Tiger Woods

Woods is leading the Australian Open by a shot after two rounds, and of course the corporate media is giggling with joy. A couple of minutes ago I was channel surfing and on BSPN's gag-inducing "Around the Horn" the topic being discussed just happened to be "Is Tiger Back?"

This of course is the topic every time Woods doesn't immediately start off a tournament near the bottom of the pack. Given his previous record, wouldn't he have to at least win several tournaments and a major before it can be seriously pondered whether he is "back"?

The treatment Woods gets is the exact opposite of how White athletes and public figures are treated when they are "disgraced" -- Whites are vehemently attacked, often lose their jobs and any kind of positive publicity, then are forgotten, remembered only when the Cultural Marxist-driven corporate media decides it's time to reinforce yet again the reasons for their disgrace.

The same forces, however, will do everything in their power to lift Woods back up to his previous heights, part of what they want to be a tear-invoking tale of redemption. My guess is that Tiger will have to play badly until he is at least 45 before they will finally give up, hoping that by that time another of that extremely rare breed -- a black with the brains and hand-eye coordination to become a top golfer -- will have emerged. It's similar to how all wayward black athletes are treated, part of the reason the system will do anything to keep the NBA and WNBA from going under, and the way black accused murderers and rapists are quickly redeemed and glorified in the NFL, while a White guy caught with some coke is quickly run out of the league.

Oh, and Mr. Woods has another new corporate sponsor to add to his still-imposing list: Fuse Science, a Florida corporation that deals with energy and nutrition products, according to an AP blurb. Maybe Fuse Science should investigate the "science" behind Woods' amazing physical transformation, going in a few years from being skinny to being bulked up to the point that the White corporate media "journalists" can't help continually oohing and aahing over his physique.
Just went to the homepages of BSPN and CNNSI. When neither had a headline about Woods I knew he had shot a bad third round. Sure enough, he carded a 75. The topic always on the minds of the media caste whores, Is my beloved Tiger back?, will have to wait for another tournament it appears.
Woods played against Adam Scott and his former caddie Stevie Williams, and Williams got the last laugh yet again.

Woods and Stricker tie worst loss in Presidents Cup history

MELBOURNE, Australia (AP) - Tiger Woods made the first move, reaching out to shake hands with his ex-caddie, that went a long way toward dousing the endless chatter over their acrimonious breakup.

Twelve holes later, as short a Presidents Cup match that has ever been played, Steve Williams had the last laugh.

In the 112 matches of various formats that Woods has played in his professional career, he never had a loss like this one. Playing again with Steve Stricker, an American tandem that was unbeatable two years ago, they didn't win a hole and didn't make a birdie in tying the Presidents Cup record for the worst loss ever, 7 and 6.

full article: http://www.golf.com/ap-news/woods-a...presidents-cup-history?sct=hp_t2_a6&eref=sihp
At least it happened during the height of football season when nobody cares except the White golf writers and announcers who worship everything Tiger.

I'm pretty sure it wasn't a PGA-sanctioned tour event, so his two-year plus losing streak on the tour is still intact.
I happened to see some of ABC Nightly News and they had a 2 or 3 minute story on Tiger 10 minutes into the newscast. The guys at the networks always say we only have 22 minutes to put all the days important news on and then they have a big story on this early on in the newscast. Golf isn't even that big a sport.
Golf isn't even that big a sport.

When Tiger isn't winning the media rarely give it much coverage. To the US media golf = Tiger, just like tennis = Williams sisters. Otherwise the sports rarely get a mention. The excuse I keep hearing is that both sports now lack personalities.:icon_rolleyes:
Let's be real. The Chevron World Chanllenge has a field of 18 golfers. It is hosted by the Tiger Woods Foundation and is not sanctioned by the PGA. It's a glorified exhibition which Woods has won several times in the past. He scuffled through the final round and needed to birdie the final two holes to beat Zach Johnson by one stroke. Upon sinking the winning putt, Woods did the big fist pump w/ primal scream routine as if he had just won a major.
Let's be real. The Chevron World Chanllenge has a field of 18 golfers. It is hosted by the Tiger Woods Foundation and is not sanctioned by the PGA. It's a glorified exhibition which Woods has won several times in the past. He scuffled through the final round and needed to birdie the final two holes to beat Zach Johnson by one stroke. Upon sinking the winning putt, Woods did the big fist pump w/ primal scream routine as if he had just won a major.

Nice post, all of which was true. Despite the items you mentioned, the little House Cat sure was overflowing with enough of his trademark arrogance to shriek with girlish glee...


CAPTION: Big Loser "Wins" Small Event
Let's be real. The Chevron World Chanllenge has a field of 18 golfers. It is hosted by the Tiger Woods Foundation and is not sanctioned by the PGA. It's a glorified exhibition which Woods has won several times in the past. He scuffled through the final round and needed to birdie the final two holes to beat Zach Johnson by one stroke. Upon sinking the winning putt, Woods did the big fist pump w/ primal scream routine as if he had just won a major.

Nice comment icsept. Sometimes peoples comments on here crack me up something fierce. :biggrin:
It's such a minor tournament Chevron announced before it began they would not be renewing their sponsorship.

Nevertheless, Tiger has shown signs of improvement of late, particularly in the first three days of that Australian tournament. If he's got his confidence back he might perform much better in 2012. I don't think he will... but if he does then listening to his followers in the media could make next year excruciating. They'll play the whole redemption thing for all it's worth.
Tiger is making his season debut this week. I'm pulling for him to repeatedly fail again this year. At 36, hopefully he will be out of the game soon with another injury or two.
I watched just the opening 15 minutes of the third round on the Golf Channel aka Tiger Network. They were replaying the telecast of the European Tour's broadcast as it was a Euro tour event (My guess is that Woods was paid a seven figure fee just to play in this event). The coverage was just as Tiger-centric as that of the U.S. corporate media.

Even if he continues his mediocre play of the past two years for another decade, the media will continue to make Woods the focus of their golf coverage. The only hope of a let-up is if someone like McIlroy or another young player really steps up and starts winning a major or two each year for several years, which is unlikely given how deep golf is now.
I channel surfed to the Golf Central show on the caste clown Golf Channel, and the network's Steve Sand -- apparently sent all the way to the Middle East because the network's hero was playing there -- was interviewing the winner of the tournament, Robert Rock. After an initial question asking him how he felt, Sand followed up with a series of questions asking Rock how it felt to beat Tiger Woods, if he was intimidated by Woods, etc. No one's just allowed to enjoy the moment, they must pay obeisance to the media's Tan Everyman "god" even when the god hasn't won a sanctioned event in over two years and has been mired in scandal. You just can't make this stuff up, it's the National Lampoon come to life.
Woods is playing at the Pro-am in Pebble Beach, and the Tiger coverage is nauseating. You would think this a one-man tournament. As Don indicated, I believe we'll have to just put up with this garbage for the next 10 years even if he doesn't win a single major.
Woods is playing at the Pro-am in Pebble Beach, and the Tiger coverage is nauseating. You would think this a one-man tournament. As Don indicated, I believe we'll have to just put up with this garbage for the next 10 years even if he doesn't win a single major.
The headlines on cbssportsline is all-tiger-all-the-time. Headlines: "Tiger (68) five back at Pebble Beach" & "On right track". I guess the MSM now considers being 5 back and tied for 16th to be "on the right track". What the headlines should read: "American up and comer, Dustin Johnson, eagles his way to share of the leaderboard". There. Fixed.
Woods is playing at the Pro-am in Pebble Beach, and the Tiger coverage is nauseating. You would think this a one-man tournament. As Don indicated, I believe we'll have to just put up with this garbage for the next 10 years even if he doesn't win a single major.

The Tiger worshipping from the corporate media girlymen has been ratcheted up even beyond its usual ultra-homosexual level at this tournament because Woods has won at Pebble Beach several times, in particular his 15 shot win at the 2000 U.S. Open. That was twelve long years ago, Woods' peak year, but it still gives the White announcers and pundits tingles between their legs every time they think of it. (And, 16 years after he turned pro, we're still waiting for that infusion of dominant black golfers that Woods was supposed to unleash. :icon_rolleyes:)

The non-stop wall to wall coverage of Woods is often lamely justified by the Cultural Marxists as being because Woods is just so darn popular, but the recently released poll in which Tiger tied Vick as the most disliked athlete in the U.S. blows that lie out of the water. But the media lovefest will continue full force for many years to come. The Marxist agenda must be followed to its bitter end by the "mainstream" media no matter how farcical it becomes to everyone else.

The Drunk White Golf Fans are on the Woods bandwagon more than ever thanks to the Marxist media,his honor did not play in Scottsdale last week,but to see the fools in baseball like enclosures "booing" shots that they did not like has to cause the older gentelmanly golfers much pain,a sign of how far America has fallen!
The Tiger worshipping from the corporate media girlymen has been ratcheted up even beyond its usual ultra-homosexual level at this tournament because Woods has won at Pebble Beach several times, in particular his 15 shot win at the 2000 U.S. Open. That was twelve long years ago, Woods' peak year, but it still gives the White announcers and pundits tingles between their legs every time they think of it. (And, 16 years after he turned pro, we're still waiting for that infusion of dominant black golfers that Woods was supposed to unleash. :icon_rolleyes:)

The non-stop wall to wall coverage of Woods is often lamely justified by the Cultural Marxists as being because Woods is just so darn popular, but the recently released poll in which Tiger tied Vick as the most disliked athlete in the U.S. blows that lie out of the water. But the media lovefest will continue full force for many years to come. The Marxist agenda must be followed to its bitter end by the "mainstream" media no matter how farcical it becomes to everyone else.

Fifty years ago, sports fans had favorite athletes becasue they liked them and how they performed. Now, we are TOLD who our favorite athletes are supposed to be. Woods is a prime example.
Fifty years ago, sports fans had favorite athletes becasue they liked them and how they performed. Now, we are TOLD who our favorite athletes are supposed to be. Woods is a prime example.

Yes. "Foist" is another word that applies.

To see the corporate media continue to cover Woods as if it's still 2000, or even say 2009, and act as if nothing has changed, is almost sad in some ways. It's a prime example of a rigid, fossilized ideological system which brooks no heresy and which is now exhausted and increasingly illegitimate to the point it has become a caricature of itself.
Yes. "Foist" is another word that applies.

To see the corporate media continue to cover Woods as if it's still 2000, or even say 2009, and act as if nothing has changed, is almost sad in some ways. It's a prime example of a rigid, fossilized ideological system which brooks no heresy and which is now exhausted and increasingly illegitimate to the point it has become a caricature of itself.

When Muhammad Ali won back the title from Leon Spinks in 1978, the MSM gushed that Ali was "the most popular human being on the planet." Some even wrote of all the endorsements he would get.

However, I read somewhere about this time that Toyota was thinking of using Ali as an endorser until they looked at a poll that revealed him to have an extremely high negative rating. He was the most disliked athlete in the United States (especially by 1978-79 demographics).

The endorsement deal with Toyota and other corporations never happened. The major corporations found that Ali turned off middle class white people.

Do you remember those roach spray commercials Ali used to do? Roach spray is a product used "in the projects." It turned out Ali's endorsement was worth something only for a product with a heavily black clientele.

Yes, "Foist" applies to how the public is supposed to revere Muhammad Ali.
American Freedom News