Ubiquitous Man Hating

Don Wassall said:
These men are among the most dangerous beings upon the face of the earth. These are the men who make revolutions, a barbarian army within the city walls. They may create or destroy and have no place in the existing order of things and no loyalty to it.
Good article.
Per that other thread running about China vs. USA showdown, I think the above can also apply in an international context of the lopsided Chinese man-woman ratio. A lack of feminism, if you will, but of a similar net effect.

Many men, a lack of women to live for, and an aging population. Add to this unemployment when their economic bubble finally bursts, and things will get ugly there, even by their own brutal standards.
Thanks for the link, Don. Very insightful article. I found an excellent anti-Misandry site about a week ago that is excellent too. Many articles with high-quality, thoughtful postings, like the postings here at Caste Football.




Some of the brief stories that posters tell at the above link are very somber indeed. The number of posts is astonishing, indicating how bad things.

These are links to specific articles at The Spearhead...there are many others.

As far as men "disappearing" when their work life and "cultural 'life'" in the West (or, better yet, the "Anglosphere", so as to include Australia and New Zealand) is over (retired), they "reappear" in other countries like Thailand, China, Japan (if they can afford it), Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brazil, Argentina, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, etc.

As your article states, UK men, in particular, are "disappearing". Did you know that in the UK a pre-nup by a man is now worthless? The Feminists have total control over there. In Sweden, it looks like there will actually be a "Feminist" Party there now. Both Swedish and British men are some of the fastest "disappearing" men in their respective countries, and also some of the most popular among the women (I can truly call them that in these countries) in the countries they are "reappearing" in.

Feminism will either consume itself or all of us with it. Most likely, they'll be wearing burquas in 20-30 years and I will not stand in the way of this happening.

Henry Makow has some very good articles too. Here is his list from Rense.com:


His articles on Men/Readers who have "Escaped Amerika" are particularly good, along with the related posts.

Edited by: Highlander
I'll be checking out The Spearhead for sure as soon as I get a chance, Highlander. I've linked many of Makow's articles on ANU News and ANU.org. What encourages me is that the men on anti-feminist sites seem tobe pretty far along for the most part in seeing the bigger picture rather than just grousing about being screwed in a divorce or being unable to find good dating material.

The ultimate irony may be if anti-globalist White men with sound value systems use globalism to help defeat it where it's strongest (i.e. the gynocracies in U.S., Canada, UK and the others you mentioned) by realizing what valuable commodites most of us still are in much of the world and act accordingly, leaving the gynocracies to sink beneath the weight of the total dystopias they're rapidly becoming anyway.Edited by: Don Wassall
There is one point of contention for me..

PLENTY of White men have married non-White women and have ended-up "screwed" in various ways. I think it would be a very grave mistake to hold-up the non-White (Asian in many cases) woman as such a "noble" creature.

How many cases do we need to hear about White men that have married women from Japan (and brought them to the USA and had mixed kids), and then she takes the kids to her home country and doesn't bring them back! That sounds "feministic" or something.. keeping the kids away from their father.

A lot of Asian women, particularly Jap and Korean, are uber-materialistic and gold-digging. They are no doubt compensating for their various insecurities. I can be charming, good-looking, financially-secure, and still end-up getting bitch-slapped by one of these Asian harlots.

Then we can get into White men (who think their idea is fool-proof).. I call it, "Brown peasant-girl Fantasy" -- They think that the impoverished Viet, Thai or Filipina woman will truly appreciate them. A number of things can be said about this. There is a very real culture-clash that occurs in many of these mixed couplings. The lessons' are often learned the hard way - since Asian women might not be the "pliant" object that some men think they are. On more than a few occasions, Asian women have "gone postal" with a sharp object. It ain't pretty.

But, what hits me more viscerally when I think of "Brown peasant-girl Fantasy" - is the incredible abundance of STDs, viruses, and parasites in Southeast Asia. Oh, these broads will throw themselves at us, but that doesn't mean that they're "clean" or upstanding. Do they care if we get an STD from them? Most Filipinas (Viets, etc) are ugly as well, and I don't want anything to do with them, much less have mutts with them. Why couldn't I find any of my own women to spend quality time with? Does that cost an abundance of money? How many White women want to be alone their whole life, without any contact with men? FYI, I'm not trying to suggest that there aren't any "sophisticated" women in SE Asia, but more intelligence could equal even more trouble, an even larger scam. Not only that, but if you wanted 4 or 5 kids, that would likely not happen. Quite a few Asian women aren't "so into" having numerous kids and taking care of them. **I think women should have some say in the planning of a family, and I'm not suggesting that anyone here suggests otherwise. If you think they shouldn't have a say, I would like to hear why.**

Holding-up the Asian woman as "divine" is little different than the minority of White skanks that strut-around with their Mexican or black "ubermen".. If White men want to leave certain countries, that's one thing, but throwing all White women under the bus would be a ludicrous thing to do. There have always been different types of women in every race. People lived under horrific tyranny in Eastern Europe, but guess what, many Slavs are amongst the PUREST of Whites in all the world. Why should we throw away the race, now, via an alien womb?

P.S. - I can only chuckle when I hear White men calling Viet men, Filipina men, Korean men - LOSERS and DORKS - but, at the same time, they LUST after what could only be created by an Asian man's seed!.. there daughters! It can be said that that's natural male thinking, but I think it's hypocritical. What if you have a "dork" son with one of these Asian women? Because, odds are, it's going to look more Asian than White.

There are some blacks in Texas and California that don't want their genetic line to become 1/4 Filipino, 1/4 Mexican, 1/4 White and 1/4 Negro, and then it continues to break-down into more and more nothingness.. We should be able to muster-up some racial pride and understand the very same thing. Mr. Wassall, I wasn't responding to your post.
Deadlift said:
If White men want to leave certain countries, that's one thing, but throwing all White women under the bus would be a ludicrous thing to do. There have always been different types of women in every race. People lived under horrific tyranny in Eastern Europe, but guess what, many Slavs are amongst the PUREST of Whites in all the world. Why should we throw away the race, now, via an alien womb?

To me, the idea is to think outside the box in order to come up with effective strategies to put pressure on and defeat feminism, in order to salvage White women in the U.S., because right now both White men and women are being destroyed by feminism, even if many women aren't aware of it yet. We live under a totally feminist system with absolutely no relief in sight, and relief can only come from thinking White men who have had it and won't put up with it anymore.

There are many countries where there are plenty of White women not yet infected with feminist poison, including in Central and South America, and of course Russia and parts of Europe.

The reality is that unless ways are developed to strongly counter and then defeat feminism, White men will begin mixing more and more with non-Whites just to get away from women they regard as having become intolerable, mostly with asians but also latinas, though mostnon-White womenonce they come to America quickly becomemuch liketheir feminist-indoctrinated White counterparts. The problem isn't White women, it's feminism, which has been the most effective form of warfare in the arsenal of the Cultural Marxist subversives, who are trying to export gynocracy from the U.S., Canada and Britain to the rest ofthe world, and they will eventually succeed unless it is stopped in their strongholds.Edited by: Don Wassall
Don Wassall said:
Deadlift said:
If White men want to leave certain countries, that's one thing, but throwing all White women under the bus would be a ludicrous thing to do. There have always been different types of women in every race. People lived under horrific tyranny in Eastern Europe, but guess what, many Slavs are amongst the PUREST of Whites in all the world. Why should we throw away the race, now, via an alien womb?
<div> </div>
<div>To me, the idea is to think outside the box in order to come up with effective strategies to put pressure on and defeat feminism, in order to salvage White women in the U.S., because right now both White men and women are being destroyed by feminism, even if many women aren't aware of it yet.  We live under a totally feminist system with absolutely no relief in sight, and relief can only come from thinking White men who have had it and won't put up with it anymore.   </div>
<div> </div>
<div>There are many countries where there are plenty of White women not yet infected with feminist poison, including in Central and South America, and of course Russia and parts of Europe.  </div>
<div> </div>
<div>The reality is that unless ways are developed to strongly counter and then defeat feminism, White men will begin mixing more and more with non-Whites just to get away from women they regard as having become intolerable, mostly with asians but also latinas, though most non-White women once they come to America quickly become much like their feminist-indoctrinated White counterparts.  The problem isn't White women, it's feminism, which has been the most effective form of warfare in the arsenal of the Cultural Marxist subversives, who are trying to export gynocracy from the U.S., Canada and Britain to the rest of the world, and they will eventually succeed unless it is stopped in their strongholds. </div>
I tend to believe that the thing with Asian girls is that they are taught to appreciate there man from an early age and to be somewhat sub servant, were as women here are taught to only think of themselves especially when it comes to there looks. Funny how women aren't supposed to care what a man thinks but still spend billions of dollars in this country on make ups and cosmetics. Edited by: jcolec02
yellow fever ... look for treatment before it spreads.
The World's Best Country for Women?</font>



The goal of equality starts young: "Anti-Sexism Awareness Training"
begins in kindergarten, where male toddlers are encouraged to play with
dolls, and females with toy tractors. In school, classes in cooking,
sewing, metalworking, and woodworking are compulsory for both sexes.
education, including college, is free, and girls routinely outperform
boys; in 2005, women made up more than 60 percent of all Swedish college
students. All this adds up to more flexible gender roles later: As one
Swedish website puts it, "In our country, women drive the buses and men
push the baby buggies."

"Few Swedish men expect women to be domestic or subservient," she says.
"My boyfriend accepts that my job involves constant meetings and
traveling, and he's happy that I enjoy it." Ebba's live-in boyfriend,
who works 9-to-5 for a leather company, also does the household chores.
According to one study, Swedish men do more housework than men anywhere
else â€" an average of 24 hours per week!

While her boyfriend
cleans house, Ebba focuses on being a role model for the 250,000 young
female readers of her magazine.
To avoid double standards, women like Anna-Maria are fanatical about
paying their fair share on dates. "I feel very uncomfortable if a man
buys me dinner or drinks â€" as though I owe him something,"
she says.
Fortunately she almost never finds herself in that predicament, since
Swedish men rarely offer to pay, nor do they perform any other
conventional courtesies, such as holding a door open or helping a woman
visibly struggling under the load of a heavy bag.
"Naturally, we can't
says Anna-Maria. "But apart from the financial issue, I can't
say I'd mind the odd</font> helpful gesture now and again."

By American standards, Swedish men are painfully slow to make the first
romantic move.
"Men treat women like friends," Anna-Maria says. "They
rarely chat you up, unless they're drunk." Instead, Anna-Maria often
does the asking herself. "Sure, I'd like to be chased, but men have
grown lazy in Sweden. So I take the initiative. Though I have to say, it
detracts from the sexual intrigue."

Even so, Sweden's acceptance of women as the aggressors in relationships
has its perks: Anna-Maria regularly dates three or four men at a time
without social disapproval.
And when it comes to sexual freedom, it's
hard to imagine a country with more relaxed rules. Sex and the City
is shown on TV at the family hour of 6 p.m.
, and skinny-dipping in
Stockholm's city-center lakes is reportedly a popular summer activity.
One-night stands are also common. "You can sleep with whomever â€" there's
no stigma against women who've had many sexual partners,"
she says.
Which is convenient, since Anna-Maria is having too much fun to settle
down just yet
. In time, she says, she hopes to meet a long-term partner
and have a family. Though her requirements might seem unrealistic,
Anna-Maria knows what she's looking for: "I couldn't give up my job, so I
wouldn't dream of marrying a man who wasn't prepared to stay at home
and look after the children
on an equal basis with me."

It's 8 a.m. in their two-story home, decorated in classic Swedish style
with pale wood and clean white walls, and Henrik is preparing muesli and
coffee for Anna's breakfast
. Melvin cried all night because of an ear
infection, so both Mom and Dad are sleep-deprived. "We have the usual
stresses of new parenthood," says Anna. "But the roles are reversed:
Henrik is desperate for adult conversation when I get home at night, and
sometimes I just want to sit in front of the TV."

This principle of equality extends to many other areas of life in
Sweden. Women's sports are given as much TV airtime as men's, sometimes
with higher ratings
â€" 4 million Swedes watched the 2003 Women's World
Cup soccer final. In shopping malls, Sweden's pay-to-pee public toilets
are often unisex to minimize those infamously long lines for women's
(a minus: men still leave the seat up!). One Stockholm
nightclub also tried unisex bathrooms, but quickly had to change them
after staff discovered amorous couples getting hot-and-heavy in locked
stalls. Then there are innovations such as the world's first
"female-friendly car,"
unveiled in 2004 by Swedish auto giant Volvo.
Created by an all-female lead team
, the car is packed with
woman-specific features:
seats that auto-adjust to a female body shape, a
special groove in the headrest for ponytails, and a high-heel rest near
the foot pedals.

A new female-run
political party,
minist Initiative, was launched in 2005 on such
platforms as abolishing marriage laws â€" thereby granting any two (or
three, or four) people cohabiting the same rights as a husband and wife
and legally requiring fathers to take as much time off for child care
as mothers. While the party was initially touted as "the way for women's
future," its support plummeted after its convention several months ago,
during which members sang a rowdy song about "chopping men to bits."</font>

Edited by: Highlander
Geez Sweden has some soft men. I just saw a McDonalds commercial today where a white says something to the two "cool" blacks and the one black mocks the whites voice by using a nerdy tone of voice. Edited by: celticdb15
The feminist movement in Sweden is probably the most ironic and twisted and contrived in the history of the world. I've watched several stomach-turning documentaries on the subject. Their Swedish male enablers, excluded and degraded and purged from their own society, remind me of DWFs watching SEC football with painted faces and foam fingers.

We get it, they detest men, everything they are, everything they do, everything about them"¦.so why would women suddenly be driving busses, paying for dinner, assuming the sexually aggressive roles, engaging in wigger-like "one night stands,"Â￾ slothfully watching TV instead of talking with their spouses, and jet-setting for their corporate jobs? Aren't those the objectionable character traits that supposedly exhumed such "hatred"Â￾ of the men they are now replacing with women? Women evolving into the mirror image of their male "oppressors"Â￾"¦where's the "revolution"Â￾ in that? Cultural Marxists are so banal and unimaginative. Everything is a reference, of a copy, of an imitation. As with all anti-white revolutions across this pathetic planet"¦Swedish Feminism lacks intelligence, logic, and maturity.

All I see are little girls pretending to enjoy their lives under the New World Order of manufactured Zionist ideals. I think they'll find this shiny new cage to be a tighter fit when all is said and done. Edited by: Thrashen
All of Northern Europe has gone soft and feminist. Denmark's just as bad or worse than Sweden from what I've read. Androgyny is almost universal there, and the population is completely conformist and submissivein other ways and never questions the all-powerful socialist state.

The tendency is to think that Whites in Europe aren't as far gone as in the U.S., but that perception may stem from the fact that ballot access and electoral campaigns in general for nationalist-type parties is far easier in European countries than it is here. Europe has been de-Christianized, much of it is being over-run by Muslims, and the good old Zionists are of course active and powerful in every country even though government policy and media coverage isn't as slavishly one-sided in favor of the Jews as it is here.

Tom Sunic, Ph.D., the Croatian born professor and writer who has traveled extensively throughout Europe and the U.S., believes the 200 million or so Whites in America remain the best hope if the White race is to avoid complete submersion and eventual obliteration. He thinks nationalism in Europe remains far too tribal (focused on ancient rivalries) and too backward looking, including Russian nationalism. The way American Whites have shed old ethnic tensions and identities (ironically mostly through indoctrination from the government's education system and the media) is our greatest strength in allowing the way for potential White unity.
It's so sad to see the descendents of the mighty Vikings be totally castrated & "pussified" by the cultural marxist vermin.
The PTB have implemented the anti-male feminist propaganda machine across the White populace (globally). For every General Patton or Jim Bridger, there (now) seem to be a thousand neutered, candy@$$ pantywafers (all by design).
Interesting video on one aspect of the way feminist propaganda works. Men don't exist except in negative ways, similar to the way whites are denied a collective existence except in negative ways. And misandry of course is overwhelmingly aimed exclusively at White men -- observe for example how the clear and obvious (and long-standing) epidemic of black men physically abusing women gets a pass.

Misandry - Men Don't Exist

[TUBE]6ZAuqkqxk9A[/TUBE]Edited by: Don Wassall
Have you guys watched this Star Trek: The Next Generation episode?

"The USS Enterprise goes to Angel One, a reclusive world whose inhabitants have a constitutional oligarchy dominated by women and males are treated as a lesser social class. The females of the planet are like Amazonsâ€"taller and physically stronger than the males. Females occupy all positions of authority, run the government and control the planet's technology, while the males of Angel One are the "weaker sex", filling subservient roles as secretaries, servants, and househusbands."

I enjoyed watching the episode when I was young. But now, I find it unnerving!

Is this the future of MANkind? Or does it just apply to white men?

Black, Chinese, Muslim, and Hispanic MEN know who are in charge...

THEY ARE... and white women bow to them!!!

White women can be so stupid!
Good find, Don. I noticed that most, if not all, of the media sources in it come from Great Britain...BBC, etc. It shows how awful the situation is there now, and, unfortunately, the BBC is now broadcast all across the globe.

I must admit that, even though I consider myself to be pretty much aware of feminism in the West over the past 40 years and the irreversible damage it has done to our culture, I wasn't really consciously aware of what was shown in that video clip...although, subconsciously, something always bothered me about it (the media saying "men" or "man" if a male or group of males committed some horrible act or some other wrongdoing but using gender-neutral language or job titles if a male or group of males did something positive or even heroic.) I think that, taking the examples shown in that video clip individually, over a long period of time, it's difficult for the mind to perform "trend analysis", but taken together, back-to-back-to-back, it becomes obvious that it's part of the prescribed orthodoxy of our Matriarchal Totalitarian system, after all, those news announcers aren't making up this language on their own, they are reading it from a teleprompter.

Edited by: Highlander
j41181 said:
Have you guys watched this Star Trek: The Next Generation episode?

"The USS Enterprise goes to Angel One, a reclusive world whose inhabitants have a constitutional oligarchy dominated by women and males are treated as a lesser social class. The females of the planet are like Amazonsâ€"taller and physically stronger than the males. Females occupy all positions of authority, run the government and control the planet's technology, while the males of Angel One are the "weaker sex", filling subservient roles as secretaries, servants, and househusbands."

I remember seeing this episode too. From what I can remember, I think the only thing "good" about this episode was that at least the women on the planet "Angel One" were "hot".

The PTB are striving for the same thing in the West on planet "Earth", with the exception of the females being very masculine or, at least, androgynous...thus the need for many men in the West over the past 15 years to take prescriptions of Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, etc. for "erectile dysfunction". The sad thing is, that it is the men that feel they are at fault or inadequate because they can no longer "get it up". I know a guy that just "threw away" his prescriptions when staying in some other countries for a period of time. The natural femininity of the women was good enough. Amazing at how nature works.

Anyway, another thing to notice about Star Trek TOS vs Star Trek TNG series is that while the men in TOS were portrayed as aggressive and unashamed by their sexual desires of women (Capt Kirk probably bedded a couple a hundred females, even some alien ones), the men in TNG were essentially castrated...well, with the exception of Worf, the black, Klingon, because, of course, that was part of his "nature", but obviously, not the nature of the human men. Also, the females in TOS wore short skirts, the females in TNG wore Hillary Clinton "pantsuits". Obviously, this type of mentality by the creators permeated into their writing and was reflected in this episode, well, minus the "pantsuits" to keep the attention of the male-dominated viewership.
Edited by: Highlander
Notice how the "command" role in Star Trek went down from: virile white male, to older white male, then a black man, white woman, and next would probably be a gay paraplegic !!!!
Wow, here's a fairly recent article from the actor (Dirk Benedict) who played "Starbuck" on the old (late 1970's) T.V. show "Battlestar Galactica", comparing the old "BSG" to the new one. It shows how much of a paradigm shift there has been in our culture (for the dramatically worse) and how the new "BSG" is a microcosm of the cultural paradigm in America today. It's fairly long, but well-worth the read:


Lt. Starbuck ... Lost in Castration</font>

by Dirk Benedict</span>
<div id="lazyload_post_0">

Once upon a time, in what used to be a far away land called Hollywood
(but is now a state of mind and everywhere), a young actor was handed a
script and asked to bring to life a character called Starbuck. I am
that actor. The script was called "Battlestar Galactica."Â

Fortunately, I was young, my imagination fertile and adrenal glands
strong, because bringing Starbuck to life was over the dead imaginations
of a lot of Network Executives. Every character trait I struggled to
give him was met with vigorous resistance. A charming womanizer? The
"Suits"Â (Network Executives) hated it. A cigar (fumerello) smoker? The
Suits hated it. A reluctant hero who found humor in the bleakest of
situations? The Suits hated it. All this negative feedback convinced me I
was on the right track.

Starbuck was meant to be a lovable rogue. It was best for the show,
best for the character and the best that I could do. The Suits didn't
think so. "One more cigar and he's fired,"Â they told Glen Larson, the
creator of the show. "We want Starbuck to appeal to the female audience
for crying out loud."Â You see, the Suits knew women were turned off by
men who smoked cigars, especially young men. How they "knew"Â this was
never revealed. And they didn't stop there. "If Dirk doesn't quit
playing every scene with a girl like he wants to get her in bed, he's
fired."Â This was, well, it was blatant heterosexuality, treating women
like "sex objects."Â I thought it was flirting. Never mind, they wouldn't
have it. I wouldn't have it any other way, or rather Starbuck wouldn't.
So we persevered, Starbuck and I. The show, as the saying goes, went on
and the rest is history for, lo and behold, women from all over the
world sent me boxes of cigars, phone numbers, dinner requests, and
marriage proposals.</span>

The Suits were not impressed. They would have their way, which is
what Suits do best, and after one season of puffing and flirting and
gambling, Starbuck, that loveable scoundrel, was indeed fired. Which is
to say, "Battlestar Galactica"Â was cancelled. Starbuck, however, would
not stay cancelled, but simply morphed into another flirting, cigar
smoking, blatant heterosexual called Faceman. Another show, another set
of Suits, and of course, if The "A-Team"Â movie rumors prove correct,
another remake.

There was a time, I know I was there, when men were men, women were
women and sometimes a cigar was just a good smoke. But 40 years of
feminism have taken their toll. The war against masculinity has been
won. Everything has turned into its opposite, so that what was once
flirting and smoking is now sexual harassment and criminal.
And everyone
is more lonely and miserable as a result.

Witness the "re-imagined"Â "Battlestar Galactica,"Â bleak, miserable,
despairing, angry and confused. Which is to say, it reflects in
microcosm the complete change in the politics and morality of today's
world, as opposed to the world of yesterday.
The world of Lorne Greene
(Adama), Fred Astaire (Starbuck's Poppa) and Dirk Benedict (Starbuck). I
would guess Lorne is glad he's in that Big Bonanza in the sky and well
out of it. Starbuck, alas, has not been so lucky. He's not been left to
pass quietly into that trivial world of cancelled TV characters.

"Re-imagining"Â, they call it. "Un-imagining"Â is more accurate. To
take what once was and twist it into what never was intended. So that a
television show based on hope, spiritual faith and family is un-imagined
and regurgitated as a show of despair, sexual violence and family
dysfunction. To better reflect the times of ambiguous morality in which
we live,
one would assume. A show in which the aliens (Cylons) are justified
in their desire to destroy human civilization,
one would assume.
Indeed, let us not say who the good guys are and who the bad are. That
is being "judgmental,"Â taking sides, and that kind of (simplistic)
thinking went out with Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan and Kathryn
Hepburn and John Wayne and, well, the original "Battlestar Galactica."Â

In the bleak and miserable "re-imagined"Â world of "Battlestar
Galactica,"Â things are never that simple. Maybe the Cylons are not evil
and alien but in fact enlightened and evolved? Let us not judge them so
harshly. Maybe it is they who deserve to live and Adama and his human
ilk who deserve to die? And what a way to go! For the re-imagined
terrorists (Cylons) are not mechanical robots void of soul, of
sexuality, but rather humanoid six foot tall former lingerie models who
f**k you to death.
(Poor old Starbuck, you were imagined too early.
Think of the fun you could have had ‘fighting' with these thong-clad
aliens!) In the spirit of such soft-core, sci-fi porn I think a more
re-imaginative title would have been "F**cked by A Cylon."Â (Apologies to
"Touched by an Angel."Â)

One thing is certain. In the new un-imagined, re-imagined world of
"Battlestar Galactica"Â everything is female driven. The male characters,
from Adama on down, are confused, weak and wracked with indecision,
while the female characters are decisive, bold, angry as hell, puffing
cigars (gasp!) and not about to take it any more.

One can quickly surmise what a problem the original Starbuck created
for the re-imaginators. Starbuck was all charm and humor and flirting
without an angry bone in his womanizing body. Yes, he was definitely
"female driven,"Â but not in the politically correct ways of Re-imagined
Television. What to do, wondered the Re-imaginators? Keep him as he was,
with a twinkle in his eye, a stogie in his mouth and a girl in every
galaxy? This could not be. He would stick out like, well, like a jock
strap in a drawer of thongs.
Starbuck refused to be re-imagined. It
became the Great Dilemma. How to have your Starbuck and delete him too?

The best minds in the world of un-imagination doubled their intake of
Double Soy Latte's as they gathered in their smoke-free offices to
curse the day that this chauvinistic Viper Pilot was allowed to be.
never under-estimate the power of the un-imaginative mind when it
encounters an obstacle (character) it subconsciously loathes.
"ÂRe-inspiration"Â struck. Starbuck would go the way of most men in
today's society. Starbuck would become "Stardoe."Â
What the Suits of
yesteryear had been incapable of doing to Starbuck 25 years ago was
accomplished quicker than you can say orchiectomy. Much quicker, as in,
"Frak! Gonads Gone!"Â

And the word went out to all the Suits in all the smoke-free offices
throughout the land of Un-imagination, "Starbuck is dead. Long live

I'm not sure if a cigar in the mouth of Stardoe resonates in the same
way it did in the mouth of Starbuck. Perhaps. Perhaps it "resonates"Â
more. Perhaps that's the point.
I'm not sure. What I am sure of is this"¦

Women are from Venus. Men are from Mars. Hamlet does not scan as
Hamletta. Nor does Hans Solo as Hans Sally. Faceman is not the same as
Facewoman. Nor does a Stardoe a Starbuck make. Men hand out cigars.
Women "hand out"Â babies. And thus the world for thousands of years has
gone' round.

I am also sure that Show Business has been morphing for many decades
now and has finally become Biz Business. The creative artists have lost
and the Suits have won. Suits. Administrators. Technocrats. Metro-sexual
money-men (and women), who create ever more efficient formulas to
guarantee profit margins. Because movies and television shows are not
made to enlighten or even entertain, but simply to make money. They will
tell you it is (still) about story and character, but all it is really
about is efficiency. About the Formula. Because Harvard Business School
Technocrats run Hollywood and what Technocrats know is what must be
removed from all business is Risk. And I tell you, life, real
life, is all about risk. I tell you that without risk you have no
creativity, no art. I tell you that without risk you have Remakes. You
have, "Charlie's Angels,"Â "The Saint,"Â "Mission Impossible,"Â "The A
Team"Â (coming soon), and "Battlestar Galactica."Â

All risk-free brand names, franchises.

For you see, TV shows (and movies) are made and sold according to the
same business formula as hamburger franchises. So that it matters not
if it is the "best"Â hamburger, what matters is that you "think"Â it is
the best. And you do "think"Â it is the best, because you have been told
to; because all of your favorite celebrities are seen munching it on TV.
The big money is not spent on making the hamburger or the television
show, but on the marketing of the hamburger/show. (One 60 second
commercial can cost more than it does to film a one-hour episode.) It
matters not to Suits if it is Starbuck or Stardoe, if the Cylons are
robots or lingerie models, if the show is full of optimism and morality
or pessimism and amorality. What matters is that it is marketed well, so
that all you people out there in TV land know that you must see this
. And after you see it, you are told that you should like it. That
it is new and bold and sleek and sexy and best of all "¦ it is Re-imagined!

So grab a Coke from the fridge (not the Classic Coke, but the
re-imagined kind with fewer calories) and send out for a McDonald's
hamburger (the re-imagined one with fewer carbs), and tune in to Stardoe
and Cylon #6 (or was it #69?) and Enjoy the Show.

And if you don't enjoy the show, or the hamburger and coke, it's not
the fault of those re-imaginative technocrats that brought them to you.
It is your fault. You and your individual instincts, tastes and
judgment â€" your refusal to let go of the memory of the show that once
was. You just don't know what is good for you. But stay tuned. After
another 13 episodes (and millions of dollars of marketing), you will see
the light. You, your instincts, your judgment, are wrong. McDonald's is
the best hamburger on the planet, Coca-Cola the best drink, and Stardoe
is the best Viper Pilot in the Galaxy.

And "Battlestar Galactica,"Â contrary to what your memory tells you,
never existed before the Re-imagination of 2004.

I disagree. But perhaps, you had to be there.

Turning the "womanizing" male character "Starbuck" from the old "BSG" into an aggressively sexual female called "Stardoe" in the new "BSG" has to be the most pathetic.

There were almost 700 responses to his article. Here are a couple that I thought hit the mark:

"Dirk B â€" a.k.a. Starbuck"¦ you nailed it, buddy. The de-balling of men and the all-knowing, evermore masculine women"¦boring. Starbuck was a cool character, and Athena was hot. The new women are hot but lack humanity, no femininity. Just watch the old movies, and women had personality, great lines, great screen presence"¦not a lick of butch, angry, dyke to be seen! The pendulum will swing back, but for now, we have to endure the bull-dyke and vixen with a weenie thing. How sad. Real women were so much more entertaining and sexy."


"For once someone has the balls to stand up and speak the thruth. I too am a fan of the original show. Dirk is 100% corect!

It used to be (in the movies) that the girl would run screaming from a monster. Now, the girl beats up the monster! It is common to see 200lb. men on TV get beat up by a 110 lb. woman. The Scifi channel is the worst offender. In the show called Eurika, a woman grabs a male* by crotch and squeezes as hard as she can to get him to comply. Now, can you imagine if the rolls were reversed! *Notice I used the word male not man. In today's world there are very few men left.

You can still see tough guys in movies and on TV, but there is always a woman who is just as tough as his side kick. The problem today is that the average guy has been castrated. He is afraid to speak out. He can't even ask a girl he works with on a date, or risk losing his job.
All I can say to my brothers is WAKE UP! If you don't stand up now you will be the one wearing the apron baking cookies!

I couldn't have said it better than those two posters, bravo!

Another poster said they (the PTB) did the same thing to the remake of "Knight Rider".

I was looking forward to the new version of "The Prisoner", but stopped watching it halfway through the first episode when a blatantly, man-hating, radical-feminist scene was allowed by a female character without being challenged by the male protagonist. Same thing with the new "Bionic Woman" remake.

Edited by: Highlander
I've really been enjoying The Spearhead website, which you made me aware ofearlier in this thread, Highlander. Excellent articles and great comments afterward. Here's one about how the hyper-feminism of the past 40 years is only a progression in a long process of feminism going back a century and more. I believe more than ever that so-called feminism has been the most effective poison in destroying Western civilization and unless it is taken on directly and beaten back and destroyed it will be impossible for White men to win any other battles, including on the race front. Without our women and our families strong and intact, we are finished as a race.

HL, good points on the cult-marx/"PC" re-casting of Battlestar Galactica. I'm not really a sci-fi fan, BUT as I kid I loved BSG (& "Buck Rogers in the 25th Century"). I was a big fan of "Starbuck" (portrayed by Dirk Benedict..whose autograph I have) as well. These re-treaded shows & movies (by a creatively challenged "Hollyweird") are garbage 90% of the time.
Don Wassall said:
I've really been enjoying The Spearhead website, which you made me aware ofearlier in this thread, Highlander. Excellent articles and great comments afterward. Here's one about how the hyper-feminism of the past 40 years is only a progression in a long process of feminism going back a century and more. I believe more than ever that so-called feminism has been the most effective poison in destroying Western civilization and unless it is taken on directly and beaten back and destroyed it will be impossible for White men to win any other battles, including on the race front. Without our women and our families strong and intact, we are finished as a race.
I agree. I'm glad you are enjoying it. Some very well-written articles with sublime insight by the authors and thoughtful comments by the readers. Kind of like here at CF

The link you referenced is one of those articles.

That letter by "Bachelor" to the Editor of the NYT in 1904 in response to the article by Dorothy Dix is like something you would see on a contemporary "Men's Rights" blog. I had no idea it was that bad then...at least in NYC. I wonder what the "Bachelor" would think if he were alive today in NYC! It's amazing that it was bad enough that Theodore Roosevelt talked of "racial suicide" because of it. Wow.

This excerpt by the author of the article you reference (Elusive Wapiti) was particularly insightful:

"And apparently a discussion about male and female achievement, even back then, wouldn't be complete about how women are supposedly smarter than their male peers because they stay in school longer and are more widely read. Forget about the dubious relationship between schooling and actual knowledge or skills, or the even more tenuous relationship between reading 19th century chick lit with literacy. What is remarkable here is to note how easy it apparently was for early feminists to forget, just as they do today, exactly who it was that quit school early to seek gainful (and often dangerous) employment to put food on the table. How easy it was for early fembots to take for granted the masculine labors that served up privilege to their pampered white female derrieres, enabling them to complete their schooling and have all that excess time to engage in recreational reading in the first place. Wanna-be white knight provider-slaves, take note: your sacrifices will not be appreciated. Instead, you will be scorned while the recipient of your beneficience basks in the warm comfort of your provision."

Yes, that would be these men:
When I was growing in the 90's, there was this thing called GIRL POWER...




Sarah Connor (Terminator 2)



I honestly enjoyed watching each of these shows during the 90's. Hard to imagine shows like these were reinforcing the castration of men. Quantum Leap had a very Liberal-Leftist message in it (white man in the shoes of a WOMAN or BLACK MAN). Ah... the 90's... those were the days.
j41181 said:

Ol' RL Ermey is a hard@$$ indeed. He was played a chopper pilot in "Apocolypse Now". His first role was as a DI Sgt.Loyce (USMC, San Diego Recruit Depot) in "The Boys in Company C" circa 1978. Here's a hilarious clip of the Sr.DI laying into the new recruits & then Ermey making his first appearance...

"The Boys in Company C" - RL Ermey as DI

"The Boys in Company C" - "Sgt Loyce" Leads the "Maggots"

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
Amica Insurance Commercial</font>

I was watching the Rockies vs Braves game on Cable TV the other day and saw this commercial a few times:


Does anyone know if this insurance company sells to men? Just wondering because in the world of this commercial, I didn't see any. I see they showed their phone number at the end of it...maybe I can call them tomorrow and find out for sure.

I guess even during random professional baseball games shown on TV, the audience is presumed to be female. Amazing. I didn't know so many of them were such big fans!
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