The Trumpening?

Utah called for Trump.... 6 more points...
Iowa is trending Trump...big turn around from a couple hours ago.
Utah and NV in the bag for our guy and he's ahead by 3 points in AZ. Wtf is wrong with Oregon!
NC is Trump's!!!
Utah and NV in the bag for our guy and he's ahead by 3 points in AZ. Wtf is wrong with Oregon!

Only 1% of the vote has been counted in NV, that could be a very close state due to a huge Mexican population. Oregon has mail-in ballots or something like that according to Fox News, so who knows when we'll know. But it's a strong Hillary state.
MI is getting a little tighter...could be fraud...scary. Never trust 'em.
PA seems like it may go Trump. NYT who is ardently anti-Trump is giving him 95% plus chance of winning.

This is hard to believe. I'm feeling too white pilled and it's weird.
American Freedom News