Ubiquitous Man Hating

Those were good essays and I agree completely with the writers. But we should bare in mind, it's not the fault of the women for the most part. They've been manipulated and conned and it's our job to find the answer to this problem, just like we find the answer to so many problems. If we want to be women's protectors, then we have to protect. Find out how to reach them. Try different approaches. These are our wives, daughters, nieces, etc. We have to stand by them and not turn our backs on them.

I'm fully aware of how many women act. But that's no excuse for us not to try. The rewards of a successful marriage are just too wonderful to walk away from.

A successful marriage is like an ongoing war until one day, you find, you're not one person any longer, you've become part of a team. Your spouse looks to you for her support and you want to give her that. There's no mine and yours, there's only ours.

Go to malls, or supermarkets. Look at the elderly people who've become, for all intents and purposes one person. Look at how attentive they are towards each other. It's unbelievable to see.

I hope you all are able to find such love/oneness with a woman.

Tom Iron...
Tom, well stated sir. My folks were like that. They were together almost 50 years (before my Mom passed last year). Dad pines for her so much now, and talks about them being closer than most folks could understand. My (maternal) grandparents were the same way. I'm a firm believer in marriage is til death (do us part). My wife & I have had some troubles here & there, but the Lord's seen us through. You certainly must be willing to sacrifice & give of yourselves to make marriage work.

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
One man's take on the sorry state of (most/many) marriages and relationships in America today and his advice to those thinking of marriage (just to inject a bit of humor into it all):


white lightning said:
What a shallow woman in this video but this is how the world works. The pretty people get all the perks in life. I wonder how she will handle old age. You can only fight father time for so long.
<div> </div>

She's a bug-eye'd "butter head" w/ a smash-nose who looks like a VC wh0re (circa Viet Nam 1968). She's bought too much of her own "press". These non-White "models" are are always 2nd class to the top "supermodels" of European descent.
DixieDestroyer said:
white lightning said:
What a shallow woman in this video but this is how the world works. The pretty people get all the perks in life. I wonder how she will handle old age. You can only fight father time for so long.
<div> </div>

She's a bug-eye'd "butter head" w/ a smash-nose who looks like a VC wh0re (circa Viet Nam 1968). She's bought too much of her own "press". These non-White "models" are are always 2nd class to the top "supermodels" of European descent.

I agree lol. The first thing I thought when I looked at her was yuck lady boy tranny.
As always with articles from The Spearhead, read the comments after the article. I'm starting to believe that we have a better chance of defeating Cultural Marxism's feminist arm before any significant progress can be made on the racial front, because most Whites can still run away from the country'sracial problems based on where they live and work, but men can't escape feminism and the mess it has made of women and the institution of marriage.

<H1 =entry-title>Mad Men Writer Tells The Plain Truth to Women Looking to Get Married</H1>
by W.F. Price on <ABBR =published title=2011-02-15>February 15, 2011

In an astonishing deviation from the standard popular discourse on marriage, TV writer Tracy McMillan (Mad Men, United States of Tara) spells out exactly why so many women are unlucky in love. The reasons she enumerates are quite harsh, but maybe a dose of bitter medicine is just what American women need these days.

Here's the list:

1. You're a Bitch.

2. You're Shallow.

3. You're a Slut.

4. You're a Liar.

5. You're Selfish.

6. You're Not Good Enough.

Of course, she goes to some length to explain these terms in a fairly sympathetic manner, but there's really not much dancing around the issue. Ms. McMillan is one of those remarkable women with a talent for dishing out the straight dope.

For example, under "You're Shallow,"Â she takes women to task for lacking in character:

When it comes to choosing a husband, only one thing really, truly matters: character. So it stands to reason that a man's character should be at the top of the list of things you are looking for, right?


Instead, you are looking for someone tall. Or rich. Or someone who knows what an Eames chair is. Unfortunately, this is not the thinking of a wife. This is the thinking of a teenaged girl. And men of character do not want to marry teenaged girls. Because teenage girls are never happy. And they never feel like cooking, either. </BLOCKQUOTE>


Her article is worth a full read, so I'm not going to give too much away, but she hits on some of our points here at The Spearhead so closely I've got to wonder whether people are actually starting to catch on.

The following passage, for example, echoes the theme of my "Stop Looking for a Wife"Â post from last fall so closely it's uncanny:

Because ultimately, marriage is not about getting something â€" it's about giving it. Strangely, men understand this more than we do. Probably because for them marriage involves sacrificing their most treasured possession â€" a free-agent penis â€" and for us, it's the culmination of a princess fantasy so universal, it built Disneyland.</BLOCKQUOTE>

I've got to give Ms. McMillan credit for saying it in a manner and venue that will actually catch women's attention. Honestly, I can't say I've seen a woman put it in plainer English in my life.
Don Wassall said:
As always with articles from The Spearhead, read the comments after the article. I'm starting to believe that we have a better chance of defeating Cultural Marxism's feminist arm before any significant progress can be made on the racial front, because most Whites can still run away from the country'sracial problems based on where they live and work, but men can't escape feminism and the mess it has made of women and the institution of marriage.
<h1>Mad Men Writer Tells The Plain Truth to Women Looking to Get Married</h1>

by W.F. Price</span> on <abbr title="2011-02-15">February 15, 2011</abbr>

In an astonishing deviation from the standard popular discourse on marriage, TV writer Tracy McMillan</font> (Mad Men, United States of Tara) spells out exactly why so many women are unlucky in love</font>. The reasons she enumerates are quite harsh, but maybe a dose of bitter medicine is just what American women need these days.

Here's the list:

1. You're a Bitch.

2. You're Shallow.

3. You're a Slut.

4. You're a Liar.

5. You're Selfish.

6. You're Not Good Enough.

Of course, she goes to some length to explain these terms in a fairly sympathetic manner, but there's really not much dancing around the issue. Ms. McMillan is one of those remarkable women with a talent for dishing out the straight dope.

For example, under "You're Shallow,"Â she takes women to task for lacking in character:

When it comes to choosing a husband, only one thing really, truly matters: character. So it stands to reason that a man's character should be at the top of the list of things you are looking for, right?


Instead, you are looking for someone tall. Or rich. Or someone who knows what an Eames chair is. Unfortunately, this is not the thinking of a wife. This is the thinking of a teenaged girl. And men of character do not want to marry teenaged girls. Because teenage girls are never happy. And they never feel like cooking, either. </blockquote>


Her article is worth a full read, so I'm not going to give too much away, but she hits on some of our points here at The Spearhead so closely I've got to wonder whether people are actually starting to catch on.

The following passage, for example, echoes the theme of my "Stop Looking for a Wife</font>"Â post from last fall so closely it's uncanny:

Because ultimately, marriage is not about getting something â€" it's about giving it. Strangely, men understand this more than we do. Probably because for them marriage involves sacrificing their most treasured possession â€" a free-agent penis â€" and for us, it's the culmination of a princess fantasy so universal, it built Disneyland.</blockquote>

I've got to give Ms. McMillan credit for saying it in a manner and venue that will actually catch women's attention. Honestly, I can't say I've seen a woman put it in plainer English in my life.
Yep, that's a good one. What's ironic is that this writer writes for a show that is supposed to show the misogynistic culture that existed back in the day. The series takes place in the early 1960's, just a few years before the onslaught of the Cultural Marxist revolution, and is a take on "Ad Men", but instead called "Mad Men", to exemplify this point.

The cultural liberal elite feminists and manginas eat this up and never fail to use this show as "Exhibit A" proof of the "oppressive" climate that existed for women back then and "how far we've come" and "how much better it is now" and "how much we've progressed" since then which only proves the very narrow spectrum of what they consider "progressive", ignoring all of the utterly devastating effects that it has had on Western culture, at both a macro (civilization) and micro (personal) level.

Another irony is that women absolutely love this show and I've personally heard some women say to each other how much they like it and the lead "Mad Man" character (don't know whether to call him a protagonist or antagonist.) I've heard it called "porn for women". Truth-be-told, it is well-written, acted, and produced, and probably deserving of the honors and accolades it's received. It's just ironic that it's had the unintentional affect of not only showing how men were back then (which women today (at least secretly), really seem to like), but also showing how women were back then too, offering a sobering contrast of what they once were (which most men today would much rather prefer) to what they've become, warts and all.
Edited by: Highlander
The MSM underestimates how much a man can love his wife and children. When I was a very small boy, I was running around the house with a blanket over my head.. I ran from the living room into the hall, trying to get to one of the two back bedrooms (that were mine and my brothers), but I didn't quite get there..

I hit my head on the door-jam of the bathroom entrance, and I promptly took the blanket off of my head, and my father soon appeared from the living room.. and he had a shocked look on his face.. turns out, I was bleeding. He got a blue bath-towel and told me to put pressure on my wound that was on my forehead. By this time, it already had gotten dark and my mom (who usually takes me to the hospital) was at her evening waitressing job.

So, my dad realized that he had to take me to the hospital. We got in his truck, with the blue towel still pressed to my head. I was honestly never in any real pain at all, and I wasn't scared. So, on our way to the hospital (which probably took around 20 minutes or so), he asked me - "are you doing alright?" I think he was concerned about internal damage or if I felt nauseated or anything. I responded, "I'm good."

I looked at the blue towel and there was some dried blood on it, but I never flinched. So, we get to the hospital and there was a friendly young intern lady, and she complemented my strength. I got my 5-stitches and then she put a kiddie bandaid on my head and smiled at me. Not bad..

I'm not saying that I was hurt badly, but my dad, who worked physical labor (in several different trades) and had some nasty injuries in his life, deemed a hospital visit to be necessary, so who am I to question him? That evening, I was shown love and kindness (I remember the events vividly).. even though I stupidly ran with a blanket over my head.....
Don Wassall said:
As always with articles from The Spearhead, read the comments after the article.  I'm starting to believe that we have a better chance of defeating Cultural Marxism's feminist arm before any significant progress can be made on the racial front, because most Whites can still run away from the country's racial problems based on where they live and work, but men can't escape feminism and the mess it has made of women and the institution of marriage.
<div> </div>
&lt;H1 =entry-title&gt;Mad Men Writer Tells The Plain Truth to Women Looking to Get Married&lt;/H1&gt;
&lt;P =line_&gt;by &lt;SPAN ="author vcard"&gt;W.F. Price&lt;/SPAN&gt; on &lt;ABBR =published title=2011-02-15&gt;February 15, 2011

In an astonishing deviation from the standard popular discourse on marriage, TV writer [COLOR=#2361a1">Tracy McMillan[/COLOR">[/u] (Mad Men, United States of Tara) [COLOR=#2361a1">spells out exactly why so many women are unlucky in love[/COLOR">[/u]. The reasons she enumerates are quite harsh, but maybe a dose of bitter medicine is just what American women need these days.

Here's the list:

1. You're a Bitch.

2. You're Shallow.

3. You're a Slut.

4. You're a Liar.

5. You're Selfish.

6. You're Not Good Enough.

Of course, she goes to some length to explain these terms in a fairly sympathetic manner, but there's really not much dancing around the issue. Ms. McMillan is one of those remarkable women with a talent for dishing out the straight dope.

For example, under "You're Shallow,"Â she takes women to task for lacking in character:

When it comes to choosing a husband, only one thing really, truly matters: character. So it stands to reason that a man's character should be at the top of the list of things you are looking for, right?


Instead, you are looking for someone tall. Or rich. Or someone who knows what an Eames chair is. Unfortunately, this is not the thinking of a wife. This is the thinking of a teenaged girl. And men of character do not want to marry teenaged girls. Because teenage girls are never happy. And they never feel like cooking, either. </blockquote>


Her article is worth a full read, so I'm not going to give too much away, but she hits on some of our points here at The Spearhead so closely I've got to wonder whether people are actually starting to catch on.

The following passage, for example, echoes the theme of my "[COLOR=#2361a1">Stop Looking for a Wife[/COLOR">[/u]"Â post from last fall so closely it's uncanny:

Because ultimately, marriage is not about getting something â€" it's about giving it. Strangely, men understand this more than we do. Probably because for them marriage involves sacrificing their most treasured possession â€" a free-agent penis â€" and for us, it's the culmination of a princess fantasy so universal, it built Disneyland.</blockquote>

I've got to give Ms. McMillan credit for saying it in a manner and venue that will actually catch women's attention. Honestly, I can't say I've seen a woman put it in plainer English in my life.

Great piece, I read this article earlier today and was going to post it, but you beat me to it! Truer words have not been spoken than what this woman is saying. I'm especially encouraged to see that a great deal of men continue to wake up to this con known as marriage to Western woman brainwashed and poisoned by feminism.

It's all by design, of course. The illuminati have been doing this for thousands of years. They first build powerful societies and civilizations by promoting a patriarchial state of affairs, family values, clearly defined gender roles in which the men are valued and respected while the women take care of the family, and so on. When that nation has reached its peak and they have finished their transfer of wealth, it's time to destroy it and move on to the next target. The destruction is accomplished by introducing women's rights, political correctness, homosexuality, emasculation of men, elimination of family values, and the overall feminization of the entire society. This is where the US and Europe find themselves at the moment, while China is the next superpower being build up.

Feminism can be defeated, but I fear the damage that's been done is too great to overcome in the next 10-20 years. We may need another generation for things to return to normal again, if at all.
Hitlary Clinton and her grrrlfriends on an all-out World-Wide Feminist Crusade:

(You taxpayer dollars at work)

<div ="hd">

<h1 id="yn-title">Hillary Clinton on Middle East Women's Revolution</h1>


<div ="byline">
<cite ="vcard">
Lisa Miller Lisa Miller</span>
<abbr title="2011-03-11T19:57:24-0800" ="timedate">FriMar11, 10:57pmET</abbr></div>


a rousing keynote speech at Newsweek and The Daily Beast's Women in the
World summit, Secretary Clinton doubled down on her commitment to
women's rights in the Middle East, unveiled a new State Department
partnership with all-girls colleges, and called pointedly for a future
female president.

When she heads to Egypt and Tunisia next week, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
vows to "stand firmly
for the proposition that women [in the region]
a voice and a vote,
she told an audience Friday night at
Newsweek and The Daily Beast's Women in the World summit
at New York's Hudson Theater. "More than that, they deserve to be able
to run for office, to serve as leaders and legislators, even president."Â

At "president"Â the secretary received a standing ovation. With her
smile, Clinton acknowledged the subtext: The women in the roomâ€"for they
were mostly womenâ€"were egging the secretary on to another presidential

As secretary of state, Clinton has made the rights of women and girls
worldwide a central plank of her foreign policy. The absence of those
rights, she said in her speech, is an abuse of power and principle equal
to slavery or communism. But although women have been recent
revolutionaries in people's uprisings across the Middle Eastâ€"helping
to launch the protests in Tahrir Square via the Internet, for example,
and then marching there in surprising numbersâ€"they have largely been
ignored as nascent governments are being established.

"In Tunisia,"Â Clinton said, "only two women have been appointed to the
transitional government, far fewer than served in the cabinet of ousted
president Ben Ali"¦. In Egypt, women are now shut out of the committees
and councils deciding the shape of Egypt's new democracy. The
Constitutional Committee has not a single woman member."Â

Clinton arguedâ€"backed by data from the World Bank, the World Economic
Forum, and Goldman Sachsâ€"that countries with poor records on women's
rights suffer economically and politically. Educating women, she said,
raises income levels in developing countries. Educated women have better
health, lower rates of infant and maternal mortality, and a greater
likelihood of getting a job outside the home. When women earn and keep
their own money, they spend more on their families and in their
communities than men do, "creating a positive impact on future
development."Â Especially in the Arab world, she said, citing the 2005 Arab Human Development Report, empowering women is a "prerequisite for an Arab renaissance."Â

Empowering women</font>, Clinton said, is a </font>"prerequisite for an Arab renaissance."Â</font></font>

That is why, Clinton said, she will support the efforts of women to have
a voice as new governments are being founded in Tunisia and Egypt.
noted especially a petition launched by Egyptian women and already
signed by 60 organizations, encouraging the Constitutional Committee "to
add a female legal expert to help guide the formation of a new
In Tunisia, Clinton said, female business leaders marched
last week "for greater economic opportunities and an end to political

Watch Secretary Clinton's full
address on the "unfinished business" of human history: The full
emancipation and equality of women.

Citing small successes since 2002 educating girls and women in
Afghanistan, Clinton said democracy cannot thrive if it doesn't include
women equally: "Without involving women in peace, the peace will not be
Egypt and Tunisia are at a crossroads now. Though Egyptian
women have made gains in recent years, with laws that grant them divorce
and the ability to convey citizenship to their children,
have long had low literacy rates, high unemployment and low political
engagement. "The ability,"Â Clinton added, "of Egyptian and Tunisian
women to participate in the decisions that will shape their nations'
futures will go a long way toward determining whether democracy actually
takes root in North Africa."Â

Turning back to America, Clinton used her keynote address to unveil a new partnership between the State Department and the Seven Sisters collegesâ€"Barnard,
Bryn Mawr, Mount Holyoke, Radcliffe, Vassar, Smith, and Wellesley, her
alma mater.</font> The partnership will kick off this fall with a conference of
"policymakers and innovative thinkers around the world,"Â said Secretary
Clinton, with the intent to build new global partnerships among women
activists and organizers.</font> "A lot of these women may not be known to many
of us,"Â
said Clinton. "They are the ones making changes on the ground
right now. They are the ones who need our help, and we will stand with

Clinton closed by reminding her audience that democracies aren't built
overnight, and that we in the liberal democratic West take our rights
for granted. Welcome to the revolution, where all of a woman's rights
are up for grabs.



I just hope she finds the time to thank the men that are fighting and dying for her cause...the same ones she and her countless ilk despise here at home and make laws that essentially render them neutered.
Also, another well-written and related article, from The Spearhead, with, as usual, many great comments:

<div ="line_area">
<h1 ="entry-title">Feminist Imperialism: The New Crusade</h1>
by </span>W.F. Price on <abbr ="published" title="2011-03-30">March 30, 2011</abbr>

Conservative pundit Jonah Goldberg, writing for National Review, has taken up the cause of spreading feminism across the world, presumably at gunpoint.

Goldberg has long been a war hawk, having been a passionate supporter of the invasion of Iraq, and once wrote:

"Every ten years or so, the United States needs to pick
up some small crappy little country and throw it against the wall, just
to show the world we mean business."Â

Perhaps feminism, which has led directly to a great deal of state
violence against men in America, has been recognized as a useful tool in
pursuing these aims. If feminists are perfectly comfortable with
violent arrests of fathers and husbands to enforce feminist dictates
here at home, just think of how easy it would be to recruit their
efforts to convince people to snuff out foreigners' lives.
As Jonah
argues, these jihadis must be a bunch of wife-beating sickos, so why not
drop some JDAMs and cruise missiles on their misogynistic heads?

Nothing could better demonstrate feminist triumph than the mutilated
corpses of patriarchal Muslims, right?
Perhaps having female American
soldiers sexually humiliate them a la Abu Ghraib would be the icing on
the cake.

Oddly for a conservative (or perhaps not), Goldberg gloats over the fact that American men have been laid low in recent years:

At a time when education matters more than ever, more
American women attend college than men. More women graduate, with better
grades and more advanced degrees.


These are the fruits of feminist success. And, as the father of a
little girl, I'm grateful for many of feminism's achievements. And as a
conservative, I'm delighted that so much of the energy and passion on
the right is fueled by women"¦

As an American, I'd be somewhat relieved if the feminists were to
divert their efforts to foreign wars. But that's a selfish sentiment,
and this is an international issue. As I know from very personal
experience, the effects of feminist policy transcend national
boundaries. This is an international issue that affects all of us, and
we have to address it as such.

So, while it isn't surprising to see war hawks donning the mantle of
feminism, it is important that men worldwide oppose any efforts to use
force against sovereign states in the name of feminism. To do so would
be to acquiesce to force being used against us in our own homes, as it

Every bomb dropped and every bullet fired in the name of feminism is
one more indictment against the totalitarian, supremacist ideology.
Every death caused by feminist imperialism is a war crime against free

It would be a searing indictment against us as a people were we to
justify state aggression on the pretext of interfering with the private,
family lives of a sovereign people. We should reject such efforts
forcefully, so as to avoid justifying the same action against us. http://www.the-spearhead.com/2011/03/30/feminist-imperialism-the-new-crusade/

Well said, Mr. Price.

Finally, a great interview with Gerald Celente that covers some of this as well:
Yeah, I read this article, but only because the headline intrigued me and decided to post it in this thread primarily because of the last sentence in it, its implications and that it shows how twisted things have become after 40 years of radical feminism gone mainstream, trumping hundreds of years of royal tradition and patriarchy.
<h4>Kate readies for royal life with heir in mind</font></h4>

LONDON (AFP) â€" When Kate returns to north Wales with Prince William
next week, she will begin married life with the knowledge that whatever
roles she takes on, she has one definite responsibility -- producing
an heir.

"If Kate is not pregnant in the next nine months, she will be defying
200 years of royal tradition," said Andrew Morton, a biographer of
William's late mother Diana who has just written a book about the

After years of waiting for her prince to propose, the 29-year-old
will be expected to move quickly to produce an heir for the
second-in-line to the throne, to ensure there is no break in the line
of succession.

Her predecessors certainly wasted no time -- William was born barely
11 months after his mother Diana married his father Prince Charles in

And Charles himself, the heir to the throne, was born almost exactly a
year after his parents Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip married in

Asked about his plans for children in an interview in November to
mark his engagement, William said: "I think we'll take it one step at a
time. We'll sort of get over the marriage first and then maybe look at
the kids.

"But obviously we want a family, so we'll have to start thinking about that."

Having postponed their honeymoon, William and Kate spent the weekend
at an undisclosed location in Britain before beginning married life on
the isle of Anglesey in Wales, where the prince is a helicopter search
and rescue pilot.

He must serve another two years with the Royal Air Force (RAF) there,
ensuring the newlyweds can start married life in rural seclusion.

Reports suggest Kate's public engagements will initially be light -- a
charity gala in London is expected to be one of only a few events
before a tour to Canada from June 30 to July 8, the couple's first as
husband and wife.

"The most important thing to remember is that he's not heir to the
throne," Paddy Harverson, Prince Charles' communications secretary, told
the BBC.

"He's second in line, and he's not a full-time royal, he's a
full-time pilot working a normal job for the RAF search and rescue."

Ever since he started his job in September, William has struck a
balance between public engagements and his work -- he has not neglected
the former but he has worked just as many shifts as his non-royal

Despite being the new Duchess of Cambridge, Kate must ready herself
for the life of a service wife, where her husband works 24-hour shifts
and regularly completes dangerous rescue missions.

But she already has some experience, having spent much of the last
few months living with him in Anglesey in the same cottage where they
are expected to return.

After graduating with a degree in art history from St Andrews
university in Scotland, where she met her husband, Kate worked as an
accessories buyer for a fashion chain and then for her parents' party
supplies company.

But her career has been viewed in the media as underwhelming, and she
is expected to embrace the charity work that comes with royal life.

Palace aides are said to have given her some time to work out exactly what she wants to do.

"I really hope I can make a difference, even in the smallest way," Kate has said.

Robert Jobson, who has written a book on the couple, reported in the
News of the World on Sunday that Kate has told friends she is in no
rush to have a baby, saying "one thing at a time
-- we want to enjoy
being together."

Royal historian Hugo Vickers said her duties were clear, however.

"If I'm being brutal about it, Catherine's duty is to make her husband happy and to produce an heir," he said.

William's marriage "makes it possible to have another generation of
the House of Windsor in direct line to the throne -- a boy who will
automatically become king or a girl who might be queen".

Under the law of succession, the first son Kate has would be next in
line to the throne after Prince William. But if they have a girl, her
place would be behind any brother she may have.

The British government has indicated it would be open to amending the
law to ensure that any of Kate's children has a chance at the throne.

Edited by: Highlander
I'm willing to bet this pathetic mangina has estrogen levels that equal or far exceed that of an even average woman. I like some of the comments, though.


How To Be A Real Man

Editor's note: Mulhern is married to star Democrat Jennifer Granholm, the former governor of Michigan. After reading NEWSWEEK'S April 26 cover on how the Great Recession has left many men feeling shamed and powerless, he composed this letter to his son.

Dear Jack,

At your physical yesterday, the nurse measured you at 5 feet 9 inches. You have officially passed your old man. And at 13, you're not done growing.

There's never been a better time to grow into manhood, but not everyone thinks so. NEWSWEEK recently reported on the plight of the "Beached White Male." "Man down!" they're cryingâ€"and insisting we'd better man up. It got me thinking about what it means to be a man.

I always thought that I would become governor, and then I'd "be the man." But the train tracks got switched, and instead Mom pulled into that station. I came to wonder about my strength. Do you remember when I took you along to my speech about leadership to some Cisco executives in Chicago, where you ran the PowerPoint slides? During the Q&A someone asked you why your dad was a great leader. You told them that I faithfully visited the young man I mentor in the Big Brother program, even when he was frustrating and difficult. Then someone asked, "Why is your mom a great leader?" and you said, "Wow, my momâ€"where do I even start?" I felt my armor pierced by that contrastâ€"Mom's obvious, overwhelming heroism, and my leadership, such as it was, smaller, humbler.

Male armor had always seemed to fit me well. As a young man I felt comfortable behind Ivy League walls, then moved easily through halls of power. When I launched my leadership consulting business, I enjoyed "eating what I killed,"Â as the macho maxim puts it. But the choices Mom and I made to put her public service in front of my career, and for me to lead at home, left me vulnerable and caused me to rethink what it means to "be a man."Â It has not been a tragic end to my manhood, but a wondrous beginning. It'll get even better for you.

When your grandmothers were raised, being a woman meant being a housewife. But Mom and her generation seized new opportunities. As a prosecutor and attorney general, Mom developed extraordinary executive skills. I was proud, and learned to exult in her strengths. Her success freed me to see a man can be goodâ€"or greatâ€"without being a hero in war, sports, business, or politics. A strong man, Jack, is not threatened by others' greatness. He's comfortable with his own.

I have loved raising you and your college-age sisters. It's been a gift. I stepped out of my male armor. I now cry when I'm sad, afraid, or just overwhelmed by the beauty of a sonata or a newborn baby. I don't feel less of a man. I do feel more of a human being.

Jack, you can play all kinds of roles in your time. You can whack at someone with a lacrosse stickâ€"or express courage as you did last week, when I watched you console your goalie while everyone else was mad at him for giving up the deciding goal. You showed me a strong man.

My dad, like so many men of his generation, could tell his wife what to do. He could tell his staff. And his boss could tell him. You and I need a more nimble strength. For example, you will have to stand up to your woman. You will honor her when you treat her as an equal, neither unduly backing down nor asking her to give up her principles and experience. You won't have clear social roles to inherit. Instead, you'll have to talk, negotiate, sacrifice, and make it up as you go along. A modern warrior prevails not by sheer physical strength but by exercising his values with discipline.

As a modern man, you'll learn way more than if you were large and in charge. It used to be a man's world (and, in some measure, it still is). If you lead like Mom, you'll know how to persevere. You need not fear strong women, or dismiss gentle men. And if you so choose, you'll be a great stay-at-home or lead parent, giving and receiving incredible lessons and profound joy. Either way, it's a great time to be a man.
Edited by: foobar75
Early candidate for Mangina of the Year? It's hardly surprising that Newsweek was sold last year for the princely sum of $1.
Oh, this Mulhern "guy" is a real hoot. At first I was embarassed at the shamelessness of his "letter", but now I am laughing after finding this on a web search: "Jennifer Mulhern Granholm (she took the last name of her husband, Daniel, as her middle name, and he did the same with her last name)." Poor guy. And his "wife", at least politically, is an ethical monster.

Poor kid Jack, good luck in straightening out your life.

foobar, yes, some good comments on the article, as you noted. And again, a reference in the comments to the always insightful de Toqueville: "Alexis de Tocqueville said ""It may readily be conceived that by thus attempting to make one sex equal to the other, both are degraded, and from so preposterous a medley of the works of nature nothing could ever result but weak men and disorderly women."Â￾
de Tocqueville did have a bunch of interesting observations about America and our system.

As for the article, "nimble strength"?
"Male armor had always seemed to fit me well. As a young man I felt comfortable behind Ivy League walls, then moved easily through halls of power. When I launched my leadership consulting business, I enjoyed "eating what I killed,"Â￾ as the macho maxim puts it. But the choices Mom and I made to put her public service in front of my career, and for me to lead at home, left me vulnerable and caused me to rethink what it means to "be a man."Â￾ It has not been a tragic end to my manhood, but a wondrous beginning. It'll get even better for you."Â￾

An Ivy League rich boy, a politician working in the "halls of power,"Â￾ and a consultant for corporations"¦how are any of these pampered, white-collar, womanly activities at all similar to wearing "male armor?"Â￾ I suppose such an inherent dearth of testicular vacuity is the primary reason that "he"Â￾ was so effortlessly transformed into an emasculated, female-supremacist, mommy-worshipping "house-husband."Â￾

"When your grandmothers were raised, being a woman meant being a housewife. But Mom and her generation seized new opportunities. As a prosecutor and attorney general, Mom developed extraordinary executive skills. I was proud, and learned to exult in her strengths. Her success freed me to see a man can be goodâ€"or greatâ€"without being a hero in war, sports, business, or politics. A strong man, Jack, is not threatened by others' greatness. He's comfortable with his own."Â￾

Yes, what a hellish existence it was for white American "housewife grandmothers."Â￾ Caring for a home, embracing a faithful partnership with a husband who provided for and protected her, loving her children, gardening, hobbies, house chores, socializing with neighboring families, trustworthy, loyal, dependable, spiritual, physically beautiful (without makeup, breast implants, painted nails, hair extensions, fake tans, expensive clothes and overpriced jewelry), dutiful, sweet, thoughtful, feminine, etc.

It was only by the grace of God did the next generation of women manage to "seize new opportunities."Â￾ Dear, sweet "mother"Â￾ was replaced with a corporate prostitute, pleasantly awoken each morning to the soothing blare of shrieking alarm clocks, sitting for hours in traffic jams, ditching the children (assuming "it"Â￾ actually has any) at daycare, working through lunch, working late nights, working on holidays, working on weekends, working at home, absent during all meaningful family moments, perpetually distracted by a hollow career, a cell phone surgically-fastened to it's head, a drunk, a liar, an adulterer, a whore, self-centered, a user of people, disloyal, ruthless, a soul so sordidly inundated with the essence of greed and corporate achievements that "it"Â￾ can't even fathom possessing a life that was once the norm for her "housewife grandmother."Â￾

American white women indeed "seized"Â￾ the "new opportunities"Â￾ to be a vile c-nt"¦without repercussions from family, friends, colleagues, etc.

"I have loved raising you and your college-age sisters. It's been a gift. I stepped out of my male armor. I now cry when I'm sad, afraid, or just overwhelmed by the beauty of a sonata or a newborn baby. I don't feel less of a man. I do feel more of a human being."Â￾

You're correct, it's certainly impossible for you to lose any more of your supposed "manhood."Â￾ The souls of your deceased Caucasian ancestors are undoubtedly swelling with pride. I'm confident that they too "cried"Â￾ when they were "afraid"Â￾"¦you know, as opposed to fighting on the battlefield so that a sissy-boy twerp such you could one day undeservingly inherit their superior DNA.

"You and I need a more nimble strength. For example, you will have to stand up to your woman. You will honor her when you treat her as an equal, neither unduly backing down nor asking her to give up her principles and experience. You won't have clear social roles to inherit. Instead, you'll have to talk, negotiate, sacrifice, and make it up as you go along. A modern warrior prevails not by sheer physical strength but by exercising his values with discipline."Â￾

Don't fret, "Daddy,"Â￾ I'm confident that with your sage recommendations, little Jack will eventually admit to being a homosexual (like you). And, yes, the "social roles"Â￾ in almost all white-majority nations are quite "clear"Â￾"¦white men are walking-doormats, white women are irresistibly beautiful, witty, cerebral, dominant, strong, influential queens (and treated as such).

"As a modern man, you'll learn way more than if you were large and in charge. It used to be a man's world (and, in some measure, it still is). If you lead like Mom, you'll know how to persevere."Â￾

A politician providing "leadership?"Â￾ On what subject? Organized crime? Female-supremacy? Negro-loving? Zionist war-mongering? Emasculation of white males? The death of the white race? The discontinuation of white western innovation, achievement, superiority, and advancement? How to properly organize turd-world invasions?

"You need not fear strong women, or dismiss gentle men. And if you so choose, you'll be a great stay-at-home or lead parent, giving and receiving incredible lessons and profound joy. Either way, it's a great time to be a man."Â￾

The phrase "Strong Woman"Â￾ may be the most appropriate definition of "Oxymoron"Â￾ since the inception of the term.
Excellent post, Thrashen. That's as complete of a depiction of contemporary White Western "women" that can possibly be made.

As if it isn't enough that most of our White politicians, White academia/teachers, White coaches, White Athletic Directors, </span>White fans (DWFs), White Sports Announcers, White CEOs/Managers/Supervisors, White Entertainers, White mothers, etc, etc, have marginalized, disrespected, and tried to essentially castrate us, now even some White fathers are trying to do the same thing.

Notice how his kid is playing lacrosse now? I bet his dad dissuaded him from playing football, accepting some theme that that's a black kids sport, or that mommy didn't want him to play football, but she was OK with him playing lacrosse, because "Mommy knows best" in "his" household. I understand that lacrosse is a physical game and I actually like it. I certainly consider it a "manly" sport, but I'm seeing more and more White males going this route instead of football for one reason or another. In his case, it was probably because the person that wears the pants in his house refused to let her "boy" play football.</span> </span>

Edited by: Highlander
American Freedom News