Ultimate Cucks

Another gem:


That eunuch's never been in a scrap & probably never had a woman either. Looks in need of a nice curb stomp. >;-)
Or maybe the man in high heels and fishnets?


Yeah it's something in the food and water. There are too many of them now.

The Don't Grab My Pussy girl at this weekends Ladies Pervert Parade cracks me up. I want her to become an internet celebrity!
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This is the product of early adolescent conditioning.

Knight, if u come back in to this thread, please elaborate ^.

I have a morbid curiosity about the psychology of these shmoes.. Is the prevailing theory, overbearing mothers, or something like that..
Another spineless puke... "Macaroon the French ManginaMuffin"...

Cultmarx cuckhold Gregg “Popob1tch” continues to run his filthy sewer about POTUS Trump. This time, the neutered negrophile calls Trump a “soulless coward”. That’s rich considering “Popob1tch” is a complete craven poltroon that totally bows down to politically correct trends...i.e. - artificial lauding of halfwit thugs. He doesn’t have the cajones to deviate from the (standard) ‘script’ because he’s too busy kissing afflete @$$. P1$$ on that SOB & all “he” stands for! :mad:

Globalist Satanist, George H.W. Bush, reveals he voted for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 Presidential Election, calls Trump a 'Blowhard':

George H.W. Bush: Donald Trump Is a ‘Blowhard’ Motivated by a ‘Certain Ego’


Mark Wilson:/Getty Images


Former President George H.W. Bush bashed President Donald Trump in a book scheduled to be released November 14, calling him a “blowhard” motivated by his ego.

The elder Bush confirmed his disdain for Trump in Mark K. Updegrove’s book The Last Republicans: Inside the Extraordinary Relationship Between George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush, by attacking the current president’s character and leadership style.

“I don’t like him,” George H.W. Bush said in the book. “I don’t know much about him, but I know he’s a blowhard. And I’m not too excited about him being a leader.”

He added that Trump is not motivated by anything other than his ego.

The former president also revealed that he cast a vote for former 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton over President Trump and that his son did not vote for either candidate, according to the New York Times.

George H.W. Bush’s remarks in the soon-to-be-released book come after his son publicly rejected Trump’s ideology and defended globalism in an October speech at the George W. Bush Institute.

The elder Bush, meanwhile, recently apologized after four women came forward accusing him of groping them.
Utter scum-bucket to vote for that pro-abort political prostitute. May he die the death of the Lake of Fire.
Utter scum-bucket to vote for that pro-abort political prostitute. May he die the death of the Lake of Fire.
I heard on Limbaugh's show earlier this week that the "Diversity Visa Program" was pushed by his administration and passed back in 1991, so him being listed in this thread is very apropos.
I nominate Keith Urban. Apparently this wussyboy Aussie "Country Star " has a new song promoting feminism. Let's just say the reviews have been harsh to say the least, and deservedly so! I won't punish myself or any other member to this feminazi filth so I won't post the video lol.
I nominate Keith Urban. Apparently this wussyboy Aussie "Country Star " has a new song promoting feminism. Let's just say the reviews have been harsh to say the least, and deservedly so! I won't punish myself or any other member to this feminazi filth so I won't post the video lol.

Like so much of today’s “country” music, the so-called “artist” (Keith/Cuck Urban) had nothing to do with writing the lyrics. Urban was just a mercenary, which adds another pathetic level of disingenuousness...

Here’s a new ultimate cuck entry

I was out with a girl from work and a few others for her birthday and she’s gets to talking about her brother. Apparently he grew up a staunch conservative and all that. Well apparently the fear of being alone and finding a girl that likes him was too much and he’s engaged to a hard core feminist

The kicker is, she is requiring him to merge their last names (Leoni and Strickland) into an entirely new last name, Leoland, and he accepted no questions asked
Last week, Keith "Mega-Cuck" Olbermann filmed the final episode of his GQ Magazine-based Youtube podcast called "The Resistance" and is allegedly "retiring" from all political commentary forever. Trump being elected president has ruined this cuck's life and what was left of his career. Since 11/8/16, the former ESPN and MSNBC anchor has been reduced him to a ranting, raving, foaming-at-the-mouth weirdo who, at times, could literally be seen weeping in some of the episodes I subjected myself to. Will this hyper-cucked turd ever resurface in the political realm?

Here’s a new ultimate cuck entry

I was out with a girl from work and a few others for her birthday and she’s gets to talking about her brother. Apparently he grew up a staunch conservative and all that. Well apparently the fear of being alone and finding a girl that likes him was too much and he’s engaged to a hard core feminist

The kicker is, she is requiring him to merge their last names (Leoni and Strickland) into an entirely new last name, Leoland, and he accepted no questions asked
Terrible. Desperate. Weak. I'm in the same general area as you and it's pretty bad. If he wanted children, surrogacy could be an option, but it's so expensive (for a decent "host"). Another option would be to go overseas or to Eastern Europe or Russia, but, again, you'd need a lot of cash and jobs for foreigners aren't easy to come by. Fertile fembots won't be available for probably another ten years, so that's not a possibility for any man right now in his situation (which is just about every Western man nowadays).

This also made me think the other day after I watched Frost's introduction to Nebraska. He got married at 41 and had his first child at 42. Tim Tebow is still unmarried and Prince Harry was just engaged to an average looking mulatto who's been previously married. These are all highly-successful, wealthy, heterosexual men who, obviously, even have very few options. That says an awful lot about the state of Western White women today or just Western women in general, does it not? Am I missing something?
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American Freedom News