Tyson Fury

Fury won boxing the majority of time as a southpaw which is beyond impressive for a guy his size.He literally toyed with Chisora and kept his composure which i didn't think he had in him.Boxing is as much about brains as it is physical Wlad is an example of that.
Glad to hear of Fury's win. Chisora is a tough nut (kinda nutty to boot) so this win confirms that Fury is legit. Amazing skills for someone six nine. Used to be a boxer that size was just too slow and clumsy to take advantage of his size. Heavyweight evolution before our eyes.

Now Helenius needs to get back in it. Man what a fight that would be to watch.
If Wlad weren't around I could see Fury beating every heavyweight easily if he fights like this. He actually looked better than Vitali against Chisora. We also saw that Fury has improved in 3+ years as this rematch never had any suspense. That said he will have to have a beard like Oliver McCall and commit on his punches to have any chance of beating Wlad. At least he earned the chance to make history.
This sounds like a fantastical tale but Fury looked relatively soft and had the look of a guy who lost weight quickly ie the wrong way ie soup and biscuits. So this story could well be true.....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cG9UEj4Wt7U&list=UUdl_gZZR6BtKi45eHFGAduw
This sounds like a fantastical tale but Fury looked relatively soft and had the look of a guy who lost weight quickly ie the wrong way ie soup and biscuits. So this story could well be true.....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cG9UEj4Wt7U&list=UUdl_gZZR6BtKi45eHFGAduw

Yipes - so the story changes from Fury having a fantastic high endurance training camp carrying Peter Fury on his back going up stairs and running - to lying in bed with the flu!

I don't know quite what to make of last night's fight. It was a totally different Fury. None of the wildness and goofiness, very methodical, yet he looked a little sluggish and clumsy, and flabby about the middle, and the fight was boring, as attested to by all the booing - yet nobody ever totally dominated and beat up the black Rhodesian criminal like that before, and he had fought the very best, including Vitali.
Yipes - so the story changes from Fury having a fantastic high endurance training camp carrying Peter Fury on his back going up stairs and running - to lying in bed with the flu!

I don't know quite what to make of last night's fight. It was a totally different Fury. None of the wildness and goofiness, very methodical, yet he looked a little sluggish and clumsy, and flabby about the middle, and the fight was boring, as attested to by all the booing - yet nobody ever totally dominated and beat up the black Rhodesian criminal like that before, and he had fought the very best, including Vitali.

Take into account that when Vitali fought the African retard he was 41. Fury is 26. A prime Vitali, I'm talking around 2004, would have taken Chisora out within 3-4 rounds. It would have looked something like when Vitali fought Danny Williams.
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Very interesting interview with Tyson Fury concerning his religious views and him possibly converting to Islam and becoming Muslim. In the video he says he is Christian but has a tremendous respect for Muslims and the people of Palestine (the interviewer asks him his opinion on Israeli offensives in Gaza).

There are also pictures of Tyson Fury in traditional Islamic dress. Fury says he is Christian but he seems like a "borderline" Muslim convert to me. There are some people who are almost half-and-half of each religion and Fury almost seems that way.

I've always been a huge supporter and fan of Fury, even before I knew he supported Muslims and Palestinians, but this is a great side of him and will make me support him even more.

He also talks about being a gypsy and Irish traveler.

Great interview.

Tyson Fury in Islamic dress and reciting prayer (lol he is taller than the door frame);

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Looks like Tyson has finally taken his career more seriously after all these years. He's had some disappointing performances against C level fighters but this win should motivate him. As for Chisora, lets hope this is the last we hear of the third world animal. Maybe he can rematch Haye in the middle of the wilderness in Zimbabwe.
[h=2]Tyson Fury[/h]CF Recommends

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More than a boxer, you know Tyson has really pissed off the established want-to-be-authorities when others that are aware write columns about him. I don't know if any of you here know of[COLOR=#009900 !important]Henry
Makow, but he's a pro-man anti New World Order writer with vast knowledge of the inter-courses of Free Masonry and Jewry. A quick, interesting read below from today's henrymakow.com:

World Boxing Champ Models Traditional Masculinity

December 17, 2015
Meet Tyson Fury, 6 ft. 9, Heavyweight Champ of the World, Gypsy King, and Enemy of the New World Order

Right after winning the heavyweight title, Tyson Fury, 27, challenged the pansies running the New World Order.

by Thomas Carter

For those who are not boxing fans you may not have had the pleasure of seeing this [COLOR=#009900 !important]young man in action, and I don't just mean in the [COLOR=#009900 !important]boxing ring[/COLOR]. Tyson Fury, who stands at 6' 9" was born in the UK into a band of gypsies known as the Traveling Irishmen. [/COLOR]

His Father named him Tyson after Mike Tyson in hopes that he would win the heavyweight crown someday which he did in remarkable fashion ten days ago when he beat Wladimir Klitschko who had reigned the heavyweight division for over a decade.

Who knew that young Tyson Fury, right after winning the heavyweight title, would pick a fight with the New World Order.

Fury, fighting on Klitschko's home turf in Germany, also managed to get his own way in two disputes over the match particulars despite Klitschko's reputation as a control freak who wants every advantage over his opponent on fight night.

First, he managed to get the gloves he wanted and secondly on fight day, after threatening to drop out of the contest, he had thick pieces of foam removed from under the ring, foam that was there to slow the light footed Fury down making him an easier target for Klitschko. It was at this point many were starting to take Fury seriously.

After soundly defeating Kiltschko over [COLOR=#009900 !important]12 rounds, an ecstatic Fury, wearing his Rosary, thanked Jesus. It was probably at this moment that the writers for the UK Daily Mail and Daily Mirror [COLOR=#009900 !important]began[/COLOR] to sharpen their daggers and plot the destruction of Tyson Fury. [/COLOR]


Most [COLOR=#009900 !important]country would be very proud to be home the world's heavyweight champion, but it took less than 24 hours for the hit pieces to come out. The Daily Mail's chief sports writer Oliver Holt quoted Fury: "There are only three things that need to be accomplished before the Devil comes home. One of them is homosexuality being legal in countries, one of them is abortion and the other is paedophilia."[/COLOR]

This prompted a petition asking the BBC to withdraw Tyson Fury's name from the sports personality of the year contest. So far the BBC hasn't pulled his name but another athlete has dropped out in protest. Next a gay former policeman went to the police in hopes of having Fury charged with a hate crime, Fury did get a visit from the cops but no charges were filed.


Fury plans to be much more than a boxing star: "I don't just see it as a way of earning some money," he told the Daily Mail. "I believe I can be used much more beneficially to spread the word of God throughout the world than maybe a thousand pastors could throughout their churches. They get a hundred people, or two hundred or a thousand people in their church. I can just go on Twitter, put one message on, over a quarter of a million of people have seen it."

Illuminati Jewish social engineers are very wary of charismatic icons. John Lennon, who I'm no fan of, was a man that they built up and later had to liquidate. How about Muhammad Ali? You have to wonder if he was given a special brand of Parkinson's made in a [COLOR=#009900 !important]biological weaponslaboratory. Sure they proclaim him a hero, but what influence can he have now that he's an invalid? I expect they'll deal with Fury a bit like they dealt with Mel Gibson and a bit like they dealt with Rob Ford. [/COLOR]


Fury impressed me even more when he responded to the petition and the article. He has more personality in his baby finger than all the other nominees combined. He talked a bit about his wife as well, "My wife's there, her job is cooking, cleaning and looking after the kids, that's it. She does get to make some decisions, what's she's gonna cook for my tea when I get home." He also said of wife Paris: "She's a very privileged woman to have a husband like me. Not everyone is in her position, but the ones that are, are very lucky."

Unfortunately Sunday the Daily Mirror ran a story about a woman who had hooked up with Fury when he was temporarily separated from his Paris.

Tyson and Paris have been together for 10 years and are expecting their 3rd child. It seems they did have a rough patch but worked it out. The only reason for running that story was to defame Tyson for asserting what should be the default opinion of every red [COLOR=#009900 !important]blooded man in England. Funny that Fury said he never attended school, you know things are bad when you have a better chance at becoming normal being raised in a band of gypsies than going to [COLOR=#009900 !important]public[/COLOR]school. [/COLOR]

His wife even claimed that they did not share a bed until they were married, that he would sleep in a [COLOR=#009900 !important]caravan at her parents' house and she would sleep inside, saying "that is the travelers' way." That used to be the way everywhere.[/COLOR]


The good news is that Fury is mentally tough. Legendary trainer Emmanuel Steward predicted some time ago that Fury was the future of the division. He [COLOR=#009900 !important]discounted others who were just as good because he said they weren't as tough mentally as Fury. [/COLOR]

I hope that Tyson Fury and his wife can stay devoted to each other. I also hope that Fury sticks to his guns and maintains his stance on these subjects but he has to be more careful. He has the wits to out talk most journalist, with some advice he could give the establishment trouble.

It will be interesting to see what he'll say when he wins the sports personality of the year award this Sunday.

Go get em Champ!
- See more at: http://www.henrymakow.com/#sthash.PB5pdJBt.dpuf
As great champions as Wlad and Vitali have been, Fury coming out with these positions that go directly against all of the poison that the NWO force feeds to the public is absolutely awesome. When was the last time a prominent athlete had the courage to publicly state opinions like this? Ever? I guess I mean, an athlete who stated opinions like this and wasn't torn down and crucified by the satanic NWO media complex. Tebow I don't think ever said anything this pointed. The PTB will do everything they can to tear Fury down of course. It will be interesting to see how they try to do it. Hopefully Tyson doesn't back down an inch. I doubt he will.

We really do need leadership in the West to stand up to the evil NWO/PTB. Fury has called them out as exactly what they are and didn't mince words at all. Trump has been calling out the Establishment more so than any other serious presidential candidate in recent history. Hopefully more prominent people follow their examples.
As great champions as Wlad and Vitali have been, Fury coming out with these positions that go directly against all of the poison that the NWO force feeds to the public is absolutely awesome. When was the last time a prominent athlete had the courage to publicly state opinions like this? Ever? I guess I mean, an athlete who stated opinions like this and wasn't torn down and crucified by the satanic NWO media complex. Tebow I don't think ever said anything this pointed. The PTB will do everything they can to tear Fury down of course. It will be interesting to see how they try to do it. Hopefully Tyson doesn't back down an inch. I doubt he will.

We really do need leadership in the West to stand up to the evil NWO/PTB. Fury has called them out as exactly what they are and didn't mince words at all. Trump has been calling out the Establishment more so than any other serious presidential candidate in recent history. Hopefully more prominent people follow their examples.

Post of the day in my opinion. I agree 100% Riggins44. Let's hope this trend continues.
Just hope Fury doesn't tear himself down. He's liable to come into his next fight forty pounds heavier than the Klitschko fight. He's not the most disciplined guy out there, and with that Traveller give a damn attitude. It's a strength and a weakness.

Any media effort to make him an outcast is redundant as he comes from an outcast people anyway.

I just hope he can get on some talk shows and interviews and tear some of those phony pricks a new one while he can.
Some of you guys were harsh on fury, some even calling him a wigger. However singing elvis songs by modern standards is certainly not wigger status in my book.

Sure, travellers are not the best role models for white males, but in these dangerous times, fury is essential. Hes white, christian, pro life, anti gay marraige. And hes world heavyweight champ. This shatters every establishment myth.

Plus i feel hes only going to get better.
Some of you guys were harsh on fury, some even calling him a wigger. However singing elvis songs by modern standards is certainly not wigger status in my book.

Sure, travellers are not the best role models for white males, but in these dangerous times, fury is essential. Hes white, christian, pro life, anti gay marraige. And hes world heavyweight champ. This shatters every establishment myth.

Plus i feel hes only going to get better.

That is what I fear too. Will he come into the next fight in the same shape as the Klitschko fight or will he come into the fight like the Cunningham one.
That is what I fear too. Will he come into the next fight in the same shape as the Klitschko fight or will he come into the fight like the Cunningham one.

He's already shown he can change if he perceives it is in his interest (he apologized at the British awards) so he'll be there; he'll be in shape; maybe even better shape because he's probably fuming right now with the way the British media treated him after simply speaking his mind and making some wise cracks.
So here's Fury's latest chat to the media. Its fully of sharp tones and admonishments. For those who think otherwise, he's the real and only boxing Heavyweight Champion that matters right now, and he's fighting a re-match with one of the greatest all time heavyweights in July, while others are fighting prat boys and sparring partners while talking them up like their the most dangerous game.

Fury causing the chatter bugs to climb the walls with his latest post on Twitter:

Gypsy King ‏@Tyson_Fury 7h7 hours ago
I see the biggest pussy in boxing is spouting again the man with h no bottle, the man with no heart, the man who **** it twice from me

237 retweets600 likes

He's writing about David Haye. Great to see Fury's still not backing down and publicly responding negatively to Haye. Joshua and Haye are really jealous of Fury now and he rubs alcohol into their eyes when he's the chance.
Tyson Fury is a piece of shit.

I will never root for this guy - I hope Klitschko knocks him out.

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I wonder if the Irish bitch that asked the loaded question that claimed Vlad only won because he cheated was more or less a plant. Paid off by the Furies to ask the question.
Fury as a Champ is a disgrace. I saw him strip off his shirt :)eek:)! Geez, he looks like he swallow two hams. He is grossly out of shape and a poor example of an elite White athlete. I hope Wlad knocks the f**k out him and lays him sprawled out on the canvass.
Fury as a Champ is a disgrace. I saw him strip off his shirt :)eek:)! Geez, he looks like he swallow two hams. He is grossly out of shape and a poor example of an elite White athlete. I hope Wlad knocks the f**k out him and lays him sprawled out on the canvass.

I think you're being too critical of Fury there West, yes his body is not sculpted like Wladimir, but he's not a PED man like Wladimir either (like Joshua, like so many). He has an albatross's span and is highly skilled. Look at the natural body of Jess Williard below, that's what he has -except 10x the skill. He''ll very likely box up Wladimir in the rematch.


Im a big supporter of both Klitschko Bros, but I am also a supporter of Fury. The Klitschko Bros were arguably the greatest HWs of alltime and theyve both had some legendary wins. Fury can be controversial and over the top, but I like him and find him funny.

Whats interesting is that politically, Fury's views on gender identity, homosexuality, and race seem to fit in with this site 100%. He has stated a support for traditional gender roles and has even criticized his own government for focusing on immigrantscwhen instead Fury claims they should be focusing on their own Brits.

Fury is likely pro-White in his personal life based on those comments. My guess is he is somewhat involved in the alt-right scene because of his positions. He seems to stand for everything we preach at this site.

Im a huge Wlad fan but he's way off base when he starts criticizing Fury for his views on women and gays. What does that have to do with boxing? Wlad and Vitali have been tremendous athletes, but politically have always been liberal. They supported the West VS Russia in Ukraine, have donated $ to Africa, and are now defending gays and women.

Im a huge fan of Wlad as a boxer. But politically I dont see eye to eye and in that respect would support Fury.

Wlad is always more motivated for rematches but he is 40, and I think Fury wins a decision again.
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