The Trump Era Begins

Refugee admissions fall to new low during first two weeks of January

Between January 1 and January 15, the number of refugees admitted into the country fell to a mere 201, the lowest number admitted during any two week period in more than a decade.

Seventy-nine percent of these refugees, or 158 out of 201, came from four countries: Ukraine (80), Burma (29), Bhutan (28), and Eritrea (21).

The religious mix of arriving refugees continued the trend seen in the first three months of FY 2018 from September 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017: More Christians and fewer Muslims than under the Obama adminstration.

Eighty-five percent of these refugees, or 171 out of 201, were Christian, while only four percent, or eight out of 201, were Muslim.

This contrasts dramatically with the last full fiscal year of the Obama administration, FY 2016, when 46 percent of the 84,995 admitted refugees were Muslim and 44 percent were Christian.

"Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Dubuque [Iowa] is preparing to end its refugee resettlement program after 77 years in operation. The primary reason the program is closing down is because the numbers of refugees are down," Catholic News Service reported last week.
Trump’s on fire lately.

Today, pro-Latino, anti-White, fake news “reporter” Jim Acosta rudely niggled Trump about immigration, implying the president is racist. Trump responded like a man, and with poise, had the taco-bender expelled from the Oval Office.


More Leftist scum need to be expelled from media privilege, and privilege is exactly what they have. Many/most need to be expelled from our nation. Period.

More Leftist scum need to be expelled from media privilege, and privilege is exactly what they have. Many/most need to be expelled from our nation. Period.

All Marxists & their enablers need (either) banishment from our soil or imprisonment or execution. They are mortal enemies of the Republic & the White race.
Heretic said:
"Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Dubuque [Iowa] is preparing to end its refugee resettlement program after 77 years in operation. The primary reason the program is closing down is because the numbers of refugees are down," Catholic News Service reported last week.

Haha, I’d love to see Trump force all these Catholic and Protestant “programs” to fade into oblivion. The contemporary version of Christianity has ruined countless white communities across the U.S., turning many into 3rd world ghettos.

I was raised a United Methodist in a rural, heavily German part of PA. My second cousin is on the “board of trustees” at my old church and tells me of the $12,000 / year “franchise fee” that every branch of the United Methodist church must be pay to the “headquarters” in Philadelphia. Aside from their thievery of the branch UMC’s, the headquarters also tries to impose the branches to teach their congregations about Black Lives Matter, social justice, white racism, and white privilege. Don’t believe me? Have a look...

Needless to say, I’ve had nothing to do with these parasites for many years.
Trump bars Haitians from U.S. Visas for low-skilled work

Haitians will no longer be eligible for U.S. visas given to low-skilled workers, the Trump administration said on Wednesday, bringing an end to a small-scale effort to employ Haitians in the United States after a catastrophic 2010 earthquake.
Trump bars Haitians from U.S. Visas for low-skilled work

Haitians will no longer be eligible for U.S. visas given to low-skilled workers, the Trump administration said on Wednesday, bringing an end to a small-scale effort to employ Haitians in the United States after a catastrophic 2010 earthquake.

What a great week to be a racially-conscious Trump supporter!

Since nearly 100% of all Haitians are “low skilled,” Trump essentially barred an entire black nation from coming to the U.S. by way of the Visa program. The Donald just keeps winning!
What a great week to be a racially-conscious Trump supporter!

Since nearly 100% of all Haitians are “low skilled,” Trump essentially barred an entire black nation from coming to the U.S. by way of the Visa program. The Donald just keeps winning!

And winning. Yet some on here want "magic". I don't get it. Now I have an "ultra" libtard here in NJ by the name of Murphy.
Let's hope this is true, and if so that the Republicans actually do something about it other than feign outrage for a few days and then let it slip into the system's memory hole with the help of the corporate media. When I see Peter King involved, I have my strong doubts that anything will come of it:

"Explosive", "Shocking" And "Alarming" FISA Memo Set To Rock DC, "End Mueller Investigation"

All hell is breaking loose in Washington D.C. after a four-page memo detailing extensive FISA court abuse was made available to the entire House of Representatives Thursday. The contents of the memo are so explosive, says Journalist Sara Carter, that it could lead to the removal of senior officials in the FBI and the Department of Justice and the end of Robert Mueller's special counsel investigation.

These sources say the report is “explosive,” stating they would not be surprised if it leads to the end of Robert Mueller’s Special Counsel investigation into President Trump and his associates. -Sara Carter

A source close to the matter tells Fox Newsthat "the memo details the Intelligence Committee's oversight work for the FBI and Justice, including the controversy over unmasking and FISA surveillance." An educated guess by anyone who's been paying attention for the last year leads to the obvious conclusion that the report reveals extensive abuse of power and highly illegal collusion between the Obama administration, the FBI, the DOJ and the Clinton Campaign against Donald Trump and his team during and after the 2016 presidential election.

Lawmakers who have seen the memo are calling for its immediate release, while the phrases "explosive," "shocking," "troubling," and "alarming" have all been used in all sincerity. One congressman even likened the report's details to KGB activity in Russia. “It is so alarming the American people have to see this,” Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan told Fox News. “It's troubling. It is shocking,” North Carolina Rep. Mark Meadows said. “Part of me wishes that I didn't read it because I don’t want to believe that those kinds of things could be happening in this country that I call home and love so much.”

Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., offered the motion on Thursday to make the Republican majority-authored report available to the members.

“The document shows a troubling course of conduct and we need to make the document available, so the public can see it,” said a senior government official, who spoke on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the document. “Once the public sees it, we can hold the people involved accountable in a number of ways.”

The government official said that after reading the document “some of these people should no longer be in the government.” -Sara Carter
I was reading about the FISA abuse on Sunday or Monday and everything I read was predicting some huge potential fallout and since it happened under the Obama admin one would think their was collusion between a sitting president and a presidential candidate - this story actually has legs unlike the Trump-Russia bogus collusion stories.
If the cabal is put in a box, I worry about some sort of diversion. An economic crash, false flag or some other manipulated catastrophic event is not beyond the deep state.
Assange and Wikileaks is offering $1 Million for a copy of the FISA memo so they can publish it on their site.

Yes, some YouTubers (supposedly) have knowledge that the cabal are (and have been) trying to create false flags for diversionary purposes...the Hawaii missile alert being one of them. One (Roy Potter, former military ops) said that there really was a missile launched from a submarine but that it was knocked down before it hit Hawaii...that they intended to destroy much of Hawaii and the people there to deflect from this. Also, apparently, there was some military plane circling just off of the Delaware coast (flight path is public and downloadable) last night and that type of plane is used to detect submarines. Limbaugh thinks it's why the Dems refuse to negotiate at all on the budget keep this story off of the front page. There was another story late last night that crew members (read: CIA) of CNBC were apprehended trying to smuggle some b0mb on an airplane or airport. Not sure about any of these things but you'd never hear about it on the fake news channels anyway because they are part of the cabal.
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I was reading about the FISA abuse on Sunday or Monday and everything I read was predicting some huge potential fallout and since it happened under the Obama admin one would think their was collusion between a sitting president and a presidential candidate - this story actually has legs unlike the Trump-Russia bogus collusion stories.

So now the Democrats have shut down the Federal Government because the Republicans were not willing to concede on enough of the DACA Amnesty demands of the Dems. This is an idiotic, suicidal political move by the Dems. How could shutting down the Government for the benefit of illegal aliens not hurt them? You have to wonder who made this boneheaded decision for them. I think the impending release of the FISA memo has them scared shi#less and they are panicking and trying desperately to divert attention from it, even doing something that makes them look so stupid as shutting down the Government for the benefit of people who aren't even supposed to be in the country. I agree that the Hawaii false flag attack last weekend may have been an ill-conceived attempt to divert attention away from what is turning into a fiasco in Washington for the NWO.
Trump trolling the "Womyn's March" today:

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account@realDonaldTrump 3h3 hours ago

Beautiful weather all over our great country, a perfect day for all Women to March. Get out there now to celebrate the historic milestones and unprecedented economic success and wealth creation that has taken place over the last 12 months. Lowest female unemployment in 18 years!

41,938 replies 26,003 retweets 91,803 likes
Trump taking some heat (on both sides, Dems (of course) but some Republicucks as well) for new ad declaring Dems "complicit" in murders by illegal aliens.

Trump taking some heat (on both sides, Dems (of course) but some Republicucks as well) for new ad declaring Dems "complicit" in murders by illegal aliens.

The contemptible traitors in our government who could not care less about the lives of American citizens, and instead care about the interests of illegal aliens, and who have shut down the federal government in those interests, are the only ones who would have a problem with that ad.
The trade "war" has already started. It is going to be tariffs and duties for the next few years and one-on-one treaties with trading partners. Trump's commerce secretary Wilbur Ross (what an old school America 1.0 name!) is brilliant in public meetings at Davos. Trump and his administration mussed the hair on so many presidents, delegates, representatives, agents, and State actors at Davos. Wait for his speech today. Expect to laugh out of your chairs!
If Davos is the Superbowl of trade and commerce, not surprisingly, Trump and his team won the Davos Bowl this year. Below is an excellent video of Trump with CEOs from various companies talking about investments that are being made or in the making in the U.S. You may also take notice how affirmative action does not apply here.

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The Russiagate Stakes Are Extreme

by Paul Craig Roberts

The Republicans’ delay in releasing the summary of the House Intelligence Committee’s Russiagate investigation is giving weight to the presstitutes’ claim that the report is not being released, because it is a hack attempt at a Trump coverup that is not believable. Only Republicans are stupid enough to put themselves in such a situation.

Readers ask me why the summary memo is not released if it is real. There must be some reasons besides the stupidity of Republicans. Yes, that is so. Among the many reasons that might be blocking release are:

1) Republicans are very national security conscious. They don’t want to provide precedents for the release of classified information.
2) Many Republican congressional districts host installations of the military/security complex. Upsetting a large employer and directing campaign financing to a challenger is a big consideration.
3) The George W. Bush/Dick Cheney regime was a neoconservative regime. One consequence is that Republicans are influenced by neoconservatives who stress the alleged “Russian threat.”
4) The Israel Lobby can unseat any member of the House and Senate. The Israel Lobby is allied with the neoconservatives and this alliance intends to keep the US militarily active against perceived threats to Israel’s hegemony in the Middle East and against Russia, which supports Syria and Iran, countries perceived as threats by Israel.
5) Many Republicans are themselves invested in false Russiagate allegations against Trump and would like to replace him with Pence. Other Republicans believe that Trump is undermining Washington’s expensively-purchased foreign alliances and, thereby, undermining US power.

Many Americans do not seem to understand what is at stake. What America is confronted with is a coup conspiracy organized by top officials of the Obama Justice Department, FBI, CIA, the Hillary DNC, and the presstitute media to overturn the result of a democratic election and remove the president from office. The basis of the coup is a fake dossier purchased for money that consists of unsupported allegations against Trump and that was used to obtain warrants from the FISA count to spy on Trump and various associates hoping to find something that can be used against Trump. Regardless, the false allegations could be fed to the CIA’s media assets and used to create a scandal requiring a special prosecutor to investigate Russiagate. Once the investigation was under way, the presstitutes kept the scandal alive hoping to convince enough Americans that Trump must have done something—“where there is smoke, there is fire”—that justifies his removal. It worked against Richard Nixon, but not against Ronald Reagan, and Trump is no Reagan.

If the highest reaches of the police state agencies can get away with an attempted or successful coup against the president of the United States, then that is the complete end of democracy and all accountability in government. The House, Senate, and judiciary will become as powerless as the Roman senate under the caesars. We will live under a dictatorship ruled by police state agencies.

Many Americans say they don’t need the House Intelligence Report, because they don’t believe the Russiagate BS in the first place. They miss the point. They need the report, because those responsible for this attempt at a coup must be identified, charged, and prosecuted for their act of high treason.

This is not minor stuff. This goes to the heart of whether any form of liberty will exist. We all know that the ability of the people to hold government accountable is not assured by democracy. However, there is no prospect of holding government accountable if it is a police state, a road that the US has been going down for some time. The audacious coup attempt against President Trump is our opportunity to stop the momentum to a police state.

Despite my recent postings, many people do not understand that the somewhat redacted FISA court document that has been declassified and released and explained by myself, William Binney, and former US Attorney Joe di Genova (see: ) contains admissions by the FBI and DOJ that they improperly spied and obtained warrants from the court under false pretenses. In other words, we have it on the authority of the FISA court itself that the FBI and DOJ have admitted to the court their transgressions. When Department of Justice (sic) congressional liaison Stephen Boyd says the DOJ is “unaware of any wrongdoing,” he is lying through his teeth. The DOJ has already confessed its wrongdoing to the FISA court.
(See Lendman on Boyd’s claim that releasing the memo would harm national security and ongoing investigations. This is always the claim made when government has to cover up its crimes.

When Admiral Rodgers, director of the National Security Agency, discovered that the FBI and DOJ were misusing the spy system for partisan political reasons, he let it be known that he was going to inform the FISA court. This caused the FBI and DOJ to rush to the court in advance and confess to “mistakes” and to promise to tighten up procedures so as not to make mistakes in the future. It is these “mistakes” and corrections that the FISA court document reveals.

In other words, the information already exists in the pubic domain that proves that Russiagate was a conspiracy organized for the purpose of bringing down the elected president of the United States.

A case can be made that it would be just as well if the coup succeeds as it would bring an end to Washington’s cover as the government of a great democracy with liberty and justice for all. Most other governments, and one would hope certainly the Russian and Chinese governments, would see the coup as America’s final transition into a police state and give up their utopian ideas of reaching accommodation with Washington. The constraints on Washington’s ability to bully the world would be greatly strengthened by the universal perception that the government of the United States had devolved into a police state.
If Davos is the Superbowl of trade and commerce, not surprisingly, Trump and his team won the Davos Bowl this year. Below is an excellent video of Trump with CEOs from various companies talking about investments that are being made or in the making in the U.S. You may also take notice how affirmative action does not apply here.

Trump can truly “work a room” like nobody else in the world. Aside from being blessed with god-given charisma, he’s also much funnier and has a quicker wit than any comedian (a source of jealousy and probably the real reason they despise him) in the “entertainment” (sic) industry. Of course, talking so much during meetings, speeches, interviews, and press conferences has led to his litany of comical gaffes and blunders...proving that very little of what he says in public is scripted.
Trump can truly “work a room” like nobody else in the world. Aside from being blessed with god-given charisma, he’s also much funnier and has a quicker wit than any comedian (a source of jealousy and probably the real reason they despise him) in the “entertainment” (sic) industry. Of course, talking so much during meetings, speeches, interviews, and press conferences has led to his litany of comical gaffes and blunders...proving that very little of what he says in public is scripted.

Good points. upload_2018-1-26_16-15-9.jpeg
I had heard Hannity's twitter account is down. What do you mean by "what is going on right now?"

What's Q saying?