Lol yes,Turkey and their useless team of desert *iggers can steal qualify.Situation looks like this as of now:

Italy: Qualify no matter what

Ireland: Qualify with a win

Belgium: Qualify with a win, draw, or if the lose by less than 4 goals and Ireland do not beat Italy.

Sweden: Qualify with a win

Turkey: Qualify if both Sweden and Ireland fail to win, or Italy gets atleast a draw against Ireland and Sweden beat Belgium by 4 goals
It may be Ibrahimovic's last international. Guillaume Faye thinks Zlatan is a narcissistic moron:


L’aliénation devant le football atteint Le Monde,journal officiel de l’idéologie dominante et de l’oligarchie, qui a consacré deux pages ( !) d’entretien le 8 juin au joueur Zlatan Ibrahimovic, parfait abruti narcissique qui débite des âneries. Associer la force et la santé d’un pays à son équipe de football (une équipe de millionnaires incultes qui, en plus, ne reflète pas l’identité du pays) est profondément pervers.

it's a great thing to have no turkey and no albania left, now we can focus on belgium, portugal, switzerland, germany, france and ireland
that spain/italy mtch is heart breaking
It may be Ibrahimovic's last international. Guillaume Faye thinks Zlatan is a narcissistic moron:


L’aliénation devant le football atteint Le Monde,journal officiel de l’idéologie dominante et de l’oligarchie, qui a consacré deux pages ( !) d’entretien le 8 juin au joueur Zlatan Ibrahimovic, parfait abruti narcissique qui débite des âneries. Associer la force et la santé d’un pays à son équipe de football (une équipe de millionnaires incultes qui, en plus, ne reflète pas l’identité du pays) est profondément pervers.

le monde has also said that people liked griezmann and not benzema for racist reasons, because he is white :eeek:
anybody believe that ireland or england/iceland can beat france on the way to the semifinals?

England, maybe. They aren't very good but neither are France. The French team needed last minute goals against very poor sides from Romania and Albania to win, then failed to score against Switzerland. Surely with Germany and either Spain or Italy (the motivated full team, not the guys who showed up against Ireland) France will not make the final.
England, maybe. They aren't very good but neither are France. The French team needed last minute goals against very poor sides from Romania and Albania to win, then failed to score against Switzerland. Surely with Germany and either Spain or Italy (the motivated full team, not the guys who showed up against Ireland) France will not make the final.

i think in 1 game france can underservedly beat germany spain or italy
the key is no black center half and one of the very best goalkeepers
they are better and should win against france, but they will only get 1 chance, because they will all eliminate each other before they face the hosts, which increases the chances of an underserved outcome

i haven't watched a game featuring ireland so far so i don't know their potential, and iceland if they faced france in quarter finals, that would already be such an accomplishment for them that they wouldn't mind losing against france at this stage i feel (and i can already see the refereeing in such a match)
Ronaldo is tough to root for. For all his talent and efficiency, he will throw temper tantrums on the field reminiscent of his NFL counterparts. With the bawdy ESPN commentators still slobbering over their ratings-generator, Ronaldo will take contact and sit on the pitch with his arms around his knees, shaking his head as the other team counterattacks. Half of his highlight reel is cartoonish emoting and finger-wagging. No mixed feelings from me when his team of Iberian coastal pirates eventually gets eliminated, as they do in every tournament.

Your comments are ridiculous. How could you not root for CR7? He is 100% White and he is likely the best footballer in the whole world. Incidentally he is 10x the player of any of the Whites or non-Whites on England, France. He just produced a man-of-the-tournament performance and scored a most spectacular goal, essentially single handedly advancing his team.

He's also a role model off the pitch. He is a self made single father who maintains no relationship with his son's mother, never drinks alcohol or does drugs, and has donated money to legitimate good causes (for example he gave money to Arab Muslim and Christian kids in Gaza), as well as poor White children in Portugal.

Some of the posts in this thread have been bizarre. Slamming CR7. Are you for real mate?

It seems the guys in this thread only count "Western Europe and the Anglosphere" as being White.

Comments like this are why this pro White movement never gains any traction.

And it seems Albania did qualify they just did so as "Switzerland". Switzerland by my count, actually has more practising Muslims than Albania does.
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Spent the day at work but as soon as I arrived home I put on the Hungary-Portugal match. I watch the matches at gibol.tv, they have all matches so you can watch on your own schedule. The score will be displayed at the top of the page when you watch a match, so if youre like me and you dont want to know the score close your eyes and scroll down or use a piece of paper to block it and scroll down. Once you have scrolled to the video you can hit play and watch without knowing the score. This way it is possible to enjoy all the matches on your own time without knowing the scores in advance.

Now, what a fcuking awesome match this was. One of the best football matches Ive seen all year. Cristiano Ronaldo was epic and the first goal he scored is arguably goal of the tournament (Payet, Bale, Modric, Hamsik have also had good strikes though). That was not a "lucky goal" it was sheer brilliance a calculated backheel flick of the absolute highest quality keeper went the wrong way and had no chance. Quite simply it was a master class from CR # 7 he single handedly advanced Portugal into the next round. Scored 2 and setup 1. Great players make great matches and thats exactly what Ronaldo did. Huge fan of CR7 not a fan of Portugal though. Ronaldo aside, Portugal is an average side at best and they would have lost this match 3-0 without him. It was almost Hungary vs Ronaldo + 10.

Ronaldo is likely the best footballer in the world currently. Like Zidane did in 98, he has a knack for coming up big when it matters like today with Portugal facing elimination. Unfortunately for CR7 football is a team sport and one guy cant do everything. Exceptional player on an average team.

Hungary's play all throughout the tournament has been stellar. Szalai, Dzudszak, Gera, Stieber, Nagy, Lovrencics have all been great. Theyve done themselves well and hopefully some of these Hungarians will get a callup to the major Leagues in Germany, Italy, England etc.

CR7 = God!
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le monde has also said that people liked griezmann and not benzema for racist reasons, because he is white :eeek:
They really said that? :eek: It's true that even non football fans prefer Griezmann to Benzema: his football, his attitude, his look (according to women).

And it seems Albania did qualify they just did so as "Switzerland". Switzerland by my count, actually has more practising Muslims than Albania does.
I don't know you but I don't understand your fascination for islam and muslims. Are you one of this guy who count any muslim player on the pitch and rejoice when they score?
Just saw the way the knockout rounds will proceed, geez, thats horrible from a racial perspective. Spain and Italy have both been fantastic and I thought a good bet for them both to get very far and realistically probably our best bets for a White or primarily White team winning the competition, and they are facing each other immediately. Absolutely horrible. Moreover, another relatively White friendly team - Germany, will likely clash with them right afterwards which means from quarter finals onwards only one of these three (Germany, Italy, Spain) will be left. That's not good from a racial perspective because these 3 are the major teams that are primarily White. Unlucky draw.

The Negro worshipping Belgians, French, and English seemed to receive much easier draws. Upsets can and do happen, but at first glance you'd have to say these nations got off easy.
I forgot to mention that the Croatian goalie was way off the line and the Croatian player who got the rebound was guilty of encroachment on the penalty, but it was still a poor kick by Sergio Ramos. (Whether it should've been a penalty in the first place is another question). SR may also have been guilty of ball watching on the first Croatian goal.

Earlier in the day the state of the pitch for the Poland v Ukraine match was pathetic. A bad bounce probably cost Lewandowski a goal. What are they doing in Marseille?

First of all, it should be mentioned that the Spanish penalty against Croatia was non-existent. Referees in the EURO are 2 levels above the referees in the World Cup, but are still scared of damaging big teams like Spain, so these things happen. Poetic justice for Subasic saving the Ramos penalty. Second - it's true the goalie moved early, but if you follow the rules 100%, then you would have to repeat about 98% of penalties, if not more. Anyway, fantastic game between two all-white teams, and great performance by Croatia with their reserve team. Nobody mentions it, but they put in 5 reserve players to (Rog, Vrsaljko, Pjaca, Kalinic, Jedvaj) so they can rest the first squad players and still managed to win against Spain - no less. Frankly, with all the issues Croatia has with the fans, they are the team that has played the best football so far. Hope they repeat themselves against Portugal.
Nobody mentions it, but they put in 5 reserve players to (Rog, Vrsaljko, Pjaca, Kalinic, Jedvaj) so they can rest the first squad players and still managed to win against Spain - no less.

Yes we missed that,but its tough to keep the Soccer section updated with what,6-7 regular posters,of whom 4 are American(no offense meant).Me,Frederic38,Matra2 are the only Non-American(sorry) posters who post regularly.It'll be great if you can chip in with your unique expert insight (more)regularly.:afro:

Also,I've posted on the Croatian fans here,so check it out.
Second - it's true the goalie moved early, but if you follow the rules 100%, then you would have to repeat about 98% of penalties, if not more.

Yes, but on this occasion he was so far off his line it was laughable. The commentator even joked he was closer to the ball than Sergio Ramos. I was thinking later that perhaps the referee decided to ignore it because he thought he might have made a mistake in giving penalty in the first place. So Sergio Ramos missing got him of the hook.
Your comments are ridiculous. How could you not root for CR7? He is 100% White and he is likely the best footballer in the whole world. Incidentally he is 10x the player of any of the Whites or non-Whites on England, France. He just produced a man-of-the-tournament performance and scored a most spectacular goal, essentially single handedly advancing his team.

He's also a role model off the pitch. He is a self made single father who maintains no relationship with his son's mother, never drinks alcohol or does drugs, and has donated money to legitimate good causes (for example he gave money to Arab Muslim and Christian kids in Gaza), as well as poor White children in Portugal.

Some of the posts in this thread have been bizarre. Slamming CR7. Are you for real mate?

It seems the guys in this thread only count "Western Europe and the Anglosphere" as being White.

Comments like this are why this pro White movement never gains any traction.

And it seems Albania did qualify they just did so as "Switzerland". Switzerland by my count, actually has more practising Muslims than Albania does.

many people don't like ronaldo
i have only 1 portuguese friend and he doesn't like him
usually it's because of his attitude
in my opinion people don't get his mindset and the fact that being like that is mandatory to be a champion, but i understand why people say this
ronaldo suports israel and never gave any money to palestinian children, it's an urban legend spread by muslims
Milik the pillock. His misses against Germany were shocking at this level.

Matra2 -

Milik displayed the kind of nightmarish incompetence one shouldn't expect to see at this level - at least not twice in the same match by the same player. :mad: Yet he somehow managed to grotesquely bungle two gilt-edged scoring opportunities. The second - where he completely missed the ball despite being unchallenged and in plenty of space - was truly jaw-dropping. I didn't bother to watch the match (which commenced at 5 AM AEST and - as I refuse to subscribe to Pay TV - would have meant going out to a club) but immediately exploded into foul-mouthed fury upon seeing the footage later in the day. In fact, I've just realised that my teeth are clenched as I'm writing about it - more than a week later...

Congratulations upon Norn Iron's progression to the second round. Wales will be high on confidence following that buckle-end belting they gave Russia but the "British derby" factor means anything can happen. I'd say Your lads have quite a reasonable chance of appearing in the quarterfinals.

Robert Lewandowski hasn't scored thus far but I'm hoping he'll explode into action with a hat-trick against "Switzerland". :detenido:

The "Swiss" are probably the biggest disgrace of the tournament as they even manage to outdo France in the "Number Of Non-Native Players In Starting Lineup" department. They started five Albanians, one Bosnian Muslim, one Negro and some kind of part mestizo in their opening match against Albania. As if that wasn't bad enough, they brought on two Negroes in the second half. "Switzerland" stuck with the same racial / ethnic ratio against Romania while their eleven in the final group game versus "France" featured five Albanians, two Negroes, plus the part mestizo Ricardo Rodriguez. This meant that the "Swiss" started one less native player than the "French". That's quite a feat. Perhaps they should receive commendations from FIFA, UEFA, and the EU...

The "expanded" (i.e. bloated) twenty four team format is absurd. Portugal failed to win a single game - yet still qualified for the second round. Talk about being rewarded for mediocrity. But I'm sure the ever-gracious Cristiano Ronaldo would beg to differ...
Go Poland! Lewandowski didn't score but he set up the goal.
Poland should be up 2-0... Milik missed an open goal in the 1st minute of the game... but still great to see Poland ahead!!
people will go mad about shaqiri's goal, but like everytime a player scores in the same way remember that these goals are very spectacular but actually don't take skills to score
i already said the same at the beginning of this season when people went crazy about when benteke scored a similar overhead goal
it's beautiful to see and looks very difficult but it actually isn't
Poland scores all five penalty kicks and move on to the next round!! Xhaka missed the kick for Switzerland! Let's go Poland; on to the quarterfinals!!!
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