The Return of Mikey Vick

Which Caste team will sign Vick?

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Now Vick is saying how sorry he is and how he cried in jail. Awww I feel so bad for him. Not! Anything to make a few million and win over some DWF.
With the signing of Michael Vick, I am boycotting the NFL. The last couple of seasons have been very boring, so it won't be that hard.
whiteathlete33 said:
I too am sick of Vick.
</div><div>Apparently there is a rumor going around that Vick had the audacity to actually turn down a spot on the Bengals!!
</div><div>Wow I just can't imagine someone in his position being that 'bold' I guess. Dude should just be glad to get any offer at all at this point!!! Perhaps Negroes are more prone to sociopathy then I had previously thought! </div>
Edited by: Niroy Stonebreaker
Niroy Stonebreaker said:
whiteathlete33 said:
I too am sick of Vick.
<div></div><div>Apparently there is a rumor going around that Vick had the audacity to actually turn down a spot on the Bengals!!  
</div><div></div><div>Wow I just can't imagine someone in his position being that 'bold' I guess.  Dude should just be glad to get any offer at all at this point!!!  Perhaps Negroes are more prone to sociopathy then I had previously thought!  </div>

I hadn't heard anything about Vick being offered a spot on the Bengals. The Bengals have had their fair share of felons so I wouldn't be surprised. Vick is a scumbag and I don't care about his apologies. He should be rotting somewhere on a street corner for what he did and not playing proffesional football.
Mikey Vick is such a horrible role model that the powers that be just could'nt keep him out of the public eye.
Hey, this crazy fool can help twist the minds of the youth. Just get him in front of the camera. Just make the DWFs feel his pain. He jus a victum of da racist white devil evil world. Po gheto child tryin to make a dolla. People jus luvs ta hate a N199a from da hood. I think I might shed a tear for this great American, and his comeback story.
whiteathlete33 said:
I hadn't heard anything about Vick being offered a spot on the Bengals. The Bengals have had their fair share of felons so I wouldn't be surprised.
</div><div>Heard about it on ESPN Radio and here is an internet link:</div><div>
According to Jay Glazer of, the Bengals were the first team to make an offer to Michael Vick.</span></div>They had a two-year, $2.3 million deal on the table.</font></span><div>
</span></font></div><div>Vick should just be happy to be employed at this point and not be at a half-way house or something! He actually turned down 'The Bungles!' Laugh out loud. Maybe they are worse then I thought but also perhaps Vick could be best described as an Uppity Negro!!! </span></font></div><div>
Vick landing in Philly makes me think biguneal may have a point about the NFL forcing a signing of Vick. Here's why. The longer Vick not being signed dragged on the more likely Rev. Jackoff or Sharpton would come crawling out from under their rock to cry racism. Better to get Vick on a roster and get it over with.

Plus Philly is a good place for him because no matter how bad McNabb plays the cry for Vick to play can never be construed as racial, since both are black. Also the Philly fans are used to having a black QB so there won't be any shock value to it when eventually, Vick plays. Also since McNabb is considered a "saint" by the league, the only way Vick plays anyway is if McNabb gets hurt (which will probably happen).

I think if the NFL had a choice, Philedelphia would have been the situation they would have preferred for Vick, which makes the choice that much more suspicious.
And where are the prominent whites to stump for Jones? Where are the cries of racism?
I guess the more things stay the same the more they supposedly change. Not much of a leap to conclude that the jock sniffing whites and their DWF accomplices don't have much faith in blacks, certainly they have little or no expectations. "Ol' Massa gonna give dat bad n***a one more shot fo he sell em." Sports are a patronizing throwaway to blacks, for a GM or coach tie-breaker goes to the black athlete. As blacks devolve and whites evolve I think we need a whole 'nother attitude towards sports besides the fantasy of being a bling star with kids and adults wearing their jerseys.
i don't know why so many people are "outraged" by Vick getting another shot in the NFL. after all, this is a sports league that employs negroes who have beaten and killed PEOPLE.

in this situation, why wouldn't the NFL jump to offer a job to another one of their beloved negro thugs? i mean, it's not a surprise to anyone that a ghetto homeboy engages in the activities that most all ghetto homeboys engage in. is it? the only difference between Vick and any otherstreet corner gangbanging drug-using p.o.s. is that he has speed. the NFL has proven that they'll stomach any criminal behavior imaginable if doing so allows them to put another negro with speed on the field ... hell, they do it even when the negro doesn't have speed!

so, in my opinion, this is just par for the course. and it will continue to be this way until White people who spend their money supporting this thug-lovefest quit supporting it.

i mean, i'm a dog lover, but there's no way i consider a dog'slife worth more than a person's life ... unless it's my dog and the person in question looks a lot like Vick. then it's a no-brainer in favor of the dog.

is that wrong of me?
Vick was allowed back into the league to prove a point that any thug negroes will be accepted back into the league no matter what crime they commit. How many DWF will be wearing Vick jerseys this season? I think plenty.

Getting a bit off subject here I was listening to a radio station here in the NY area today. Some black guy called in and started ranting and raving about how "racist" it was to give Plaxico Burress jail time. He even called Bloomberg a racist for recommending jail.I guess the idiot Burress should have been let off with probation right?
I understand Jimmy Chitwood's point, but I come from the Mike Florio school of thought on this issue. I judge the ethics involved in others' behavior on intent. Leonard Little didn't intend to kill anybody, and though his later DUI arrest shows that he didn't care too much about taking a human life, I'm sure that he would take the action back if he could. Vick created an identity, purposefully, with his torture of dogs. As far as beating people, when it's a Domestic Violence charge I don't even pay attention. Dudes get arrested daily because their wives beat THEM. I've been in the middle of this and know plenty of others who have been, and I approximate DV charges to be a lie at least half the time.
I hang out with plenty of people that drive when they shouldn't, and I don't like it, but I can't put that on the level of pure evil of a Vick.
Pryor has already proven himself to be a thug on the level of Vick, so why shouldn't he support his partner in thuggery? Expect more of the same, schools that recruit known thugs!
he should be thankful he is on an NFL roster after what he did. I am sure Matt Jones would not be complaining about what team he was on if he was back in the league. If he did he would get cut immediatley.
Its funny he thinks he is a QB, he is and always will be a gimmick. I hope the Bills do not go after him, the TO signing has blown up in their face. Trent Edwards is a solid QB, the Bills lack of a running game and the tackle position (which I believe has two sumos) is the problem.
Leonardfan said:
Its funny he thinks he is a QB, he is and always will be a gimmick. I hope the Bills do not go after him, the TO signing has blown up in their face. Trent Edwards is a solid QB, the Bills lack of a running game and the tackle position (which I believe has two sumos) is the problem.

He should have said black quarterback. 
Michael Vick is without a doubt one of the best examples of the total arrogance and lack of intelligence that is the black afflete. He is an absolute moron, but anyone who continues to play games with this clown is an even bigger idiot. He is a thug who should still be in prison, and he is not even smart enough to understand how fortunate he is to have had a second chance handed to him on a silver platter. If he was not black in a league that worshiped black thugs like himself, he would be lucky to get a job working at a car wash. He is certainly not mentally equipped to hold down any job that requires even a modicum of basic common sense.Edited by: Bear Backer
Might help him pay off some of the ridiculous debt that was revealed in the bankruptcy case. A real responsible fellow, this Vick.
Oh, in other Mikey Vick news, he's grumbling about his role with the Eagles, "I was born to be a QB!" Hahahahahahahaha!
FootballDad said:
Might help him pay off some of the ridiculous debt that was revealed in the bankruptcy case.  A real responsible fellow, this Vick.
Oh, in other Mikey Vick news, he's grumbling about his role with the Eagles, "I was born to be a QB!"  Hahahahahahahaha!

Yea I posted a link to t he article about his whining.  If Vick thinks he is a quarterback then he really needs to look at guys like Brady and Manning.  Those are real quaterbacks.  Vick is nothing more than a speedy guy.
Ol' ConVick led the "Filthadelphia wEakgles" onto the field...& scored a running TD & had a TD catch (as the Falcons coal black defense (sans Biermann) let Philly roll up & down the field...34-7. All the bruvahz & sistuhz were cheering wildly (both Philly & Atlanta "fans"). However, it appears most the White Falcons fans were boo'ing (except for a few DWFs).On the post-game radio show, alotta (White) Falcons season ticket holders were PO'd at all the mugs wearing Falcons Vick 7 jerseys & cheering for ConVick.

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
Convick was in Popkins corner during his last fight@ f Must be great to have a racist dog illa in your corner. What happened in the Calzaghe fight? Oh yea Popkins won that fight in his racist mind.
Edited by: whiteathlete33
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