Vick smuggling dope?

No harm, Bowen_Fan. I remember that we had a rough start when you first came to the board, but I've come to appreciate your positions on some things.
White Shogun said:
No harm, Bowen_Fan. I remember that we had a rough start when you first came to the board, but I've come to appreciate your positions on some things.

God help me for thinking some white players are ********.
Matt_Bowen_Fan said:
White Shogun said:
No harm, Bowen_Fan. I remember that we had a rough start when you first came to the board, but I've come to appreciate your positions on some things.

God help me for thinking some white players are ********.

I understand the contradictions but you fall into an animal rights trap when you say things like dogs are higher on the evolutionary scale then rats. What evolutionary scale is that? Got a copy of it? If you are talking intelligence or something like that then I believe pigs are smarter then dogs so should it be considered inhumane to kill pigs too? Of course not. It's all about personal preference and I wish people would label it so instead of making up rationalizations about it.

Why care about a puppy? They put those animals to sleep all of the time, millions every year, this guy feeds one to a snake and you get your panties in a wad. What selective BS. What business is it of yours what a man does with his property? How does it effect your life one whit? What about the cost of imprisioning the guy, the court costs, the other social cost imposed on ME the taxpayer by treating this as a prosecutorial offense?

They just released a bunch of violent felons from jail in my area because of overcrowding, overcrowding caused by people that think everyone that does something that they don't like should be put in prison.
jaxvid said:
I understand the contradictions but you fall into an animal rights trap when you say things like dogs are higher on the evolutionary scale then rats. What evolutionary scale is that? Got a copy of it? If you are talking intelligence or something like that then I believe pigs are smarter then dogs so should it be considered inhumane to kill pigs too? Of course not. It's all about personal preference and I wish people would label it so instead of making up rationalizations about it.

Not talking to me, because I never said anything about the evolutionary scale. I merely said things weren't fair. More people like cats and dogs, and people eat pork. So, pork's on the menu.

Why care about a puppy? They put those animals to sleep all of the time, millions every year, this guy feeds one to a snake and you get your panties in a wad. What selective BS. What business is it of yours what a man does with his property? How does it effect your life one whit? What about the cost of imprisioning the guy, the court costs, the other social cost imposed on ME the taxpayer by treating this as a prosecutorial offense?

Society has made its preferences known. I don't think its against the law, though.

They just released a bunch of violent felons from jail in my area because of overcrowding, overcrowding caused by people that think everyone that does something that they don't like should be put in prison.

Nope, as I'm for reducing the unwanted animal population via euthanasia.
Matt_Bowen_Fan said:
jaxvid said:
They just released a bunch of violent felons from jail in my area because of overcrowding, overcrowding caused by people that think everyone that does something that they don't like should be put in prison.

Nope, as I'm for reducing the unwanted animal population via euthanasia.

Add me in for reducing the unwanted criminal population via euthanasia as well.
Even more, decriminalise drugs. Thats the bulk the bulk of non-violent offenders in recent decades. I want that tax money.

But again,(Puritan) society has spoken.
Matt_Bowen_Fan said:
Even more, decriminalise drugs. Thats the bulk the bulk of non-violent offenders in recent decades. I want that tax money.

But again,(Puritan) society has spoken.

I'm with you on that, but without the tax part. I'm not sure how I feel about sin taxes, although in general I'm not in favor of taxing or regulating behavior that is not an imminent threat to other people.
If they wanted to put a tax on cigarettes and alcohol, I would be all for it. It would be a tax for stupid people and in turn would lower the taxes that I pay.
They already tax cigs and alcohol in most parts of the country, but AFAIK, there isn't a national one.

I'm not looking for a sin tax, but 5% seems reasonable to me.
Two things to consider,

The US criminalizes whole classes of recreational drugs because of the
congressional act that created the FDA. Before the FDA, all kinds of
"remedies' were offered for curing health problems, most had no medical
merit, some killed people, and more were laced with addictive drugs to
keep the customers coming back. The FDA was set up to test the medical
efficacy and safety of medicinal drugs in the interest of the public's
general health. I don't see how you can legalize any and all recreational
drugs and keep untested medical remedies off the (black) market as well.
After all, many recreational drugs are highly addictive and are lethal in
overdose. People can talk all they want to about the failings of the FDA,
but I think they have done a pretty good job over the years.

Also, many of those so-called "non-violent" drug offenders are members
of street gangs who just happened to be busted for dealing, carrying
large amounts of dope, or using dope. The cops focus on these criminals
rather than suburban users generally because the gangsters also engage
in a lot of other organized and violent crime. By putting them away on
simple drug charges, they also reduce the amount of other violent crime
these guys would be engaging in.

Let's face it, lots of blacks and hispanics engage in street crime, including
drug selling and gangs. Its the only high profit activity open to high
school dropouts. Hence, the competition and the violence for territory
and sales.

Killing a lot of these violent guys with long, long sentences and making
prison into an unendurable hell would go a long way to solving the
problem.Edited by: PitBull
Lance Alworth said:
If they wanted to put a tax on cigarettes and alcohol, I would be all for it. It would be a tax for stupid people and in turn would lower the taxes that I pay.


When do they ever lower taxes just because they tax something else? Do you know how much a pack of cigarettes cost? It's almost impossible to get taxes lowered once they're raised.

Everyone always thinks it's either / or, but it rarely ever is. It's usually both.

Are you in favor of a burger tax? Twinkie tax? Soda? How bout a tax on motorcycles? Cars that go faster than 70 mph? How about a tax on pre-marital sex? Or extra tax on condoms? A tax on known homosexuals? There are any number of stupid behaviors that people engage in, should we tax them all? Who determines the stupid threshold for extra taxation?
PitBull said:
Two things to consider,

The US criminalizes whole classes of recreational drugs because of the
congressional act that created the FDA. Before the FDA, all kinds of
"remedies' were offered for curing health problems, most had no medical
merit, some killed people, and more were laced with addictive drugs to
keep the customers coming back. The FDA was set up to test the medical
efficacy and safety of medicinal drugs in the interest of the public's
general health. I don't see how you can legalize any and all recreational
drugs and keep untested medical remedies off the (black) market as well.
After all, many recreational drugs are highly addictive and are lethal in
overdose. People can talk all they want to about the failings of the FDA,
but I think they have done a pretty good job over the years.

I don't blame the FDA, I blame the long-failed 'war on drugs'. it also takes away the rebel and romantic status that illegal drugs have.

Also, many of those so-called "non-violent" drug offenders are members
of street gangs who just happened to be busted for dealing, carrying
large amounts of dope, or using dope. The cops focus on these criminals
rather than suburban users generally because the gangsters also engage
in a lot of other organized and violent crime. By putting them away on
simple drug charges, they also reduce the amount of other violent crime
these guys would be engaging in.

It also puts away the recreational users, of whom the vast majority of drug users are. Look at a guy with a drink in his hand and you don't see a wino, do you? But someone smoking a joint does? A lot of people used coke recreationally for decades, to say nothing of the '80s. I don't think many of them are junkies.

Let's face it, lots of blacks and hispanics engage in street crime, including
drug selling and gangs. Its the only high profit activity open to high
school dropouts. Hence, the competition and the violence for territory
and sales.

Or take away the high profits by having the government as the seller. Two of my cousins in a mostly black county were involved in drug dealing. Why? Its easier to get money to get high when you're dealing.

Killing a lot of these violent guys with long, long sentences and making
prison into an unendurable hell would go a long way to solving the

A bullet to the brain would be cheaper, if thats your answer. I'm not paying for guards after he's convicted. What about all the mistakes and overturned convictions we keep hearing about? I'm not a fan of draconian punishment from the start, but the repeat offenders need it. Edited by: Matt_Bowen_Fan
i dissagree that those dealers engage in violent crimes. of course there are some that do but most likely those people have been committing crimes before selling drugs. people that do that are predisposed to those kinds of things as it is, selling drugs for them is just a way to make a quick buck. it also depends on where you live. certain states punish way hard for just the smallest misdemeanour. for example in Pasadena it is illegal for a secretary to be alone in a room with her boss. i can only imagine what their drug laws are. in some states you can get arrested and taken to court for having the smallest amount of any drug.
In a way, it's still relevant as the original topic was about Vick smuggling dope. Should he be prosecuted or not?

Getting back to the value of dogs. Here in NJ dog owners are required to register their dogs and all dogs must have a dog tag with the owners name and address on it. Your dog must recieve his shots yearly or you will get fined if caught. If you want to have the dog put down you must provide a legitimate reason to the vet for doing so. Killing your own dog is a crime, I just don't know the punishment for doing it.

Using your dog to feed your snake does not justify the fact that you did kill your dog.

I have a feeling that randomly killing any animal, even a rat, is a crime. Someone in NY city was poisoning pigeons and the police set up a sting operation to stop him.
White Shogun said:
In a way, it's still relevant as the original topic was about Vick smuggling dope. Should he be prosecuted or not?


As it's currently illegal, yes. Barring 'roids, if some athlete wants to smoke weed on his own time, that's his business.

What worries me more is what could have been in that false compartment.
InfamousOne said:
Nike to stick with Mike Vick? I smell a public relations disaster for Nike on the horizon.

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Just more proof that if you're black, you can literally get away with anything. Hell, OJ got away with murder so why should it surprise any of us when someone like Mike Vick gets way with dog fighting and smuggling dope. If he were white, he would have been crucified a long time ago
More details are merging about the Dog Fighting enterprise...

SURRY, Va. (July 6, 2007) -- A property owned by Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick was used as the "main staging area for housing and training the pit bulls involved" in an alleged dogfighting operation, according to court documents.

The papers, filed by federal authorities, give details for the first time about what authorities contend was a long-running dogfighting venture. Vick is not named in the documents.

Federal agents searched the property for a second time, using a backhoe to dig in an area about 10 feet wide by 20 feet wide. They finished their work at about 4:30 p.m. and declined to answer reporters' questions as they left.

The documents filed July 2 in U.S. District Court in Richmond and obtained four days later by The Associated Press contain the address of the Vick property that has been at the center of the investigation.

According to the documents, dog fights have been sponsored by "Bad Newz Kennels" at the property since at least 2002. For the events, participants and dogs traveled from South Carolina, North Carolina, Maryland, New York, Texas and other states.

Members of the venture also knowingly transported, delivered and received dogs for animal fighting, the documents state.

Fifty-four pit bulls were recovered from the property during searches in April, along with a "rape stand," used to hold dogs in place for mating; an electric treadmill modified for dogs; and a bloodied piece of carpeting, the documents said.

The documents said the fights usually occurred late at night or in the early morning and would last several hours. The winning dog would win from "100's up to 1,000's of dollars," and participants and spectators also bet on the dogfights.

Before fights, the participating dogs of the same sex would be weighed and bathed, according to the filings. Opposing dogs would be washed to remove any poison or narcotic placed on the dog's coat that could affect the other dog's performance. Sometimes participants would not feed a dog before the fight to "make it more hungry for the other dog," the documents said.

Fights would end when one dog died or with the surrender of the losing dog, which was sometimes put to death by drowning, strangulation, hanging, gun shot, electrocution or some other method, according to the documents. The property has an aboveground swimming pool, and investigators were seen looking into the pool during the second search.

During a June search of the property, investigators uncovered the graves of seven pit bulls that were killed by members of "Bad Newz Kennels" following sessions to test whether the dogs would be good fighters, the documents said.

Members of "Bad Newz Kennels" also sponsored and exhibited fights in other parts of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Maryland, New Jersey and other states, the filings said.

On Vick's Web site, he lists his birthplace as Newport News, Va., "a.k.a. BadNews."
i wonder what the league's next move is... and Falcons, terrified with having Harrington as their only real QB are probably on the phone to a "savior" Daunte right about now...
This is a big story. Following in the footsteps of previously Annointed One Kordell Stewart, Vick was already pretty much acknowledged as a failure as a quarterback, and now a bunch of off-field issues culminates in a federal indictment -- andfor a crime that even the most self-loathing guilt-ridden white liberal won't defend. It's worth repeating -- not only are the black athletes the system promotes as veritable secular gods often way over-rated on the field of play, they almost always screw up off the field as well.The lengths the Cultural Marxists will go to to portray blacks assomething they're not isfunny and pathetic at the same time.

As a large segment of American blacks are hard-core racists who still pretend to believe in a "white supremacist" power structure in the U.S., this will only serve to further polarize racial tensions. All to the good as far as I'm concerned. Wake up Whitey!
American Freedom News