Tyson Fury

By the way,

Awesome to see Fury is taking the same advice i suggested. Apparently he is leaving Britain after this fight Good idea. As i said if the media in his own country is supporting Joshua over him, he should gather his belongings and leave. Hes the world champ he can base his career anywhere. If these idiotic Brits would rather support an unproven Negro, then the best thing to do is leave.

Good decision Fury and his team have made.
Also physique is possibly the most unimportant aspect of a boxer. Heck just look at Kovalev (very lean, almost no muscle structure) KOing Pascal (looks like a body builder).

Wlad has a perfect physique but you know this is boxing not weightlifting.
I think you're being too critical of Fury there West, yes his body is not sculpted like Wladimir, but he's not a PED man like Wladimir either (like Joshua, like so many). He has an albatross's span and is highly skilled. Look at the natural body of Jess Williard below, that's what he has -except 10x the skill. He''ll very likely box up Wladimir in the rematch.


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Willard looked pudgy when he sat on his belt and did vaudville shows. When he won the title he was much leaner.

Fury has obviously sat on his laurels and ate well. While he will shed most of the excess baggage for the rematch. I wouldn't be shocked if he was fatter for the rematch and this caused problems (if Wlad can still bring his A game).

I recall Bowe doing the same thing for his rematch with Holyfield and the extra weight cost him his belt in a razor thin decision loss.
Willard looked pudgy when he sat on his belt and did vaudville shows. When he won the title he was much leaner.

Fury has obviously sat on his laurels and ate well. While he will shed most of the excess baggage for the rematch. I wouldn't be shocked if he was fatter for the rematch and this caused problems (if Wlad can still bring his A game).

I recall Bowe doing the same thing for his rematch with Holyfield and the extra weight cost him his belt in a razor thin decision loss.

He'll be ready; lean and fit come fight day. He has millions of pounds of motivation.
How’s everyone liking the pikey, eh? As I’ve said all along: the bloke’s nothing more than a gyppo knob. I’d say low class gyppo knob but "gyppo knob" is already dripping with tautology…

Klitschko’s smugly self-righteous criticism of Fury’s remarks about homosexuals and women (13:27 or thereabouts) was just as annoying as the pikey's tiresome circular rodomontades. The Ukrainian looked like a try hard fool when he stated: “To people that say and think the same way out there and to you Fury I want to say… ‘**** off’”. Ooooh, what a social justice warrior. The idiotically grinning Klitschko appeared to be under the impression that both his material and its delivery were awfully witty.

Consider this: on the poofter side of things at least, Klitschko essentially told the entire Caste Football fraternity to “**** off”. See what I mean when I say that I don’t bother to pay too much attention to sportsmen? Such White multi-millionaire spuds inevitably wave the “establishment” flag whenever they’re instructed to do so. If any of you still believe that Fury is some sort of pro-White hero or whatnot I'll guarantee that he’d denounce Caste Football as a site for “racist losers” et cetera in a split second and gleefully heap ridicule on anyone who doesn’t like Negroes or other non-Whites, proudly referencing his “downtrodden Traveller” background as evidence of a natural empathy with all victims of “systematic discrimination and social exclusion”.

But it is what it is, innit…

When confronted with such a pair of cringe-inducing dolts one should reach for a handy can of…


Before anyone goes off their tree, let me reiterate that I fully “support” both Fury and Klitschko against any non-White they face. I sure hope that’s clear…
Before anyone goes off their tree, let me reiterate that I fully “support” both Fury and Klitschko against any non-White they face. I sure hope that’s clear…

Hey Rebel, no doubt you support Fury or Klitschko but who cares is he's a traveler or no so long he duffs up the Joshua, Haye, or Bingo...
Tyson Fury has now made comments about Jews.


He said: “Everyone just do what you can, listen to the government follow everybody like sheep, be brainwashed by all the Zionist, Jewish people who own all the banks, all the papers all the TV stations. Be brainwashed by them all.”

Be interesting to see how they attack him now.

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A Traveler would know a scam when he sees one. And more likely to speak his mind about it and not fear being ostracized because they already are.

Is anything he said not true?

I wonder if he spends much time on the internet.
Tyson Fury knows the score. As Ive said in the past, his views are largely in line with what is posted on this site. He is now claiming that Zionists control the media (and sport media) and are using it to brainwash people. What he's really saying if you connect it to what his father said (almost verbatim; "British public would rather promote a Negro boxer than a White boxer") is: Leftists, Zionists, and White Wiggers in the UK aren't interested in showing his fights because he is a white champion, so they're brainwashing people by instead emphasizing an unproven Negro champion who really isn't a champion.

Tyson Fury and his father are 100% correct in their comments and they have been since day 1. They see the agenda at play. Although, I would add, its not just the Zionists that are doing this, its also largely attributable to white people themselves. Western Whites in particular who are rampant in self-loathing almost as a form of their culture. This includes sports but also permeates into all aspects of public life (including the workplace, media, pop-culture, etc.).

The sad truth is that Western society is self-loathing and if you're a white athlete of any sort of recognition you're better off leaving and basing your career somewhere else. Sports infrastructure in the West is not designed to promote White athletes and thats why there exists no support network for Fury in the UK, meanwhile, there is plenty of support and cash for a Negro who hasn't achieved 5% of what Fury has.

Tyson deserves so much credit for speaking the truth on sports and on Zionist influence in the media, but don't expect anyone in the mainstream media to acknowledge that, bunch of fruitcakes that they are.

I don't think there's ever been a guy in boxing who spoke as much truth as Fury has.
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I respect Fury for his commentary. I hope he doesn't mail it in against Wlad tho. I have feeling he will show up fat and without motivation and get KTFO! I want Wlad to win, but I want Fury to respect the sport and show up in condition and not just show up for the pay check.
I respect Fury for his commentary. I hope he doesn't mail it in against Wlad tho. I have feeling he will show up fat and without motivation and get KTFO! I want Wlad to win, but I want Fury to respect the sport and show up in condition and not just show up for the pay check.
Haye sees the same thing awaiting Fury.
His courage to speak is as much as he's tall. He's rare. I think some of you misjudge him; I think he wants to beat all of the chosen champions and spoil all of shlomo's plans for a darker future -if you know what I mean.
So many brits have lost their minds and are losing their souls. To many countries are lost causes and the good and decent need to emigrate, if possible, to places less further on the road to corruption. I hope Eastern Europeans don't become like their brothers in Western Europe. I wasn't in particular a fan of Tysons boxing style, but I sure am a fan of his braveheart and enormous pair of balls.
I post infrequently over at BoxRec.com as "Andrew Kearney" (just chose that name to fit in). There was a thread at Boxrec regarding Fury's comments that Zionists control the banks and media and are using it to brainwash people.

In that thread, I stated that Fury's comments were essentially factual and backed it up by acknowledging that the vast majority of major media outlets in the US are chiefly operated by Zionists.

I then asked why Fury should be punished simply for telling the truth and I further commented that this illustrates a loss of citizenry rights in the West. When the West begins censoring the truth then we're not really living in a free democracy and we dont really have freedom of press do we?

15 minutes later and the thread has been promptly deleted and locked. I guess my comments were "too much" for the mainstreamers to handle.

Western society is at a precipice with all its biases, political correctness, and phony half truths. I do get the feeling that things in the West are going to come crashing down real soon. Theres only so much crap the elites can pull before even the most unintelligent of people start to catch on.

As it stands youd have to be a full on retard not to see the marxist agenda at play.
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I post infrequently over at BoxRec.com as "Andrew Kearney" (just chose that name to fit in). There was a thread at Boxrec regarding Fury's comments that Zionists control the banks and media and are using it to brainwash people.

In that thread, I stated that Fury's comments were essentially factual and backed it up by acknowledging that the vast majority of major media outlets in the US are chiefly operated by Zionists.

I then asked why Fury should be punished simply for telling the truth and I further commented that this illustrates a loss of citizenry rights in the West. When the West begins censoring the truth then we're not really living in a free democracy and we dont really have freedom of press do we?

15 minutes later and the thread has been promptly deleted and locked. I guess my comments were "too much" for the mainstreamers to handle.

Western society is at a precipice with all its biases, political correctness, and phony half truths. I do get the feeling that things in the West are going to come crashing down real soon. Theres only so much crap the elites can pull before even the most unintelligent of people start to catch on.

As it stands youd have to be a full on retard not to see the marxist agenda at play.

Sounds like that site is rife with gutless cowards who are NOT real men & NOT true Americans (1.0). It's probably moderated by some pompous DWF d00$hnozzle.
Tyson apologized

I'm sick of this drug testing crap. It has been completely politicized, these gangster run alphabet things and their WADA, and the ripoff of WADA, VADA, run by Doctor (look up the reviews of the bitch online by her patients) Margaret Goodman and the Las Vegas mob - Ne-VADA, get it? I'd like to see drugs legalized because all the boxers with the expensive advisers and doctors don't get caught and aren't even targeted in the first place. They just banned the entire Russian Olympic team from their Brazil Olympics for petes sake, including all the athletes who never even touched a vitamin pill - they were all lucky actually. I'd want tos tay far away from that place and even plenty of Brazilians say the same. The exception should be those who are obviously grossly abusing drugs, like the crazy bodybuilders you see, or wrasslers, tho wrasslin has toned down the drug abuse.
Haven't heard hardly squat about the "Rio Olympics." Looks like another media brown-out of a truth that doesn't fit their agenda. Mainly that these equatorials are not really capable of putting on anything near a first class Olympics. Their collective intellect and temperament are more suited to Mardi Gras type stuff. It's a said truth that at one time I didn't want to admit.

But what the hell. Let's party anyway!
Tyson sued the British Scammers calling themselves drug testers and the ban is lifted. He really needs to get better advice on how to contract before making fights or fighting in ENGLAND.

What's the date of that ban lifted story? I can't keep track of this baloney. One day he's charged and the next day he's not and I think now he's charged again. We know the Vampire doesn't like him and would rather have Joshua as their Zog-UK champion.
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