Vick smuggling dope?

PitBull I think your annaylis is wrong. The fact that Marijuana and prostitution are illegal in the United States causes the prices to go way up for engaging in these two "indecencies" and puts it in the hands of the criminals.

A man who solicits prositution in the United States and gets caught will lose his career and spend time in jail. If there was wide access to prostitution a man could selectivly pick a good time to keep it "hush hush." He wouldn't have to go all the way to Vegas which will hit his pockets hard and also make it more likely to be found out by your spouse etc. Because of this, crimes are committed to cover it up.

In fact the fact that minor indecencies like these are illegal is a big reason for the high crime rate in the United States. It's a known fact that at least 80 million Americans have tried Marijuana. So why criminalize a behavior that is so common. Many politicians have even admitted using it after Clinton's famous political blunder "I smoked but did not inhale." As far as prostitution; regulating it by making sure condoms are used and that the hookers are tested would make it safer for the prositute and also for the buyer.

Legalize them regulate them and tax them. It is different than legalizing things like Heroin or LSD. With the hardcore drugs, give better access for treatment for addictions and go hard after the dealers. With Marijuana legal and tax money coming in, the U.S would have more resources to go after the dealers of the truely dangerous drugs like Crystal Meth, Heroin, PCP etc. that are more likely to cause violence.

I also presume that many men in the United States who have no sex life become sexually frusterated. I presume a small number of these men are the ones that commit sex crimes and would be less likely to do so if prostitution were legal and they had an outlet other than looking at the Paris Hilton Sex Tape for the hundreth time.

I am all for legalizing these two. People over moralize them. Marijuana probably destroys less lives then alcohol. It is not physically addicting the way alcohol can be. It is easier to grow out of a pot-head phase that many partying youths go through then to grow out of being an alcoholic. And getting can't stand up/black out drunk everyday of your life like some alcholics do does less damage than getting stoned every night IMO anyways. Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
A colossal embarrassment for the caste system. In fact there have been many of them this year.

We've seen Adam Jones and/ or his entourage shoot up a strip joint resulting in a man being paralyzed.

We've seen no less than 10, count them 10, Cincinnati Bengals be arrested for various offenses.

We've seen the Miami Dolphins, in perhaps the greatest caste system motivated screw-up in history, lavish a huge contract on Daunte Culpepper while shunning Drew Brees only to see their investment blow-up in their collective face. Meanwhile Brees is literally lighting it up. While we're on the subject wasn't that Vick fella picked ahead of Brees in the draft because of his tremendous "upside?"

I'm quite sure I'm forgetting several incidents but with so many it's hard to keep up with them all.

Anyway, the silence from PETA on this one is deafening.Love it when libs are forced to turn on one of their own.
Haha, wow, what can be said about this article? It's great news for all of us here, that's certain. Ever since this spoiled man-child has come into this already mediocre league, I've waited for the day the NFL's "new-era" of QB would finally fall from grace. You know you're a serious jerk-off when the jew media turns on a black QB who was supposed to revolutionize the position. I'm pretty positive he won't ever go to prison for these horrendous crimes...because he happens to be a black, moronic, professional athlete. However, I desperately hope they throw the world's most overrated player (in any sport, in any country) in jail with all his buddies. I hate you Mike Vick, have a nice life! It seems as though Joe Thiessman is going to have tons of time to spend going out on dates in the near future, haha. Thank you GOD, this turd of a QB is finally out of the league....I guess we'll see though, right?
Two for the price of One today:
1) Michael Vick gets indicted
2) Daunte Culpeper gets the boot from Miami Dolphins

A perfect third? Pacman Jones admits administering steroid injections to Barry Bonds
ToughJ.Riggins said:
Legalize them regulate them and tax them.

What is it with everybody wanting to tax everything? Don't we pay enough in taxes? How about we legalize both and leave people to their business?
Don Wassall said:
This is a big story.  Following in the footsteps of previously Annointed One Kordell Stewart, Vick was already pretty much acknowledged as a failure as a quarterback, and now a bunch of off-field issues culminates in a federal indictment -- and for a crime that even the most self-loathing guilt-ridden white liberal won't defend.  It's worth repeating -- not only are the black athletes the system promotes as veritable secular gods often way over-rated on the field of play, they almost always screw up off the field as well.  The lengths the Cultural Marxists will go to to portray blacks as something they're not is funny and pathetic at the same time.

As a large segment of American blacks are hard-core racists who still pretend to believe in a "white supremacist" power structure in the U.S., this will only serve to further polarize racial tensions.  All to the good as far as I'm concerned.  Wake up Whitey! 

I just saw this story reported on Dan Abram's show on MSNBC. Abrams was visibly disgusted. Someone from ESPN came on and Abrams asked him what the NFL could do. "The Falcons could release him," he said.

As Don says, many blacks still believe "the white man is holding us down." It will be interesting to see how this plays out in the legal system.
If Vick is allowed to play next season, will the opposing teams be playing, "Who Let the Dogs Out?"
Bart said:
If Vick is allowed to play next season, will the opposing teams be playing,  "Who Let the Dogs Out?"

Simpson killed two people and got off becasue the victims were white. Jesus Vick is hoping some of the dogs were white as well... Too bad Johnny Cochran is dead. Messiah Vick could use him now. Perhaps Sharpton or Jackson will step up and defend this human piece of sh t.
What a great piece of news to wake up to this morning. The Falcons just have to release this guy and move on. I bet they regret getting rid of Matt Shaub now. So either they will go with Joey Harrington or go out and try to get Culpepper. It looks like Superman Vick's career is on life support now and it will be interesting to see what happens in the next couple of days when the GM and Owner of the Falcons arrive back in Atlanta from the safari in Africa they were vacationing at. They should just cut their losses and move on.
White Shogun said:
ToughJ.Riggins said:
Legalize them regulate them and tax them.

What is it with everybody wanting to tax everything? Don't we pay enough in taxes? How about we legalize both and leave people to their business?

They started taxing "bad foods" in britian already. It has gotten rediculous.

Does this absolutely screw the Falcons or what? They traded Schaub and they took a salary cap hit either way. I guess teams will start scrutinizing potential black players more before they sign huge multimillion dollar contracts in the future?

I believe we are seeing the end of overhyped black thugs playas in the NFL. Who agrees with me?
The entire legion of PC theocrats are circling the wagons on this one trying to find a compromise so as to not harm the left's coalition of angry white hating minorities and the sensitive minded effeminate whites. Even the Simpson case strained that coalition costing the rich Jews some mighty cake to patch it back together. PETA and the like exist so to make timid white girls useful to the political left, and it is gonna take some smooth talking to keep those girls submissive to lefty stupidity. As for the case it will be a fine and sentencing to a "sensitivity" coarse, mark my words.
"As for the case it will be a fine and sentencing to a "sensitivity" course, mark my words."

Oh, I'm POSITIVE that Michael Vick will NOT go to prison for these disgusting crimes. Honestly, did you hear what they did to the dogs that lost or failed to perform while fighting? Those heartless apes disposed of them by: electrocution, hanging, drowning, smashing them into the ground, and gunshots. What a pathetic excuse for a lifestyle.

Seriously, where the hell is PETA on this issue? If this were a white athlete, he would have been publicly crucified by PETA / the jew-media / and self-hating white people the second the allegations were made. Like was said before on this topic...I guess it's hard to turn on one of your own (assuming Vick is liberal).

I realize that this isn't exactly the absolute worst crime an athlete can commit
(OJ Simpson), but it's in the top 5. The first question is; why the hell would a multi-millionaire (from football, endorsements, never-ending hype, etc.) be involved in making petty cash, knowing that he may be arrested and lose everything? I guess "we" owe it to Michael Vick for the enslavement of black people 200 years ago, huh? We should just hand black people (and every minority) anything and everything for something (slavery) in which none of the parties involved have been alive for 100 years. This country is not worth fighting for; it's rapidly becoming a lost cause...
The media, Thrashen, is the enemy here. I used to think that about America. Guys like Ron Paul and the following he has been amassing have changed my mind.

The good fight to bring back an America that has morals and true unity is the greatest cause worth fighting for.

I am in the minority that thinks Vick will do jail time. The outcry from the people will be bad if they do not, especially given the nature of the crimes. It will be on the low end of the sentence in a minimum security prison, naturally. But he will do jail time, IMHO.
As I said PETA exists to make timid white girls useful. Think who really funds these and other clowns? The Sierra Club received 100 million from some rich jew on the condition it never mention immigration but sticks to show piece activism like saving Walden Pond and such for rock stars to have good photo ops. True story back in the late 80s I went to a trade show in Chicago but I stopped at a Mcdonalds on Michigan Ave for a cheap meal. The ragged PETA kids were out there hassling rich older white women about fur wearing but navel gazed when a black couple walked by decked out in mink. In this case Vick will issue an apology thru a lawyer, the PETA children will be told he is a victim as well, and Vick will continue to ruin a franchise.
This morning, all of Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick's corporate sponsors, Falcons CEO Arthur Blank, and NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell received a joint letter from hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons, civil rights leader The Rev. Al Sharpton, and PETA President Ingrid E. Newkirk roundly condemning dogfighting and other forms of violence.

"The recent media spotlight on dogfighting reminds us of society's callous disregard for the suffering of animals and disrespect for sentient beings," they wrote in letters that arrived by FedEx this morning. "We hope that Mr. Vick is not a product of this insensitivity that runs through our society. ... It does us little good to prosecute just those who are famous and allow people across the country to continue to commit these hideous crimes. We are hopeful that authorities will take the appropriate action against anyone found guilty of an atrocity as serious as dogfighting ... . Today, we sound a clarion call to all people: Stand up for what is right, and speak out against what is wrong. Dogfighting is unacceptable. Hurting animals for human pleasure or gain is despicable. Cruelty is just plain wrong."

The statement comes on the heels of Michael Vick's indictment by a federal grand jury on a conspiracy charge related to his alleged involvement with dogfighting, including fatally hanging, drowning, and slamming against the ground dogs who "did not perform well." The indictment follows an April 25 raid on Vick's property in Surry County, Va., during which authorities reportedly found 70 dogs--including at least 60 pit bulls, the breed that is most commonly used for fighting--and paraphernalia commonly associated with dogfighting. Some of the animals reportedly had deep wounds and cuts consistent with fighting.

The Simmons, Sharpton, and PETA letters went to all of Vick's corporate sponsors, including Nike, Rawlings, Hasbro, Coca-Cola, Easton Sports, and Kraft.

"Anyone capable of forcing dogs to fight to the death should be kept away from all vulnerable forms of life, particularly children and animals," says Newkirk. "Dogfighting is an illegal act that deserves harsh punishment, no matter how famous the alleged perpetrators are."

For more information, please visit PETA's Web site

The letter to Michael Vick's sponsors can be viewed at
Since Mike Vick electrocuted his dogs that underperformed, someone should electrocute him for his sub-par performance in Atlanta for the last 5 years
Lance Alworth said:
Since Mike Vick electrocuted his dogs that underperformed, someone should electrocute him for his sub-par performance in Atlanta for the last 5 years

Or smashed forcibly into the ground. How revolting.
I watched an interview on Fox today. One guy was from Sports Illustrated and I did not catch the others credentials. However, both felt that Vick would not go to jail and that this would not stop his career in football. The only thing they seemed to feel it would hurt is his ability to be a corporate pitch man. No more commercials because of this.

Jeez, aint life hard.
The NFL and the Falcons have just announced that Vick can continue to play. This is from USA Today. Nike is "reviewing the situation," about whether to drop Vick as a corporate sponsor. The Player's Union hopes that "Michael can prove his innocence."
He does have the right to trial. However, if the state has brought forth an indictment so fast it is pretty good evidence he is done for.

I'm still in the minor jail time camp.
I haven't read any of the articles, was he indicted by the feds or the state?
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