Vick smuggling dope?

Bart said:
I was surprised when tuning in Dan Patrick today, that he is suspicious about Vick's charges being dropped. He spent quite some time discussing the incident. Among other things, he said the security tape has already been erased or destroyed.

Yes, the worm has definitely turned on Mike Vick. Now that the media has abandoned him, expect Arthur Blank and the Falcons to follow suit, after an 'open competition' in training camp. Matt Schaub is a restricted free agent; there are going to be a number of teams willing to offer top dollar for his services, so the Falcons are going to find themselves in quite the quandry: match those offers dollar for dollar only to keep Schaub on the bench, or trade or bench the finger-throwing pot-smuggling can't run an offense Vick and name Matt Schaub the starter?

Unfortunately for Vick, he has done just enough to be able to justify his demotion with his off the field behavior, giving Blank and the Falcons plausible deniability that it is linked to his on the field performance, thereyby ensuring a decent return on any trade offers.

At least that's what I think will happen.
Lance Alworth said:
Lets hope it does, but unfortunately some other QB starved team will take a chance on this loser

Somehow, I get the feeling the Steelers new coach might be interested. Slash redux.
White Shogun said:
Lance Alworth said:
Lets hope it does, but unfortunately some other QB starved team will take a chance on this loser

Perfect fit he can wear the prison stripe silver and black with pride....
Edited by: white is right
White Shogun said:
Lance Alworth said:
Lets hope it does, but unfortunately some other QB starved team will take a chance on this loser


Nah, the Raiders will end up taking DuhMarcus in the draft. Why take a chance on a used up piece of crap, when you can get a fresh piece of crap instead
Edited by: Lance Alworth
Lance Alworth said:
White Shogun said:
Lance Alworth said:
Lets hope it does, but unfortunately some other QB starved team will take a chance on this loser


Nah, the Raiders will end up taking DuhMarcus in the draft. Why take a chance on a used up piece of crap, when you can get a fresh piece of crap instead

Yup, sorry Lance, but my man Brady is safe! Quinn and Martz, what a combo!

BTW, this is probably for a different thread, but what do you make of the Raiders having to look to an *assistant college* coach for their head coach? (After being turned down by a different college assistant!) Not trying to rub it in, but I am curious.
Warnipple said:
Lance Alworth said:
White Shogun said:
Lance Alworth said:
Lets hope it does, but unfortunately some other QB starved team will take a chance on this loser


Nah, the Raiders will end up taking DuhMarcus in the draft. Why take a chance on a used up piece of crap, when you can get a fresh piece of crap instead

Yup, sorry Lance, but my man Brady is safe! Quinn and Martz, what a combo!

BTW, this is probably for a different thread, but what do you make of the Raiders having to look to an *assistant college* coach for their head coach? (After being turned down by a different college assistant!) Not trying to rub it in, but I am curious.

eh, at least our new coach is white, isn't a retread and I DO believe that they did run a pro-style offense over at USC, so we might be ok in that regard. As much as I would love to have Quinn in the Silver and Black, I think its fitting that us, being the Raiders bring in a QB (JaMarcus) that had to be forced to go to class, is clearly in it for the money (he said so during a press conference), and has a really horrible sounding first name. It might just be enough to convince everyone (what we Raider fans already know) that Al Davis is a senile old man who has lost touch with the gameEdited by: Lance Alworth
Frame up? What a loser.

[url] vick0323c.html[/url]

Michael Vick said Thursday the hidden compartment in a water bottle he tried to take through Miami airport security contained jewelry. His account was disputed by the police department that investigated the Jan. 17 incident.

"I had earrings in it, and I had jewelry in it," Vick said of the 20-ounce Aquafina bottle, which was red-flagged at the security checkpoint because liquid containers of that size can't be carried through. "They took the bottle. I don't know what they did with the bottle. I guess they were trying to, I don't want to say frame me, but at the same time look at what I had to go through."

"That's the first we've heard of that," Detective Nelda Fonticella, spokeswoman for the Miami-Dade Police Department, said when asked if Vick was carrying jewelry in the bottle. "If he has any kind of problem with the way things were handled, then he needs to talk to internal affairs."

There is no mention of jewelry in the police report, the statements provided by both security agents involved, in the Florida state attorney's case memo or any of the other related documents obtained by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
lol michael vick is an idiot...that might be the dumbest escuse ive ever heard
I was watching the local news and one of Michael Vick's houses were raided in Surry County, Va. The reasons for the raid weren't made clear by police. Vick is the owner, but doesn't live there. However he may be charged since he is the owner.
Dog fights and drug trafficing, what more could Atlanta want for the face of their franchise? Here's another story about the world's greatest afflete fox sports
The dope thread has turned into the dog fight thread, so I will place this story here. Nothing concrete yet, but certainly lots of interesting information pointing to his involvement in dog fighting.

[url];_ylt=AiTwYesTM5CvROwPKW.L4f w5nYcB?slug=jc-vick051407&prov=yhoo&type=lgns [/url]

The lead investigator in the case of dog-fighting accusations against Atlanta quarterback Michael Vick said Monday that she believes there is substantial evidence to eventually tie Vick directly to the felony crime.

That evidence could eventually include videotapes of Vick at matches. Kathy Strouse, the Animal Control coordinator for the City of Chesapeake in Virginia, said Monday that she has received a tip from what is described as a "reliable source" that tapes of Vick exist that would tie him directly to the burgeoning scandal and a possible felony charge.

"We don't know where (the tapes) are or if they do indeed exist, but I have been told that they are out there," said Strouse, who is also affiliated with two other organizations involved in the welfare of animals. "Without knowing where they are, there's no possibility of getting a search warrant at this point."

Strouse said she has also talked with individuals who can "put Vick on that property" during matches. However, those individuals have been reluctant to testify at this point, leaving much of the evidence against Vick that has become public at this point as circumstantial.

... On Friday, NFL scout, one-time Yahoo! Sports analyst and current FOX Sports Radio host Chris Landry took it a step further during an interview on 620 WDAE in Tampa, Fla. Landry said that Ray Buchanan, a former Atlanta defensive back, told him that Vick has been involved in dog fighting for years.

"(Buchanan) tells me that Michael has been into this dog fighting for so long that ... he not only knew about, he is behind all of it," Landry said. "He's paying for all of it ... Apparently, he's into it big time."

Buchanan strongly denied saying any of that when contacted by Yahoo! Sports on Monday.

"I have to talk to Chris about all of that because I didn't say anything like that at all," Buchanan said. "If I was going to say any of that, I would have said it myself on my own radio program. I don't know anything about Michael being involved in any of that and I would not snitch on a player if I did. I'm a player's mouthpiece."
This case will really test the mettle of new commisioner Roger Goodell. So far, Goodell has astonished me by actually having a backbone and he certainly seems to want to clean up the league's image by cracking down on its worst thugs. However, he appears to be the only hope for those of us who would like NFL players to abide by the same laws the rest of us have to. Sources are indicating that there is a plethora of solid evidence to link Vick directly to the dog-fighting nonsense, but it appears that the commonwealth attorney is reluctant, shockingly enough, to press charges against Vick. That is understandably frustrating police and animal control officials. If Goodell dares to suspend Vick for any real length of time, he will almost certainly incur the wrath of all the obnoxious jock-sniffers in the media. Will Goodell continue to show some real resolve? Let's hope so.
[url];_ylt=AohDrNe_JjJ8xmn3R34qmQ A5nYcB?slug=ap-vickinvestigation&prov=ap&type=lgns [/url]

Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick was at a dog fight in 2000 and is "one of the heavyweights" in the sport, ESPN reported.

The network Sunday cited a police informant whom a dog-fighting investigator called "extremely reliable."

"That's who bets a large dollar," the informant said on the show "Outside the Lines." "And they have the money to bet large money. As I'm talking about large money, 30 to 40 thousand, even higher. He's one of the heavyweights."

When asked how he knows Vick bets that amount, the informant said, "because I've seen it."

The informant said his dog beat Vick's dog in 2000, the year before Vick was chosen by the Falcons with the first overall pick in the NFL draft.

Investigator David Hunt said information from the informant has "resulted in the arrest of several individuals over the past few years, numerous search warrants, as well as convictions."
Too bad the Falcons jettisoned Schaub for this fool. Arthur Blank must be beside himself right now that his black messiah's career could possibly come to an end over this
Lance Alworth said:
Too bad the Falcons jettisoned Schaub for this fool. Arthur Blank must be beside himself right now that his black messiah's career could possibly come to an end over this

Screw the Falcons. They shafted Schaub. Atlanta should of used Ron Mexico like the Saints use Reggin Bush.
I used to find it very hard to root for a team with a black quarterback. Now that my team has drafted one, I really don't know where I stand. I hope for Russell's sake and the sake of the Raiders that he turns out like Donovan McNabb in that he's a (somewhat decent) leader on the field and hasn't had any problems off the field. My biggest fear is that on the field he will be Daunte Culpepper part deux (big arm, little brain) and off the field he will be Ron Mexico part deux (his escapades have been well documented in this thread)

Even though I was against the Raiders drafting Russell, I just hope he will be the former rather than the latter
Bart, That same article you quote above says that...
"Surry County (Va.) Commonwealth attorney Gerald Poindexter said May 25 he is confident charges will be brought in the investigation of a possible dog-fighting operation at a house then owned by Vick. Police raided the rural home April 25 as part of a drug investigation. They seized 66 dogs, 55 of them pit bulls, and equipment that could be associated with dog fighting".

Why would you have 55 pit bulls in your house?!;_ylt=Auxacc0OGPFUNG97TCPhCd 9DubYF?slug=ap-vickinvestigation&prov=ap&type=lgns

First three paragraphs.

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%"><T>
<TD ="yspsctnhdln">
<DIV ="title">Search warrant obtained, but not executed at Vick home</TD></TR>
<TD height=7><SPACER width="1" height="1" ="block"></TD></TR></T></T></TABLE>
<STYLE ="text/css">
td.yspwidearticlebody { font-size: 13.5px; }

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%"><T>
<TD ="yspwidearticle">By HANK KURZ Jr., Associated Press Writer
May 29, 2007

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) -- Authorities have a search warrant to look for as many as 30 dog carcasses on property owned by Michael Vick that is at the center of a dog fighting investigation. But the warrant has not been executed.

In a news release, Sheriff Harold D. Brown said the warrant issued May 23 has not been executed at the request of Brown and Surry County Commonwealth's Attorney Gerald G. Poindexter. The release did not say why the two officials leading the investigation into possible dog fighting on the 15-acre property made the request.

The warrant is based on investigator W.R. Brinkman being told by an informant that seven pit bulls were destroyed on the property in Surry County and buried in shallow graves two days before a drug raid on April 25. It cites "reliable sources" as saying that as many as 30 dogs are buried in various locations on the property, much of which is surrounded by a black fence and secluded behind a massive two-story brick home</TD></TR></T></TABLE>
The warrant has been made public but hasn't been served yet because they need to give Vick time to get rid of the carcasses. Duh.
Anyone know anything about dog fighting? Are the dog fights to the death? It seems incredibly cruel to watch such a spectacle.

However I personally don't think that this is an issue for the government. Pets are property. Vick bred or paid to breed the dogs and thus they are his to dispose of as he wishes. For instance if he bred hogs and wanted to hack them into pieces and fry them up no one would be wanting to bust him for his barbeque.

I think we give moral ground to the animal rights wackos when we pretend that there are some kind of differences between animals and that some animals have "rights". Else some day pigs will have rights too.

The issue of cruelty is spurious too as food animals are often killed in disgusting fashion. At least fighting dogs have a chance.

Years ago I knew a fella that bred and trained hunting dogs. It was his sole income and he supported his family on it. Occasionally he had a dog that would not hunt or was just horrible at obeying commands and getting the birds.

Whenever he had one like this he would kill it. Just take out his gun and put a bullet in it's head. I was shocked but he told me that if he let the dog live he couldn't justify keeping it and feeding it, if he gave or sold it someone would try to hunt with it and word would get out that he had bred some bad dogs which could put him out of business. I understand this was (or is) fairly standard in his business but maybe times have changed.

This doesn't change the moral issue of whether or not Vick is an a$$hole for fighting dogs but I don't think it's a legal issue. Of course Corporation USA feels differently and Vick is going to be in mucho hot water now.
I think the issue for me is they wouldn't cut any white person any slack for fighting dogs. Dog fighting is part of their 'culture.' The authorities don't want to make a scene singling out a black icon for prosecution for this kind of crime. I'm not sure if it qualifies as animal cruelty in the same way that say a person beating a dog, or torturing one, constitutes animal cruelty, but there are always stories in the news about people who get actual time behind bars for less than what the Vick crew has done.

Must be a real conundrum for the PC crowd when a protected minority harms a protected animal.
American Freedom News