Tiger seriously hurt in car crash

Supposedly Woods is giving up his golf career for now. He wants to "save" his marriage. Good stuff coming from the most hyped piece of trash in the world.
Woods should go the Bill Clinton route. Bite the lower lip, act sorrowful as hell, get counselling from Jesse Jackson and Dr. Phil, then reappear right before the Masters a totally changed Eldrick with a new lease on life.The suckers will weep and name their children after him. Greatest story ever!
Bart said:
Woods should go the Bill Clinton route. Bite the lower lip, act sorrowful as hell, get counselling from Jesse Jackson and Dr. Phil, then reappear right before the Masters a totally changed Eldrick with a new lease on life.The suckers will weep and name their children after him. Greatest story ever!

That's probably pretty close to how this caste script will unfold...and the sheeplized, racially castrated suckers will bite as usual.
He should disappear for a while, maybe a year or so. Avoid all media contact and work on his golf game. Let a "Where's Tiger?" buzz build up in the press. Get spotted occasionally walking forlornly along a beach somewhere, or maybe sitting sad and lonely on a park bench feeding the pigeons. Only to disappear again.

Then, when the time is right, come back just in time to save golf from the Tigerless doldrums it will have inevitably fallen into. The fans are mostly forgiving. Tiger can still find redemption.

He'll probably still be a prick though.
I don't have any sympathy for Woods, but the media and the rest of his image builders are getting off scot-free. The much bigger problem is that the media, working hand-in-glove with PR people, so-called"sports journalists" and reporters,andcorporations, is able to craft whatever images for various people, groups, interestsand ideologies it wants, with no regulation or mechanisms of oversight or any other kinds of "checks and balances" whatsoever, while the peasants continue to have every aspect of their lives carefully directed and controlled from birth until death. Tiger had the image he did only because a helluva lot of people and interests worked together to "cast a spell," just as the American people as a whole have been in a trance for many years. The Woods crack-up is but another crack inthe crumbling foundation of a bankrupt and criminal system of control and illusion-making. Edited by: Don Wassall
Woods was annointed as God. SI put him on the cover what too many times to count. Conversely Roger Federer has made the cover roughly one and a half times. Yeh that is real equitable. Much like the steroid scandal in baseball where the media and baseball people from the top down acted dumb and the surprised when rampant drug use was finally exposed. Do not believe for one friggen moment people did not know about Tiger and his screwing around. Anyway SI is choking on itself since how do you attack God? Yes unfortunaltely some married people screw around--many wait till at least the kids are of a reasonable age for crying out loud.. Never liked Tiger to begin with.
Now Tiger Woods has big problems. I would kill to have the kind of problems he has. He has a beautiful wife, tons of money, and is a famous celebrity yet that wasn't enough to satisfy the prick. He created all these problems for himself. I hope he suffers as much as possible.
If that now somber wife has the least amount of self respect she will leave him and allow him to have joint custody of those color of the rainbow offspring and divorce him for all she can get.

I mean how can any spouse stay when the other has fornicated with possibly 100s of good looking skanks??? A year from now, how can you be scene in public with a man like Eldrick?
This is typical of what happens. The media who fawn over him and expect us to also, is mega-resonsible and the DWF are idiots who see no problems with a white/money grubbing non-self respecting skank getting hosed by a black. Our nation is full of DWF idiots who sit idly by and watch our race be run over and are self-loathing, myopic morons. The mulatto is pushed to the hilt, and is always the "hero" in every aspect. Look at the weather channel, the news channels, the movies, tv shows, ALLLLL promote the negro-white mix at every turn and any chance they can regardless if the subject is the best candidate for the job, they get hired anyway to promote the white-destroying agenda. The white male (especially if they are Christian/conservative) (in the elites' mindset) is the one that needs to be eradicated, castrated, and done away with to the anti-christ jewish-controlled mass media's delight. They are weeping over their fallen "god". They'll manufacture another one from their golden calf's ashes. To hell with them all.Edited by: BeyondFedUp
Woods will come back to golf, but I think his golden days are done, once you become a farce you can never come back completely. Even the magic negro crap has become a farce, and its only demographic whites can't get drunk enough to overcome the embarrasment for being the only people on Earth dumb enough to fall for it.
I think he will sit out Golf for a month or so. Then play two tournaments as tune up for the Master's, and then resume his normal schedule. He's too into winning the total majors record to give them up for a full year.
WASP said:
Here is an article that was posted on page 8 of the Tiger Woods thread back in July.

Now you can't help but laugh when you read the following paragraph:
Look, in every other case, I think Tiger Woods has been an A-plus role model. Never shows up in the back of a squad car with a black eye. Never gets busted in a sleazy motel with three "freelance models." Never gets so much as a parking ticket. But this punk act on the golf course has got to stop. If it were my son, I'd tell him the same thing: "Either behave or get off the course."

I had to go and look and make sure it wasn't written by one of the regular posters here.
And now, for those eager to read another lurid story about Tiger:

Vice Queen: I Set Up Tiger's Orgies

CHEATING Tiger Woods splashed out £25,000 a weekend partying with high-class hookers, a notorious Hollywood madam told a US website last night.

Michelle Braun said that she sometimes provided Woods with ten to 15 girls at one time.

Full article: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/2768606/Madam-claims-Tiger-Woods-paid-for-escorts.html#ixzz0ZVb2KnMU
Thanks for the interesting reads, Don.

I would be very surprised if Tiger Woods plays golf in 2010.

I think anyone who is talking a Torrey Pines timeframe for a return, or even The Masters has got it all wrong.

The upcoming season is in serious jeopardy, especially for the family reasons and security concerns already discussed on CF.
While you are being distracted by this minor affair, Barack Obama is in copenhagen. First he will bow to every non-white leader, then surrender all our rights to the global warming committee.
You will be sitting in from of the boob tube watch the latest installment of the Tiger Woods scandal, when the New World Order goons smash down the door to take you away to the forced labor camps.
Just wait and see!
Maybe Tiger will come back as an extroverted,dysfunctional "black" version of John Daly, swilling beer with fans after every round, consuming 10,000 calories of junk food each day, high-fiving thegallery as he walks down fairways, and openly living a life of debauchery that endears him to the DWFs the way Daly has. Well, maybe not. Edited by: Don Wassall
This is an old story that never became a story because of our controlled media. Way back in May pornstar Holly Sampson discussed in a porn internet video how she had sex with Tiger at his bachelor party. Yet no one in our controlled media thought it was newsworthy. She even said something to the effect of "Well it's not as if it's a big secret." I'm sure some writers submitted reports only to have them rejected by their Kosher bosses. It just can't be that Tiger was so openly permiscuous and no reporter in world ever submitted a story. Now we find out that it was being openly promoted on the internet and yet still keep a secret in the media. Here's the May video:

May pornstar video
Yeah and that guy looks like a young Scatman Gruthers. Remember the black clarivoyant in the Shinning who Jack Nicholson axed.

KP I hear your point, but why did the National Enquirer of all media organizations say F that, its a great story and unleash hell on Eldrick's meticously crafted image.? I think from this point forward the National Enquirer has gained alot of credibilty and presitage in exposing fruads. Like the other creep Edwards who ran as the other clown's VP candidate.

Great research!
Woods did this:

zionist look for weakness..No doubt they knew all about his philandering.
Here's is an intersting picture of Uchitel the so called "1st girl".
http://grayfalcon.blogspot.com/ LOok at the hat.She is jew wearing a Muslim hat? Kla was set up as Muslim freedom fighters against Serbia a Nationalist Chrisitan country.We managed to bomb Serbia back to the stone age to help Muslems?Aren't we a Chrisitan country..Zionist hate Nationalisn and Christianity.
He hurt himself no doubt.Still it is odd how this seems to fit. Edited by: Ben Jefferson
Me and my dad had a good laugh about "King Tiger" paying for "sex".. and the disease-ridden "pornstars"...

What a mudman!!!
If he gives up golf he'll still havea great future in politics since he lies so well:

Golf-Woods Speaks of Family First in NZ Television Interview

A New Zealand TV channel will broadcast on Tuesday a recent interview with Tiger Woods in which the world's best golfer said his family comes first.

In a trailer for the interview, conducted in Australia last month before Woods on Friday admitted to infidelity in his marriage, sports broadcaster Murray Deaker asks the golfer: "Family first and golf second. Always be like that?"Â￾
<DIV id=sidebar>

"Always,"Â￾ Woods replied.

The interview, for the pay-television Sky network, which is owned by Rupert Murdoch's News Corp, was arranged by Woods' New Zealand caddie Steve Williams.

Local media reported on Sunday that the broadcaster had intended to show the interview on Dec. 25, but brought it forward after Woods on Friday said he would be taking an "indefinite break"Â￾ from the game.

In the trailer Deaker said it was "the last interview he (Woods) did before his life blew up in his face"Â￾.

"We have to be conscious of the fact it was conducted before all this blew up,"Â￾ Deaker told the Sunday Star Times newspaper. "And given what we now know, everyone will draw their own conclusions to his answers."Â￾
I don't know what is going on with this situation. I heard on the radio today his wife is talking with a divorce attorney and I also heard she will stay with him if he gives up golf for now. Either way Woods put a nice dent in his career and won't be the "brightest star in sports" anymore.
Now the potential slut list is up in double figures. I get a kick out of a bunch of them saying things like, "I'm sorry I hurt Elin," and "I'm not a whore."

All of the women who messed around with Tiger over the past several years knew he was married. They just wanted to be a part of his fame and fortune. And now the biggest reason they're all coming out of the woodwork is to try and cash in on their bit of fame for the present because they had sex with Tiger.

If there are sex vids of Carrie Prejean out there, for example, it's probably just a matter of time before a Tiger orgy one hits the Internet.