greek men marrying white females from other countries, often from northern europe, seems to be your new obsession
you also posted about this in your otherwise very interesting topic about greek feminists: http://www.castefootball.us/forums/...ows-us-the-way?p=249288&viewfull=1#post249288
that's something a troll would do (not saying that you are a troll, but you can troll whithout being a troll)

Just because I found out that a member of Golden Dawn is half American and I shared such thing in a site which is full of Americans, that makes me a troll? WTF? LMAO

I wonder how some guys claim to be "pro whites", but all they do is complaining and pointing out all the negative things of our race, they never focus on ALL the things WE DOMINATE, strange behavior for white supremacists, if you ask me. At least guys be honest and ask from Don Wassall to ban me again, just because you don't like me, that would be a more manly thing to do! Let's admit it, many white guys today are scared to death to even consider FIGHTING for their rights and all they do is complaining!

Fact is that I will help to the "cleaning" of my country and I am a member of one of the most glorious political parties in the world, we will make our country safe, WHITE and pure again, our teams are almost fully white......now if some of my white brothers have thrown white towel and are unable to do something about it, it's not my problem!


And Frederic, are you a pro white man? I doubt it ! All you do is pointing out the negative of our race! I mentioned the other day how tennis is such a white dominated sport and the last time a black male won a major title was back in 80's and all you had to say back was how France's top players are blacks.................Who gives a damn what some losers who never win nothing from France are in the first place? TENNIS IS A WHITE DOMINATED SPORT........So my advice to you would be to either enjoy it or deal with it, because from your posts so far, I haven't realized what you really represent!
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Am cheering for Denmark with their 10 whites and 1 mulatto. But the Dutch are 7 whites, 3 blacks and 1 Arab (a Berber, he does not stand out and I originally opunted him as white before seeing the name).
Guys, could we please talk about Euro 2012 again, and not who British women prefer or what role Greece has on the world stage?? After all this is what the thread is for.

Anyway, I agree with Liverlips, the Dutch have had so many chances to tie the game up.

Vander Vaart is on for De Jong and Huntelaar is on for Afelly, so the Dutch have nine whites playing now.
"Vander Vaart is on for De Jong and Huntelaar is on for Afelly, so the Dutch have nine whites playing now"

Agreed - Euro 2012 is ... well ... very European so far.
Guys, could we please talk about Euro 2012 again, and not who British women prefer or what role Greece has on the world stage?? After all this is what the thread is for.

Very well said sir ! I just find really weird how some guys in here claim to be pro white and all they do is either complaining or attacking other members or even whole WHITE nations.......strange behavior indeed!

Anyways, Denmark is close to a very big upset win, if you think how Netherlands is one of the 3 heavy favorites to win the trophy. Come on Denmark, you can do this !!!!!!

Have a nice rest of the day (or night) gentlemen, I need to get ready for tonight's exodus. I will miss Portugal vs Germany, but I prefer to miss a game instead of destroying my engagement to someone I love and I am with for the last 6 years hehehe!

Take care and stay WHITE brothers......Our true nation and country is only our race, never forget that!
For those who know soccer ... is Robben making bad shots? He seems to miss a lot.
For those who know soccer ... is Robben making bad shots? He seems to miss a lot.

He scores some highlight reel goals but often than not he misses. As has been said here before he is overrated. I've never been a fan of Van Persie either, although this past season he played very well in the Premier League. Tonight he looks like he's gone back to his old habits of missing chances that strikers should put away.

Here's my favourite Robben goal, against the Evil empire no less:

Both teams with 10 whites and 1 Negro now! You'd have to go back 30 years to see something similar for the Dutch.
Zeus, you are welcome to the housing estate skank whores who go to Greece to get laid. Make sure you've got plenty of penicillin.
A victory for Denmark. Germany v Portugal up next.

BTW although the Russians have looked better than anyone else so far, keep in mind it was the same in 2008. They looked really good at the start of that tournament too.
Denmark holds on for the 1-0 win!! Great job Denmark! Van Persie and especially Robben did have their chances though, and just couldn't convert.
I noticed that too ... but 8 whites, 1 Turk, 1 Arab and 1 Negro for Germany and the Turk and Arab don;t stand out too badly.

Portugal 9 whites with two Brazilian mulattoes starting.

Kind of a wash for me but I guess I'll cheer for Germany.
gomez is starting ahead of klose. i was ready to flip out, but researched gomez and found him to come from a white spanish family. klose is polish. from a caste standpoint, this is neutral. but, as we all do, would like to see an all german national team.
Neither team looking all that great so far.

but portugal is stronger mantally, so i think that they will win and advance to the next stage
great for denmark, i knew it! :rockon:
Danes win 1-0!

Euro 2012 looking very bright ...:arms:

Excellent defensive game and deserved victory by Denmark. Special mention for Simon Kjaer, monumental game for the Roma defender. Always in the right place, strong and decisive in his tackles, great in taking out the ball from the penalty box and starting actions. Michael Krohn Dehli als excellent in the danish team, most dangerous, scored the goal and had a couple more attempts, great passing, better that the much more hyped Ericksen and Bendtner. The mulatto Poulsen did OK defensively, but offensively almost zero, the guy doesn't know how to cross, which is weird for a fullback today.

The Dutch team had a sterile supremacy the whole game but with a lot of lateral passing and few real chances. Denmark mostly defending but more dangerous when attacking. Van Persie - the "invisible man", Robben running like a chicken on the side and regularly loosing the ball... Would not be surprised if the coach leaves him out in the next game and puts Huntelaar instead.
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Germany scored!! 1-0 from Mario Gomez.

A black sub for Portugal just royally screwed up on Portugal's best chance they'll get to tie the game.
Yeah, as the game went on I found myself cheering more for Germany. Especially after Portugal put the affirmative action black in the last 10 mins and he kept screwing up.
it's pretty strange that portugal don't seem to use ronaldo to his maximum potential
maybe he should be the striker, as postiga is very bad
And Frederic, are you a pro white man? I doubt it ! All you do is pointing out the negative of our race! I mentioned the other day how tennis is such a white dominated sport and the last time a black male won a major title was back in 80's and all you had to say back was how France's top players are blacks.................Who gives a damn what some losers who never win nothing from France are in the first place? TENNIS IS A WHITE DOMINATED SPORT........So my advice to you would be to either enjoy it or deal with it, because from your posts so far, I haven't realized what you really represent!

the point i was making was that all the players that france produced were blacks, showing the bias that these structures (pole espoir) have
these are the same structures that laurent blanc mentionned in the quotats scandal: http://www.castefootball.us/forums/threads/13607-French-Soccer?p=230956&viewfull=1#post230956

i did not say that the french top players were blacks, i said that the french players that were produced by these "pole espoirs" were black
Not a particularly enjoyable match between Germany and Portugal, but a deserved and difficult German victory at the end. As someone mentioned big misses by black Portugese attackers Varela nad Nani at the end of the game which once more proves the theory that balck forwards don't work well under pressure (with the possible exception of Drogba) - sse the horrid misses thread.
Not an impressive performance by Germany. This game proves the concept that it is easier to play defensively and counterattack than to have to attack. On the German side I liked Mats Hummels from Borussia Dortmund, great defending, contributed to middlefield, had some solo attempts. Philip Lahm also good as always, goalkeeper Neuer excellent. The black Boateng played a very mediocre game (no wonder after his late night "tryst" with German race-traitor "model" Gina-Lisa Lohfink - see http://www.google.com/hostednews/af...ocId=CNG.a7e454e629754cec0b725dd3ec54f6c0.531 ). Why is he in the team, it's anybody's guess - probably because after the Hodgson/Ferdinand affaire coaches are terrorized to be branded "racist" if they leave black players out. Anyway - Boateng was mostly outflanked, crosses went in from his side several times, very poor passing (mostly kicking the ball without a lot of thinking - "big kick" as they call it in the US). He did a pretty decisive tackle against CR7 though which attenuates somehow his poor performance. Half-Arab Sami Khedira did prety well IMO, precise passing, assisted for the goal. German attack did not impress me. Too many errors, wrong positioning, just plain "lost ball" passes.
On the Portugal side, pretty miserable performance from CR7, Nani the usual black selfish bast*ard, missed a clear shot at the end. Good game from Fabio Coentrao.
Gee, wonder why the 100% pro-Polish ref gave Greece a penalty and sent off the Polish goalie! The Greek player did foul on the 2nd yellow card. He prevented a Polish goalscoring opportunity. As I said earlier I did not see the first foul so I can't comment on that.

matra, the referee wasn't anti-greek, but this red card is the most ridiculous thing i ever saw
i watched the match on a french channel
we often have very good commentators
for example arsene wenger (who, ironically, is pretty white-friendly and always gives credit to the good white players, so it was a surprise for you when you heard him say that messi was the best, but not for me
for example he commented the portugal-germany match, and the 2 players who were criticized the most were boateng and varela for his miss, also ozil)
the commentator for the poland-greece match was jean michel larqué, who was part of one of the best french sides in history, saint etienne during the 70's, he played the champions league final against bayern munchen in 1976
he is also deeply involved in football at amateur level
he was also a coach (at paris saint germain)

when he saw the first "foul", he said there was absolutely nothing
when he saw the second one, he couldn't believe it
he said it was even worse than the first refereeing mistake
he saw that there was no foul at all, before even seeing the replays
there was no foul at all, the polish player made a smart move, but the greek player was not surprised at all, and the polish player slipped and was almost already on the ground when he was next to the greek defender
i don't have enough english vocabulary to translate what he said, but believe me, it was one of the worst refereeing mistake of all time
and as a french, he prefered the polish team because they have 2 french players

Boateng was mostly outflanked, crosses went in from his side several times, very poor passing (mostly kicking the ball without a lot of thinking - "big kick" as they call it in the US).

at one point he tried to control the ball but it looked more like a "big kick", so funny
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