The Trumpening?

Trump just pulled ahead in NH by 15 votes.

Now he's behind by 100 points. Come on, NH, what's wrong with u? what's your major malfuntion? do u want to get flooded with mohamedans and black cannibals like theyve already done to Nashua? i used to go up to nh a lot mountain climbing so they should listen to me.
Lead increasing MI and PA again!! Yessss!
The white Midwest is really going to come through for Trump and America. Every state in that region except for Illinois and Minnesota will vote for the Nationalist candidate, and that includes Pennsylvania as well.

And every Confederate state except Virginia will finish for Trump. Plus he added Kentucky, Missouri, and West Virginia.

Now the hard part starts. Hopefully the globalist scum doesn't assassinate Trump or launch a false flag. And our side needs to make sure he doesn't get co-opted by the globalists.
Drinking a celebratory beer! Big night for all of my fellow CFers! Glad to have shared this historical night with everyone here.

I confess i didn't really expect to bo so happy tonight. I thought theyd rig their vote counting machines to make the witch win. They did try a lot of dirty tricks but not on the big scale that i had feared. But I'm still not celebrating too much yet. He's not in yet and as i said they still have plenty of time to start ww3 or something.
Illegal voters, dead people voting, Democrap operatives stealing people's absentee ballots, people voting multiple times in urban areas, etc etc.
The AP says Trump wins PA!!!!!!!!!!!!
Brothers, its just a matter of minutes before President Elect Trump is selected!!!!
I still can't get over the comeback in PA for Trump - freaking amazing. So glad the people of PA came to their senses.

I like that line "came to their senses".
American Freedom News