
I bet it's been at least 40 years since the last one was found in circulation. Your chances of finding one are about the same as getting a 1909-S VDB cent in change.
I think I had a 1 dollar bill years ago and spent it but I could be wrong on that as I could be confusing with an old store certificate bill which became pseudo currency in Canada.

I think it's "possible" to find a one dollar bill anything higher than that is near impossible as print runs were lower and the money was pulled from circulation more than one dollar bills. I haven't crossed the border since the pandemic but living near the border when I crossed the border and broke a larger bill I was shocked at how many beat to hell singles were in circulation. I recall getting one and a Canadian bank refused to take the bill.

I know this you could never find a high grade 1 dollar bill unless a near blind senior spent it or something.
U.S. currency said "U.S. Treasury Note" or something like that until it was changed to the current "Federal Reserve Note," around 1963, which meant it could be exchanged for gold. A very few of those are still found occasionally, but good luck trying to exhange it for gold!

Then in '65 silver was removed from U.S. coinage except for a few more years of 40% silver half dollars. Probably not a coincidence that both negative changes happened right after the JFK assassination. Then Nixon removed the U.S. from the gold standard in '71, which set off out of control fiat deficit spending that previously was unfathomable.
Crypto might be teetering on another free fall as a guru who was called the boy genius of crypto is now viewed as the "Uncle Bernie" of a crypto Ponzi scheme and has reportedly "lost billions" into the nether world of the web.

Bankman-Fried should be up on security fraud charges at some point but as of today he has only had his material possessions seized and the few remaining banking assets frozen.

On a funny side note his girlfriend seems to have an over active imagination and real foul texting fingers....https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar...riend-wrote-polyamorous-said-crypto-scam.html

Well little lord Ponzi is cooling it in a Bahamian jail until he is extradited to the United States and faces a slew of securities charges. I can't see him wriggling out of this one. He better have a rainy day fund to dole out to prison sharks or he could get used like toilet paper in federal prison. If his girlfriend is charged with securities fraud too she would probably enjoy communal showers judging by her alleged texts about orgies...
I hope so. But, call me skeptical. This guy reminds me of fictional characters such as Bernie “Madoff” and Jeffrey Epstein Island. We are just fed so much absolute ******** in these international media scandals. Actually, by the time I finished this post I concluded this entire story is poppycock. However, real people lost real money on FTX.
It’s easy to believe that most of what the media says is false because it’s been so well proven the last few years.

Whether or not this clown ends up in jail though is an open question even though he should.

The more interesting thing to me is that if you look at his family and their connections this whole thing seems conspiratorial (see all roads lead to Ukraine - Dave Callum). It would be great to see the other hanger ons brought low. Gensler, etc.
It’s easy to believe that most of what the media says is false because it’s been so well proven the last few years.

Whether or not this clown ends up in jail though is an open question even though he should.

The more interesting thing to me is that if you look at his family and their connections this whole thing seems conspiratorial (see all roads lead to Ukraine - Dave Callum). It would be great to see the other hanger ons brought low. Gensler, etc.
His girlfriend is rolling over on him. It seems like her rape fantasies didn't extend to her hide but underlings. Who would have thought nightmares of getting slapped around by MS 13 bull dyke types snapped her into reality. ..https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar...FTX-founder-plead-GUILTY-federal-charges.html
Where did his parents get 250 million to post his bond ?
They are Uber wealthy but in addition there is a huge amount of money that has gone missing and will likely never be accounted for. Keep in mind the pentagon can lose a trillion with a T and yet it goes unnoticed
They are Uber wealthy but in addition there is a huge amount of money that has gone missing and will likely never be accounted for. Keep in mind the pentagon can lose a trillion with a T and yet it goes unnoticed
From what I remember reading a few weeks ago both his parents are college professors. Something stinks here kind of like where does the alleged 18 year old Ulvalde shooter get 8,000 dollars in guns, bullets and a vest when he never had a job.
College professors perhaps but with ties to all of the right Uber wealthy left wingers. I think his dad actually did something on the street before becoming a professor.

Point is, there is definitely something smelly here, and not only here but lots of places. Be nice if they threw this tool into gen pop at a federal pen but that would probably be too just.

He will be buying his way out in some way for sure
American Freedom News