Ubiquitous Man Hating

The following clip is incredibly violent and disgusting. Viewer discretion is a must.

Many Japanese Cartoons (ANIME) have shows like this one....


The story of this show (called SCHOOL DAYS) is a lame rip-off (IMO) from 2 classic Hollywood (or HollyWIERD) films... PLAY MISTY FOR ME (1971), and FATAL ATTRACTION (1987).

In this case, the show draws more inspiration from Play Misty for Me. Where areas Clint Eastwood, and Micheal Douglas portrayed strong and decisive thinking male protagonists, the male protagonist of School Days was portrayed like in many other Japanese shows... shy, naive, inept, indecisive, and at times sleaze balls. Wikipedia has the full info on this show.

It just goes to show how twisted things can be in non-Western countries like Japan. I've seen old Chinese kung-fu movies with women pulverizing companies of men.

Feminism can go beyond race and culture, it's a universal dilemma.
j41181 said:
The following clip is incredibly violent and disgusting. Viewer discretion is a must.

Many Japanese Cartoons (ANIME) have shows like this one....


The story of this show (called SCHOOL DAYS) is a lame rip-off (IMO) from 2 classic Hollywood (or HollyWIERD) films... PLAY MISTY FOR ME (1971), and FATAL ATTRACTION (1987).

In this case, the show draws more inspiration from Play Misty for Me. Where areas Clint Eastwood, and Micheal Douglas portrayed strong and decisive thinking male protagonists, the male protagonist of School Days was portrayed like in many other Japanese shows... shy, naive, inept, indecisive, and at times sleaze balls. Wikipedia has the full info on this show.

It just goes to show how twisted things can be in non-Western countries like Japan. I've seen old Chinese kung-fu movies with women pulverizing companies of men.

Feminism can go beyond race and culture, it's a universal dilemma.
Stuff like this was an inspiration to the very talented albeit uber-feminist and wiggerish filmmaker Quentin Tarantino. Just check out "Kill Bill Vol 1"

You could spend days-on-end trying to psychoanalyze Japanese culture and the dynamics of their relationships and still come up with no explanation.

Here's a culturally bizarre article from Japan that I came across a while back, now almost three years old, that I believe fits well in this thread and is part of the "universal dilemma" you mentioned.

<h1>In Japan, it's the men who want to be skinny
and cute</h1>
<h1>By Kaori Shoji</font></h1>
<h6>Published: Monday, November 19, 2007</font></h6></span></span>TOKYO -There was a time when slimness was the
absolute prerequisite for urban Japanese women, when designers like
Shinichiro Arakawa and Yohji Yamamoto professed a flat refusal to make
clothes for women who weren't fragile and thin
, whose chests and hips
were barely discernable through the fabric.

That aesthetic
went out when the health and exercise boom came in about seven years
ago - the new Japanese woman, according to the fashion critic Ikuko
Hirayama, is: "strong, robust, bursting with energy. She takes care of
her body but is not obsessed with being thin. She's proud of her biceps
and also proud of her sexuality."
Accordingly, the most popular
relaxation sport for single working women nowadays is "boxercising," or
the combination of boxing moves plus aerobics, which is said to
increase adrenaline flow by 80 percent and is an ideal way to blow off
aggression and stress.

In stark contrast, it's the men who want
to be slender, vulnerable and protected
. Young males between the ages
of 18 and 30 make up the slimmest segment of the population and the
ideal fashion weight as decreed by the apparel industry is 57
kilograms, or about 125 pounds, for a height of 175 centimeters, or 5
feet 8 inches. Many men try to adhere to that figure and some claim
they want to be even skinnier.

Twenty-five-year-old Junichi
Shirakawa, who works at the denim boutique 45 RPM, said that his goal
is to get his weight down from 57 to 55 kilograms, although his height
is 182 centimeters. "Being really skinny is essential, not just for
fashion and work purposes but also because girls seem to go for thin
guys," he said.

Both Shirakawa and his girlfriend like the fact
that she weighs more than he does, and is the leader of the couple.
"She's a lot stronger than I am, can lift heavy things and go drinking
until dawn. I admire that about her, and feel protected when I'm around
her," he said.
Older than he by five years, it was Shirakawa's
girlfriend who made the approach, started the dating process and
decided what course their relationship would take.

"Frankly, I
think women should be in the driver's seat. Society and relationships
work better that way," he said. Shirakawa likes to wear his
girlfriend's clothes and often shows up for work wearing her blouse
and jeans, to the general approval of his co-workers.

said: "For young men, wearing women's clothes has almost become a
status symbol - a confirmation of being slim and pretty and,
therefore, desirable.
Young women, on the other hand, are less
interested now in looking beautiful for the benefit of young men. They
dress up for themselves, for their own satisfaction."

This seeming
reversal of traditional gender roles has spawned such interesting
fashion items as the "unsexy miniskirt," a term coined by the TV
commentator Ryuichi Fujita. All the rage this autumn is the short,
short skirt combined with boots or ballet shoes - the salient feature
of this look is that it shows a lot but says nothing and is
consequently "apolitical and not sexy at all," according to Fujita.
Indeed, it seems that Japanese women have reclaimed sexuality as their
very own and now dress to enhance their self-esteem rather than to
please the male gaze, which was what a big part of street fashion had
been about. Now that the male gaze is focused primarily on the men
themselves, the equation of short skirts and wolf whistles just doesn't
work anymore.

As Hirayama said, "The term kawaii [cute] used to
be something that described women, or female attributes. Now women are
more likely to use that to talk about men and what they're wearing. As a
result, more young men aspire to be cute."

Indeed, young men
claim to want to be pursued and then nurtured - they often hate to
make the first move and often shy away from conflict. "I never fight
with my girlfriend because I know I'll lose," is how Shirakawa put it.
"It's just a lot more comfortable for me if I go along with everything
she says."

That mind-set is reflected in men's fashion and
fashion design. The trend now is for men to look like they want to be
fed and/or devoured by women. One of the pioneering brands for that is
Lad Musician, headed by the designer Yuichi Kuroda. Lad Musician
burst onto the Tokyo fashion scene in 1995 in a
glam-rock/low-slung-guitar kind of way, espousing an emaciated, tragic
sexiness enhanced by clinging silhouetted tops and slim, revealing
pants with no pockets and very little breathing space. Lad Musician
aesthetics has grown thanks to the general weight loss among young
men, and the silhouettes (especially for long-sleeved T-shirts, polo
shirts and sweaters) are tighter than ever before. Young men will
combine these tops with baggy jeans that are suspended 8 centimeters
below the navel on terrifically flat stomachs, subconsciously
channeling, perhaps, the Kate Moss look of the late 1990s.
designs are famed for being extremely selective, shunning those who
weigh more than 63 kilograms or are overly muscular.

Other brands
are following suit, so that men's sizes are steadily diminishing while
women's clothing sizes are getting distinctly roomier.
To Nigo, who
directs A Bathing Ape, Tokyo's most successful and visible street
brand, this makes sense: men's designer clothes should target the thin
and seemingly unfit. "Designer clothes look best on men whose bodies
don't do the talking, that are silent, slim, practically invisible,"
said Nigo, a waif-like figure with slender, girlish wrists. "Because
the clothes should do all the talking, right?

"That's why men pay
money for clothes, so they won't have to say anything. Otherwise, why
The Samurais must be rolling over in their graves wondering "WTF did I
die for?"

Edited by: Highlander
I ate at a Thai restaurant a while back that was showing music videos from that country on a TV screen. Most of the "men" in the videos were either openly dressing and acting like women, or were otherwise as effeminate as you could imagine. Then there's the "ladyboy" thing in parts of Asia, where countless numbers of men have become women, and many Western tourists get fooled by them. Asian men seem to be the easiest to emasculate.
As one person once said, Was Japan nuked too much or not enough?
Don Wassall said:
I ate at a Thai restaurant a while back that was showing music videos from that country on a TV screen.  Most of the "men" in the videos were either openly dressing and acting like women, or were otherwise as effeminate as you could imagine.  Then there's the "ladyboy" thing in parts of Asia, where countless numbers of men have become women, and many Western tourists get fooled by them.  Asian men seem to be the easiest to emasculate.

Yes, I'd imagine that being a straight, "eyes open,"Â￾ old-fashioned Japanese male is far more infuriating than our current "situation."Â￾ They must want to slaughter every one of their effeminate, emasculated, materialistic, Americanized "countrymen."Â￾
Thrashen said:
Don Wassall said:
I ate at a Thai restaurant a while back that was showing music videos from that country on a TV screen. Most of the "men" in the videos were either openly dressing and acting like women, or were otherwise as effeminate as you could imagine. Then there's the "ladyboy" thing in parts of Asia, where countless numbers of men have become women, and many Western tourists get fooled by them. Asian men seem to be the easiest to emasculate.

Yes, I'd imagine that being a straight, "eyes open,"Â￾ old-fashioned Japanese male is far more infuriating than our current "situation."Â￾ They must want to slaughter every one of their effeminate, emasculated, materialistic, Americanized "countrymen."Â￾

Southeast Asia is overrun with feminized males who want to look like women. It borders on obsession with a lot of these "dudes." It was disgusting to me but most men who talked about it thought it was funny and cool. That perverted behavior and the sex slave trade were the two most reprehensible things I observed while there.

I did find that most Thai (plus Lao, Vietnamese, Cambodian, Burmese, Malaysian and Singaporean) women try to be as feminine as possible, and they viewed White men (Euro or American) as the ultimate prize. The women also viewed light skin as more desirable to have than dark skin, so many of them would go to great lengths to keep from getting a tan.
Don Wassall said:
Asian men seem to be the easiest to emasculate.

To reference a "heel" comment made by former pro "wrassler" Lex Luger...that's because they're "genetically short-changed".

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
Is anyone getting tired or racist whites on youtube?


i wouldn't say the commenters are all white. we can't tell unless they say so. but yeah if i watch a video with black people in it i won't even bother looking at the comments half the time. i know it's going to be n*gger this and n*gger that. yawn.

Definitely. I get tired of racist, period. But they are the extremist, and it's constant, even if it has nothing to do with race or them. I can't count how many times I have seen something like gas &lt;insert race&gt;, kill &lt;insert race&gt;, etc. It's mostly the men, though. Because I subscribe to a lot of different makeup tutorials and it's women and gay men who watch those, and there are never any racist comments on those type of videos no matter what race the maker of the video is, but if you go to anything else, you can't avoid it. I guess men have a lot more anger. And you can tell what race most of them are by viewing their channel. What other race would be in the KKK, Neo Nazis, etc? People have their channels dedicated to their cause lol.

What, there's no La Raza channel? No angry negro channels? No Muhammaddan channels? You a mudshark?
This is certainly an eye opening article. However, I think the title needs to be slightly modified to read "The End of White Men".

Based on the mountains of evidence available, I don't see any efforts to destroy and delegitimize black, latino, asian, jewish, muslim/arab, and homosexual men. On the contrary, every piece of legislation and social agenda item in the United States, Canada, Western Europe, and Australia is geared towards empowering and improving the lives of the afore-mentioned groups. It's the white, straight, Christian men that the PTB are after.

The Nordic/Celtic/Germanic/Slavic/Baltic/Greek men, the ones who have been the foundation of civilization for thousands of years and essentially responsible for every significant achievement in human history are the ones who are now the greatest threat to the establishment elites. The feminists, zionists, and gays are well aware of this danger to their hold on power, and using their lapdogs, they have probably been planning all of this for the last 80-100 years. It's gone into overdrive in the last 25 years or so, maybe a bit longer.

The word needs to be spread using articles and sites like Caste Football, Spearhead and the like, and open as many eyes as possible. I don't believe we have reached the point of no return just yet.
foobar75 said:
This is certainly an eye opening article. However, I think the title needs to be slightly modified to read "The End of White Men".

Based on the mountains of evidence available, I don't see any efforts to destroy and delegitimize black, latino, asian, jewish, muslim/arab, and homosexual men. On the contrary, every piece of legislation and social agenda item in the United States, Canada, Western Europe, and Australia is geared towards empowering and improving the lives of the afore-mentioned groups. It's the white, straight, Christian men that the PTB are after.

The Nordic/Celtic/Germanic/Slavic/Baltic/Greek men, the ones who have been the foundation of civilization for thousands of years and essentially responsible for every significant achievement in human history are the ones who are now the greatest threat to the establishment elites. The feminists, zionists, and gays are well aware of this danger to their hold on power, and using their lapdogs, they have probably been planning all of this for the last 80-100 years. It's gone into overdrive in the last 25 years or so, maybe a bit longer.

The word needs to be spread using articles and sites like Caste Football, Spearhead and the like, and open as many eyes as possible. I don't believe we have reached the point of no return just yet.

A lot of the folks at The Spearhead don't see the bigger picture yet, namely that feminism is an integral part of a total onslaught against White, Western civilization by Cultural Marxist totalitarians. Nor do they yet understand the large Jewish role in same and what motivates it. But some do, if you read the comments after articles, many of which are subtle but indicate knowledge of the Big Picture.

I'm hoping that over time the "men's rights movement" will come to comprehend the racial issues involved in feminism, just as some White racialists have over time begun to better understand how dramatically men and boys are being sold out in this country -- and in the rest of the "Anglosphere" as well, and that being a "mangina" or "white knight" is counterproductive and only enables the bad behavior of women. But there are no winners if men lose; so many White women are screwed up because so many White men are, too. It's been a top-down process of engineered rot, but the only way out is a bottom-up enlightenment, ormore realistically anenlightenment from the middle-up as the U.S. now has a huge prole population of parasites at the bottom to go along with the parasites at the top.

I agree that we haven't reached the point of no return yet either, but at the same time it's hard to be optimistic. The most important thing is to turn back the overwhelming tide toward Cultural Marxist/Corporate/National Security Statetotalitarianism, because if it gains an unchallengeable position of strength, what lies ahead is a soulless nightmare right out of the most bleak science fiction novel.
Don Wassall said:
It's surprising this one made it past the usually rigorous Cultural Marxist thought police at SNL:
SNL (amazingly) is trying to show that so-called "Sexual Harassment" is entirely dependent on the subjective whim of the woman. That it's not the action that's the issue, but who's doing it. If it's some Alpha man then she's perfectly fine, even happy, about it, but if it's some so-called "Beta" or "Omega" man, then, by God, she's utterly appalled by it and calls the authorities, essentially making it a law against a so-called "Beta" or "Omega" to interact with a woman. It has nothing to do with "harassment".

The Spearhead had an article about this exact same issue a few months ago about NYC trying to interact this same so-called "Sexual Harassment" law to all public places throughout the city. Pity the poor construction worker or pizza delivery man that whistles a sweet-nothing to an attractive woman walking by as he may be arrested, but the hot-shot investment banker or hedge fund trader that brought financial collapse upon this country, or the star athlete or Rock/cRap star, well, they get her phone number, email address, and probably much more, for doing the exact same thing.

Edited by: Highlander
One of the reasons White men are so widely reviled is because the White "leaders" at the top of the ruling class's rigged political system areeasytargets foranti-American militants to use to discredit Whites in general.

A sleazy creep like John Boehner is a great example. He's the House equivalent of coaching weepy boys like Dick Vermeil, Bill Cowher, Jim Leyland and others who cry on cue (usually when askedto extol the virtues ofone of their black players).

Boehner (like almost all congressional Republicans) is a Christian Zionist zealot who supports the all-out demographic and psy-war being waged against White men. There's nothing admirable about him,his main attribute ishis psychopathic ability to rise through the system.

Someone who cries in public this much has some serious disorders:

<DIV style="BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; TEXT-ALIGN: left; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; COLOR: #000000; BORDER-TOP: medium none; BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; TEXT-DECORATION: none; transparent: " _counted="undefined" ="story_line">The crying game
<DIV style="BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; TEXT-ALIGN: left; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; COLOR: #000000; BORDER-TOP: medium none; BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; TEXT-DECORATION: none; transparent: " ="story_subline">John Boehner must be tough because he cries so much

<DIV style="BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; TEXT-ALIGN: left; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; COLOR: #000000; BORDER-TOP: medium none; BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; TEXT-DECORATION: none; transparent: ">
We've had to adjust to so many strange developments lately. I'm sure we'll get used to having a speaker of the House who weeps a lot.
That would be John Boehner, the new guy.
"He is known to cry," the outgoing speaker, Nancy Pelosi, told Deborah Solomon in The Times Magazine. "He cries sometimes when we're having a debate on bills."
Ms. Pelosi, of course, does not cry in public. We will stop here briefly to contemplate what would happen if she, or any female lawmaker, broke into loud, nose-running sobs while discussing Iraq troop funding or giving a TV interview.
OK, moving forward.
Mr. Boehner is a gravel-voiced Ohioan who wears snazzy suits and hangs out a lot with lobbyists. One of the few cheery prospects the new year holds for Democrats is his upcoming demonization, since there is no such thing in 21st-century America as a lovable leader of the House. Unless America is totally won over by the idea of a Sobbing Speaker.
"I think people are going to like him," said Lesley Stahl, who interviewed Mr. Boehner for a "60 Minutes" segment shown last Sunday, during which he broke down several times.
The most arresting moment came when Mr. Boehner told Ms. Stahl he can no longer make visits to schools, or even look at the little kids on the playground, because he immediately starts crying.
That had me alarmed. I thought there was going to be some terrible story about an ailing child that would then force me to have warm and sympathetic thoughts about John Boehner.
But no. The reason, Mr. Boehner finally choked out, was because "making sure these kids have a shot at the American dream, like I did, is important."
We will stop again briefly to imagine what would have happened if Nancy Pelosi, upon being elected speaker, had confessed on national TV that she was unable to visit schools in her district because the sight of little children made her break into sobs.
OK. About Mr. Boehner. Many of us first noticed his tendency toward tears when he appeared on election night to celebrate his party's taking control of the House. He had hardly gotten in front of the microphone before things got watery.
"I spent my whole life chasing (sob) the American dream," he told the cameras. "Put myself through school, working every rotten job there was ..."
The American Dream has had such a bad year. During the campaign, it was tossed around by billionaire candidates who insisted on telling groups of underprivileged children that they, too, could someday own a mega-yacht or run a slimy but extremely profitable health care corporation.
Now, John Boehner is blaming the Dream for making him howl like an abandoned puppy. It's what my friend Rebecca Traister calls "Boehner doing Masterpiece Theater on the hard life of John Boehner."
Ms. Traister is the author of "Big Girls Don't Cry," a chronicle of the Clinton-Obama battle for the Democratic presidential nomination. One of the best-remembered moments in that campaign -- Hillary Clinton cries in New Hampshire -- is an excellent example of the difference between what men and women can get away with, tear-wise.
"Hillary didn't cry," Ms. Traister pointed out. "Not a drop of liquid fell below her lower lash." With her back to the wall and the presidency on the line, Ms. Clinton approached the edge of a sniffle and we are still talking about it. Mr. Boehner is driven to great, noisy sobs when he contemplates the fact that as a youth, he mopped the floor at his father's tavern.
Besides the crying gap between men and women, there's also one between Republicans and Democrats. On the one hand, you have the folks who can't afford tears because it makes them look weak, and on the other, the people who are presumed to be tough and hard-nosed, for whom crying is an attractive sign of complexity.
Mr. Boehner is opposed to extending unemployment benefits for the jobless, and he wants to kill off the law that guarantees health coverage to all Americans. So you know when he starts weeping when his wife says she's "real proud" of him, it's not a sign of softness.
In 2007, he cried while delivering a speech on the floor of the House, in support of funding for the war in Iraq. "After 3,000 of our fellow citizens died at the hands of these terrorists, when are we going to stand up and take them on?" he sobbed.
Then this year, he voted against providing money to take care of our fellow citizens who became ill while doing rescue and reclamation work at ground zero after the terrorist attack.
<DIV ="story_end_field">Gail Collins is a syndicated columnist for The New York Times.

Read more: http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/10351/1111326-109.stm#ixzz18VOBXwQI
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Edited by: Don Wassall
Don, your posts in this thread have been of stunning quality. It's no wonder I always seem to "stalk"Â￾ all of your posts with the forum's "search"Â￾ function, haha.
Thanks, Thrashen, you write a lot of great posts yourself.

This thread contains a lot of important information that all young White men need to be aware of.
Not sure if this is for thread, but I'll post it anyway...


Honestly, I'm not really into this royal stuff (though I enjoy reading World History). But, I found this a pleasant surprise, the film is called "The Young Victoria (2009)." Normally I don't make observations, but I find it remarkable how the central character (QUEEN VICTORIA), was depicted as a strong, yet vulnerable, and FEMININE woman. It's after all the 1800's, even though she was Queen, the CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCHY was already established. She needed individuals (men obviously) who will support and guide her. Two male characters stand-out for her (Lord Melbourne and Prince Albert). Prince Albert (real-life husband) was depicted as decisive and heroic, while Lord Melbourne was decisive and loyal.

Quite a good mix, of dramatization and historical facts, although the assassination scene NEVER happened. But, Prince Albert's heroic act was a sight to see. The love between Prince Albert and Queen Victoria, despite it's original political motives, was GENUINE as it gets. IMO, Victoria wouldn't be what she is, if not for Lord Melbourne, and especially her husband Prince Albert.

So far, this is the only film (IMO) about her. There were several movies about Queen Elizabeth I, but I never found any of them as watchable.
Are any of you guys familiar with this 1981 sleeper hit...

Heavy Metal 1981 (Wikipedia)

Heavy Metal 1981 Trailer

The film is based on an ADULT fantasy comics (of the same name), debuted in 1977 by Leonard Mogul, which in turn traces it's origin form a French Fantasy magazine, Metal Hurlant (Howling Metal in English). French version debuted in 1974.

This was among IVAN REITMAN's (Jew) earliest works.

What's intriguing is the film's last portion (roughly 20 minutes long), it's about a beautiful, sexy, and MUTE female warrior named Taarna...

Heavy Metal 1981 - Taarna part 1

Heavy Metal 1981 - Taarna part 2

several scenes were phased out due to extreme NUDITY, and it's remarkably graphic for an animation.

IMHO, this must be the FIRST film of it's kind (live or animated) that featured a bad-ass female character. Possibly the first of the Kill Bill's, Lara Croft's, etc...Edited by: j41181
This is a good article:

Eek! A Male!

I'm surprised to see such an article on an MSM publication, but the comments show that people are starting to wake up. Indeed, feminism has truly accomplished its goal of turning women and children against men, making men reviled in society. And by society, I mean the West (Europe, United States, Australia, etc). In non-feminized countries, you don't see this type of phenomenon. Men are still respected and looked upon as protectors, they way it has been since the dawn of time.

We'll see whether the tentacles of feminism will eventually reach these other nations as well. It's already starting to happen in places like India and even China from what I've been reading.
American Freedom News