I don't mean to pick on anyone but a doom and gloom, defeatist attitude isn't going to win us new recruits. Especially over an incident as minor as this, a nationalist Republican losing a primary election to a slightly less nationalist Republican. Like
@Riggins44 said, Feenstra is a good candidate for Us and bad news for Them. By celebrating King's defeat solely because of their personal dislike of him, fools like AOC are letting their emotions control them and aren't putting things in perspective. We shouldn't make the same mistake. At any rate there's nothing for us to gain by reading self-congratulatory puff pieces from anti-white media outlets like msn.com. Yes, it's important to know your enemy, but you don't gain accurate intelligence on your enemy by listening to his fake news propaganda broadcasts.
Remember that just a few weeks ago, people on the Right participated in anti-lockdown protests that were genuine grassroots actions, unlike the organized from the top-down George Floyd protests that are falsely represented as "the people's anger." Let's focus a little more on the positive.