Tomasz Adamek

whiteathlete33 said:
Adamek is a bit heavier now than he was in the Golota fight. Estrada looks out of shape as you can see fat on his chest.

Looks like a post cycle case of gynecomastia, otherwise known as "man boobs."

The "writers" over at Eastside are saying he failed to impress.I haven't seen this fight yet, but one things for sure: White fighters don't get the credit they deserve!!!Edited by: Alpha Male
Rebajlo said:
Parody said:
What a shame the Chosen Ones who run ESPN, Showtime and HBO refuse to show this fight.

As Tomasz Adamek is Polish, the "chosen ones" will attempt tokeep himasinvisible as possible. The Jews have a particularly virulent, very thinly-disguised (and quite often open) hatred for Poles, so this doesn't surprise me in the least...

Indeed! Anyone remeber Howard Sterns assertion that Poland is now a worthless, base country since the Jews were expelled?
Alpha Male said:
whiteathlete33 said:
Adamek is a bit heavier now than he was in the Golota fight. Estrada looks out of shape as you can see fat on his chest.
<div>Looks like a post cycle case of gynecomastia, otherwise known as "man boobs." </div>
<div>The "writers" over at Eastside are saying he failed to impress.I haven't seen this fight yet, but one things for sure: White fighters don't get the credit they deserve!!!</div>

I watched the fight just now for the first time in decent quality where I could see what was happening. I have to agree with Parody and JD074 that Adamek probably won every round or almost every round. He was much busier and landed more punches and the cleaner punches. I know I said earlier that I scored it 115-113 for Adamek but I watched the fight on my very old computer and the video was extremely slow. I wasn't able to make out some of the punches and I was pretty much going by what the announcer was saying. Adamek looked good but not great.
If Tomasz meets Arreleoa three things are going to happen. 1st. Tomasz is going to get a great payday. 2nd. If he uses his ability to box the entire 12 rounds he has a great chance of pulling off an upset. Then sets himself up for a showdown with Haye.

If he can't and gets tired, I see him losing my spectacular KO to Christobal. Tomasz is rolling the dice and will have to rely on his boxing to pull out a win against a true heavyweight with skills, power and deceptive quickness.
Arreola will be an extremely tough fight for Adamek. I can see Adamek winning but the odds favor Arreola heavily. He is too strong for Tomasz.
whiteathlete33 said:
I wasn't able to make out some of the punches and I was pretty much going by what the announcer was saying.

I like the commentators who don't speak English.
Westside said:
If Tomasz meets Arreleoa three things are going to happen. 1st. Tomasz is going to get a great payday. 2nd. If he uses his ability to box the entire 12 rounds he has a great chance of pulling off an upset. Then sets himself up for a showdown with Haye.

If he can't and gets tired, I see him losing my spectacular KO to Christobal. Tomasz is rolling the dice and will have to rely on his boxing to pull out a win against a true heavyweight with skills, power and deceptive quickness.

Good break down. Winnable but dangerous. Very little margin for error.
Had Bernard Popkins not been such an a--hole Adamek would still be fighting at cruiserweight. That would have been a big money fight for him and he would be able to stay at 200lbs.

One fact remains that Adamek can't get even a decent payday while clowns like Gayweather make 25 million for fighting chumps.
Edited by: whiteathlete33
At this point Tomasz is a legit heawyeight. He has incredible hand speed, good defense, and a good build for the division. Will he beat Klitschko? No chance. I would like him to go back to cruiserweight.
If Adamek defeats Arreola, he'll likely be given a title shot by one of the Klitschkos.

I know David Haye is unlikely to fight a Klitschko, at least not until one of them is past age 40.

But Adamek will fight anybody.
I think Adamek will win by UD. We all know he's not going to knock Arreola out. Arreola took Vitali's biggest punches and didn't go down. We also know that Arreola won't be the quicker Adamek on points. Arreola's only way to win is to knock Tomasz out and he has the power to do that.
You know everytime Arreloa says he is gonna get down in weight, say around 240/245 lbs. But he never does. Those two lb burritos sure have a grip on him.

Tomasz has to fight like Sergio Martinez did last weekend to have a chance of winning.
Westside said:
You know everytime Arreloa says he is gonna get down in weight, say around 240/245 lbs. But he never does. Those two lb burritos sure have a grip on him.

Tomasz has to fight like Sergio Martinez did last weekend to have a chance of winning.
I wouldn't dismiss Arreola either just 'cause of his OBESITY!

This is a tough challenge for Adamek. If he wins, he stays as HW, if he losses, time to face reality and go back to CW.
Holyfield? This fight is a waste of time for Adamek. Since a fight with either Klitschko won't come through soon he should go after top contenders like Oleg Platov or Denis Boystov. Boystov would be a very dangerous opponent for Adamek however.
If this fight comes off I see Adamek sending Michael Great to the hospital and out of boxing permanently!

Grant's jaw is made out of egg shell. This fight is unneccessary on Tomasz part. I guess he wants to look spectcualar knocking out a gaint of fighter.

If managed him I would set his sights on Tony Thompson instead. This fight could be big in Europe.
Grant at this point has nothing left and has been fighting on low profile shows at low end Indian Casinos. Out of all the heavyweights he has fought so far Grant is probably the worst. I guess they wanted a guy that had virtually no chance to win against him after the last fight. I don't think this will be picked up by any network except for Versus or ESPN. Edited by: white is right
Adamek wanted to fight Klitschko but obviously that won't happen right now. Wladimir will fight Povetkin and Tomasz will just have to wait.
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