The Trump Era Begins

Don, I clearly listed my expectations of Trump. I just believe a lot of CFers are being too quick to pull the trigger on him. How am I being "a big defender of the RINO establishment?" maybe you have me confused with another member. Initially, I supported Cruz(who BTW was hated by the establishment), but went MAGA, when I realized Trump could really to win. I like WINNING. Seeing Trump win on 11-8-2016 was a great night in my life. Let's see where things are at least a year out. Let's be reasonable.
Don, I clearly listed my expectations of Trump. I just believe a lot of CFers are being too quick to pull the trigger on him. How am I being "a big defender of the RINO establishment?" maybe you have me confused with another member. Initially, I supported Cruz(who BTW was hated by the establishment), but went MAGA, when I realized Trump could really to win. I like WINNING. Seeing Trump win on 11-8-2016 was a great night in my life. Let's see where things are at least a year out. Let's be reasonable.

I've been reading your many political posts since 2008. You've consistently been a stalwart Republican Party conservative. Nothing wrong with that, I'm merely pointing out how someone who comes from that perspective is not going to understand how and why populists and nationalists are pissed at Trump. And just about everyone agrees that Trump still has time to redeem himself over the next 3 years and 9 months, though there is plenty of disagreement over how likely that is to happen given his actions over the past few weeks and the current make-up of his inner circle.
I hope Bannon along with Steven Miller form an alliance with Pence and regain their influence quick. But right now Pence is busy with getting a healthcare plan that can pass the house. I heard it will be ready to go in 3 weeks. Bannon will have an uphill battle for Trump's ear right with Kushner pulling the other ear and Ivanka yelling for her dad to see things their way, which I do not agree with.
I've been reading your many political posts since 2008. You've consistently been a stalwart Republican Party conservative. Nothing wrong with that, I'm merely pointing out how someone who comes from that perspective is not going to understand how and why populists and nationalists are pissed at Trump. And just about everyone agrees that Trump still has time to redeem himself over the next 3 years and 9 months, though there is plenty of disagreement over how likely that is to happen.[/QUOTE Don, can't I evolve?
Don, I clearly listed my expectations of Trump. I just believe a lot of CFers are being too quick to pull the trigger on him. How am I being "a big defender of the RINO establishment?" maybe you have me confused with another member. Initially, I supported Cruz(who BTW was hated by the establishment), but went MAGA, when I realized Trump could really to win. I like WINNING. Seeing Trump win on 11-8-2016 was a great night in my life. Let's see where things are at least a year out. Let's be reasonable.

Westside, Don, I have said that I supported Cruz and voted for him in the primaries and still believe he would have been the best choice. I'm sure most here will disagree. The reasons are coming to light especially over the last few weeks. Wasn't Cruz and Trump for the most part in agreement with one another. In fact they touted Cruz as VP potential until Trump attacked Cruz's wife, not to mention Trump's support for LGBT which doomed McCrory's bid for re-election as Governor of NC. Some here have said why doesn't anyone stand up to this ridiculousness of the LGBT, well one did, (McCrory) and no one came to his defense, including Trump. I believe I mentioned this way before March/April.
I'm no political genius, but you could see this coming, before he was elected.
Again, I voted for Cruz, but when he didn't get the nomination, I had to vote for Trump. Trying for lack of a better term keeping it in or within the family. We're never going to get everything we want in candidate, but it really hits hard when we get duped by the family. I hope he can recover for the good of what's left of this country.
Westside, Don, I have said that I supported Cruz and voted for him in the primaries and still believe he would have been the best choice. I'm sure most here will disagree. The reasons are coming to light especially over the last few weeks. Wasn't Cruz and Trump for the most part in agreement with one another. In fact they touted Cruz as VP potential until Trump attacked Cruz's wife, not to mention Trump's support for LGBT which doomed McCrory's bid for re-election as Governor of NC. Some here have said why doesn't anyone stand up to this ridiculousness of the LGBT, well one did, (McCrory) and no one came to his defense, including Trump. I believe I mentioned this way before March/April.
I'm no political genius, but you could see this coming, before he was elected.
Again, I voted for Cruz, but when he didn't get the nomination, I had to vote for Trump. Trying for lack of a better term keeping it in or within the family. We're never going to get everything we want in candidate, but it really hits hard when we get duped by the family. I hope he can recover for the good of what's left of this country.
I respect your support of Cruz. Out of all of the other Republican candidates, he was the second-best choice because Hillary would have destroyed him in the General Election. Everything had to happen the way it happened for Hillary not to get elected, including Trump giving "lip service" to the LGBTQ "community" (of which he's since rescinded Obama's transgender "bathroom policy" EO). And the fact that Cruz and Trump were the most popular Republican candidates during the primary amongst the Republican voters, but the least popular with the GOPe establishment, shows just how much of a disconnect there is between the establishment and their Republican base.
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Just watched Fox News short interview with Dennis Kucinich on the Syria bombing. Just as he is explaining how the Syrian gassing is a false flag they claim to be cut off by the satellite and went to a break. Came back - no Kucinich - new topic. Wow. How many times do we have to see this? And this just after the commentators argued that we have a free press in America.
a better youtube clip:

Kucinich is much more honest than even Ron Paul, because Paul ran cover for their 911 false flag terror attacks which put this whole Project For The New American Century plan into motion, including the destruction of the modernizing mohamedan countries and the subsequent invasion and destruction of all the white western countries. "Talking head: "We're gonna be cut off here by the satellite. We appreciate your joining us..."
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Israel considers North Korea an enemy state.

I know; you know; it's a rhetorical question.

N.K. is zero threat to the American people provided that the U.S. armed forces don't attack N.K. or its armed forces. Everything the N.K. armed forces do is for defense, self-protection, and self-preservation. N.K. doesn't trouble any nation, they simply want to be left alone.

N.K. is likely one massive booby trap. If the U.S. forces think they going to slap the North Koreans around like they do the Arabs, the U.S. forces may find they are the ones who are going to get a big missile up the azz. In war, the Arabs have proven to be hysterical and scattered; Asians have been determined and cohesive. The U.S. forces lost in Korea and Vietnam before; why should we expect anything to be different now?

Former Democratic Mayor of Hubbard Ohio, Richard Keenan. has switched to a guilty plea in the case of his sexual misconduct with, in the beginning, a 4-year-old girl. Starting back in 2013 Keenan repeatedly raped a young girl that he knew. He has decided to plead guilty to 20 counts including 8 rape charges and will spend life in prison with the chance of parole in 10 years.
Alright, because it's Easter, and we should forgive, I'll let up on Trump's Syria attack as all that attack did is blow up some grass in a field. Just a warning shot. No Syrians were hurt and no property was lost.

One of my favorite YouTube channels, Barry Soetoro, mentioned the same thing about the homosexual Seattle Mayor who is being sued by another man for sexually abusing him when he was a teenage boy. The missile launch against Syria happened the same day the news broke out about it so it wasn't covered, at least at the national level.

The b0mbing of Syria is being used not only as an excuse to no longer cover the illegal wiretapping by Susan Rice, Obama, Brennan and other members of Obama's administration of Trump, but to make sure both the Seattle Mayor child rape story and the Hubbard, Ohio Mayor child rape charge don't see the light of day, as well as all of the other ped0file roundup news. The Deep State is willing to risk extinguishing all life on Earth before they will be exposed and brought to justice.

There was a story the other day that Jeff Sessions is still the only person that has been confirmed for a position in the Department of Justice [sic]. Hundreds of others are still waiting. The Deep State is still in control and calling the shots. They aren't very keen on being "drained" any time soon.
Trump may have very well conned us. I will wait and give it some more time before making my decision on him. All of a sudden China doesn't manipulate currency. Mexico was supposed to pay for the wall. Yeah right. Give me a break!
Trump may have very well conned us. I will wait and give it some more time before making my decision on him. All of a sudden China doesn't manipulate currency. Mexico was supposed to pay for the wall. Yeah right. Give me a break!
WA33 I thought you believed from the get go that malarky about Mexicans paying for the wall was BS?
Sounds about right to me, Ambrose. I don't see N Korea invading and bombing any other countries, and I expect it will be only a matter of time before the Chinese and the Koreans themselves get rid of the fat boy and his rotten royal dynasty there, and the next South Korean pres. wants better relations with the north. The US could then get out of Korea. Then Korea could be neutral and not make China nervous. A united Korea would be a real world power. Another thing, there are now 2 or 3 million Koreans in this country, most of them born in Korea. Most of them are right wing types...

...but it would be foolish to think there weren't communist sleeper cells amongst them too.
WA33 I thought you believed from the get go that malarky about Mexicans paying for the wall was BS?

The whole wall thing was BS to play to the crowds. The US-Mexico border is almost 2,000 miles long. Look at it on Google Earth. How the hell are you going to build a giant wall across all those deep canyons and rivers and deserts? And even if you did, at a cost of a couple of trillion dollars, they'd just tunnel under it or climb over it with big ladders or blow holes in it or come in on boats like they are doing to Europe (and, speaking of that, if I was in charge and a Spanish or Italian "rescue ship" rescued boats full of black Africans at sea, like they keep doing, and brought them to Spain or Italy, I'd have the captain of the rescue ship shot for treason and lock up the crew). And telling Mexicans that they will pay for it was BS too. All that accomplished was to infuriate even the best of them, what with their machismo and all. Big walls in and around the cities like Juarez and Nogales and Tijuana makes sense, but they already have walls there and they tunnel under them. You just make strong laws and strictly enforce them and quit futzing around at the border. Give the border patrol orders to shoot to kill. Make forced labor camps for illegal immigrants. They don't talk about it much, and they kept it secret for many years, and they still do to the full extent of it, but that's how they built over 9,000 foot high Mt. Lemmon highway in Tucson Arizona, with slave labor - interned Japanese Americans, German POW's, and illegal immigrants from Mexico.
A year out and if the tax code is not reformed, large swaths of land of the southern not protected by a wall, double fence, drones etc, O bummer care not repealed and replaced and jobs not made in MI, WIS and PA, then I will become one Trumpy's fiercest critics. It will be interesting.
The whole wall thing was BS to play to the crowds. The US-Mexico border is almost 2,000 miles long. Look at it on Google Earth. How the hell are you going to build a giant wall across all those deep canyons and rivers and deserts? And even if you did, at a cost of a couple of trillion dollars, they'd just tunnel under it or climb over it with big ladders or blow holes in it or come in on boats like they are doing to Europe (and, speaking of that, if I was in charge and a Spanish or Italian "rescue ship" rescued boats full of black Africans at sea, like they keep doing, and brought them to Spain or Italy, I'd have the captain of the rescue ship shot for treason and lock up the crew). And telling Mexicans that they will pay for it was BS too. All that accomplished was to infuriate even the best of them, what with their machismo and all. Big walls in and around the cities like Juarez and Nogales and Tijuana makes sense, but they already have walls there and they tunnel under them. You just make strong laws and strictly enforce them and quit futzing around at the border. Give the border patrol orders to shoot to kill. Make forced labor camps for illegal immigrants. They don't talk about it much, and they kept it secret for many years, and they still do to the full extent of it, but that's how they built over 9,000 foot high Mt. Lemmon highway in Tucson Arizona, with slave labor - interned Japanese Americans, German POW's, and illegal immigrants from Mexico.

I know. The Mexcrement will find a way into the country even with the wall. But what can be done with the Mexcrement? They flow into this country like a pinada exploded and get free healthcare. We have a ton of them in my area standing by Home Depot and the bastards demand 150 a day for work at the minimum now.
I know. The Mexcrement will find a way into the country even with the wall. But what can be done with the Mexcrement? They flow into this country like a pinada exploded and get free healthcare. We have a ton of them in my area standing by Home Depot and the bastards demand 150 a day for work at the minimum now.
I live in a conservative city in CA. They rid the day laborers from hanging out at Home Depots and Lowes. But you go to LA, they are all over the place. What pisses me off to no end is seeing these Indian illegals from Mexico and South America pushing two or three babies. They think they are entitled to the health care provided by the hospitals during and after their brats are born. Unreal. Then the minute they bother the uber libs in WLA, the cops are called. F both groups.