Tomasz Adamek

The fact that this fight is not being televised shows you how ridiculous some things are in the sport of boxing today. Probably the most exciting fighter in any division isn't being shown on tv. Anyways if we don't get a too much snow tomorrow here in NJ I may go to the fight. There are expected to be about 10,000 Polish fans at the fight tomorrow.
This is going to sound like "Dung King" but have no fear delayed broadcast rights are here.......
I heard that MSG or another network will have the fight on the Sunday.
Adamek is a bit heavier now than he was in the Golota fight. Estrada looks out of shape as you can see fat on his chest.
If Adamek wins this fight, he sets himself for a hugh showdown with Arreleoa. HBO is already in negoiations with the two. I don't know much about Estrada, but from what I gather he doesn't have much power. This obviously bodes well for Tomsz. I am sure he can handle Estrada's speed at heavyweight. Adamek by a UD.
Estrada is slow but very technically sound. You are correct Westside that he has little power. He only has 4 knockouts.
I just bought the PPV of the Adamek-Estrada fight on GoFightLive for tomorrow night. It's only $10.

We should support our white fighters like Tomasz Adamek in any way we can, since the Jewish Supremacists who run HBO, Showtime and ESPN discriminate against them.

In my opinion, we should go to the fight if possible, but if we cannot, we should buy the inexpensive internet PPV.
Parody said:
What a shame the Chosen Ones who run ESPN, Showtime and HBO refuse to show this fight.

As Tomasz Adamek is Polish, the "chosen ones" will attempt tokeep himasinvisible as possible. The Jews have a particularly virulent, very thinly-disguised (and quite often open) hatred for Poles, so this doesn't surprise me in the least...

Edited by: Rebajlo
Parody said:
I just bought the PPV of the Adamek-Estrada fight on GoFightLive for tomorrow night. It's only $10.

We should support our white fighters like Tomasz Adamek in any way we can, since the Jewish Supremacists who run HBO, Showtime and ESPN discriminate against them.

In my opinion, we should go to the fight if possible, but if we cannot, we should buy the inexpensive internet PPV.

Thanks for the heads up Parody. Looks like I won't be going to the fight so I'll be watching it on the internet PPV.
I agree, that is one of the reasons I went to see Roman "Made In Hell" Karmazin fight last month. Adamek should win this by a UD or maybe late round KO.
whiteathlete33 said:
Thanks for the heads up Parody.  Looks like I won't be going to the fight so I'll be watching it on the internet PPV.

I've heard there's a big snowstorm where you are, wa33? How bad is it?

I see on other websites people are posting that even though they have tickets, they won't be able to go to the fight.
Funny you mention that Parody. I'm in north Jersey by Giants stadium and all we got was a few flurries. There is nothing on the ground here. A bit down south, about 50 miles at the Jersey Shore, they already got about 18 inches of snow. My friend just called me and told me that someone backed out of a ticket and asked me if I want to go. It's 100 bucks plus 40 more for the bus we are taking. It's too much money and I've already hooked up my laptop to the my big screen and I''ll just pay for the internet PPV.
I'm pretty much screwed for this fight. My laptop has some kind of issue and refuses to open up the pay per view stream I bought. I tried everything including adjusting the firewall and security settings to no avail. The computer I am on right now is very slow(600MHZ, 512 MB Ram) so the fight is extremely choppy. Putting it on low quality does nothing as well. I guess it's this or nothing.
Adamek better be cutting weight to get bac to Cruisereweight because he has ZERO power aat heavy. The wa y he faded down the stretch was baaaaaaaaaad. Real bad. I lik Adamek. In fact I feel bad for him that the tribesmen that run HBO virtually blocked his fights while he was a cruiserweight. Anyway, if he fights a puncher at heavyweight he will suffer his 1st knockout defeat. Guaranteed.
Adamek won by UD but it was a tough fight for him. The scores were 115-113,116-112, and 118-110. I scored it 115-113 for Adamek.

I scored it 117-111 for Adamek. He landed more punches and moved better in every round except one, so I can understand someone scoring it 118-110 or even 119-109.

The commentator was being far too generous to Estrada, I thought Adamek clearly won the 11th.

Estrada reminds me of Kevin Johnson.
Glad Tomasz won but please let him go back down to 200. He is such a natural cruiserweight and can be a dominant force there for years. Plus, there are big fights to be had at 200. Don't like the proposed Arreola fight at all.
That is what I am saying Liverlips. Do I think he could be a good Heavyweight? Yes, I think Adamek can compete and be a solid heavyweight. However, I see him possibly building a legacy at cruiserweight. I think the tribe was appaulled at the way he decimated Banks while defendinghis title. Therefor Tomaz was virtually banned from the sport at Cruiser simply because it was known that there was noone of the tribes liking that could compete with him. After he beat Cunningham, and decimated Banks, he was to be ignored at all costs.
Post Fight Quotes

Estrada: "If everyone in this room were completely honest with themselves you would all admit that I got robbed. I mean I got played. I might as well have had a gun pointed to my head."Â￾

"At best I give Adamek three of the twelve rounds. I seriously think the last judge doesn't need to judge anymore."Â￾

"Yeah I'm angry. I fought my a_ _ off. I trained harder than I ever have. I was in the best shape I've ever been in. People talked about me possibly running out of gas, but I never did. All he (Adamek) did was run."Â￾

"If I learned one thing tonight it was that I can't go into anyone's hometown to fight. What do I have to do bring a gun?"Â￾

Adamek: "It was the best Jason Estrada I've ever seen in my life. He was 50 percent better today, than he when he fought a top three heavyweight like Aleksander Powietkin. Quick, with a good defense and a very hard head. It was extremely difficult to locate precise punches, because of his defense. Maybe, I should have use more than three punches combination, maybe risk a little more? I wanted to do it, but my trainer Andrzej Gmitruk was telling me all the time in the corner to be more boxer than puncher, avoid his punches first, then use different temp to throw him of his strategy. It was another test in heavyweight division, versus very difficult to fight boxer. "

"I was hit couple of times hard, sure â€" but this is a part of boxing. But none of his punches made me change my tactics or get sacred, not at all. I knew he didn't have a knockout punch..."Â￾

"I weighed 220 pounds for this fight, probably an ideal weight for me, I was prepared for 12 rounds, and pretty early in the fight I realized this is what would happen. So I had to conserve more energy, maybe be less aggressive than in my previous fights."Â￾

"I don't even want to get into these Jason assumptions that he was robbed. I think I won by four, maybe five points. My trainer Andrzej Gmitruk wanted me to be more boxer than puncher, was screaming at me in the corner. But how can I fight differently when I have a 10,000 of my red and white fans screaming for me to do just that? They pay good money to see entertaining fight, not some boring, slow guys throwing 10 punches a round."Â￾

"I have couple of words for those who are saying that I cannot fight Arreola because he is a much better puncher than Estrada. First of all every fight is different, and anyone who knows about boxing can say "Estrada hit him, but Arreola will do the same, and harder"Â￾. We don't know that. Maybe it will be easier for me to avoid punches from Arreola, and maybe it will be easier for me to hit him! We just don't know, but won't it be interesting to see"¦".
No way Estrada was robbed. He was coming on late so in his mind he probably thought it was razor thin either way. But he clearly lost and I thought 115-113 was being generous to Estrada. The 116-112 card seemed about right to me. Tomas is going to have his hands full with Arreola. The whole key will be how allusive and the first time he gets nailed by Arreola will he be able to take it.
I knew Estrada would say he was robbed. He displayed TNB after every round, rounds which he clearly lost, by raising his hands after the bell.
Call me crazy, but I had a clean sweep for Adamek! You could maybe give Estrada the 9th round, and maybe one more if one wanted to bend over backwards to give Estrada a round. 118-110 is as low as I would go, and the 115-113 card is atrocious. Definitely no hometown cooking there! Not only was Estrada not robbed, but two judges were very, very generous towards him.

Why should Estrada be given any rounds for walking forward and landing a couple of good counter-punches a round? I think sometimes people mistake quick for slick. His hands are okay, but he is emphatically not slick. No foot work, no jab, no combinations, no work rate, just the occasional decent counter. It was Adamak who was boxing. Step in, land a combination, step back out. Body work, jabs, circling. Yeah, he was moving away in the last few rounds, and looked tired in the 12th. So what? He still landed far more shots, outworked Estrada in every round, and won the fight with relative ease. A dominant performance for Adamek. I'm really impressed. This guy is known as a slugger but that was a boxing clinic he put on the supposedly "faster" fighter.

I agree, WhiteAthlete33, Estrada raising his hand after every round was so obnoxious. He should save the showboating for when he actually wins a meaningful fight. Although maybe it worked, given those two awful scorecards.
JD074 said:
Call me crazy, but I had a clean sweep for Adamek! You could maybe give Estrada the 9th round, and maybe one more if one wanted to bend over backwards to give Estrada a round. 118-110 is as low as I would go, and the 115-113 card is atrocious. Definitely no hometown cooking there! Not only was Estrada not robbed, but two judges were very, very generous towards him.

Why should Estrada be given any rounds for walking forward and landing a couple of good counter-punches a round? I think sometimes people mistake quick for slick. His hands are okay, but he is emphatically not slick. No foot work, no jab, no combinations, no work rate, just the occasional decent counter. It was Adamak who was boxing. Step in, land a combination, step back out. Body work, jabs, circling. Yeah, he was moving away in the last few rounds, and looked tired in the 12th. So what? He still landed far more shots, outworked Estrada in every round, and won the fight with relative ease. A dominant performance for Adamek. I'm really impressed. This guy is known as a slugger but that was a boxing clinic he put on the supposedly "faster" fighter.

I agree, WhiteAthlete33, Estrada raising his hand after every round was so obnoxious. He should save the showboating for when he actually wins a meaningful fight. Although maybe it worked, given those two awful scorecards.

Estrada was obviously trying to piss the mostly Polish crowd off. He was doing a lot of showboating despite losing most of the rounds. I had Adamek only winning by a few rounds buy he clearly won the fight. Estrada goes up against the top fighters in the game(Adamek and Povetkin) and loses and then claims he was robbed. It's TNB and it never seems to end.
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