matra, the referee wasn't anti-greek, but this red card is the most ridiculous thing i ever saw
I would agree, the second foul was really the Polish player slipping and falling on the pitch... It was pretty hilarious. See how referee mistakes make for fascinating conversation?
The penalty against Poland was legitimate, however I am strongly against this business of awarding a penalty AND a red card if a goalkeeper commits a faul in the penalty area. It seems to me that you are punishing the same team twice for the same thing. It is ludicrous, unless the foul is clearly a red card infraction (the German goalkeeper Schumacher almost killing Batiston in the 1982 World Cup semis springs to mind). Penalty should be enough, possibly a yellow if it was anti-sport behavior. In this case it was not - both the goalie and the player went for the ball, the player got it and the goalie missed and got the player's foot - penalty - end of story. However, if a player is fouled in a clear goalscoring opportunity outside the penalty area (so he doesn't get a PK), then yes - a red card is right.
for example arsene wenger (who, ironically, is pretty white-friendly and always gives credit to the good white players, so it was a surprise for you when you heard him say that messi was the best, but not for me
for example he commented the portugal-germany match, and the 2 players who were criticized the most were boateng and varela for his miss, also ozil)
the commentator for the poland-greece match was jean michel larqué, who was part of one of the best french sides in history, saint etienne during the 70's, he played the champions league final against bayern munchen in 1976
he is also deeply involved in football at amateur level
he was also a coach (at paris saint germain)
when he saw the first "foul", he said there was absolutely nothing
when he saw the second one, he couldn't believe it
he said it was even worse than the first refereeing mistake
he saw that there was no foul at all, before even seeing the replays
there was no foul at all, the polish player made a smart move, but the greek player was not surprised at all, and the polish player slipped and was almost already on the ground when he was next to the greek defender
i don't have enough english vocabulary to translate what he said, but believe me, it was one of the worst refereeing mistake of all time
and as a french, he prefered the polish team because they have 2 french players
at one point he tried to control the ball but it looked more like a "big kick", so funny
Arsene Wenger pro-White? This is news to me - I wouldn't say that if I look at Arsenal's racial makeup. However, he does seem to create little racial "islands" (little "apartheids") based on playing positions. For example, defence seems to be pretty white, same with middlefield, while Blacks are concentrated in attack (except Van Persie, the best scorer
Regarding St. Etienne in the 70s - is Georges Bareta still around?