The Trump Era Begins

Today's local rag carries an AP interview with Trump in which he says that young illegal immigrants in the U.S. can "rest easy," saying his administration is "not after the dreamers, we are after the criminals." He sounds almost exactly like Barack Obama now. Also according to the article, "The president, who took a hard line on immigration as a candidate, vowed anew to fulfill his promise to construct a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. But he stopped short of demanding that funding for the project be included in a spending bill Congress must pass by the end of next week."

Fred Reed's most recent column is called
First Transgender President: Trump Becomes Hillary

He has flip flopped on everything. I don't think I can support him anymore! What happened to " I love WikiLeaks" when Assange was helping him? Way to throw him under the bus Donald!
This time next year I expect 3 things from Trump and the Republicans. 1st Repeal and Replace Obamacare. 2nd large swaths of the border protected by walls/double fences along with hard law enforcement. 3rd Reformed tax code for business and individuals. And not sending our troops on any ground war adventures to be maimed or killed in. If these happened a successful 1st term and smooth sailing for a 2nd term.
Trump has now turned his back on Julian Assange and is saying he is fine with him being arrested. Ridiculous! Turning his back on someone that got him elected. A simple no comment would have been sufficient.

A very loyal man that Trump is. Very loyal to his hidden principals: Rothschild bankster bosses.
Trump’s DREAMers Will Be His Downfall
The derailing of the Trump Train means the end of Trump and the end of America.


Making America Mexico Again

Back in 2012, President Obama signed an executive order titled Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), blocking illegal immigrants from being deported if they arrived as children. This came as a response to the decade-long failure to pass one of several DREAM Acts. An acronym for “Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors,” DREAM also invokes the language of the “American Dream,” and helps soften the implication that young foreigners are our demographic replacements by tying them to the American civil religion. The DREAM act would have given people who trespassed as minors a path to citizenship while the executive order merely prevented them from being deported. So Obama gave the “DREAMers” a few more years of guaranteed residency in the United States.The rhetorical language used here hijacks terminology Americans are already familiar with and turns it against them, which would be brilliant if not being used for an evil purpose.

Now, like all immigrants legal or illegal, most young illegals are not from Europe. And most people in this country who are of non-European origin (the minorities projected to become a majority by 2040) vote for Democrats. Most Democrats support the immigration system because it produces more Democrats, but also want it “reformed” so none of these future Democrats are threatened with deportation.

So guess who wants to play right into their hands?

In a recent interview with the Associated Press, President Trump said his policy was that “the DREAMers should rest easy,” because “this is a case of heart.”

Up to two million, mostly non-white illegal immigrants have now earned permanent residency in the United States. I say permanent because if Trump gets a second term he won’t deport them then either, and when he is succeeded by a Democrat (who will have electorally benefited from his inaction on the problem of Democrat-producing immigration), he or she will not deport the aging trespassers either.

All Trump had to do to stop the creation of up to two million more non-White Democrats in the medium-term and millions more in the long-term was to cancel Obama’s executive order. Obama’s “unconstitutional” orders were something Trump had promised to dispose of during his campaign. Now he’s not going to, literally because he feels sympathy for the language of “DREAMers” and “childhood arrivals.”

The Trump presidency is quickly becoming a farce. Americans did not vote for George Bush, John McCain, or Mitt Romney when they voted for Donald Trump. They voted for a nationalist and populist platform of America First. Yet here we have a president who will refuse to deport illegal immigrants for the arbitrary reason that they arrived here as minors, a policy which benefits liberals and immigrants rather than nationalists and populists.

One of the biggest no-brainer ways to help reverse White demographic decline, which will end the Republican party and ultimately the United States as we know it, is to deport people who have no legal right to be in this country. If our Republican president cannot even carry out the most basic form of political self-preservation, how can we expect his decisions on anything else to be sound? Why is he authorizing the artificial growth of the opposition party?

Certainly, there are people in his administration who disagree with this course of action. And given how incapable the White House has been on the whole of maintaining a consistent message, they should speak out using their positions of authority. If you’re allowed to openly disagree with your boss on the war in Syria or on trade deals you should do the same on immigration.

If both elected and appointed Republicans tacitly agree to amnesty for transplanted, foreign, non-white Democrats, they are effectively committing ideological suicide. The American Dream isn’t about replacing yourself with sassy brown people who talk about smashing “white supremacy.”

Or is it?

If we keep treating politics like it isn’t about identity, we aren’t going to be around much longer.

Whatever happened to Ronald Reagan’s home state? Why can’t Republicans win there anymore?

Think of it this way: how many DREAMers would it take to flip Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Florida?

Trump and his heirs in the Republican Party are going to find out.
I guess AG Jeff Sessions did not get the memo. "all illegals subject to deportation if contact made with them."
At this point I'm trying to keep my expectations a little more practical and look at the glass of water as half-full, especially considering that Hillary Clinton could be President right now. He's getting a lot of pushback not just from the Dems, but from establishment Republicans, especially regarding building the wall and immigration issues.

If he's able to get at least part of the wall built in the worst areas, enforce existing immigration laws and deport all criminal aliens and any new border-jumpers that would be fantastic. A couple of days ago, Sessions gave "Sanctuary Cities" notice that if they don't comply with Federal Immigration Law by June, they will lose billions of dollars of Federal funds. Also, I don't know if any of you saw it, but a couple of days ago there was a story where Trump wants to deport 4000 Somalians and deny renewing "temporary" TPS visa status to 50,000 Haitians. Democrats and some Republicans are fighting him on the Haitian issue and want him to re-sign it, which begs the question, "what is 'temporary'". It's been "temporary" since the 2010 earthquake. Notice how the Japanese have fully recovered from a similar devastating earthquake that hit them at the same time the one hit Haiti.

There was a story this morning on Breitbart that Kennedy is looking to retire from the Supreme Court in the Summer, which would give Trump another opportunity to appoint another conservative justice. Can you imagine who Hillary would've nominated for both of those vacancies? We dodged a major bullet there.

Then there's (hopefully) getting rid of Obamacare and tax reform and then the economic nationalism agenda and some of the executive orders which he's already signed that have rescinded the Obama "Bathroom Policy", rolled-back Obama's domestic energy policy which allowed 30,000 (mostly White male) miners to get their jobs back, rolled back overly burdensome federal regulations, delayed fast-tracking of H1B visas (forcing a wait of six months instead of two weeks) prioritizing American H1B workers (mostly White male) for federal contracts, etc. He's also going after the Opioid epidemic issue that is almost exclusively affecting Whites in rural and suburban areas with thousands and thousands of deaths.

He quickly enacted a "temporary" travel ban from those seven Middle Eastern and African countries but it was nullified by activist leftist judges.

I guess that's the "half glass" full stuff that I'm happy about at this point and try to focus on and not forget. We'll have to continue to "wait-and-see" on how all of this unfolds.
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At this point I'm trying to keep my expectations a little more practical and look at the glass of water as half-full, especially considering that Hillary Clinton could be President right now. He's getting a lot of pushback not just from the Dems, but from establishment Republicans, especially regarding building the wall and immigration issues.

If he's able to get at least part of the wall built in the worst areas, enforce existing immigration laws and deport all criminal aliens and any new border-jumpers that would be fantastic. A couple of days ago, Sessions gave "Sanctuary Cities" notice that if they don't comply with Federal Immigration Law by June, they will lose billions of dollars of Federal funds. Also, I don't know if any of you saw it, but a couple of days ago there was a story where Trump wants to deport 4000 Somalians and deny renewing "temporary" TPS visa status to 50,000 Haitians. Democrats and some Republicans are fighting him on the Haitian issue and want him to re-sign it, which begs the question, "what is 'temporary'". It's been "temporary" since the 2010 earthquake. Notice how the Japanese have fully recovered from a similar devastating earthquake that hit them at the same time the one hit Haiti.

There was a story this morning on Breitbart that Kennedy is looking to retire from the Supreme Court in the Summer, which would give Trump another opportunity to appoint another conservative justice. Can you imagine who Hillary would've nominated for both of those vacancies? We dodged a major bullet there.

Then there's (hopefully) getting rid of Obamacare and tax reform and then the economic nationalism agenda and some of the executive orders which he's already signed that have rescinded the Obama "Bathroom Policy", rolled-back Obama's domestic energy policy which allowed 30,000 (mostly White male) miners to get their jobs back, rolled back overly burdensome federal regulations, delayed fast-tracking of H1B visas (forcing a wait of six months instead of two weeks) prioritizing American H1B workers (mostly White male) for federal contracts, etc.

He quickly enacted a "temporary" travel ban from those seven Middle Eastern and African countries but it was nullified by activist leftist judges.

I guess that's the "half glass" full stuff that I'm happy about at this point and try to focus on and not forget. We'll have to continue to "wait-and-see" on how all of this unfolds.
Great analysis Heretic. You wrote what I believe at this point. Thanks
At this point I'm trying to keep my expectations a little more practical and look at the glass of water as half-full, especially considering that Hillary Clinton could be President right now. He's getting a lot of pushback not just from the Dems, but from establishment Republicans, especially regarding building the wall and immigration issues.

If he's able to get at least part of the wall built in the worst areas, enforce existing immigration laws and deport all criminal aliens and any new border-jumpers that would be fantastic. A couple of days ago, Sessions gave "Sanctuary Cities" notice that if they don't comply with Federal Immigration Law by June, they will lose billions of dollars of Federal funds. Also, I don't know if any of you saw it, but a couple of days ago there was a story where Trump wants to deport 4000 Somalians and deny renewing "temporary" TPS visa status to 50,000 Haitians. Democrats and some Republicans are fighting him on the Haitian issue and want him to re-sign it, which begs the question, "what is 'temporary'". It's been "temporary" since the 2010 earthquake. Notice how the Japanese have fully recovered from a similar devastating earthquake that hit them at the same time the one hit Haiti.

There was a story this morning on Breitbart that Kennedy is looking to retire from the Supreme Court in the Summer, which would give Trump another opportunity to appoint another conservative justice. Can you imagine who Hillary would've nominated for both of those vacancies? We dodged a major bullet there.

Then there's (hopefully) getting rid of Obamacare and tax reform and then the economic nationalism agenda and some of the executive orders which he's already signed that have rescinded the Obama "Bathroom Policy", rolled-back Obama's domestic energy policy which allowed 30,000 (mostly White male) miners to get their jobs back, rolled back overly burdensome federal regulations, delayed fast-tracking of H1B visas (forcing a wait of six months instead of two weeks) prioritizing American H1B workers (mostly White male) for federal contracts, etc. He's also going after the Opioid epidemic issue that is almost exclusively affecting Whites in rural and suburban areas with thousands and thousands of deaths.

He quickly enacted a "temporary" travel ban from those seven Middle Eastern and African countries but it was nullified by activist leftist judges.

I guess that's the "half glass" full stuff that I'm happy about at this point and try to focus on and not forget. We'll have to continue to "wait-and-see" on how all of this unfolds.

Lets not forget he can't get hardly any of his appointees approved at any level of the federal government. The deep state Obama leftovers have formed a Fifth column that is openly, traitorously subverting his every intention. It is almost impossible to overstate how damaging these seditious, chickensh$# tactics are.
Maybe Trump is playing that 3D chess I hear so much about. Fake the establishment out with nice sounding soundbites and have Sessions and others enforce the agenda out of the eye of the media. Realistically nothing has changed yet because it takes time to get anything done at the Federal level. As much I hated his bombing in Syria and saber rattling in Korea, both those have flipped the media script on him and elevated his poll numbers, not to mention put the neocohens on his side. Will have to see how it plays out. I know Trump is smart about these things and I think he had genuine feelings about his election rhetoric. Maybe he knows a better way to get things done then I do?
Trump’s Fake War on the Fake News
The president puts on a big show of assaulting his “opposition” in the news media. But inside the White House, it’s a different story.

short excerpt from a long article:

On the campaign trail, Trump called the press “dishonest” and “scum.” He defended Russian strongman Vladimir Putin against charges of murdering journalists and vowed to somehow “open up our libel laws” to weaken the First Amendment. Since taking office, he has dismissed unfavorable coverage as “fake news” and described the mainstream media as “the enemy of the American people.” And there's been a string of symbolic, almost gratuitous little slaps: He not only rejected the traditional invitation to the White House Correspondents Association dinner, but announced the Saturday beforehand that he'd be holding a rally the same night, meaning some reporters will have to skip their own professional event to cover his. Not since Richard Nixon has an American president been so hostile to the press—and Nixon largely limited his rants against the media to private venting with his aides.

But behind that theatrical assault, the Trump White House has turned into a kind of playground for the press. We interviewed more than three dozen members of the White House press corps, along with White House staff and outside allies, about the first whirlwind weeks of Trump’s presidency. Rather than a historically toxic relationship, they described a historic gap between the public perception and the private reality.

When he is not fulminating on stage or on Twitter, the president himself has mustered a number of cordial interactions with reporters since taking office, often showing them more courtesy than he grants his own staff. When White House chief strategist Steve Bannon is not labeling the media “the opposition party,” he can be found sending crush notes to journalists to let them know they’ve nailed a story. And when Spicer is not popping off from his podium, he is often busy maintaining old relationships with journalists and building new ones. (Spicer did not respond to requests for an interview for this article or to a long list of questions.)

As much as West Wing staffers might fantasize about breaking the backs of the mainstream media, they are too divided and too obsessed with their own images to do so. And for all the frustration of covering an administration with a shaky grasp on the truth and a boss whose whims can shift from one moment to the next, reporters have feasted on the conflict and chaos. The White House is a viper’s nest of intrigue and suspicion, a place where aides wage their daily battles via the press and eagerly devour the resulting coverage each morning. The great secret of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is that Trump’s war on the media is a phony one, a reality show that keeps his supporters fired up and distracted while he woos the constituency that really matters to him: journalists.
President Flip Flop strikes again, even on his "big, beautiful wall":

President Trump reportedly backed off his demand that Congress include a down payment for a wall spanning the entire U.S.-Mexico border in a crucial spending bill that must pass by Friday night to keep the government funded.

Republican lawmakers have urged the president to focus on border security in general instead of the wall, which Democrats have called a poison pill that would cause them to reject the bill and shut down the government.

Trump told a group of conservative reporters he invited to the White House on Monday that he was open to getting funding for the wall in September when Congress debates the 2018 budget, the
Associated Press reported. This is a sharp reversal from his position over the weekend and early Monday, when he doubled down on his demand for the wall. Trump tweeted repeatedly that the wall is necessary to stop the flow of drugs into the United States.

full article:
Here's another YouTuber that I've been following over the past couple of years. He's a Canadian and has a Bachelor's in Psychology. He started out the first year and a half psychoanalyzing females and why they do what they do. His PayPal donation account is "AllWomenAreWhores". Anyway, some really good and insightful stuff. Then, right before the election, he came out strongly for Trump in one of his videos, and then about halfway through it he took another sharp turn and starting in hard on the JQ. I think it left some of his viewers a little shocked if not surprised and he responded to them, paraphrasing, "well, who do YOU think started Feminism?"

Anyway, in his most recent video, about halfway through, he says:

This Jewish World Order, which is unmistakable, you see evidence of it in every single country which they have infiltrated. The Big Network, the “squid”, with a billion tentacles, globally, internationally, that the Jews represent and embody. You don’t understand that. Without the Jews you’re going to be a nobody. There cannot be a “Donald Trump” without the Jews. There could not have been, there would not have been a “Donald Trump”, there would not be a “Donald Trump”. So there’s a big distinction between being a puppet and working with the Jews. When you’re making a deal, the deal has to be good for both sides for the deal to go through, for the deal to materialize. You have to compromise. You’ll have to offer incentives. Both sides have to have incentives.

So, if Donald Trump appeases the Jews…you gotta understand, that he MUST, he HAS to, he has no choice. He ceases to exist. He cannot function. He can’t operate. NO ONE can. NO ONE CAN, on any level, higher than a very basic, very dismissable existence. Anything higher than that, you must appease the Jews, cause if you don’t you end up, hmmm, like a number of people. There’s a VAST graveyard…just think…you know all about it. It’s called ‘History’.

Then after that he goes on about how the (((media)) and (((Never Trumpers))) started praising him right after his b0mbing in Syria and taking an Israel-First foreign policy.

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Ann Coulter article that just came out on Breitbart. She admonishes the Republicans and Trump for not calling the Dems bluff on their threat of government shutdown if there's funding for the wall in it. Says the Republicans, Trump and the country will be "finished" if the wall does not get built. Great points as usual. Gotta love this quote from her, "Let Sen. Chuck Schumer tell us why it’s OK for Israel to have a wall, but not us." She has bigger balls than most "men" these days...

Fake News’ question of the week: Will Trump risk a government shutdown over the wall?

The media flip back and forth on who’s to blame for a government shutdown depending on which branch is controlled by Republicans. But the “shutdown” hypothetical in this case is a trick question.

A failure to build the wall IS a government shutdown.

Of course it would be unfortunate if schoolchildren couldn’t visit national parks and welfare checks didn’t get mailed on time. But arranging White House tours isn’t the primary function of the government.

The government’s No. 1 job is to protect the nation.

This has always been true, but it’s especially important at this moment in history, when we have drugs, gang members, diseases and terrorists pouring across our border. The failure of the government to close our border is the definition of a government shutdown.

This isn’t like other shutdowns. Democrats can’t wail about Republicans cutting Social Security or school lunches. They are willing to shut the government down because they don’t want borders.

Take that to the country!

As commander in chief, Trump doesn’t need Congress to build a wall. The Constitution charges him with defending the nation. Contrary to what you may have heard from various warmongers on TV and in Trump’s Cabinet, that means defending ourborders — not Ukraine’s borders.

Building a wall is not only Trump’s constitutional duty, but it’s also massively popular.

Although Trump doesn’t need congressional approval for a wall, it was smart for him to demand a vote. Let the Democrats run for re-election on opposing the wall.

Let Sen. Claire McCaskill explain to the parents of kids killed by illegals that she thought a wall was inhumane.

Let Sen. Angus King say to the people of Maine that instead of a wall that would block heroin from pouring into our country, he thought a better plan was to sponsor a bunch of treatment centers for after your kid is already addicted.

Let Sen. Chuck Schumer tell us why it’s OK for Israel to have a wall, but not us.

Let open borders Republicans like Sen. Marco Rubio tell African-Americans that it’s more important to help illegal aliens than to help black American teenagers, currently suffering a crippling unemployment rate.

Republicans are both corrupt and stupid, so it’s hard to tell which one animates their opposition to the wall. But the Democrats are bluffing. They’re trying to get the GOP to fold before they show us their pair of threes.

Now that Trump has capitulated on even asking for funding for a wall, the Democrats are on their knees saying, “Thank you, God! Thank you, God!”

No politician wants to have to explain a vote against the wall. What the Democrats want is for Trump to be stuck explaining why he didn’t build the wall.

Then it will be a bloodbath. Not only Trump, but also the entire GOP, is dead if he doesn’t build a wall. Republicans will be wiped out in the midterms, Democrats will have a 300-seat House majority, and Trump will have to come up with an excuse for why he’s not running for re-election.

The New York Times and MSNBC are not going to say, “We are so impressed with his growth in office, we’re going to drop all that nonsense about Russia and endorse the Republican ticket!”

No, at that point, Trump will be the worst of everything.

No one voted for Trump because of the “Access Hollywood” tape. They voted for him because of his issues; most prominently, his promise to build “a big beautiful wall.” And who’s going to pay for it? MEXICO!

You can’t say that at every campaign rally for 18 months and then not build a wall.

Do not imagine that a Trump double-cross on the wall will not destroy the Republican Party. Oh, we’ll get them back. No, you won’t. Trump wasn’t a distraction: He was the last chance to save the GOP.

Millions of Americans who hadn’t voted in 30 years came out in 2016 to vote for Trump. If he betrays them, they’ll say, “You see? I told you. They’re all crooks.”

No excuses will work. No fiery denunciations of the courts, the Democrats or La Raza will win them back, even if Trump comes up with demeaning Twitter names for them.

It would be an epic betrayal — worse than Bush betraying voters on “no new taxes.” Worse than LBJ escalating the Vietnam War. There would be nothing like it in the history of politics.

He’s the commander in chief! He said he’d build a wall. If he can’t do that, Trump is finished, the Republican Party is finished, and the country is finished.
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Trump can't be bothered with no wall. He's too busy trying to start WW3 on the other side of the world.
I see he also gave a "teaser" about terminating NAFTA....but then said he'll not yet do so. I've tried to give him every benefit of the doubt, but I'm growing closer to "throwing in the towel". :(

He's potentially fomenting WW3; conducted an unnecessary strike against Syria (duped by a false flag); played into the z1oniata NeoCON's hands & allowed his agenda to be sidetracked by activist, subversive judges. If he can't make headway on the border wall &/or put a dent in globalism (reigning in H-1Bs, etc.), then he's either ineffective...or the biggest "bait & switcher" in U.S. history. :frown:
I'm actually far more concerned about legal immigration than illegal immigration. The Deep State really did a number on Trump early. Now, it looks like he deferred to his globalist, Jewish family who told him to abandon nationalism. I think he's playing 3d-Chess against the Deep State, but he's just playing poorly. I wouldn't be surprised if he gets impeached at this point, but I hope he pulls through.