Tiger seriously hurt in car crash

Don Wassall said:
And now the tinfoil hat perspective:

Tiger Woods, Professional Athletes, and MK Ultra


good one!
What i like was the part he said. " The athlet himself or herself are given enough resouces to maintain the appearance of temendous wealth!" Remember all the black athlets over the years who were at the top of a sport! And just a few years after they quit their broke?
On Jim Rome's radio show today he was disucssing a comment from Victor Comte (Balco-steroids) wondering how Tiger put on 50 lbs. of muscle so quickly and why the hyper sex drive. Nice that someone is noticing something that CF (esp. Don) noticed years ago!

He also was discussing why the girlfriend Rachel U____ is getting 5 mil to "keep quiet". About what? Rumor is that she was pimping for him, providing girls which would subject him to possible criminal charges as a john.
Van_Slyke_CF said:
Now the potential slut list is up in double figures. I get a kick out of a bunch of them saying things like, "I'm sorry I hurt Elin," and "I'm not a whore."

All of the women who messed around with Tiger over the past several years knew he was married. They just wanted to be a part of his fame and fortune. And now the biggest reason they're all coming out of the woodwork is to try and cash in on their bit of fame for the present because they had sex with Tiger.

Good stuff VSCF! Any woman that commits adultery with a married man (knowing he's married) is indeed a whore IMO. These gals got caught up "Cheatah's" fame/caste-hype & decided to whore themselves out. I've no respect for them.
jaxvid said:
On Jim Rome's radio show today he was disucssing a comment from Victor Comte (Balco-steroids) wondering how Tiger put on 50 lbs. of muscle so quickly and why the hyper sex drive. Nice that someone is noticing something that CF (esp. Don) noticed years ago!

Your post reminds me of some thoughts I had recently. We've discussed Tiger's possible use of steroids or PED's.I don't think his sexual escapades will diminish his standing in the eyes of DWF's. However, if it can be demonstrated that he indeed was roided out - his legacy would take a big hit.

Woods has been more careless than I would have suspected. So, I would not rule out the possibility of a Jose Canseco tell all type of book describing injections in the back side.
Written somewhere down the line by a jilted whore or perhaps his wife if she turns on him. Just sayin.
Edited by: Bart
Bart said:
jaxvid said:
On Jim Rome's radio show today he was disucssing a comment from Victor Comte (Balco-steroids) wondering how Tiger put on 50 lbs. of muscle so quickly and why the hyper sex drive. Nice that someone is noticing something that CF (esp. Don) noticed years ago!

Your post reminds me of some thoughts I had recently. We've discussed Tiger's possible use of steroids or PED's.I don't think his sexual escapades will diminish his standing in the eyes of DWF's. However, if it can be demonstrated that he indeed was roided out - his legacy would take a big hit.

Woods has been more careless than I would have suspected. So, I would not rule out the possibility of a Jose Canseco tell all type of book describing injections in the back side.
Written somewhere down the line by a jilted whore or perhaps his wife if she turns on him. Just sayin.

A 'roids scandal would kill his reputation. All of the wins go out the book at that point. Him and Nickalaus become like Bonds and Ruth. Right now his troubles are not golf related. PED's would make it all about golf.

On another item, all of the stuff I read about Woods is how famous he is and how he is the worlds most recognizable athlete. Is that true? Isn't that just american bias? Other then the English countries of the world and some high income asian lands who the heck else cares about golf? I've been to Europe and nobody much plays it there, I can't believe in the rest of the third world there are a whole lot of natives scheduling tee times. Like everything black and american, I think his "fame" is overrated.
LT had his own unique spin on this situation. I just wonder if he was drunk or stoned when he said his comment. As per USA Today....
Lawrence Taylor: Tiger Woods should 'go looking for Jesper Parnevik'
12:35 PM

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Pro Football Hall of Famer Lawrence Taylor has weighed in on Tiger Woods' personal meltdown and, as a veteran of several personal meltdowns, has this message for the world's most famous golfer:

It's going to be OK.

But Taylor had one piece of direct advice for Woods, who has admitted to infidelity with his wife, Elin Nordegren. He said Woods should seek revenge on golfer Jesper Parnevik, whose damning remarks about Woods included a comment that his wife should have hit Woods with a driver.

"I hope he does get back," Taylor told a New York sports radio station of Woods. "The first thing I would do if I get back on the golf course, I would go looking for Jesper Parnevik and I would beat his ass ... There is a line that you don't cross over."

Taylor, whose personal issues have included fights with substance abuse, said he and Michael Jordan recently discussed Woods while playing golf. But he said he hasn't spoken with the golfer because "Tiger is not really returning phone calls."

What advice would Taylor offer Woods if he spoke with him?

"I would love to tell him that it is not the end of the world. Tiger has never really faced adversity like this. He has always been like the prodigal son. He has always been so good at what he does that he only focuses on what he does. Sometimes life deals problems. If I was Tiger, I would probably come out and make a statement. Maybe forget about golf for a couple of months and work on his family relationships because it is not going to take long to prepare"¦ You can't get no better than him."

-- Sean Leahy
More insanity. The woman who brought down good old Eliot is now giving relationship advice at the NY Post. She even weighs in on Tiger....Ashley Dupré New Sex Columnist for NY Post
December 14th, 2009 11:44 am / Author: Brittany Talarico

nypost_ash_dupreAshley Dupré recently offered her words of wisdom to Tiger Woods‘ wife, and the former call girl is not stopping there. Ashley, whose affair with former New York governor Eliot Spitzer led to his resignation last year, will be writing an advice column on sex and dating for the New York Post, the paper announced on Sunday.

For the video announcement of her new job, Ashley donned business appropriate office wear and glasses. She explains her new advisory position in between posing for a photo shoot.

"I used to be on the front page of the New York Post. Now, I"Â￾m writing for it,"Â￾ she says. "Ask me anything about love, sex and relationships.

"Take it from me, someone who could have used a little advice in the past â€" there's nothing better than learning from someone elses experiences."Â￾

Ashley has been speaking out to the media on Tiger, warming up her platform as a new "relationship guru."Â￾

"Here you have all these girls accepting gifts, money, trips from Tiger in exchange for sex â€" all the while knowing he is married,"Â￾ she recently told the New York Post. "And now they all can't wait to tell their stories in exchange for even more money from the tabloids? And I was the hooker? At least I kept my mouth shut."Â￾
jaxvid said:
Bart said:
jaxvid said:
On Jim Rome's radio show today he was disucssing a comment from Victor Comte (Balco-steroids) wondering how Tiger put on 50 lbs. of muscle so quickly and why the hyper sex drive. Nice that someone is noticing something that CF (esp. Don) noticed years ago!

Your post reminds me of some thoughts I had recently. We've discussed Tiger's possible use of steroids or PED's.I don't think his sexual escapades will diminish his standing in the eyes of DWF's. However, if it can be demonstrated that he indeed was roided out - his legacy would take a big hit.

Woods has been more careless than I would have suspected. So, I would not rule out the possibility of a Jose Canseco tell all type of book describing injections in the back side.
Written somewhere down the line by a jilted whore or perhaps his wife if she turns on him. Just sayin.

A 'roids scandal would kill his reputation. All of the wins go out the book at that point. Him and Nickalaus become like Bonds and Ruth. Right now his troubles are not golf related. PED's would make it all about golf.

On another item, all of the stuff I read about Woods is how famous he is and how he is the worlds most recognizable athlete. Is that true? Isn't that just american bias? Other then the English countries of the world and some high income asian lands who the heck else cares about golf? I've been to Europe and nobody much plays it there, I can't believe in the rest of the third world there are a whole lot of natives scheduling tee times. Like everything black and american, I think his "fame" is overrated.

I would say Cristiano Ronaldo or Lionel Messi or Beckham are more famous. Soccer is the most popular sport. The English National team is actually the favorite team in China of all places. There are 500,000 people in South Korea with a Manchester United credit card. I think it is just American bias. When teams like Man United go to Asia, they have crowds at the airport waiting to see them.
Europe: I saw firsthand when I lived in Japan how popular the best world soccer teams/players were when they showed up for various appearances and competitions.

Baseball stars like Hideki Matsui and Ichiro Suzuki are more famous than Tiger Woods as well.

Foreign sumo stars like Asashoryu and Hakuho(Mongolia), Kotooshu(Bulgaria), and Baruto(Estonia)are idolized in their homelands. I doubt very seriously that most people in those countries see Tiger Woods as a more famous and influential athlete.

The Aussies and Kiwis I worked around were more interested in their rugby heroes any ol' day than Tiger Woods.

Tiger Woods's star is crashing with his harem of bimbos and the breaking news about PED use, which this site has speculated on for years.

When an athlete's body changes so dramatically in such a short time, it should send up red flags to a truly observant, relatively unbiased media.

It didn't because the MSM has fawned over Superman Woods from day one, treating him as an untouchable for the most part.

I hope we never see Tiger Woods in another PGA event.

It wouldn't be the end of the world. The PGA Tour shouldn't be giving out the purses it does in the first place, and it also shouldn't be playing a year-round schedule.

Time to come back to earth and have the focus of the media attention on the whole Tour, and not just on Tiger Woods.
Europe said:
jaxvid said:
Bart said:
jaxvid said:
On Jim Rome's radio show today he was disucssing a comment from Victor Comte (Balco-steroids) wondering how Tiger put on 50 lbs. of muscle so quickly and why the hyper sex drive. Nice that someone is noticing something that CF (esp. Don) noticed years ago!

Your post reminds me of some thoughts I had recently. We've discussed Tiger's possible use of steroids or PED's.I don't think his sexual escapades will diminish his standing in the eyes of DWF's. However, if it can be demonstrated that he indeed was roided out - his legacy would take a big hit.

Woods has been more careless than I would have suspected. So, I would not rule out the possibility of a Jose Canseco tell all type of book describing injections in the back side.
Written somewhere down the line by a jilted whore or perhaps his wife if she turns on him. Just sayin.

A 'roids scandal would kill his reputation. All of the wins go out the book at that point. Him and Nickalaus become like Bonds and Ruth. Right now his troubles are not golf related. PED's would make it all about golf.

On another item, all of the stuff I read about Woods is how famous he is and how he is the worlds most recognizable athlete. Is that true? Isn't that just american bias? Other then the English countries of the world and some high income asian lands who the heck else cares about golf? I've been to Europe and nobody much plays it there, I can't believe in the rest of the third world there are a whole lot of natives scheduling tee times. Like everything black and american, I think his "fame" is overrated.

I would say Cristiano Ronaldo or Lionel Messi or Beckham are more famous. Soccer is the most popular sport. The English National team is actually the favorite team in China of all places. There are 500,000 people in South Korea with a Manchester United credit card. I think it is just American bias. When teams like Man United go to Asia, they have crowds at the airport waiting to see them.

The NFL used to boast that the Super Bowl had a worldwide audience of over 1 billion, until someone in the corporate media pointed out a few years ago that the audience outside of the U.S. is miniscule, consisting mainly of ex-pats, servicemen, etc. Now one rarely hears that claim. Typical American boastfulness and hubris.

Woods undoubtedly is one of the best known athletes internationally, because the U.S. Empire exports itsbread and circusesaround the world to often eager audiences. But that has everything to do with Woods being, alternatively, black and alsothe perfect example of the shining Tan Everyman the Empire wants the world tobe populated by, except of course forthe elite. If this was Jack Nicklaus's era, he wouldn't have one-tenth of the international recognition that Woods has.
The latest on Woods is that he wired money to women (for silence) and had an association with a doctor who distributed PED's. These are just allegations, for now.
if he weren't such a grade A, a-hole all of this piling on the media is doing would be sad ... as it is, it's pretty typical of how the machine works. the Tribe don't like it when their people mess up their plans ... as the tan every-man God-on-Earth certainly did.
All of the character flaws that people noticed years ago. His cheapness, pettiness, selfishness were all magnified ten fold when the cameras weren't flashing. He seems to be similar to Bernie Madoff....
i wonder if part of the vehemence with which the media is going after their former golden boy is because they don't want the public to come to the understanding that the media has known about this for years?

even Rush Limbaugh has admitted that he's known about Woods' decadent and immoral behavior for at least two years ... how long have the tribesmen at ESPN and the networks and sponsors and so forth known about it yet covered it up? all in order to promote the agenda ... and make a little cash while they were at it, of course.
Jimmy Chitwood said:
i wonder if part of the vehemence with which the media is going after their former golden boy is because they don't want the public to come to the understanding that the media has known about this for years?

I think that's part of it, I also think that as much of an a-hole as Tiger is he didn't always play the role they wanted. I remember he didn't take the PC stand on women playing on the men's tour. His non-acceptance of the high profile attempt to boycott the Masters a few years ago killed that effort, and of course he has refuted that he is a "black" golfer instead calling himself Cablasian. That kind of comment has not endeared himself to blacks in particular, a recent article I read was that his comment about not being black was like hitting every black person in the face with a seven iron.
white is right said:
Pro Football Hall of Famer Lawrence Taylor has weighed in on Tiger Woods' personal meltdown and, as a veteran of several personal meltdowns, has this message for the world's most famous golfer:

But Taylor had one piece of direct advice for Woods, who has admitted to infidelity with his wife, Elin Nordegren. He said Woods should seek revenge on golfer Jesper Parnevik, whose damning remarks about Woods included a comment that his wife should have hit Woods with a driver.

"I hope he does get back," Taylor told a New York sports radio station of Woods. "The first thing I would do if I get back on the golf course, I would go looking for Jesper Parnevik and I would beat his ass ... There is a line that you don't cross over."

Lawrence Taylor must have a few screws loose. Perfect example of the Negro mentality. Hunt someone down and beat them with a golf club because of a newspaper quote. Violent, dangerous, stupid and totally lacking in self control.

Who will give Woods advice next? Jim Brown? OJ? Mike Tyson?

Edit: Ha ha! I just read the post on the other thread. Ron Artest offers help. Perfect.
Edited by: Bart
I don't put a squirt of urine into what Lawrence Taylor pontificates about on anything! I remember years ago, this moron told a reporter that even though he drank a "case of beer" daily that he was not an alcoholic!

Yes, Taylor's brain and logic have been pickled beyond repair.

Oh, Jaxvid, good one with the seven iron reference!
Ron Artest! I remember when he went into the stands to attack white fans. I believe there was one DWF who turned the tables in of all history and actually attacked an affelet, grabbing him in a head lock! That was priceless.
In today's LA Times, Bill Plaschke wonders if Tiger has been using PED's because a doctor who peddles them had treated him. Plaschke writes:

"From the back the dude looked like Barry Bonds. His neck was oddly wide. His shoulders were absurdly broad. His biceps were bursting out of a tight shirt."

"For the first time, he wasn't just better than everyone else, he was also bigger. He looked not like a technician lining up a tee shot, but a slugger getting loose for batting peactice."

"He looked weird. He looked stuffed. He looked dirty."

"I confided it, but never wrote it, because who would believe it."
"I confided it, but never wrote it, because who would believe it."

Well, Mr. Plaschke, people on Caste Football noticed it years ago and commented on it freely. It's a shame you didn't have the guts to write what you really thought.
Cheating on his wife/children with hundreds of disease-ridden skanks"¦cheating on the golf course with PEDs"¦.$1 billion of dirty corporate money in the bank. What a saga. Sounds like par for the course in the American caste / racial spoils system.

As Don said about the insane weekly Tiger updates, "this is too much fun."Â￾
The local sports section today has the following squib about Woods: "Pals Say Tiger Has Changed Number. Charles Barkley says Woods has changed his cell phone number and gone incommunicado. 'You should reach out to your celebrity friends when things go bad,' Barkley told the Associated Press. Filmmaker Spike Lee chimed in, 'If Barkley and Michael Jordan can't get to him, and those are his boys, then other people are making bad moves'."

Yeah, ok, Spike. If Barkley and Jordan are his "boys," then that explains a lot. Both are high stakes gambling addicts (as apparently is Woods). Barkley has had numerous run-ins with the law, including throwing a man through a plate glass window and a couple of DUIs, and has made numerous anti-white statements (to the delight of those in the media who continue to treat this buffoon like some kind of sage). Jordan, like Woods up till now, has had much of his life sanitized by the media but appears to be a world class a-hole.

If Woods is smart, his estrangement from his "boys" is part of a process of embracing his inner White man, and Asian man for that matter, and rejecting his inner black boy. He ought to emulate the way White and Asian golfers conduct themselves on and off the course if he's interested in rehabilitating his image and personality.Edited by: Don Wassall
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