Tyson Fury

I agree that Tyson can at times come across as a jerk.

In his fight VS Steve Cunningham, he abruptly shoved Cunningham in between rounds 1 and 2, and quite honestly, he could have been DQ'd for that. He's lucky the referee didn't take a point off. Last night, VS Joey Abell, he intentionally low blowed Abell and also hit Abell while he was down on his knee. He should have lost points for both occasions. In his fights VS Kevin Johnson, Steven Cunningham, and Joey Abell he has always referred to his opponent as "b1tches and idiots" right to their faces.

Say what you want about Tyson but he is exceptionally confident. I don't think we've ever seen a heavyweight with this kind of arrogant attitude in recent years. I don't think it's a requirement in boxing, or in life, to be a "nice guy", so sometimes a bit of attitude can be a good thing.

As for the fight, Tyson showed a world-class jab, right hand, and boxing ability when he uses it. As correctly mentioned by whiteathelete33, Tyson could have been in better physical shape and was noticeably more chubby than usual.

Klitschko brothers aside, I'd say Tyson Fury in good shape is probably the best heavyweight on the planet, IMO. He hits hard, he has very underrated boxing skills, got lethal precise punching as well, that right hand of his really is something when he lets it go.
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I too like Fury's confidence. He's very articulate and seems to know what all sides of the game are about. Not a good sign that he came in so heavy for the fight. A slack overconfident attitude like that could bite him in the ass down the road.
Did Fury really come into this fight at 274 lbs? That is real bad. He needs to get to about 255 for his next fight. Not a good sign if he keeps this up.
Riddick Bowe used to train to his opponent and before he knew it he ate his way out of the division and looked like a Special Olympian. In more recent times Kirk Johnson and Chris Arreola seemed have this problem too. It seems like once your body gets accustomed to a heavier weight you can't get back to the leaner weight you were earlier in your career without energy problems.
It annoys me when Fury disrespects his opponents and himself by waddling at 277 lbs last night. That was over 25 when he last fought against Cunningham. I will want Tyson to beat any affelet, but hope he will drop that extra weight and look like a professional, rather than some "club" fighter out drinking and stuffing his mouth non stop the night before.
Just saw the replay. Actually Fury did not look that bad after the long lay off and extra weight he carried into the ring. His jab was working and he looked pretty quick for most of the fight. People forget he is 609 and for a man to be that quick and elusive in boxing is unreal. Abell was able to tag him with good power shots but Fury walked right through/away from them. To be frank I liked what I saw last night, except for the blubber around his waist.

I am sure he will be in tip top condition when he fights Chimpsora this summer in England. It will be high entertainment and I have no doubt that Fury will clobber the Del Boy. There will be hyper trash talk and insults from both.
It's impossible to be a fan of someone who is as much of a loud-mouthed jerk as Tyson Fury.

If mouthy Tyson Fury was a Negro I'll wager his face would be on every Caste Football member's toilet roll. He doesn't exude "confidence" - he exudes arrogance and engages in flagrant self-promotion in order to potentially maximise his earnings. Now, if one happened to despise Cassius Clay because of his abhorrent character and not simply because he's black (the latter alone, of course, affords ample enough reason to hate him...) then logic dictates that one should hold Fury in comparable contempt as a consequence of his similarly repugnant, braggadocio-packed demeanour.

Fury is twenty five, yet when I watched the video of his fight against Joey Abell he looked about ten years older, complete with rapidly thinning hair and blubbery pub slob's physique.


If mouthy Tyson Fury was a Negro I'll wager his face would be on every Caste Football member's toilet roll. He doesn't exude "confidence" - he exudes arrogance and engages in flagrant self-promotion in order to potentially maximise his earnings. Now, if one happened to despise Cassius Clay because of his abhorrent character and not simply because he's black (the latter alone, of course, affords ample enough reason to hate him...) then logic dictates that one should hold Fury in comparable contempt as a consequence of his similarly repugnant, braggadocio-packed demeanour.

Fury is twenty five, yet when I watched the video of his fight against Joey Abell he looked about ten years older, complete with rapidly thinning hair and blubbery pub slob's physique.



I have to agree with you mate. I will still support him over any blackstar but he's truly an idiot. I would put him on the level of Hopkins, Mayweather, or David Gaye.
I have to agree with you mate. I will still support him over any blackstar but he's truly an idiot. I would put him on the level of Hopkins, Mayweather, or David Gaye.
I am in the other camp and like his antics. Yes it's childish but there some substance behind his street tough exterior. Unlike Gaye who tries to pull stunts to get in opponents head. His statement that Gaye couldn't intimidate him because he was a Traveler is true, as his pops is doing a long stretch in jail for gouging a fellow Travelers eye out.....
I have to agree with you mate. I will still support him over any blackstar but he's truly an idiot. I would put him on the level of Hopkins, Mayweather, or David Gaye.

whiteathlete33 -

Naturally, I hope the white Tyson Fury beats any Negro or other non-White. As an aside, the name "Tyson" really grates on my nerves. Here in Australia it's relatively common among the ugly, thick-as-pig-**** public housing scum brats...

white is right said:
I am in the other camp and like his antics. Yes it's childish but there some substance behind his street tough exterior. Unlike Gaye who tries to pull stunts to get in opponents head. His statement that Gaye couldn't intimidate him because he was a Traveler is true, as his pops is doing a long stretch in jail for gouging a fellow Travelers eye out.....

white is right -

Well, this doesn't exactly improve Fury's image. Instead, it proves that his old man is likewise a wanker and confirms his small-time criminal ruffian "Traveller pedigree". Apart from skin colour, there's not that much difference between Fury and the average big-mouthed Negro boxer. Both engage in infantile posturing and spring from perennially disreputable, thieving, and work-shy stock. Put it this way: I guarantee that anyone who finds my statements distasteful has obviously never encountered so-called "Travellers"...
whiteathlete33 -

Naturally, I hope the white Tyson Fury beats any Negro or other non-White. As an aside, the name "Tyson" really grates on my nerves. Here in Australia it's relatively common among the ugly, thick-as-pig-**** public housing scum brats...

white is right -

Well, this doesn't exactly improve Fury's image. Instead, it proves that his old man is likewise a wanker and confirms his small-time criminal ruffian "Traveller pedigree". Apart from skin colour, there's not that much difference between Fury and the average big-mouthed Negro boxer. Both engage in infantile posturing and spring from perennially disreputable, thieving, and work-shy stock. Put it this way: I guarantee that anyone who finds my statements distasteful has obviously never encountered so-called "Travellers"...
Rebajlo, you are not alone brother! Fury is an arrogant prick, but I'd love for him to take the trash out again.
Fury fights the repulsive black African criminal Chisora on July 26th. The controlled British media conceals the long criminal record of Chisora, but I had a link from the Zimbabwe news media which went into his long violent crime record of armed robberies etc. in Africa, but the link is gone now. The link was here:


The title of the news story was "Top Zim-born boxer was a robber".
Fury fights the repulsive black African criminal Chisora on July 26th. The controlled British media conceals the long criminal record of Chisora, but I had a link from the Zimbabwe news media which went into his long violent crime record of armed robberies etc. in Africa, but the link is gone now. The link was here:


The title of the news story was "Top Zim-born boxer was a robber".
Why does the UK let criminals like Chisora become British citizens? It seems irrational to me.

I'm not a fan of Tyson Fury, but I'll be rooting for him against Chisora.
Personally I love Tyson because he has a never back down/alpha male personality and its clear he's aware what it's like to be a white man in 21st century. Constantly belittled and the underdog. I hope he breaks this Chisora guys nose. He WILL be Britains first white heavyweight champ.
I'm like the biggest Tyson Fury fan and I always have been! He is friggin awesome and he has the alpha male personality down perfectly.

Of course, Fury and Chisora have already fought, Fury won by lopsided decision so this fight is a rematch. Chisora is coming into this fight off some good wins, and Fury looked a bit out of shape in his last fight. So it may be more difficult for Fury this time around.

That being said, Fury has improved since their first fight, and as long as he trains himself into good shape he should win this comfortably. If Fury's in shape and boxes smart, he can KO Chisora.

I cant stress it enough though, Fury's conditioning needs to be there.
Right BS2, Fury should be coming into the ring at 235/240 lbs mark. His last fight, he looked awful, with his disgusting love handles and sloppily punches. I do suspect that Fury will coming into this match tip top tho.
"I do suspect that Fury will coming into this match tip top tho."

Yes, I think so. Look at his Facebook or Twitter pages. he has photos of himself and describes his training.
Fury seems to be at his best at the 250-260 range. Never understood why people want heavyweights to cut weight.It dehydrates you and makes you weaker. Come in in-shape and at your strongest unless you need to make weight.
It's difficult to have any respect for a guy like Fury. He's constantly running his mouth just like all the black morons in boxing. He claims to be the best heavyweight on the planet yet he was put on his ass by Steve Cunningham who is nothing more than a cruiserweight and has minimal power. He comes into fights fat and then claims he's the best. Of course I will root for him against the criminal Chisora but I don't like this guy one bit.
Plenty of photos of Fury on his Twitter page, but I can't find any recent ones of him with his shirt off showing the state of his belly. He doesn't seem to be updating his Facebook page.
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