Call me crazy, but I had a clean sweep for Adamek! You could maybe give Estrada the 9th round, and maybe one more if one wanted to bend over backwards to give Estrada a round. 118-110 is as low as I would go, and the 115-113 card is atrocious. Definitely no hometown cooking there! Not only was Estrada not robbed, but two judges were very, very generous towards him.
Why should Estrada be given any rounds for walking forward and landing a couple of good counter-punches a round? I think sometimes people mistake quick for slick. His hands are okay, but he is emphatically not slick. No foot work, no jab, no combinations, no work rate, just the occasional decent counter. It was Adamak who was boxing. Step in, land a combination, step back out. Body work, jabs, circling. Yeah, he was moving away in the last few rounds, and looked tired in the 12th. So what? He still landed far more shots, outworked Estrada in every round, and won the fight with relative ease. A dominant performance for Adamek. I'm really impressed. This guy is known as a slugger but that was a boxing clinic he put on the supposedly "faster" fighter.
I agree, WhiteAthlete33, Estrada raising his hand after every round was so obnoxious. He should save the showboating for when he actually wins a meaningful fight. Although maybe it worked, given those two awful scorecards.