Ubiquitous Man Hating

I saw only a few eps of the new Battlestar Galactica. It had to be the most depressing thing I have ever seen.

I think we should look at this a bit closer. Of course, as you all say, there is a definite agenda going on. On the one hand, women are being taught from very early life that they're equal to and superior to men and men are being taught the opposite.

We should take that all into consideration when we form our opinions I think. For some reason, you all see these things and are unaffected by the massive propaganda campaign pushing this insanity. That's incredible in itself and you are to be complimented for it. There's something deep inside you that has kept you from being infected by this insanity.

But let's not condemn those people who have fallen victim to all this. Many of them deep down feel as we do and are fearful of being destroyed if somehow their feelings become known. That's a very real fear. We know the powers that be will actually destroy someone.

As far as the women go, remember, they are especially being targeted and are under extreme pressure to line up against their own people. They are our sisters, cousins, aunts, mothers, etc. Don't just leave them. Stand by them. Be kind to them. Don't get into fights with them. Hope for the best. Put your best foot forward when you're around them so they will want you to represent them. The one interesting thing about women is that if they're behind you, it doesn't matter if you say that its nigh time when the sun is shining, they'll support you 100%. We can't abandon our own. We must stand by them. It's our duty.

Every so often watch an old couple in the super market. When you look at them, it seems you're looking at one person. Through the years, they've grown into one person. That's the way it should be. After all the years of fighting and carrying on, all of a sudden they're only one. I hope that you can someday all experience this with one of our own women.

Take care gantlemen and ahve a good day.

Tom Iron...
The enemy is feminism, not white women. Good point. I expect that every couple pages or so the point will be made again and again, and it shows we aren't lunatics.
I watched the movie DEMOLITION MAN (1991) a night ago, and many points in the film reminded me of this thread...

The year is 2032 and all forms of violent crime has been purged, for now. One day, Simon Phoenix (20th century criminal) breaks loose from his cryogenic holding cell and wrecks havoc. The Law Enforcers of 2032 CAN'T handle Phoenix, and are forced to bring back John Spartan (20th century cop) to life. Spartan and Phoenix bring chaos and mayhem in an otherwise 2032 Utopian society where men seem neutered and castrated, where love-making (S-E-X) is limited to visual imaging. As in people in that era are mostly test tube babies.

Some countries bear some resemblance the film's 2032 Utopian world like... Denmark and Sweden!
Here's an excellent article with many thought-provoking comments after it:

Highlander mentionedThe Spearheadearlier in this thread and I've really been enjoying it. I realize now I had the proverbial "white knight" mentality (sentimentality) my entire life, until recently. Better late than never to wise up. God bless any American man who decides to get married and best of luck, but one should only do so, especially younger ones, with eyes wide open and after giving it much thought and being fully aware of how thoroughly feminists have transformedU.S. society and tilted everything, especially the institution of marriage, against men, as part of the overall corporate/zionist/globalist takeover of Western civilization with its accompanying deliberate destruction of the family unit and the natural harmony and balance between men and women. And also with knowledge of how feminism has thoroughly "skankized"so manyAmerican women along the way.
Corona Beer Beach Commercials</font>
American women can never be wrong and never be outsmarted (by their male counterparts.) They can do and say as they please...and always win....no...matter...what.

I've been meaning to comment on this for a while, as a few months ago, I saw a new Corona Beer commercial. At that time, and for about 2-3 months thereafter, I couldn't find a video of it on the Internet, although I kept seeing the ad. Well, earlier this afternoon, I just saw another new Corona Beer beach commercial on Cultural Marxist sports channel, ESPN, while watching the World Cup, and this one may even be worse. So, I did another search for the previous one and someone finally posted it on YouTube.

Here it is:

Of course, the man got his comeuppance in this one from a few years ago:

The new one I saw today? Well, I couldn't find a video of it on the Internet, but it goes like the one just above, where hotties in bikinis walk past him and his head follows them. Then, he realizes his "error" and turns to his girlfriend or wife who's staring him down. So, he picks up the lime off the top of the Corona bottle and squirts it on himself!

Pathetic! Needless to say, I will add Corona to my list of banned beers, along with Bud Light and Miller Light.

Edited by: Highlander
HL, I've been irked by those same (blatant anti-male, cult-marx) Corona ads. Everytime I see them I wanna cuss out loud. I'm sure the average castrated DWF obliviot would laugh it up ad those ads & see "nothing wrong with them".

Hate to say it, but Tecate has the only macho beer commercials im aware of these days...Edited by: jcolec02
Well, if Teacate didn't taste like p*ss water, I might drink it.

Dos Equis has some good commercials that put men (well, at least one man) in a good light (and is a quality beer):

Heck, it doesn't even have to be a "macho" commercial...just one that wasn't denigrating, disrespectful or emasculating, especially to White men.

Here's why I will no longer drink Miller Light (it's been a long time anyway), even if someone gave me one for free:

Of course, all of the women in the above commercials are portrayed as physically attractive, super-confident, assertive, and once again, always always right...and they know it.

Edited by: Highlander
I found this posting on "The-Spearhead" web site by "hurleyhacker". It was his response to a blog story about "Father's Day" and how that day is now being used as an opportunity to admonish men, take aim at "Dead Beat Dad's", etc. It provided some good laughs for me even though the underlying theme is pretty dark and portends of life here in the U.S. Hope you get some laughs as well.

Obama's "Father's Day" Speech:
<dl id="comment_list"><dd><div id="comment--24973">

My fellow Amerikans and Kenyans;</font>

"Today I take a few brief moments from my golf outing at Andrews to
honor our father's or better put ex-fathers . We mark this day as
the 50th anniversary of driving dad out of the home. Our legislative
and social policies have all but ended Fatherhood but remnants of
Fatherhood will be on display at the Smithsonian Institute basement
level. This will be a token gesture to honor those who were able to
hold on to their children, homes, livelihoods in spite of the efforts
of the Feminist Judicial and Legislative system to destroy them. (All
proceeds from the display will go to the AAUW. ) </font>

Since eliminating Father's from our children's lives I have witnessed
incredible positive changes in our children. No more will children
grow up to aspire to open businesses, seek college educations, or
anything that helps foster a healthy society. More and More
fatherless children are turning to us, the big government daddy for his
and her needs. We are better able to provide for a child than an
ordinary "Father."Â￾ For example look at the model prison labor farms
that have been built specific for fatherless men. Look at the single
mother camps that are providing millions of jobs and a continued stream
of Fatherless children. </font>

This 50th anniversary of the lack of Fathers is what I wrote about
when Bill Ayres wrote my autobiography "Dreams of My Father"Â￾ . You see
I never knew my Father and look I turned out to be President of the
USSA. So If I can be President then I am sure there is a leader or CEO
in the masses of Fatherless children roaming the streets in rival gangs
killing each other. </font>

In closing I would like to add that Government run Sperm banks are
open 24/7 to accommodate women and girls who are wishing to participate
in motherhood. Remember a Father is still a dangerous thing. A
father will try to instill respect , courage, and inspire all kinds of
principals of Democracy and freedom. Some traditions never get
silenced. However, this Father's Day 2010, let us remember that
fatherhood is perfectly disposable and warrants as much scorn and
derision as possible. </font>

Thank You for honoring a long outlawed institution and now I will get
ready to tee off while Michele flies to Paris for some shoes for the
Feminist/ Lesbian artificial insemination ball and fundraiser."</font>
Edited by: Highlander
HL, I like PBR, Bud, "Original" Coors or Natty Light if I'm drinking on the cheap. If I go "upscale", I like Sam Adams, Paulaner Hefeweizen & Shiner Bock.
i've been up at a friend's place the last few days, and there have been a ton of campaign ads for Representative Dan Boren (Dem. OK). i suspect that the constant feminizing of men has definitely played a role in his life, as you can see from the below videos ... i mean, seriously. check out his "authentic" gun show. and his wife assures us that he's a "really good listener."

Campaign ad #1

Campaign ad #2

surely Oklahoma can do better than this chump.
Yeh, but can't help but notice the negative reference in the first ad to, horror of horrors, France, even underlining the word in a newspaper headline to make sure the DWFs get it and begin clapping like seals. Those damn French with their independent attitudes, why they didn't even fall in line when W. Bush was lining up the "coalition" to root out Iraq's "WMDs." Maybe in retrospect the French should have been thanked. Ah, the American idiocracy.
DixieDestroyer said:
HL, I like PBR, Bud, "Original" Coors or Natty Light if I'm drinking on the cheap. If I go "upscale", I like Sam Adams, Paulaner Hefeweizen &amp; Shiner Bock.
Dixie, on the "lower end", I enjoy PBR and Old Milwaukee (although it's tough to find it where I live now.) A cold Old 'Mud is worth it's weight in aluminum...and more, for me. I don't drink that much anymore, but back in my party days, that was my primary choice, mostly based on my income at the time. Surprising to some, but not to me, several years ago Old Milwaukee won a blind taste test against a couple dozen other beers on the ASU campus. About the same time, it won a taste test in Consumer Reports magazine.

I like Samuel Adams but haven't tried the other two you mention. I'll have to give them a try sometime. Cheers!
Edited by: Highlander
HL, I might drink a few brews on the weekend (usually during football season), but only a couple. In my younger, hell raisin' days I was a BIG Bourbon fan & could knock down a 12 pack+ pretty easily. Now days, I rarely even catch a "buzz". I've gone streaks of months "on the wagon" when dieting, etc. However I do enjoy a cold'un now & then (especially draft in an ice-cold mug).
after viewing this ad, i really want to buy a bunch of stuff from Verizon ...

Pure garbage, anti-male hate propaganda. Thank you Verizon for reinforcing the mythic ethos of the day: Womenas Goddess. And we wonder why so many young men give their power away to women, or worse, begin to side with their oppressors and champion their cause.

On a similar note, do any of you useyahoo mail? If so, you must have noticed the most annoying large print ads that pop up anytime you log in. For the new middle America work force we have the woman power worker, the woman new age hipster, the black male new age hipster, and the emasulated Jewish man donning queer glasses andquirky Madison Avenue smile.These are full screen images mind you! Can anyone recommend an alternative email source,preferably one lacking in the new social contruct of the day It's not a good way to start your morning
Alpha Male, i'm stillusing my old hotmail account, but it's not a whole lot better when it comes to the images it puts on the homepage. i think everymain email site is infected with the same multi-cult mindset.
Geez, what a pathetic ad by Verizon. What was the point of it exactly? That their inanimate cell phone transmission technology doesn't discriminate against women (or, that at least it doesn't discriminate against the "Independent", conceited "little Princesses" that were portrayed in the ad?) What a reach. It was probably mandated by their diversity department.

Edited by: Highlander
These little gals need to learn a "womernz" proper place...clankin' pots & pans, moppin' the floors, doin' the laundry & shuttin' their mouths!

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
Don Wassall said:
This isan insightful article. The comments afterward, as with just about all articles on this site, are very good too.

10 Things I'll Teach My Sons About Women


I sent this to one of my buddies who is always complaining that girls only see him as a "friend". Everytime he starts falling for a girl they hit him with the "friend" tag and he gets his heart broken and loses confidence. Every man needs to be reminded of this, women should want you and should want to take care of you. It's not a one way street like the media and modern day society makes it seem.
thanks for sharing this, Don.
too many White "men" aren't real men at all ... just whipping boys. this piece does a good job of pointing out what a MAN should be.
American Freedom News