Tiger Woods

The corporate media was in semi-orgasmic mode after Woods shot a 68 in the first round. After three rounds he's tied for 38th, but still getting the lion's share (tiger's share?) of the coverage. Only in a completely deracinated and perverted "culture" could such silliness take place.

If Woods' precipitous decline is permanent, and with the Williams sisters on their last competitive legs, it will clear the way for long and enjoyable period of black-free contenders in golf and tennis as there is no one in sight to replace them from a race which is curiously non-competitive in 99 percent of sports.
The corporate media was in semi-orgasmic mode after Woods shot a 68 in the first round. After three rounds he's tied for 38th, but still getting the lion's share (tiger's share?) of the coverage. Only in a completely deracinated and perverted "culture" could such silliness take place.

Yea, Don, I watched some of the second round y'day and it's sickening to me to here the DWF's cheering and urging him along, knowing he doesn't give a d@$n about anyone but himself!

The coverage y'day was pretty much all Tigger anytime he was making a swing.

Awesome to see Adam Scott leading the tournament after 3 rounds! Kind of ironic, isn't it?
The corporate media was in semi-orgasmic mode after Woods shot a 68 in the first round. After three rounds he's tied for 38th, but still getting the lion's share (tiger's share?) of the coverage. Only in a completely deracinated and perverted "culture" could such silliness take place.

Yea, Don, I watched some of the second round y'day and it's sickening to me to here the DWF's cheering and urging him along, knowing he doesn't give a d@$n about anyone but himself!

The coverage y'day was pretty much all Tigger anytime he was making a swing.

Awesome to see Adam Scott leading the tournament after 3 rounds! Kind of ironic, isn't it?

Golf fans of the Tiger-era are some of the biggest DWF's fosho!!!! but whats worse is the other PGA golfers who cheer for his play, his comeback, openly jock sniff this Obamaesque creation of corporate America. How can another man cheer for a man he is opening competing against? This is a lack of killer instinct that I have never been able to identify with.
Adam Scott won going away. Stevie Williams was interviewed afterwards by David Feherty and repeatedly said "this was the best week of my life." Very revealing, he must have been quite unhappy caddying for His Surliness, even though he made a lot of money doing so. Williams even looked noticeably more relaxed and open, compared to the thuggish persona he had when working for Woods.
The DWF's were chanting Stevie Williams' name on the 18th hole. It was a little disrespectful to Adam Scott, but primarily a big eff you to Tiger Woods. It appears that many fans are leaving Tiger's bandwagon, even though the media is still clinging to his nuts.

The top nine Bridgestone finishers are all substantially younger and better than Tiger. These aren't the same old guys who used to concede the tournament as soon as Tiger stepped on the course. The future definitely looks dim for Tiger.
Woods with an opening round 77 (+7) at the PGA Championship. This round was amazingly bad considering he was -3 after 5 holes. I'm at work, so I can only imagine the fist pumps, primal screams and roars of the crowd for those first 5 holes.

Now, the only question is whether Tiger will withdraw with a lame excuse before he misses the cut.
Tiger’s NewsJews-forged armor began to exhibit its lack of structural integrity exactly two years ago during the 2009 PGA Championship…when Y.E. Yang overcame the red-shirted narcissist as well as the (then) customary corporate-media practice of “wooing Tiger to the championship.â€

Yesterday, the humiliation of his 7-over 1[SUP]st[/SUP] round performance in 2011’s final Major Championship is even further exacerbated by the fact that he cannot properly lament for his perishing ego and athletic career as he once did in the days prior to his media-engineered bulletproof vest finally disintegrating. There is no more cursing, club throwing, club smashing, spitting, shrieking at fans, eye-rolling, groans of irritation, angry glaring, or smug interviews with delicately-worded questions.

Club throwing…



Dramatic displays of aggravation…

Spitting on the green…

How I adore watching “New Tiger†writhe as he pretends to be a “changed man†on the course, in interviews, and in his always-perverted personal life. You remember this humble, melancholy fellow, don’t you?



Earlier this week, prior to teeing off in the 1[SUP]st[/SUP] round of the PGA, Tiger did prove that his snobby persona is merely being veiled with a corporate mask. While leaving the interview room in a somewhat aggravated state, he was overheard whispering…“That's why you guys listen, and I play.†Well, at least he attempts to “play.â€

Should Tiger’s humiliating play continue into next season (nearing four years since his last Major Championship, the 2008 U.S. Open victory), I wonder if he’ll even be mentioned on ESPN…or if they’ll have moved on to the next Black Godhead.
Unfortunately, the media will continue to latch onto Woods for as long as he plays golf. If he ever plays well again that will of course be ridiculously over-covered. But his decline is also a big story. I think I wrote something to that effect in this thread years ago, but it's too long to go back and try and find it. And there are no "black godheads" to hype in golf (or in tennis after the Williams sisters are done). But it's satisfying that they're now covering Woods as a loser. Very satisfying.

I just watched Woods play a couple of holes in the second round and he looks horrible, and also resigned to his fate. He had about a 15 foot putt on one hole and managed to leave it about 6 feet short, and then missed that for a bogey. And yes, his every shot is being televised as if he's contending for the lead rather than being at the back of the pack.
Like Don observed Woods is going to get a lot of press because he's basically become a train wreck. The MSM likes to chronicle the downfall of anybody because people like to see others fail, especially in spectacular fashion. This time, the over attention shown to Woods is easier to take.
I've intermittently watched Golf Channel's coverage of the PGA the past two days, and about 80 percent of what I saw was centered around Woods. They will not let go of their "black" god any time soon.

One imagines that the coverage this weekend may actually be about those competing for the title rather than Tiger, but one can also imagine the Cultural Marxist scriptwriters and talking point manipulators at the network doing lots of brainstorming tonight on how to keep as many Woods references in the coverage as they can.
I didn't see it, and I don't even know if it was televised, but, on the radio this evening, they said Tiger cried like a little bitch in his post-round press conference.
I've intermittently watched Golf Channel's coverage of the PGA the past two days, and about 80 percent of what I saw was centered around Woods. They will not let go of their "black" god any time soon.

One imagines that the coverage this weekend may actually be about those competing for the title rather than Tiger, but one can also imagine the Cultural Marxist scriptwriters and talking point manipulators at the network doing lots of brainstorming tonight on how to keep as many Woods references in the coverage as they can.

I was thinking about this one, can it be a Tiger-free weekend? I doubt it, as we're most likely to see clips of him from the first two days, and how badly he played, while finally devoting some attention to the leaders also.

This phony is done, washed-up, and is a non-factor. Short of retirement, what is it going to take for his worshippers in the media to stop covering him? How many more lousy tournaments before he drops off the radar?
I've intermittently watched Golf Channel's coverage of the PGA the past two days, and about 80 percent of what I saw was centered around Woods. They will not let go of their "black" god any time soon.

One imagines that the coverage this weekend may actually be about those competing for the title rather than Tiger, but one can also imagine the Cultural Marxist scriptwriters and talking point manipulators at the network doing lots of brainstorming tonight on how to keep as many Woods references in the coverage as they can.

I suspect that Woods will continue to be the center of attention and focus, even if he continues to play like crap for the next two years. I believe the MSM will give him 2 years to rediscover his game and hopefully in their eyes he will "become like Nazareth" rising from the dead two years from now by winning a major. After that he will become a footnote or notable players way down on the leader board.

Don, what happen to the "yapping jew" emocon? I thought he was pretty funny to attach to certain posts.
A justly deserved downfall for Tiger...funny thing is the guy believed his own press on his way up and now they are hear to cover his collapse:blabla:
A year or so ago, I made a post that asked the question-What if Tiger Woods was white? How popular with the MSM and public would he have been?

The answer was that a white Tiger Woods would have been famous and admired for his skill, but nothing like the actual Tiger. Picture how a white Woods would be seen now, after the sex scandal and the seeming loss of golfing ability.

A white Tiger Woods would be a national joke and the punchline for every comedian. Would he would be the most hated individual in America? Possibly.
A year or so ago, I made a post that asked the question-What if Tiger Woods was white? How popular with the MSM and public would he have been?

The answer was that a white Tiger Woods would have been famous and admired for his skill, but nothing like the actual Tiger. Picture how a white Woods would be seen now, after the sex scandal and the seeming loss of golfing ability.

A white Tiger Woods would be a national joke and the punchline for every comedian. Would he would be the most hated individual in America? Possibly.

I think a "white" Tiger would have had to retire. The galleries would be unrelenting in their jeering and booing, unlike anything ever seen before in golf. Egged on by the anti-white media the negativity would have been so great that it would have been impossible to continue to this point. The knee injury would have been used as an excuse to leave the game for at least a couple of years so people could "forget". There would have been no cheering galleries that Tiger gets now and the still fawning press and wishes for a return to dominance.
A "White" Tiger would also be the constant butt of jokes by Letterman and Leno. Sports shows would gleefully show clips of his many bad shots while the hosts would be sneering and laughing. In other words he'd be a national punch line.

As it is, he still receives little to no heckling from fans, partly out of adoration but just as much out of fear. Anyone heckling Woods would hear it from other DWFs, and might even be arrested in this era of post-9/11 intolerance of deviations from the Cultural Marxist party line.
The amercian media gives Tiger Woods and the Williams Sisters a thousand times the coverage of Federer, the Klitschko Brotherers, etc. Even Jim Thome was ignorred but he baseball commisioner and the networks. No agenda here is there?

I am glad to not have to see his face on every other magazine and hear his name so much that I want to vomit. I'm hoping Jack Nicklaus and his all time majors record is safe. He did it the right way and he was a gentleman.
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