The Trumpening?

I think he will. Get set for a wild four years. He will constantly be the bane of the gang of fiat masters.

Unless the rules are adjusted, which they need to be. For instance, blocking traffic on a public highway is not a "protest" it is terrorism. It should clearly be announced to them in simple second grade level english that even a contemporary college professor can understand that they will be treated as terrorists if they continue to block a public highway and if they still think that is funny then open fire on them, fighting them the same way they supposedly fight terrorists overseas who present much less of an immediate threat to us, which is to say kill them.
Unless the rules are adjusted, which they need to be. For instance, blocking traffic on a public highway is not a "protest" it is terrorism. It should clearly be announced to them in simple second grade level english that even a contemporary college professor can understand that they will be treated as terrorists if they continue to block a public highway and if they still think that is funny then open fire on them, fighting them the same way they supposedly fight terrorists overseas who present much less of an immediate threat to us, which is to say kill them.

As much as I think the protesters are brain dead vermin, and I would like to carry out your plan, I disagree -only in part- with you. We can't kill people for blocking roads as that is not lawful. I am only for law and order. We can't stop people from freely associating, and protesting, in common areas, and they are also proprietors of common property, so, I would give them one warning to get off the roads, and if they don't, then shove them onto the sidewalks. If they step back on the road they get to go to jail -and they have to pay for their stay there. They lay a hand on a peace officer, they don't just go to jail, they get a free aerobics lesson by our good friends in blue, and then get charged. :ARMS1:
Trump had strong momentum down the stretch but I thought it stalled when the FBI stated they would drop the Shillary probe. The most amusing thing about the election was seeing the dweebs whining in major US cities about losing the election that was won by salt of the earth middle Americans in the "Rust Belt".

Ps watch Jaxvid his double identity as Flint probably canceled two illegal votes for Shillary in corrupt Detroit which supported Shillary at a Joe Stalin clip.

Actually I was able to hack into the computer counting votes at one Detroit precinct (it cost me a 40 oz. malt liquor) and add 10,000 Trump votes-basically his margin of victory in Michigan. It offset the 50,000 phony votes ginned up from people that were dead or in jail.

However, seriously, I would have to credit our own Thrashen with putting the Trumpster into the White House. He put signs up all over Pennsylvania's rural areas and I am sure that thousands of people saw his home made signs, thought that Donald Trump must have something going on, and decided there and then that they would vote for him. Those votes flipped PA from blue to red and basically delivered Trump to victory!!!
Unless the rules are adjusted, which they need to be. For instance, blocking traffic on a public highway is not a "protest" it is terrorism. It should clearly be announced to them in simple second grade level english that even a contemporary college professor can understand that they will be treated as terrorists if they continue to block a public highway and if they still think that is funny then open fire on them, fighting them the same way they supposedly fight terrorists overseas who present much less of an immediate threat to us, which is to say kill them.

Blocking roads can kill people because emergency vehicles can't get through. It happened during the 1968 leftist riots during the Democrat convention in Chicago.

An ambulance was taking a man who had had a heart attack to a hospital located in downtown Chicago. The leftist agitators had blocked the road and the ambulance couldn't get through. The man died in the ambulance.
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Blocking roads can kill people because emergency vehicles can't get through. It happened during the 1968 leftist riots during the Democrat convention in Chicago.

An ambulance was taking a man who had had a heart attack to a hospital located in downtown Chicago. The leftist agitators had blocked the road and the ambulance couldn't get through. The man died in the ambulance.

All sorts of things - fire engines, police cars racing to the scene of an ongoing crime, people with vital jobs to get many of the terrorists have a real job? Their commie zioteachers don't count. You either let them trash our country or you quit ******* around and take care of business and show them what real "police brutality" looks like. The police will be more than happy to oblige. Almost 100% of them are for Trump. Obviously nothing is going to happen while the kenyan *** is still in office.

The latest Schwartz alias Soros plot: Get the electoral voters to defy their state's votes and vote for the hag instead and make the witch president after all.

Hot stock market tip: Short GRUB. The CEO sent out a memo to all his employees saying any who agree with Trump should resign.
What a joke that David Duke only tallied 3% of the vote in the La. Senate race. I will never believe that no shenanigans were involved. If he would have made the runoff, that would have been a media spectacle to rival the presidential race.

A lot's changed since Duke's heyday in Louisiana politics in the late '80s and early '90s. For one thing he's lived overseas for a number of years. You can't build (or maintain) a support base in a state you don't live in. Additionally, while at one time he had financial supporters all over the country (I managed his Populist Party presidential campaign, the supporters of which provided much of the financial backing for his election to the LA legislature in a special election right after that campaign), the number is much less now due to atrophy over the years. There are other factors involved I won't go into here. I wanted him to do well, but 3% doesn't surprise me at all.
We had a few hundred college brats downtown marching and chanting for a few hours last night.

Tonight it had dwindled to maybe twenty or so doing the same thing obviously hoping to gather more as they went but it was nothing doing and they fizzled out. Saw 'em go by once and never saw them again. I think they broke up and headed for the bars or maybe to play some Pokémon Go since they were already out.
Flint said:
However, seriously, I would have to credit our own Thrashen with putting the Trumpster into the White House. He put signs up all over Pennsylvania's rural areas and I am sure that thousands of people saw his home made signs, thought that Donald Trump must have something going on, and decided there and then that they would vote for him. Those votes flipped PA from blue to red and basically delivered Trump to victory!!!

Haha, it probably didn't amount to much in the end, as they were only placed in about 3-4 counties, albeit ones in which voter turnout for DT was massive compared to Mormon Mitt in 2012 or Juan McAmnesty in 2008. I didn't tell too many people that it was me putting up the homemade signs over the past few it was interesting that when talking about Trump with various people, they'd talk about the abundance of pro-Donald yard signs all over PA and invariably add: "Trump's supporters are so passionate that I even see homemade sign everywhere I travel." I think people respect a true "grassroots" effort that isn't funded by the Republicans or Democrats.
For obvious reasons, I've been reading facebook/twitter/instagram posts and articles about SJW snowflakes over the past few days, and even I was surprised at their level of self-induced victimization and immaturity. Some are seeing psychiatrists and "grief counselors," some can't go to school, some can't eat, some can't sleep, some weep involuntarily, some are so upset they are vomiting uncontrollably, some are protesting day and night, some have been subscribed prescription drugs to combat depression, and there are multiple tales of people actually committing suicide. Trump's improbable, implausible, out-of-nowhere surprise victory hit them in the face with a 30-lb sledge hammer and they know it. What a beautiful time to be alive! They're treating Trump like he just transformed into some sort of fire-breathing, bulletproof, omnipotent Godking who'll have them dragged into the street and slaughtered immediately upon taking office. But we're the "phobic" ones...





As werewolf mentioned, the newest "scheme" to block Trump from becoming POTUS is to sign a massive petition so that the Electoral College will vote for Hillary instead of The Donal when the group votes on December 19th. Pathetic and enraging, yet fascinating...

Where were they when Hillary defeated Bernie via "super delegates?"
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For obvious reasons, I've been reading facebook/twitter/instagram posts and articles about SJW snowflakes over the past few days, and even I was surprised at their level of self-induced victimization and immaturity. Some are seeing psychiatrists and "grief counselors," some can't go to school, some can't eat, some can't sleep, some weep involuntarily, some are so upset they are vomiting uncontrollably, some are protesting day and night, some have been subscribed prescription drugs to combat depression, and there are multiple tales of people actually committing suicide. Trump's improbable, implausible, out-of-nowhere surprise victory hit them in the face with a 30-lb sledge hammer and they know it. What a beautiful time to be alive! They're treating Trump like he just transformed into some sort of fire-breathing, bulletproof, omnipotent Godking who'll have them dragged into the street and slaughtered immediately upon taking office. But we're the "phobic" ones...
I've been feasting on a lot of SJW tears over the past couple of days and have still yet to get my fill as it's been a long time coming.

I just read an article on Breitbart that was dissecting why the Dems lost and it was that the older Dems didn't have the turnout they expected in states like PA and OH. They either stayed home or, god forbid, voted for Trump. The Dems did not have an issue with the Millennials, which is a scary thought for our future. From some of the social media, especially YouTube, that I'm watching, the Millennials have obviously been mind-f*cked by the (((system))). Their lack of rational thinking is shocking to me. They appear to be under mind control. Now they are dutifully repeating the (((media's))) narrative that "whites" are to "blame" for electing Trump.

So, with that being said, I think the most important thing Trump can do to combat this is to completely decentralize the public education (read: indoctrination) system, giving it back to the states (even getting rid of the Department of Education, if possible), getting rid of Common Core (aka "Commie" Core) and get as many as possible of his Constitutional Conservative justices appointed to the Supreme Court (including replacing Justice Roberts) and load up the other Federal court benches as well for the decades to come. In addition to these two, eliminate illegal immigration, immediately deport the criminal ones and strongly vet immigrants coming in that would be automatic votes for the Dems. To me, these are the most important issues; everything else can wait. Remember, he may only have two years to do this if the midterms go Dem.
I haven't seen anywhere that Michigan has been formally declared for Trump. Every map I pull up still shows it as gray as in undecided. vice red for Trump/Republican.

I guess the PTB are still trying to manufacture the 13,200 votes from Detroit, Flint, and Lansing so they will be able to steal MI for The Hag.
I feel bad that New Jersey was unable to help Trump. My mother, brother, and I all voted for Trump. Jersey is getting too damn liberal. I believe Sheriff Clarke had a big part in Trump winning Wisconsin. He seems like a great guy and he is for law and order.

I know what you mean. Me, my mother and brother all voted for Trump in Virginia, yet the state still was able to be delivered to the Hag. There are swarms of illegals here, so that was part of it. Plus the carpetbagging governor McAuliffe did his globalist part to destroy society and civilization by granting 200,000 felons the right to vote. Felons of course are a solid Demoncrap voting bloc.
I haven't seen anywhere that Michigan has been formally declared for Trump. Every map I pull up still shows it as gray as in undecided. vice red for Trump/Republican.

I guess the PTB are still trying to manufacture the 13,200 votes from Detroit, Flint, and Lansing so they will be able to steal MI for The Hag.
As of today Trump is up a bit over 13,ooo votes MI. But for some "reason" it has not been officially called.
In spite of the rigging, and there most certainly was rigging at the polls on election day, and cheating with the diabolic electronic vote counters the fiat masters have put in place, record numbers of whites, perhaps as many as 60 to 70 million, came out to vote from coast to coast. The graph below shows the magnificent dominance we displayed to the nation's destroyers.


Ambrose, can you post the link to this map?
...implausible, out-of-nowhere surprise victory hit them in the face with a 30-lb sledge hammer...

Where do u get a 30 pound sledge hammer? I had a hard time finding a 20 pound sledge hammer. Home Depot just had 10's.

I was surprised at their level of self-induced victimization and immaturity. Some are seeing psychiatrists and "grief counselors," some can't go to school, some can't eat, some can't sleep, some weep involuntarily, some are so upset they are vomiting uncontrollably, some are protesting day and night, some have been subscribed prescription drugs to combat depression, and there are multiple tales of people actually committing suicide.

Some company might be able to make a lot of money selling combination packets of green Kool Aid and cyanide
As werewolf mentioned, the newest "scheme" to block Trump from becoming POTUS is to sign a massive petition so that the Electoral College will vote for Hillary instead of The Donald when the group votes on December 19th. Pathetic and enraging, yet fascinating...

And here:

Not far fetched considering the entire corrupt establishment and bolshevik mass brain washing machine is against us.
I've been feasting on a lot of SJW tears over the past couple of days and have still yet to get my fill as it's been a long time coming.

I just read an article on Breitbart that was dissecting why the Dems lost and it was that the older Dems didn't have the turnout they expected in states like PA and OH. They either stayed home or, god forbid, voted for Trump. The Dems did not have an issue with the Millennials, which is a scary thought for our future. From some of the social media, especially YouTube, that I'm watching, the Millennials have obviously been mind-f*cked by the (((system))). Their lack of rational thinking is shocking to me. They appear to be under mind control. Now they are dutifully repeating the (((media's))) narrative that "whites" are to "blame" for electing Trump.

So, with that being said, I think the most important thing Trump can do to combat this is to completely decentralize the public education (read: indoctrination) system, giving it back to the states (even getting rid of the Department of Education, if possible), getting rid of Common Core (aka "Commie" Core) and get as many as possible of his Constitutional Conservative justices appointed to the Supreme Court (including replacing Justice Roberts) and load up the other Federal court benches as well for the decades to come. In addition to these two, eliminate illegal immigration, immediately deport the criminal ones and strongly vet immigrants coming in that would be automatic votes for the Dems. To me, these are the most important issues; everything else can wait. Remember, he may only have two years to do this if the midterms go Dem.
I've been feasting on a lot of SJW tears over the past couple of days and have still yet to get my fill as it's been a long time coming.

I just read an article on Breitbart that was dissecting why the Dems lost and it was that the older Dems didn't have the turnout they expected in states like PA and OH. They either stayed home or, god forbid, voted for Trump. The Dems did not have an issue with the Millennials, which is a scary thought for our future. From some of the social media, especially YouTube, that I'm watching, the Millennials have obviously been mind-f*cked by the (((system))). Their lack of rational thinking is shocking to me. They appear to be under mind control. Now they are dutifully repeating the (((media's))) narrative that "whites" are to "blame" for electing Trump.

So, with that being said, I think the most important thing Trump can do to combat this is to completely decentralize the public education (read: indoctrination) system, giving it back to the states (even getting rid of the Department of Education, if possible), getting rid of Common Core (aka "Commie" Core) and get as many as possible of his Constitutional Conservative justices appointed to the Supreme Court (including replacing Justice Roberts) and load up the other Federal court benches as well for the decades to come. In addition to these two, eliminate illegal immigration, immediately deport the criminal ones and strongly vet immigrants coming in that would be automatic votes for the Dems. To me, these are the most important issues; everything else can wait. Remember, he may only have two years to do this if the midterms go Dem.

The universities need to be shut down and all the non hard science professors purged. They have become anti white anti western civilization training academies, and all forms of affirmative action, by whatever name, needs to be stopped, especially for the professors.
Ambrose, can you post the link to this map?

At the moment I can't find it again. The net is so fast and stories so frequent they disappear quickly. We look more.
In spite of the rigging, and there most certainly was rigging at the polls on election day, and cheating with the diabolic electronic vote counters ...

Just one tiny random story I heard today from my friend who lives in Westchester County, NY. He said that he was on line at the polling station and the negro in front of him didn't have any id so the poll worker asked him where he lived and he said a town which is a few towns away, a place with its own polling station not that one. Nevertheless the poll worker said, go ahead. How many different places did that negro vote on election day? In Brooklyn, NY the poll workers were even wearing BLM shirts.
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