Ultimate Cucks

A wife keeping her last name in whole or part is always a tipoff that the wife is dominant and the husband is submissive. I have a group of male friends younger than me who are all aware of misandry and the sad state of White women to varying degrees, and even though they married later than most men, every last one of them is submissive.
A wife keeping her last name in whole or part is always a tipoff that the wife is dominant and the husband is submissive. I have a group of male friends younger than me who are all aware of misandry and the sad state of White women to varying degrees, and even though they married later than most men, every last one of them is submissive.

I’ve always said (that) if a skirt wants to “keep” her daddy’s last name, let her do so the “old fashion” way.....by staying single. Any woman that would be so disrespectful to her (potential) husband isn’t worthy of him.
Boy this has to be a first ballot ultimate cuck hall of famer

Not only is the family perfectly fine with their daughter “going black” but they takes it to a whole new level by buying the boyfriend a car

Caption: Cuck father pampers noble negro with lavish gifts for screwing his daughter

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In America, try as the media and Marxists might, they can't emasculate us, and make our women think it's their duty to be with blacks. The only pretty white girls I have ever seen with minorities, are the ones with Latinos. It's the whole Latin Lover thing I guess. A lot of Latinos consider themselves white though, so the media doesn't talk about that one. Just the blacks.

Also, if you look at the kind of guys into this, they aren't good looking, masculine men. They are low-t betas who look like circus freaks. No woman wants inferior genes like they bring to the table.
My father never allowed a black person in his house as long as he lived. They might have gotten to the porch but they never touch our front door. I can't tell you what he would have done if my sister brought home a black man . I assure you the thought never enter her head.
My father never allowed a black person in his house as long as he lived. They might have gotten to the porch but they never touch our front door. I can't tell you what he would have done if my sister brought home a black man . I assure you the thought never enter her head.

Sounds like a true American. There’s never been a colored, oriental, jew, muzzie or mexcrement in my home or property...nor will there ever be.
Received this email yesterday. It was sent to The Nationalist Times newspaper, not CF. The lunatic writer must be unaware of Caste Football and think that because The Nationalist Times is based near Pittsburgh that somehow we're big Steelers fans.

Hi All at NT

May this find you all well. Just wanted to get your insights on Sundays game of Moscow Patriots vs Pittsburgh Steelers ! Yes Weez was Robbed ! Talked to tons of Steeler fans at VAMC today and we all are in agreement that the Kraft/Heinz/Putin/Chicom/Saban/Sween/Haley(imposter) alliance will make sure that Mr Brady and his Pasties win at least 2 more Super Bowls before time runs out in the clinical research hub from the Boston area labs, universities and hospitals ! Please please do a story soon on this nasty cabal that destabilizes teams not only in AFC, but NFC too (e.g. Eagles, Cowboys, Falcons etc). It is a well know fact that Saban does the same things with his rivals and potential rivals with the exception of his pal Sweeney's and Nikki's Clemson.

They just did not want to see a all PA Super Bowl and now these monsters will win 2 more and break our record. Chuck Noll, LC, Webster,Mad Dog,Fat Ernie,Courson are all rolling in their graves. Please do a story on this cabal of Devils - understand that you cause is not for sports, but the wrong they do is correlated to the destruction of our great Nation. Please keep up the awesome work of helping others.

Merry Christmas, Happy New Years and God Bless America,


Go Steelers ! Go Eagles !
Damned Russians have infiltrated Belicheck and Brady, definitely Trump. Moscow Patriots!Lol delusional DWFs!

For what it's worth I thought the James TD was indeed a TD! Steelers should have won!​
I would have never imagined that in just 15 short years after 9/11 we’d have America’s team (at the time) the patriots now referred to as evil russian cheaters and have nationwide pro-Muslim marches
My father never allowed a black person in his house as long as he lived. They might have gotten to the porch but they never touch our front door. I can't tell you what he would have done if my sister brought home a black man . I assure you the thought never enter her head.
I remember my parents when I was around 5 years old, talking about letting certain "colored" ppl inside the home. The one condition was that they had to know the black at least a year with alot of observation and they had to be friends and normal. LOL
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Damned Russians have infiltrated Belicheck and Brady, definitely Trump. Moscow Patriots!Lol delusional DWFs!

For what it's worth I thought the James TD was indeed a TD! Steelers should have won!​

It was a bad call. In the NFL all a running back has to do is have the ball go the slightest fraction over the goal line, it doesn't matter if he fumbles or bobbles the ball at that point, but a receiver not only has to penetrate the endzone but the ball can't move an inch the entire time he's in the endzone or flying out of bounds, including when he goes to the ground. I imagine they'll tinker with the rules regarding what constitutes a catch again this offseason to make it less ridiculous. A catch is a catch, it doesn't need to be microscopically dissected by talmudic parsing that turns it into a farce.
Received this email yesterday. It was sent to The Nationalist Times newspaper, not CF. The lunatic writer must be unaware of Caste Football and think that because The Nationalist Times is based near Pittsburgh that somehow we're big Steelers fans.

Hi All at NT

May this find you all well. Just wanted to get your insights on Sundays game of Moscow Patriots vs Pittsburgh Steelers ! Yes Weez was Robbed ! Talked to tons of Steeler fans at VAMC today and we all are in agreement that the Kraft/Heinz/Putin/Chicom/Saban/Sween/Haley(imposter) alliance will make sure that Mr Brady and his Pasties win at least 2 more Super Bowls before time runs out in the clinical research hub from the Boston area labs, universities and hospitals ! Please please do a story soon on this nasty cabal that destabilizes teams not only in AFC, but NFC too (e.g. Eagles, Cowboys, Falcons etc). It is a well know fact that Saban does the same things with his rivals and potential rivals with the exception of his pal Sweeney's and Nikki's Clemson.

They just did not want to see a all PA Super Bowl and now these monsters will win 2 more and break our record. Chuck Noll, LC, Webster,Mad Dog,Fat Ernie,Courson are all rolling in their graves. Please do a story on this cabal of Devils - understand that you cause is not for sports, but the wrong they do is correlated to the destruction of our great Nation. Please keep up the awesome work of helping others.

Merry Christmas, Happy New Years and God Bless America,


Go Steelers ! Go Eagles !

Whomever wrote the unintelligible rubbish above has a mind that has left his body for some time, fermented to near rottenness, to have it return to infect his whole body so that his entire corpse is decaying. What does he take the world for? Can he not know of this medium we call the internet?
I remember my parents when I was around 5 years old, talking about letting certain "colored" ppl inside the home. The one condition was that they had to know the black at least a year with alot of observation and they had to be friends and normal. LOL

My Momma told me a long, long time ago... “sonny boy, don’t you ever trust anybody with lips over 3 inches thick & skin darker than mine!”. Needless to say, I’ve always taken that wonderful advise. ;)
Another ultimate cuck and / or “men these days” candidate I came across today when I went out to breakfast and sat across from them at the bar (they are really a dime a dozen here in Denver but this guy checked off a lot of boxes)

1. Asian girlfriend
2. Hipster Beard
3. Hat of some obscure soccer club on
4. Ordered considerably less than his GF. He ordered a side biscuit with jam (that he couldn’t finish) while she ordered a full skillet
5. He had to ask permission if he could order one beer since they’d be on the road traveling today
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Another ultimate cuck and / or “men these days” candidate I came across today when I went out to breakfast and sat across from them at the bar (they are really a dime a dozen here in Denver but this guy checked off a lot of boxes)

1. Asian girlfriend
2. Hipster Beard
3. Hat of some obscure soccer club on
4. Ordered considerably less than his GF. He ordered a side biscuit with jam (that he couldn’t finish) while she ordered a full skillet
5. He had to ask permission if he could order one beer since they’d be on the road traveling today

So funny, but so true. I see these same types in Portland, NY, and Toronto. It's a foreign culture to me, so I don't know where there inspiration for emulation comes from. Anyone here know? We do know though, that weak role models make weak followers.
Another ultimate cuck and / or “men these days” candidate I came across today when I went out to breakfast and sat across from them at the bar (they are really a dime a dozen here in Denver but this guy checked off a lot of boxes)

1. Asian girlfriend
2. Hipster Beard
3. Hat of some obscure soccer club on
4. Ordered considerably less than his GF. He ordered a side biscuit with jam (that he couldn’t finish) while she ordered a full skillet
5. He had to ask permission if he could order one beer since they’d be on the road traveling today
That was cringe-worthy. Ugh. Beer in the morning?

Denver is also known as Menver, due to the very skewed ratio of males to females. The general feminism of White females in the area doesn't help either (they had one of the biggest 'P*ssy Marches' in the nation back in February/March to protest Trump). Several years ago, I overheard an attractive young White woman casually talking to her parents in a nice area south of Denver saying that she would do anything, including selling her body, to live in NYC...probably took in quite a few episodes of "Sex in the City", I'm guessing. No visual or verbal reaction from her parents. I was a bit stunned. Perhaps Denver does not have enough "ethnic" men for them to choose from so they move elsewhere and Denver men are left with the left-overs? I went to a Rockies game with an older friend of mine a few years ago and we were shocked at the girlfriends some of the young men had (and the men didn't appear to be all that happy with it, either)...frumpy, sloppy, overweight, unkempt, etc. while they looked like they could be on the cover of GQ. If they were in another country, either Asian, Central/Eastern European, Russia or South American, they would have the cream-of-the crop females wrapped around the block waiting to date them. Just incredible the dynamics of what's going on.
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Yeah I think the beer in the morning is a recent cultural phenomenon bred from millennial lifestyles and habits. You see it at soccer bars in the morning, at brunch (the millennialist favorite meal), and basically any event now from the end of a 5k run to a volunteering event. As with most things millennial just an extension of college for them.

But yeah the women here are interesting, especially since there’s been so much emigration here the last decade or so. The diamonds in the rough are the ones from the western slope and the recent transplants from Minnesota and Wisconsin. They are the wholesome ones that may have a hint of liberal but really just love the outdoors and not too into politics, hymiewood, etc. The locals from and around Denver are the cliche third wave feminists that will grasp onto any Muslim, black lives matter or what have you trend and embrace the trash thug drug culture. Then there’s the huge influx from Chicago, almost all JAPs (Jewish American princess), and California all high liberals

And yes there is almost a “pride” in dressing like a slob while out in public here. Hard to describe

That was cringe-worthy. Ugh. Beer in the morning?

Denver is also known as Menver, due to the very skewed ratio of males to females. The general feminism of White females in the area doesn't help either (they had one of the biggest 'P*ssy Marches' in the nation back in February/March to protest Trump). Several years ago, I overheard an attractive young White woman casually talking to her parents in a nice area south of Denver saying that she would do anything, including selling her body, to live in NYC...probably took in quite a few episodes of "Sex in the City", I'm guessing. No visual or verbal reaction from her parents. I was a bit stunned. Perhaps Denver does not have enough "ethnic" men for them to choose from so they move elsewhere and Denver men are left with the left-overs? I went to a Rockies game with an older friend of mine a few years ago and we were shocked at the girlfriends some of the young men had (and the men didn't appear to be all that happy with it, either)...frumpy, sloppy, overweight, unkempt, etc. while they looked like they could be on the cover of GQ. If they were in another country, either Asian, Central/Eastern European, Russia or South American, they would have the cream-of-the crop females wrapped around the block waiting to date them. Just incredible the dynamics of what's going on.
How stupid are these people? The very people they think they are helping will be the very ones who will turn on them. A s soon as blacks get in a position to gain power, they will do any thing to get it. They will kill a white person as easy as killing a bug. They will raped this man's wife, kill his children right in front of him while cutting his throat. Whites waked the hell up!
This is just sad

'If I call you must pause and talk to me with full attention': Student gives her boyfriend Call of Duty on Xbox for Christmas - but it comes with a VERY strict set of rules

  • Ashley Davison bought her boyfriend Blake Perry a copy of the new Call of Duty Game for his Xbox
  • However, Ashley provided a set of rules with the video game, such as forcing him to put down the game if she calls or texts him
  • The list even had a space for Blake to sign like a real contract
  • Ashley has since said the note was all in good humor after internet users claimed she meant what she wrote



This is just sad

'If I call you must pause and talk to me with full attention': Student gives her boyfriend Call of Duty on Xbox for Christmas - but it comes with a VERY strict set of rules

    • Ashley Davison bought her boyfriend Blake Perry a copy of the new Call of Duty Game for his Xbox
    • However, Ashley provided a set of rules with the video game, such as forcing him to put down the game if she calls or texts him
    • The list even had a space for Blake to sign like a real contract
    • Ashley has since said the note was all in good humor after internet users claimed she meant what she wrote



Maybe this was done in jest? Attention seekers? Genuine questions, not mocking in any way.
Maybe this was done in jest? Attention seekers? Genuine questions, not mocking in any way.

I certainly hope so. On 1 hand..she’s a good looking gal, so one would imagine he’d wanna “spend quality time” with her ;). However, he best not set the precedent of taking orders from a skirt...regardless of how (physically) attractive she might be. Good looks fade, so character is always more important.
I would love to see the look on the e.r. doctor's face when she is carried in there with that x-box stuck up her ass if she gave me that note.

:biggrin: LOL!
American Freedom News