The Trumpening?

IA,...give him 6 more points!!
Turned on CBS and have watched 45 consecutive minutes of commercials. But I'm supposed to believe this is serious news coverage of a significant political event? Sorry, it's no different than the Super Bowl, Seinfeld, Sopranos, or Jersey Shore. Hope your team wins...
PA seems like it may go Trump. NYT who is ardently anti-Trump is giving him 95% plus chance of winning.

This is hard to believe. I'm feeling too white pilled and it's weird.

I've seen references to being white pilled or black pilled. What does it mean?
He'll probably not get Wa, but he is shockingly close. Wow. there's some people not stoned up there...
Finally GA for TRUMP!!!
Fox is projecting Trump to win WI, still not official.
He's been slowly but surely closing the gap in Pennsylvania. Would be great to see the Keystone State put him over the top!

I know! He was down over 200,000 at one point. Now as close as 36,000. In spite of the cheating.
American Freedom News