USA Men's 22 Players Under New Coach Jurgen Klinsmann

8 non-whites is some hardcore anti-white team, i think that england has never had so many non-whites for example, amogst the white countries only france was this bad at one point, up to 10 blacks out of 11 at one point around 2008
but now it's between 8 and 6 whites depending on injuried players for france
Here is the 1994 USA team that inspired me to play:


Here is yesterday's starting lineup:


The demographic shift in US soccer has taken place much more rapidly than football, basketball, or baseball. Thirty years ago, professional soccer was no more of a sustainable lifestyle than that of the Olympic athletes who kept "real" jobs at Home Depot. The USA is not suddenly more black; if anything, we would expect a few extra Amerindian players to matriculate.

One of the hallmark explanations for black over-representation in sports is that the profession has greater appeal to the lower class. This is very convenient to align racial disparities: blacks are imprisoned, excel at sports, and score poorly on tests simply because they are poor, not because of any biological differences. Whites athletes with potential would, in theory, focus on the more reliable path of academics for future career success. Of course, this is simply a "blanket" canard to sweep racial divergences "under the rug".

Soccer is much more visible and popular now in the US, but it is not necessarily much more lucrative. Universities allow only ten scholarships to be divided across their rosters every year, meaning that you cannot expect to use it as a meal ticket for a degree. The MLS, whose players are more than 40% non-American, pays a minimum wage of $45k ($33k to rookies). There is no paparazzi for local players at any level. Why would the underclass chase this game over cycling, swimming, or stock car racing?

I have no simple answers, so I'll pose this question to Ronaldo:

Omar Gonzalez is an anchor baby with dual citizenship to Mexico. Johnson, Williams, Jones, and Chandler are mulatto bastards from US military bases in Europe. Altidore was at least conceived in the country by his non-English speaking parents (they met on a bus full of Haitian refugees leaving Ellis Island, or wherever the formalities of white race replacement are processed these days). Maurice Edu is the gift to our country from his Nigerian immigrant parents. I could be completely race-unconscious and still find nothing in common with this band of misfits.
And on yesterday's NSD (National Signing Day) regarding High School athletic scholarships, I scanned through many of the listings. For Soccer, almost all of the scholarships to Universities were for White or Latino players, but predominantly White players. Same with the female scholarships, but even for a greater percentage for White females.

Notice the striking contrasts between the men's and women's USA National Soccer teams. The women's entirely White, the men's mostly non-White. There's a ton of White male soccer talent in the US, just as there is for White females, yet only the White females are chosen from these US-born sources whereas the PTB ignore the US White male talent and pursue inferior non-White players that aren't even from the US.

Nope, no agenda there.
yes, when your women's national team and your men's national team have 2 very different racial make ups, it means that there's something going on, it means that there is affirmative action
it was the same with the french national team also, the women's national team was much whiter, almost all white actually a few years ago
Omar Gonzalez is an anchor baby with dual citizenship to Mexico. Johnson, Williams, Jones, and Chandler are mulatto bastards from US military bases in Europe. Altidore was at least conceived in the country by his non-English speaking parents (they met on a bus full of Haitian refugees leaving Ellis Island, or wherever the formalities of white race replacement are processed these days). Maurice Edu is the gift to our country from his Nigerian immigrant parents. I could be completely race-unconscious and still find nothing in common with this band of misfits.

You might want to threw in the fact that Tim Howard is the product of some retarded Hungarian (immigrant) mudshark and a black man. As is usually the case, of course, his "dad" left his little mudwrestler from Hungary soon after she whelped out a few fuzzy headed mulatto boys. Another story of a low IQ white whore, going through life single and indigent, after drinking the Kosher Kool-Aide and getting too cozy with blacks. I wonder if she was also severely beaten on a regular basis by her black prince, as that is usually another big part of a mudshark's sad existence, prior to becoming a "single mom"?

Also, I've seen Clint Dempsey's parents on TV and both appear to be white -- particularly his father. Nonetheless, outside of the heavy beard, Clint seems to have a Mexican look to him. When you consider he's from El Paso, my bet is quite a few DWF's probably see him as a non-white, probably Mexican?

I consider him white, but if you count him, that leaves how many whites starting yesterday -- two?

Glad this team is crashing and burning... in the faces of Sunil Gulati and two-percent-er Don Garber.
also, one of the white players in the picture of the starting line-up seems to be bradley, the son of the former coach
not a good sign in my opinion
I consider him white, but if you count him, that leaves how many whites starting yesterday -- two?

Dempsey is definitely white. The media narrative is that he developed his touch by playing around magical hispanics in Texas who imparted their superior skills onto him. Dempsey had a philo-black phase in his early twenties that culminated with an embarrassing rap video, but he has completely dropped that gimmick and now lives quietly with his wife and two kids. If you listen to him interview, he enunciates his words properly and speaks without any noticeable regional accent.

Geoff Cameron is the second white starter at center back, and his position is very much in flux. He is probably 50/50 with Omar Gonzales to stay on the field once Bocanegra (who I consider white) returns from injury.

Michael Bradley is the third white and probably has the purest set of Indo-Euro haplogenes. At age 25, he is a legitimate team leader and staple. What's funny though is that when his father was the head coach a few years ago, he was one of the marginal inclusions that would fall under scrutiny. Bradley is obviously better now with experience, but it's quite a turnaround considering that his two midfield teammates were not even in the player pool back then.

I did not know the details of Tim Howard's quintessentially-American upbringing save one funny anecdote. I am friends with a guy who starting keeper for his high school in northern NJ as a junior. Before tryouts started the next year, his coach takes him aside and tells him that some incoming superstar freshman was going to take his spot, and there really wasn't any way he could play his way into competition. The kid was already in the national team feeder system, it was a bit of a coup for a public high school to get him, and politics dictated that he play right away. My buddy quit the team, and the freshman was Tim Howard.

Anyway, Howard has some kind of autistic tic that up until recently kept him from volunteering for media interviews. He appears to have grown out of it, but I am guessing that was a big reason why Alex Ferguson sold him from Man United. He is still classifiable as mentally-handicapped. It speaks a lot to the state of the national team that he is one of the least-irksome guaranteed starters.

One name that hasn't been mentioned here is Landon Donovan. Donovan made the mistake of publicly contemplating retirement after declining a national team camp during the MLS offseason. Now, Klinsmann laughs at his name when it is mentioned by reporters. Donovan is getting older and admittedly is a bit of a fruit, but he will always be a top three field player when he is out there. The reigning theory is that Donovan will return soon, but the sub-plot will be how stubborn Klinsmann will be to invite him back (or how desperate, since this team is a disaster).
also, one of the white players in the picture of the starting line-up seems to be bradley, the son of the former coach
not a good sign in my opinion

Bradley starts for Rome now and is no worse than the fourth-rated American along with Howard, Dempsey, and Donovan. Not exactly Iniesta, but he is not even an option for Klinsmann to omit. And if he comes off with an injury, the replacements are all black. Not that the US doesn't have a handful of talented white holding mids, it's just that they aren't on the roster.
Bradley starts for Rome now and is no worse than the fourth-rated American along with Howard, Dempsey, and Donovan. Not exactly Iniesta, but he is not even an option for Klinsmann to omit. And if he comes off with an injury, the replacements are all black. Not that the US doesn't have a handful of talented white holding mids, it's just that they aren't on the roster.

i never saw him play except at the 2010 world cup, but i'm always suspicious when there are family ties like this
he can be better than the black bums who only play because of affirmative action (i'm pretty sure he is actually :grin:), but maybe other white players would have been even better
I think it's worse than MilanClass stated. I counted 8 (7 if you want to be generous and consider Omar Gonzalez White) non-Whites in the starting XI.

Tim Howard
Fabian Johnson
Omar Gonzalez*
Timothy Chandler
Jermaine Jones
Danny Williams
Eddie Johnson
Jozy Altidore

Despite this dark lineup, it was 2 Whites who played best in a game that Honduras thoroughly dominated. Clint Dempsey, who scored (seriously does anyone else ever score for this team anymore) and Michael Bradley. Even the White-loathing ESPN graded Dempsey and Bradley a 6 (out of 10) while all the various negros and mutts landed in the 3 to 5 range.

They had this to say about Timothy "Quasimodo" Chandler:
D Timothy Chandler, 3 – Looked like he was running in quicksand the entire afternoon, and was easily the weakest link in the back. Was beaten time and again by a succession of Honduran attackers, and didn’t offer up much going forward. Steve Cherundolo, your spot in the lineup is safe.

Well thank goodness they can see the obvious.

Despite what was obvious to even the ESPN writers, the DWFs still see things differently. Out of the 6 or 7 guys who deserve blame, they take the White guy to task, Sasha Kljestan. Let's not even mention he was playing out of position at winger when he's a center mid or that he came on as a 59th minute sub, no let's just pile on him.

"I could give a RATS A$$ how good Sacha Kljestan has been for his club team HE IS TERRIBLE!!! And should not be caught dead wearing a U.S. Men's National Team jersey unless he buys it at Dick's Sporting Goods like the rest of us!"

This was one of the top "liked" comments.

:frusty::frusty::frusty: The USMNT has become France under this embarrassment of a head coach.

My mistake. I didn't count Eddie Johnson as the 7th black player because I didn't even notice he was on the field. That's how completely useless he was. I think Omar Gonzalez is a white hispanic but that's a matter of personal opinion.

It's funny you say does anyone else score for the U.S. besides Dempsey (and Donovan of course). Let's take a look at the all time leading goal scorers in U.S. history.

Landon Donovan 49 goals
Eric Wynalda 34 goals
Clint Dempsey 31 goals
Brian McBride 30 goals
Joe-Max Moore 24 goals
Bruce Murray 21 goals

Not one black player in the top six. That's should be a pretty glaring statement right there.

The demographic shift in US soccer has taken place much more rapidly than football, basketball, or baseball. Thirty years ago, professional soccer was no more of a sustainable lifestyle than that of the Olympic athletes who kept "real" jobs at Home Depot. The USA is not suddenly more black; if anything, we would expect a few extra Amerindian players to matriculate.

One of the hallmark explanations for black over-representation in sports is that the profession has greater appeal to the lower class. This is very convenient to align racial disparities: blacks are imprisoned, excel at sports, and score poorly on tests simply because they are poor, not because of any biological differences. Whites athletes with potential would, in theory, focus on the more reliable path of academics for future career success. Of course, this is simply a "blanket" canard to sweep racial divergences "under the rug".

Soccer is much more visible and popular now in the US, but it is not necessarily much more lucrative. Universities allow only ten scholarships to be divided across their rosters every year, meaning that you cannot expect to use it as a meal ticket for a degree. The MLS, whose players are more than 40% non-American, pays a minimum wage of $45k ($33k to rookies). There is no paparazzi for local players at any level. Why would the underclass chase this game over cycling, swimming, or stock car racing?

I have no simple answers, so I'll pose this question to Ronaldo:

Omar Gonzalez is an anchor baby with dual citizenship to Mexico. Johnson, Williams, Jones, and Chandler are mulatto bastards from US military bases in Europe. Altidore was at least conceived in the country by his non-English speaking parents (they met on a bus full of Haitian refugees leaving Ellis Island, or wherever the formalities of white race replacement are processed these days). Maurice Edu is the gift to our country from his Nigerian immigrant parents. I could be completely race-unconscious and still find nothing in common with this band of misfits.

But this is the ultimate irony. American blacks don't even play soccer - for many reasons (the main one is that "Soccer is gay" or "too white European"). Go to any inner city ghetto or park and almost everyone is playing basketball or American football. You will never see you're average Jerome playing soccer. So then it begs the question, if the talent pool of blacks is so incredibly small: why are they the majority on the national team? Why are they even being selected at all?

It's not like France where every black plays soccer and there is a large pool of players to choose from. How can you justify picking so many blacks when they don't even play the sport? It's completely absurd

If yesterday's team wasn't black enough for the DWF overlords, don't forget the even more simian looking U.S. U-23 that attempted to qualify for the Olympic team. More great things to look forward to.

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But this is the ultimate irony. American blacks don't even play soccer - for many reasons (the main one is that "Soccer is gay" or "too white European"). Go to any inner city ghetto or park and almost everyone is playing basketball or American football. You will never see you're average Jerome playing soccer. So then it begs the question, if the talent pool of blacks is so incredibly small: why are they the majority on the national team? Why are they even being selected at all?

It's not like France where every black plays soccer and there is a large pool of players to choose from. How can you justify picking so many blacks when they don't even play the sport? It's completely absurd

yes, the idian guy who rules the soccer federation told it himself, he sayd that african americans weren't involved enough in the game
I'm currently watching the U.S under-20 qualifying match on Fox Soccer Channel and I'm absolutely shocked at what I see. Not a single black in the starting lineup! NOT ONE! And there's only one black on the bench. There's a few mestizos on the team but for the most part, the starting lineup is almost entirely white or hispanic. :smile: The team is displaying some impressive skill too while controlling possession.

The U.S. U-20 manager is Uruguayan-American, Tab Ramos who used to play for the U.S. National Team in the 90's. It takes a Uruguayan to figure out what many coaches before him could not. ;)
I'm currently watching the U.S under-20 qualifying match on Fox Soccer Channel and I'm absolutely shocked at what I see. Not a single black in the starting lineup! NOT ONE! And there's only one black on the bench. There's a few mestizos on the team but for the most part, the starting lineup is almost entirely white or hispanic. :smile: The team is displaying some impressive skill too while controlling possession.

The U.S. U-20 manager is Uruguayan-American, Tab Ramos who used to play for the U.S. National Team in the 90's. It takes a Uruguayan to figure out what many coaches before him could not. ;)

Meh, color me unimpressed. Nice that the lineup passes the eye test, but it's not particularly White or American.

USA: 1-Cody Cropper; 18-Eric Miller (2-Boyd Okwuonu, 46), 4-Caleb Stanko (capt.), 5-Shane O’Neill, 3-Juan Pablo Ocegueda; 6-Wil Trapp (9-Mario Rodriguez, 46), 15-Mikey Lopez; 8-Benji Joya, 10-Luis Gil, 17-Danny Garcia (11-Jerome Kiesewetter, 90+1); 7-Jose Villarreal
Substitutions Not Used: 12-Kendall McIntosh, 14-Javan Torre, 16-Dillon Serna, 19-Brandon Allen, 20-Daniel Cuevas, 22-Zack Steffen

Started first half: five whites and six hispanics
Started second half: four whites, five hispanics, one african, one 'blerman'
*Luis Gil is half-Mexican and could probably be categorized either way, I would guess he still checks the minority box on his job applications though

Tab Ramos isn't really going against the grain here. I grew up watching him play; to my unsophisticated eye, he was very good. He's lived in affluent, lily-white NJ suburbs for the past twenty years. In other words, his family doesn't live around the likes of his player pool.

Tab is one of those "White Hispanics" that resemble Cortez rather than Montezuma.


His players are not.


So, again, excuse me, I'm not gonna be rooting for those "starters" or team Jew-SA...F'ck them and that ugly, Indian Marxist, Sunil Gulati, who is trying to jam these propaganda turds down our throats.
Here here!

This "American" is a traitor, plain and simple. The Benedict Arnold of the soccer world. I doubt team USA will be watchable or successful (even mildly) again until this turd is properly flushed.
A nifty little article is floating around this week and drawing lots of attention to Klinsmann's unpopular methodology. This Sporting News expose is worth a read, as it specifically outlines the growing discontent within the team locker room. Although race is not mentioned, it's easy to read between the lines.

Among the contentions are:

- Klinsmann's clear favoritism for his German-born mulatto appointments, four of whom are all but guaranteed starting spots. These players stick to themselves, speak in German, and show no particular regard for representing the USA.

- The useless assistant coach Martin Velasquez, a Mexican-born mediocrity (moved to LA at age 12) who befriended Klinsmann during the latter's brief retirement spell in California. Velasquez has only ever underperformed in coaching stints that stink of cronyism.

- Banal practices of mandatory yoga, militant diet, and assorted other holistic rules. What was initially a novelty has become tedious, with diminished returns.

- Klinsmann's inability to prescribe tactics before or during a match. Players meet with each other privately to discuss strategies, as they are otherwise left to fend for themselves, usually with a piecemeal lineup. Friday's game will mark the 24th consecutive unique starting squad.

Despite the "travesty" of injuries to Tim Howard and three of the German mulattoes, this week's qualifying roster will feature just twelve whites* out of 24 (thanks to the late inclusion of Brad Davis, who will not dress).

What has surprised me is the widespread backlash against this article and its unnamed sources. Criticism includes calling the anonymous quotes "cowardly", declaring the absence of World Cup trophies as ample reason for sweeping overhaul, and of course blaming the stubborn malcontents for not integrating into multicultural mode. I can buy the protest against whistle-blowing from the opposite camp, but otherwise, these are silly objections from cosmopolitan partisans.

* My accounting is: Beltran, Beckerman white; Gonzalez, Corona non-white.
What has surprised me is the widespread backlash against this article and its unnamed sources. Criticism includes calling the anonymous quotes "cowardly", declaring the absence of World Cup trophies as ample reason for sweeping overhaul,

that's ridiculous
france has always been a big soccer country, from the start, and they didn't won any world cup until 1998
yet nobody ever wanted to copy what was done in other parts of the world, and nobody was mad about it
that's lack of confidence because USA know that they are not historically a big soccer nation
The ESPN media hype if in full swing for today's USA vs Mexico game. They are doing features on some of the Mexican American players on the US Team. This in incredibly stupid. Its basically saying today's game is going to be Mexicans vs Mexicans. Would should the average American care about this? :icon_rolleyes:

German mullato Jermaine Jones is out with an injury. I'm guessing Maurice Edu will start in his place. It's going to be hilarious to watch a black Nigerian midfielder go toe-to-toe with Mexican midfielders who can control and possess the ball. :eek:
AAHAHAHAHAHAHA....Maurice Edu is starting in CENTRAL MIDFIELD against Mexico. A player who hasn't even mastered basic ball control skills is playing the midfield against one of the best possession oriented teams in the world...LMAO. This is going to be a barrel of laughs.

U.S. is starting 4 blacks tonight...while Mexico is starting all Mexicans (what a shock!).

Prediction: Mexico 3-0. I hope they win big.
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AAHAHAHAHAHAHA....Maurice Edu is starting in CENTRAL MIDFIELD against Mexico. A player who hasn't even mastered basic ball control skills is playing the midfield against one of the best possession oriented teams in the world...LMAO. This is going to be a barrel of laughs.

U.S. is starting 4 blacks tonight...while Mexico is starting all Mexicans (what a shock!).

Prediction: Mexico 3-0. I hope they win big.

i have read reports sayingt that maurice edu did a foul that sould have been a penalty but the referee didn't see i
they said mexico had the ball most of the time, but the white goalkeeper guzan did a great match: he only played because the black goalkeeper tim howard was injuried
This was the Whitest team the USA has started in awhile, but it was mostly due to injury. The "German" mutts will be back again. They performed admirably last night especially down the middle defensively. Guzan, Gonzalez, Besler and Bradley were the stars. Even ESPN agrees:

Player ratings: (0-10; 10=best)

G Brad Guzan, 7: Flawless in every respect, from his handling, to his positioning, to his ability to command the box, especially on a punch in stoppage time.

D DaMarcus Beasley, 4 (BLACK): It was a case of one match too many as an emergency left back. He struggled to cope with Aquino as well as his passing when pressured. And in his eagerness to close opponents down, overran his mark again and again. He hung in there in THE second half and did have some timely challenges, but he labored overall.

D Matt Besler, 8: For a player experiencing just his second cap, he didn't look overawed at all. Took one for the team in the first half, getting booked for a tactical foul on Dos Santos, but otherwise was performed well, especially in the air.

D Omar Gonzalez, 9 (SORTA WHITE HISPANIC): A massive performance. Gonzalez provided several timely interventions both in the air and on the ground, and his reading of the game was superb. He's a player who is growing with every game.

D Geoff Cameron, 6: Struggled initially to contain Guardado, but eventually recovered to provide some steady defending. Even found time to get forward, but wasn't effective with his deliveries.

M Michael Bradley, 7: One of the few Americans to show much composure on the ball when put under pressure, and showed his usual defensive prowess.

M Maurice Edu, 5 (BLACK): Defended decently enough and even got into the attack on occasion. Tried to dribble out of the back a tad too often, but provide huge amounts of energy in midfield.

M Herculez Gomez, 5: Spent much of the half helping Beasley on defense, which took away some of his attacking influence. Struggled with his set piece deliveries.

M Clint Dempsey, 4: Contributed more defensively on the set than he did in the attack, as his off-the-ball movement wasn't up to his usual standard. He looked heavy-legged.

M Graham Zusi, 5.5: Another player who was pegged back by Mexico's pressure and his defensive header in the 72nd minute saved an almost certain goal.

F Jozy Altidore, 4 (BLACK): Needed to be more optimistic, and anticipate balls into the box better. Linked up with his teammates decently enough. To be fair, he didn't always get the needed support, but rarely got in good positions to threaten when the U.S. had the ball.


M Eddie Johnson, 5.5 (BLACK): Offered a bit more of a physical presence up top, and helped the U.S. catch its breath by winning some free kicks. His crossing left something to be desired, however.

M Brad Davis, 4: Conceded a silly free kick late that could have proven costly.

M Brek Shea, 5: Came on and provided some valuable energy in the midfield late.

As usual, success on the pitch came in spite of the black players not because of anything they did. I watched the whole match and DaMarcus Beasley made, MilanClass' favorite, Edu look like Messi. He was that bad on the back line, it's really a miracle that Mexico couldn't score attacking that side of the field. Anyway, it'll be interesting if Klinsmann rewards the White players with more playing time or resorts back to majority black and mulatto lineups?
I think that Gonzales looks and acts pretty white out on the field, so I think I'll be cheering for him on the US squad. He definitely doesn't look like some of the other Hispanics on the Mexican and American squads, I'll cheer for him and count him white like we did for Bocanegra. Him and Besler were spectacular last night against Mexico. I think Jones is better for the United States than Maurice Edu is; at least Jones can actually hold on to the ball. Those other German mulattoes better not get their starting roles back.

So, if one counts Gonzales as white, the United States started 7 whites last night, and 3 blacks, plus Hercules Gomez.
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Big vote of "no" on Gonzalez being white.


The son of Mexican parents, Gonzalez holds a Mexican passport and dual citizenship with both the United States and Mexico.


As a youth, Gonzalez represented the U.S. at the Under-17 and Under-18 levels. In 2005 he played at the FIFA Under-17 World Cup in Peru, and in 2007 he played for the U.S. Under-18’s at the Pan-American Games, scoring twice in the USA's 4-2 loss to Bolivia.

On December 22, 2009, Gonzalez received his first call-up to train with the senior US national team. On August 10, 2010, he made his international debut in a friendly, starting against Brazil.

However, on October 6, 2011 in an interview with ESPN's U.S. National Soccer Team Blog, Gonzalez announced that he is still open to playing for Mexico. "Why not?" Gonzalez is quoted as saying "Mexico is strong right now, very strong. If something were to come along, I'm definitely going to listen."

Born in the US (to Mexicans), raised in the US (by Mexicans), groomed for the national team all his life, yet as of 18 months ago, he still couldn't decide where he belonged.

Here's the current update on his feelings:

MEXICO CITY — LA Galaxy defender Omar Gonzalez represents the US national team, but he still very much considers himself Mexican and he's proud of it.
His Mexican roots make Tuesday night's World Cup qualifier against Mexico at the mythical Estadio Azteca a special occasion for the MLS Cup 2012 MVP.

"I'm really excited," Gonzalez told reporters on Monday. "I still have maybe half of my family that lives in Monterrey, Mexico, and I have a lot of ties here and I'm very proud to be Mexican and to be able to play against Mexico in Azteca is going to be something really special for me. I can't wait for it. I'm going to have a lot of fun with it.

"I'm playing for the US and that's what I always wanted to do," he continued. "But the feeling I feel of being Mexican and playing in Azteca is really hard to put into words. It's really a special time for me."

Gonzalez, who revealed that he grew up following the Galaxy's upcoming CONCACAF Champions League semifinal foes Monterrey since his uncle played for the club, never received interest from Mexican youth national teams over the years despite being eligible.

"Me and my family coming over to America to have a better life and I'm first-generation Mexican-American and making my life here," Gonzalez said. "Things have gone great for me. And I just think it just shows that to be able to live the American dream that so many Mexicans want to come over and do."

To recap: Omar Gonzalez would probably be playing for Mexico if they had simply offered him the choice, despite half his family reaping the benefits of the American economy's largesse. His sympathies lie with his ancestors south of the border, and he hopes to move there once his career is more established. He's as white as Alex Rodriguez, who will happily represent Team USA until someone makes a better offer.
American Freedom News