. From what I hear alot of the reason it is dropping it because people took out loans to invest in it and now are panicking because they don't have money to pay back the loans plus interest. BTC is the most stable of all the cryptos.
I have a relative who bought a full coin on the 20k US plunge to 3k but he sold in the rebound to 17K US and never was involved with the 60K US run up. He too is thinking on buying the plunge but it's hard to figure out the bottom. It could well be like the previous roller coaster theme from American Vacation.
The thing about putting money in something like that is that it’s supposed to be stable money yet it’s volatility is many times that of fiat currency.

im Not saying don’t play it but I think if you do allocate funds there it better be money you are fully prepared to lose (like the money you take to Vegas)
The thing about putting money in something like that is that it’s supposed to be stable money yet it’s volatility is many times that of fiat currency.

im Not saying don’t play it but I think if you do allocate funds there it better be money you are fully prepared to lose (like the money you take to Vegas)
Crypto might be teetering on another free fall as a guru who was called the boy genius of crypto is now viewed as the "Uncle Bernie" of a crypto Ponzi scheme and has reportedly "lost billions" into the nether world of the web.

Bankman-Fried should be up on security fraud charges at some point but as of today he has only had his material possessions seized and the few remaining banking assets frozen.

On a funny side note his girlfriend seems to have an over active imagination and real foul texting fingers....https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar...riend-wrote-polyamorous-said-crypto-scam.html
Crypto might be teetering on another free fall as a guru who was called the boy genius of crypto is now viewed as the "Uncle Bernie" of a crypto Ponzi scheme and has reportedly "lost billions" into the nether world of the web.

Bankman-Fried should be up on security fraud charges at some point but as of today he has only had his material possessions seized and the few remaining banking assets frozen.

On a funny side note his girlfriend seems to have an over active imagination and real foul texting fingers....https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar...riend-wrote-polyamorous-said-crypto-scam.html

He is in big with everyone in Washington D.C. all the way to guys in the W.E.F. He will have fake punishment. They are all laughing
and mocking at all the dumb people who's money they stole. So sad but crypto means hidden meaning and hidden message. The majority
of this crypto currencies will crash. They have almost 20,000 of them. Expect it to drop to under 100 within a year. The cryptos are mostly for
the robots, drones and the A.I. to pay each other as they put humans out of work and replace us with machines. You've been warned guys.
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If you can’t use it as a medium of exchange it’s pointless. Arguably you can’t do that with gold either except in gold you can easily redeem for dollars.

Arguably the whole crypto explosion was just a way to soak up a lot of the excess money printing of the last few years

Mission accomplished
If you can’t use it as a medium of exchange it’s pointless. Arguably you can’t do that with gold either except in gold you can easily redeem for dollars.

Arguably the whole crypto explosion was just a way to soak up a lot of the excess money printing of the last few years

Mission accomplished

They do have goldbacks which 3 states have legalized now. Would like to see all 50 states go this way in the future. Even silverbacks would
be nice. For those wondering goldbacks looks like money but it's made out of super, super thin gold. It comes in different denomonations
just like cash. My state I live in doesn't have it but I'm hoping some day. Many states have laws where you can spend silver or gold but you
have to check the laws of your state.
If Bitcoin keeps dropping, I'll add on the way down.
They do have goldbacks which 3 states have legalized now. Would like to see all 50 states go this way in the future. Even silverbacks would
be nice. For those wondering goldbacks looks like money but it's made out of super, super thin gold. It comes in different denomonations
just like cash. My state I live in doesn't have it but I'm hoping some day. Many states have laws where you can spend silver or gold but you
have to check the laws of your state.

The first bank notes were essentially this as they were notes that were backed by silver or gold and stated so on the bills. If you can find the occasional older note from the early 20th century and you will see it written on the bill. The problem is most collectors recognize this and pull them from circulation.
The first bank notes were essentially this as they were notes that were backed by silver or gold and stated so on the bills. If you can find the occasional older note from the early 20th century and you will see it written on the bill. The problem is most collectors recognize this and pull them from circulation.
No I know that. I 'm talking about new goldback currency actually printed from gold! Only legal to spend in 3 states currently.

The first bank notes were essentially this as they were notes that were backed by silver or gold and stated so on the bills. If you can find the occasional older note from the early 20th century and you will see it written on the bill. The problem is most collectors recognize this and pull them from circulation.
I bet it's been at least 40 years since the last one was found in circulation. Your chances of finding one are about the same as getting a 1909-S VDB cent in change.
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