"THEY" are Winning :(


Apr 6, 2007
More bad news...
Yes King losing is bad news. But the way the system is stacked what could you expect. All the women and pussies on my Facebook are going on about racist this and white privilege that. Every business and sports team is seeing who can cuck the hardest for Black. It is literally sickening.

When Trump loses it’s really going to suck because there will probably be a black woman taking over for Biden .
I've been saying it for a while guys....you need to get an exit strategy together. Just because I was born here doesn't mean I have to go down with the ship. When/if Trump loses, I'm out of here.
Yes King losing is bad news. But the way the system is stacked what could you expect. All the women and pussies on my Facebook are going on about racist this and white privilege that. Every business and sports team is seeing who can cuck the hardest for Black. It is literally sickening.

When Trump loses it’s really going to suck because there will probably be a black woman taking over for Biden .

Spot on.
There’s been a lot of takes that these riots are good for Trump as he is, by default, the law and order candidate.

But how can he possibly win? The battleground states can all be swung with cheating in large cities (Detroit, Columbus, Philadelphia, Milwaukee, etc.) and how is that NOT going to happen? We have already seen that the government does not have the spine to keep them from wrecking the place. How would they stop voter fraud even if they wanted to? Which they don't. They've done every illegal thing they can to try and get him out of office. Why would they not cheat an election?
I don't know if Feenstra is a bad candidate. He is pro-Trump, pro tax cuts, against illegal immigration and sanctuary cities, pro-Christian, and a fiscal conservative. All good things.
I don't mean to pick on anyone but a doom and gloom, defeatist attitude isn't going to win us new recruits. Especially over an incident as minor as this, a nationalist Republican losing a primary election to a slightly less nationalist Republican. Like @Riggins44 said, Feenstra is a good candidate for Us and bad news for Them. By celebrating King's defeat solely because of their personal dislike of him, fools like AOC are letting their emotions control them and aren't putting things in perspective. We shouldn't make the same mistake. At any rate there's nothing for us to gain by reading self-congratulatory puff pieces from anti-white media outlets like msn.com. Yes, it's important to know your enemy, but you don't gain accurate intelligence on your enemy by listening to his fake news propaganda broadcasts.

Remember that just a few weeks ago, people on the Right participated in anti-lockdown protests that were genuine grassroots actions, unlike the organized from the top-down George Floyd protests that are falsely represented as "the people's anger." Let's focus a little more on the positive.
All the women and pussies on my Facebook are going on about racist this and white privilege that.

Facebook is owned by (((Zuckerberg))) and censors anything pro-white, so there's no reason to expect anything else.

Every business and sports team is seeing who can cuck the hardest for Black. It is literally sickening.

According to CNN, everyone is standing with Black Lives Matter except for a few powerless racist losers...but at the same time, institutional racism is everywhere, including at the highest levels of power.

This is why I don't watch fake news.
King was a nine term congressman. In other words, he had become a career politician.

May many more of these types get shown the door soon.
I don't mean to pick on anyone but a doom and gloom, defeatist attitude isn't going to win us new recruits. Especially over an incident as minor as this, a nationalist Republican losing a primary election to a slightly less nationalist Republican. Like @Riggins44 said, Feenstra is a good candidate for Us and bad news for Them. By celebrating King's defeat solely because of their personal dislike of him, fools like AOC are letting their emotions control them and aren't putting things in perspective. We shouldn't make the same mistake. At any rate there's nothing for us to gain by reading self-congratulatory puff pieces from anti-white media outlets like msn.com. Yes, it's important to know your enemy, but you don't gain accurate intelligence on your enemy by listening to his fake news propaganda broadcasts.

Remember that just a few weeks ago, people on the Right participated in anti-lockdown protests that were genuine grassroots actions, unlike the organized from the top-down George Floyd protests that are falsely represented as "the people's anger." Let's focus a little more on the positive.

True, defeatism never made anyone win its what many people in the "alt-right" and/or white activism sphere just don't seem to understand, in fact some have such severe reactions in many cases I often wonder if they are demoralizing agents. For example, many seem to be more than willing to cede sports to blacks as well which shows the extent of weakness and defeatism among many. Think of the odds your ancestors prevailed against.
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As Don has frequently mentioned, it's a difficult task to fight back against an enemy which has co-opted all of the institutions of power, academia and the media, both social and mainstream. For the average American, the struggle is to earn a living, raise a family and help with your community. Fighting back will quickly lead to ostricization and condemnation which means no way to do any of those things. Instant pariah for a tweet that does not conform to the language decreed by the rulers.

As for the left, they are well funded, and don't have the same worries. Since they make the rules of language and conduct, they are immune (mostly) to any of this. They get accolades for their "correct" posts, no matter how incendiary they are. How do you take back the institutions once they are lost? It would be a long march indeed.
(((They))) do seem to be winning, creating anarchy, making life miserable for White Gentiles everywhere.

But I feel that someday, there will be a reckoning, God willing.

God has punished them in the past for their wickedness, and will probably do so again.

Everything about that case is horrible, however the husband getting fired and surrendering his firearms is the worst thing of all. They can pull this same crap with an dangerous mob, leaving us with no other way to protect ourselves.
Sickening and horrible way to start the day.. I'm wondering what other media outlets will pick up the story..

It's disgusting and so sad. I fear for my kids more and more each day. I did send a tweet to Paul Joseph Watson and he has posted the story on his site Summit.news
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