The Trump Era Begins

The Assault on Trump

by Paul Craig Roberts

We are witnessing an assault by the national security state and its liberal media on a President of the United States that is unprecedented.

Wild and unsupported accusations of treasonous or illegal Russian connections have been the mainstay of the news since Trump’s campaign for president. These accusations have reached the point that there is an impeachment movement driven by the national security state and its liberal media and endorsed by Democrats, the American leftwing which has turned against the working class as “Trump deplorables,” and luminaries such as Harvard Law Professor Larry Tribe. The Washington Post, which was not present at the meeting of President Trump with Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov, purports to know that Trump gave Lavrov US national security information.

The Russian government has offered the presstitute media a transcript of the meeting, but, of course, the pressitutes are not interested.

The latest story is that Trump tried to bribe FBI Director Comey, before he fired him, not to investigate Trump as part of the “Russian investigation.” Clearly there is no intelligence left in the American media. The President doesn’t need to bribe someone he can fire.

What we are witnessing is the determination of the national security state to keep their prized “Russian Threat” in its assigned role as the Number One Threat to the US. The liberal media, owned by the CIA since the 1950s is in accord with this goal.

The American media is so accustomed to its enslavement by the national security state that it does not think of the consequences. But Professor Stephen Cohen does. I agree with him that the greatest threat to national security “is this assault on President Trump.”

Cohen said that there is a 4th branch of government, the intelligence community, which obstruts the management of American foreign affairs by the executive branch and Congress.

As an example, he reminded us that “In 2016, President Obama worked out a deal with Russian President Putin for military cooperation in Syria. He said he was going to share intelligence with Russia, just like Trump and the Russians were supposed to do the other day. Our department of defense said it wouldn’t share intelligence. And a few days later, they killed Syrian soldiers, violating the agreement, and that was the end of that. So, we can ask, who is making our foreign policy in Washington today?”

In the 1960s, President John F. Kennedy thought he was in charge, and he was assassinated for his belief. JFK blocked an invasion of Cuba, the Northwoods project, a preemptive nuclear strike on the Soviet Union, and spoke of ending the Cold War.

In the 1970s President Nixon was driven from office, because he thought he was in charge of foreign policy. Like Kennedy, Nixon was a threat to the national security state. Nixon pushed through SALT 1 and the anti-ABM Treaty, and he opened to China, defusing those tensions as well. The military/security complex saw its budget dwindling as the threat dwindled. Nixon also determined to withdraw from Vietnam, but was constrained by the national security state. Nixon, the most knowledgeable president about foreign affairs, was forced from office, because his efforts in behalf of peace constituted a threat to the power and profit of the military/security complex.

It is important to understand that there is no evidence whatsoever against Nixon in the Washington Post “investigation.” The Post’s reporters simply put together a collection of inuendoes that cast aspersion on Nixon, whose “crime” was to say that he learned of the Watergate buglary at a later date than he actually did. Nixon kept the burglary quiet until after his reelection, because he knew that the CIA’s Washington Post would use it in an effort to prevent his reelection.

The “crime” for which Nixon was really removed was his success in establishing more peaceful and stable relations with Russia and China.

Trump, being in real estate and entertainment, was unaware of the landmines on which he was stepping when he said it was time to normalize relations with Russia and to rethink the purpose of NATO.

The US military/security complex sits on a budget extracted from very hard-pressed American taxpayers of $1,000 billion dollars annually. By threatening to normalize relations with the enemy which was created in order to justify this vast budget, Trump presented as the major threat to the American National Security State’s power and profit.

This is why Trump will be broken and/or removed as President of the United States.

Once again democracy in American is proving to be powerless. There is no one in Washington who can help Trump. Those who could help him, such as myself, cannot be confirmed by the US Senate, which is owned lock, stock, and barrel by the military/security complex, Wall Street, and the Israel Lobby.

Trump tried to connect the suffering American people to their government, an act of treason against the oligarchy, who are making an example of Trump that will dissuade politicians in the future from making populist appeals to the people.
Anyone else annoyed by the term "deep state" which seems to be thrown around all the time in the past few months? That term really just glosses over all of the moving parts behind the scenes that are pulling the strings - the military industrial complex, israel and Jewish influence in society, media and foreign affairs are the culprits here. The term deep state does nothing to shine a light on those groups at all.
Limbaugh makes like $25 or $30 million a year, that's about as "red pill" as he's ever going to be. Quite frankly, I think Limbaugh, Hannity, Savage and the rest of the conservative talk show hosts with large audiences are more to blame for the destruction of the American nation than the Democrats and cultural communists. Limbaugh alone at one time commanded an audience of 20 million listeners. If he had told them the truth, today's monstrosity would have had a much better chance of being averted. The fatal flaw of Middle America is its apparent endless naivety and goodwill toward the government and the power structure that is determined to exterminate it, even after generations of blatantly obvious decline. I do think it has something to do with television and its hypnotic powers, but looking at it from a longer term historical perspective, Americans have always been putty in the hands of their overlords.

But telling the truth is the worst possible crime you can commit in the democracies . If any of them had told the truth they'd be out of work so fast they wouldn't know what hit them. That goes for the western democracies same as the Peoples Democracies. Remember the official name of North Korea is the Peoples DEMOCRATIC Republic of Korea. The World Vampires love that in "The Great War To Make The World Safe For Democracy" in "bomb the hell out if them and f them up to make Serbia, Libya, Germany, Iraq, Japan, Vietnam, Rhodesia, South Africa, Syria, Italy, the CSA, Waco, Ruby Ridge, whatever, safe for DEMOCRACY.
The "democracy" con game.

"Democracy is beautiful in theory; in practice it is a fallacy. You in America will see that some day."
-- Benito Mussolini, quoted in the the New York Times (1928)

You know Wolf, Democracy is fantasy, nonsense, and deceit moulded (not a spelling error) together. How could some small group, calling themselves government, of whom no one knows who elected them or who they represent -because of secret ballot- have any legitimate claim to have representation and almost exclusive control over everyone else? It happens because men and women believe that those who call themselves government have control over them.
Anyone else annoyed by the term "deep state" which seems to be thrown around all the time in the past few months? That term really just glosses over all of the moving parts behind the scenes that are pulling the strings - the military industrial complex, israel and Jewish influence in society, media and foreign affairs are the culprits here. The term deep state does nothing to shine a light on those groups at all.

The silver lining in all of this is people become more aware that a "Deep State" exists.
Trump's strong embrace of the tribe that made it clear during the campaign that they were out to get him will lead to his downfall. Trying to align himself with the extremist Netanyahu types has no effect on the aims of the secular Jews who dominate the fake news media. He is being cornered and at the very least is crippled politically for now.

Rosenstein Joins the Posse

By Patrick J. Buchanan

“With the stroke of a pen, Rod Rosenstein redeemed his reputation,” writes Dana Milbank of The Washington Post.

What had Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein done to be welcomed home by the Post like the prodigal son?

Without consulting the White House, he sandbagged President Trump, naming a special counsel to take over the investigation of the Russia connection that could prove ruinous to this presidency.

Rod has reinvigorated a tired 10-month investigation that failed to find any collusion between Trump and Russian hacking of the DNC. Not a single indictment had come out of the FBI investigation.

Yet, now a new special counsel, Robert Mueller, former director of the FBI, will slow-walk his way through this same terrain again, searching for clues leading to potentially impeachable offenses. What seemed to be winding down for Trump is now only just beginning to gear up.

Also to be investigated is whether the president tried to curtail the FBI investigation with his phone calls and Oval Office meetings with FBI Director James Comey, before abruptly firing Comey last week.

Regarded as able and honest, Mueller will be under media pressure to come up with charges. Great and famous prosecutors are measured by whom they convict and how many scalps they take.

Moreover, a burgeoning special counsel’s office dredging up dirt on Trump and associates will find itself the beneficiary of an indulgent press.

Why did Rosenstein capitulate to a Democrat-media clamor for a special counsel that could prove disastrous for the president who elevated and honored him?

Surely in part, as Milbank writes, to salvage his damaged reputation.

After being approved 94-6 by a Senate that hailed him as a principled and independent U.S. attorney for both George Bush and Barack Obama, Rosenstein found himself being pilloried for preparing the document White House aides called crucial to Trump’s decision to fire Comey.

Rosenstein had gone over to the dark side. He had, it was said, on Trump’s orders, put the hit on Comey. Now, by siccing a special counsel on the president himself, Rosenstein is restored to the good graces of this city. Rosenstein just turned in his black hat for a white hat.

Democrats are hailing both his decision to name a special counsel and the man he chose. Yet it is difficult to exaggerate the damage he has done.

As did almost all of its predecessors, including those which led to the resignation of President Nixon and impeachment of Bill Clinton, Mueller’s investigation seems certain to drag on for years.

All that time, there will be a cloud over Trump’s presidency that will drain his political authority. Trump’s enemies will become less fearful and more vocal. Republican Congressmen and Senators in swing states and marginal districts, looking to 2018, will have less incentive to follow Trump’s lead, rather than their own instincts and interests. Party unity will fade away.

And without a united and energized Republican Party on the Hill, how do you get repeal and replacement of Obamacare, tax reform or a border wall? Trump’s agenda suddenly seems comatose. And was it a coincidence that the day Mueller was appointed, the markets tanked, with the Dow falling 372 points?

Markets had soared with Trump’s election on the expectation that his pro-business agenda would be enacted. If those expectations suddenly seem illusory, will the boom born of hope become a bust?

A White House staff, said to be in disarray, and a president reportedly enraged over endless press reports of his problems and falling polls, are not going to become one big happy family again with a growing office of prosecutors and FBI agents poking into issues in which they were involved.

Nor is the jurisdiction of the special counsel restricted to alleged Russia interference in the campaign. Allegations about Trump’s taxes, investments, and associates, and those of his family, could be drawn into the maw of the special counsel’s office by political and business enemies enthusiastic about seeing him brought down.

More folks in Trump’s entourage will soon be lawyering up.

While it’s absurd today to talk of impeachment, that will not deter Democrats and the media from speculating, given what happened to Nixon and Clinton when special prosecutors were put on their trail.

Another consequence of the naming of a special counsel, given what such investigations have produced, will be that Vice President Pence will soon find himself with new friends and admirers, and will begin to attract more press as the man of the future in the GOP.

A rising profile for Pence is unlikely to strengthen his relationship with a besieged president.

In the United Kingdom, the odds are growing that Trump may not finish his term.

So how does he regain the enthusiasm and energy he exhibited in previous crises, with such talk in the air?

A debilitating and potentially dangerous time for President Trump has now begun, courtesy of his deputy attorney general.
Trump's strong embrace of the tribe that made it clear during the campaign that they were out to get him will lead to his downfall. Trying to align himself with the extremist Netanyahu types has no effect on the aims of the secular Jews who dominate the fake news media. He is being cornered and at the very least is crippled politically for now.

Yes, and adding Joe Lieberman as FBI director would be terrible thing. He is miscalculating. He should know by now there is nothing he can do to appease foes who are in a holy war against you.
Yes, and adding Joe Lieberman as FBI director would be terrible thing. He is miscalculating. He should know by now there is nothing he can do to appease foes who are in a holy war against you.

He needs to clean house and appoint only people as replacements he knows will be loyal to him. Washington DC has sunk to a new low of corruption and disconnectedness from the American heartland.
Trump and Kushner and the Kosher Kompany sucking up to the Wahabi House of Saud (Sol) terrorists that occupy Arabia arming them to the teeth so that they can join with Israel and ISIS and the US to kill Yeminis and Syrians and send their radical Wahabi sheiks to mosques all over the west and gang up on Israel's current #1 target, Iran, a country that is actually fighting ISIS. Watch Trumpberg bow down to get awarded the Saudi sheiks #1 necklace medal exactly the same way he criticized President Barryetta for doing! Don't know if he walked in the garden holding hands with the chief sheik and kissing him on the mouth like the f a g Dubya... >
It's over. Set up the individual hamlets. I have. LOL

Wouldn't you love to know what was going through his mind as he participated in this ritual of subservience that all U.S. Presidents must? I wonder if the ever-dwindling number of die-hard believers in Trump still think he's playing some kind of masterful "4-D chess" game that will somehow end up with the swamp being drained.
Maybe he was thinking dammit this would make a great place for casino.

It's just part of the game, but did Obama ever do this?

He sure did, along with papa doc and baby doc bush, slick willy, all of them...but Trump is the first sitting president to do it, so that's a mitzva, a feather in his yamulka!

I don't think JFK ever did it. He was the last real president the USA has had, and probably the last real president it ever will have.

Obama came as a candidate; George H.W. Bush as Veep; George W. before; Clinton before and after, but not during
Trump set to become first sitting US president to visit Western Wall
As candidates, many US politicians stop by the Jerusalem holy site, but once in the White House, they’ve all stayed away
Traitor Trump bowing before the terrorist Saudi king. The son of a bitch fooled us.


I'm not sure what Trump should've done when receiving that medal. He's 6'2, the king is much shorter and 81 years old. He had to bow down slightly so the medal could be put around his neck, no different than an athlete receiving a medal in the medal ceremony such as the Olympics.

At least he didn't bow down like a sissy bitch when Obama met the former king in 2009 during a simple handshake:


There's been some chaos recently within the administration, and I admit at times Trump is his own worst enemy, committing some unforced errors. I'm sure he realizes by now the Democrats and their handlers in the media are trying to destroy him with all this Russia nonsense. Stop giving the ammunition to your enemies with silly tweets, go on the offensive against these vermin, fire the leakers in the White House, cancel/suspend the daily briefings, and start moving forward with some legislation such as tax reform and infrastructure spending. I hear immigration enforcement is going great, don't let up there and start building that wall.

If he can fulfill just a few of his campaign promises, the Republicans won't get wiped out on 2018 and he should win reelection easily in 2020, especially since the Democrats have zero viable candidates for President.
I'm not sure what Trump should've done when receiving that medal. He's 6'2, the king is much shorter and 81 years old. He had to bow down slightly so the medal could be put around his neck, no different than an athlete receiving a medal in the medal ceremony such as the Olympics.

At least he didn't bow down like a sissy bitch when Obama met the former king in 2009 during a simple handshake:

View attachment 1643

There's been some chaos recently within the administration, and I admit at times Trump is his own worst enemy, committing some unforced errors. I'm sure he realizes by now the Democrats and their handlers in the media are trying to destroy him with all this Russia nonsense. Stop giving the ammunition to your enemies with silly tweets, go on the offensive against these vermin, fire the leakers in the White House, cancel/suspend the daily briefings, and start moving forward with some legislation such as tax reform and infrastructure spending. I hear immigration enforcement is going great, don't let up there and start building that wall.

If he can fulfill just a few of his campaign promises, the Republicans won't get wiped out on 2018 and he should win reelection easily in 2020, especially since the Democrats have zero viable candidates for President.

I have said it before that the stupid crap Twitter is the worst thing on the planet. Trump literally makes fool of himself day in and day out with that crap.
I agree with CrazyFinn, Trump didn't really "bow", in the traditional sense. There was simply no way the decrepit old Saudi bastard would be able extend his arms up high enough to put it around his neck. As far as Twitter goes, it's just a tool that can be used however one wants and it's a way for Trump to get around the MSM and go directly to the people. There's only been a few tweets of his that I don't think he should've sent...and I generally like them, especially when he goes after the "fake news" media.
Trump won because of Twitter. Without it we'd have the old hag in office.
Trump won because of Twitter. Without it we'd have the old hag in office.

Yes he did. He embraced it early on, used it to attack his opponents and the media with clever monikers and was able to indeed go directly to the people to get his message across.

He should continue using it in a similar manner, but don't over do it. He's president now, so he should choose his tweets carefully for maximum effect. Sometimes he goes on these rants that are probably not necessary, giving old news and stories new legs instead of letting them quietly disappear. I believe the tweets should primarily focus on attacking the vermin in the leftist media, and also to announce his accomplishments which the press will never report.
I'm not sure what Trump should've done when receiving that medal..

What he should have done is not been there in the first place with Jared Kushner of 666 Fifth Avenue sucking up to, and getting medals bestowed around his neck, from that fat assed wahabi mohamedan terrorist and lying his ass off trying to start WW3 with Iran and Syria, and simultaneously with North Korea, Iran and Syria being two mohamedan countries truly fighting ISIS, and Russia too, ally of both Syria and Iran and also a country actually truly ISIS, and instead back home doing what he campaigned to do, making America great again and building walls and sending the invaders back where they came from (or just throw them in the ocean to feed the fish), and prosecuting the Clinton crime gang, like he promised to do, and ending all this ******** war without end for Israel and Wall Street, and trading with foreign countries instead of threatening them and bombing them.
Last edited: confirms Seth Rich leaked DNC emails (not Podesta's emails, he fell "victim" to a phishing scam on his own Gmail account) to Wikileaks. In other words, confirmation that the Russian "collusion" is a hoax perpetrated by the Deep State to impugn Trump and to deflect from their own criminality.