The Return of Mikey Vick

Which Caste team will sign Vick?

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  • Cowboys

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Michael ConVick's return will provide a very good reason to watch the NFL this season. We will get to: watch as ConVick gets drilled while holding the ball too long, see ConVick fumble as he struggles to gain yards running because he can't read defenses,flip off disgruntled fans after he causes the team to loose games, fain injuries when he believes the game is out of reach along with other incompetent escapades. And all the while, the sycophant announcers will be apoplectic with praise whilst ignoring the obvious and thereby, displaying the purest form of Semmelweis reflex ever witnessed.

I can't wait!
DWFan said:
I like the idea of hockey, and when I was a kid I went and saw a game, which I utterly enjoyed. But I just can't tell what's going on when I watch it on television. Being from the deep South, there isn't much hockey tradition for me to build on. But thanks for the suggestion--I might give it a shot anyway.

DWFan, why not make MMA your new favorite sport? It's the best of the combat sports & Whites like Fedor, GSP & Lesnar dominate!
Edited by: DixieDestroyer
I cannot believe that the will let Michael ConVick back in. I remember when Joe Namath was suspended for half a season because he ran a restaurant that had occasional mafia guys as customers. No evidence that Namath even met these guys.
The NFL is a joke if Vick returns.
Predictions anyone? Who will get signed by the NFL first ConVick, Pacman Jones or Matt Jones? I predict ConVick- because the NFL is just that pathetic! Matt Jones' career may be over for simply drinking some beers while on probation.
DixieDestroyer said:
DWFan said:
I like the idea of hockey, and when I was a kid I went and saw a game, which I utterly enjoyed. But I just can't tell what's going on when I watch it on television. Being from the deep South, there isn't much hockey tradition for me to build on. But thanks for the suggestion--I might give it a shot anyway.

DWFan, why not make MMA your new favorite sport? It's the best of the combat sports & Whites like Fedor, GSP & Lesnar dominate!

DixieDestroyer, I used to love MMA. I went to at least five of first 15 UFCs (this includes the UU2, the best one I went to). But now they have so many rules, and it costs so much, that I just don't think it'd be worth it unless Fedor fights.

Man, some pretty girls would go to me to those old UFCs. They love 'em for sure if they'll go with me!
DWFan, I'm a fan from the old school days of vale tudo, NHB style of the UFC. I'm okay with most the rules (except kicks/knees to the head of a downed opponent). How's about a cage fight with ConVick vs. Fedor...victory by death in 15 seconds!
DixieDestroyer said:
DWFan, I'm a fan from the old school days of vale tudo, NHB style of the UFC. I'm okay with most the rules (except kicks/knees to the head of a downed opponent). How's about a cage fight with ConVick vs. Fedor...victory by death in 15 seconds!

I'd like to see it drag on further, but man yeah!
Vick is officially reinstated into the NFL...

Here is the meat of the story

"NEW YORK -- Michael Vick is back in the NFL. Now all he needs is a team to play for.

Vick, free after serving 18 months in prison for running a dogfighting ring, was reinstated with conditions by NFL commissioner Roger Goodell on Monday. He could participate in regular-season games as early as October.

Vick can immediately take part in preseason practices, workouts and meetings and can play in the final two preseason games -- if he can find a team that will sign him. A number of teams have already said they would not.

Once the season begins, Vick may participate in all team activities except games, and Goodell said he would consider Vick for full reinstatement by Week 6 (Oct. 18-19) at the latest....."
Kill a couple of beers=banned from the NFL. Kill a dozen dogs=reinstated.
I hope no team picks Vick up, but thats asking a lot in the double standard riddled Caste Negrophile Football League.
Thanks forty-four!
I think its a good one too.
this guy has the truth staring him right in the face, yet he STILL can't put two and two together ...
Double Standards and Michael Vick.

to summarize the above article, the author rattles off a list of thugs and felony charges longer than the Great Wall of China. his point, however,ISN'T that the NFL should quit employing thugs. rather, it's that Vick is getting treated unfairly.he even suggests that the NFL OWESVick another chance because he might turn to a life of "despair and self destruction" if he can't play football!

also, Vick shouldn't be blamed for any of his problemsaccording to this guy ... he blames everything from the culture of the South to the Madden curse. and of course, racism. but it's not Vick's fault! *yawn*

i mean, wow. just wow.

what's truly, EPICALLY sad is that the author has access AND knowledge of the facts of thug lifepermeating the NFL, as testified by this excerpt:
Here's the truth: the NFL has had more than its fair share of thugs, criminals, and drug pushers in its recent history. Easterbrook cites the obvious examples of two murderers - that you can still purchase an O.J. Simpson or a Rae Carruth jersey, and that the former is still in the NFL Hall of Fame. But there's far more than that. There's thief and attempted murderer Barret Robbins, there's Lawrence Taylor and Lawrence Phillips, drug dealers like Jamal Lewis and Terrence Kiel and Bam Morris, there's Brian Blades, Nate Newton and his pounds and pounds of pot"¦and of course, there's former ESPN analyst and newest NFL Hall of Famer Michael Irvin, whose long litany of drug related offenses reach a new level of ridiculousness each year. And then we have the examples of self-destructive embarassment, like Plaxico Burress and Pac Man Jones"¦but enough has been said about them already (and remember, it's the NBA that's supposed to have "thug" problems).

But perhaps the best example of the double standard Michael Vick experienced is one Leonard Little, defensive end and sack machine for the St. Louis Rams. With a pattern of DUI offenses, the intoxicated Little plowed through a red light into an intersection and killed a middle-aged wife and mother. Little got 90 nights in jail (work-release), and 1,000 hours of community service. When he was picked up in 2004, speeding again and drunk out of his mind, Little could've been prosecuted for a felony. Instead, he just got more probation, and a brand new multi-million dollar contract. ESPN's coverage of Little was muted at the time, and his past crimes are rarely referenced if at all during broadcasts of Rams games.

yet, he STILL doesn't get it.

are people really this stupid?
"yet, he STILL doesn't get it.

are people really this stupid?"

Well they did find O.J. innocent. So yes, certain folks with permanent tans are somewhat stupid.
Great expose on the idiocy of the situation, JC!
Its unreal to think people like this writer aren't getting it. Such is the level of indoctrination.
what makes this even worse, if that's possible, is that the author of the piece is supposedly a conservative. hearing this kind of crap from the left is bad enough, but when it comes from the so-called "right" it stings even more. *puke*
whiteathlete33 said:

Hard to top that.

If a ten year old white kid had been caught doing the things to animals that Vick was accused of doing people would be talking about how the kid would grow up to be a serial killer.

Many pro-Vickers like to trot out the old "he's served his time" chestnut. But arguing about whether Vick served his time isn't the point. In my opinion Vick, like many, many other affletes in the NFL has serious mental/ emotional issues. I believe PETA was onto something a few months back when they requested that Vick undergo psychological testing before being allowed to play in the NFL again. Like PETA, I also wonder if Mr. Mexico is capable of feeling empathy for another living creature. Is he a sociopath? Enquiring minds want to know.
Vick shouldn't be allowed back into the league period. I don't care if people say he has suffered enough. The guy is a complete prick. He associates with known thugs and killed dozens of dogs. Is this the kind of example people want set for their kids?
it does get worse

Jesse Jackson: NFL colluding against Vick?

"The Rev. Jesse Jackson became the latest public figure to offer an opinion on the future of Michael Vick. Jackson said he wondered whether there had been collusion among N.F.L. owners to keep Vick out of the league. 'I want to make it an issue,' Jackson said Thursday in a telephone interview. 'I want teams to explain why they have a quarterback who has less skills but is playing or at least is on the taxi squad, and a guy with more skills can't get into training camp.'"

Ridiculous. I hate Jesse Jackson. Where is an advocate for White people asking why Matt Jones is still sitting on his couch even though he was on pace for a 1,000 yard season last year, a 6'6 guy who runs a 4.37? Jones is a few years younger, was playing football last year, has great athleticism but never got to show it much because Jacksonville was using him as a possession receiver on short little routes.

Vick hasn't played in about 2 years (maybe that is why teams are hesitant to bring him in, on top of the crimes he committed of course). Everyone is saying if he gets signed it might be as a wildcat qb or a wide receiver. Why can't a team use Jones as a wide receiver? After all, he was actually playing wide receiver last year (and on pace for 1,000 yards if he didn't get suspended) unless I am going crazy. I'm sure since he played quarterback in college teams could use him in some wildcat formations too.

Is doing cocaine (a non violent crime) and drinking a beer while golfing worse than fighting dogs and then torturing to death the ones that lose? I guess it depends on your skin color.

Last time I checked the NFL claimed to love speed, size and potential. Matt Jones has size, speed, he started to live up to his potential last year. Vick has speed, has been out of the game for a few years, probably has lost some of that speed and nobody knows what he can do in the NFL if he plays again. He probably has lost a little speed. He hasn't played receiver before that I am aware of.

And if he plays quarterback he will definitely be rusty, the best hes ever been is a 50% completion ratio and lots of rushing yards. So we have a running qb whose running probably won't be as great.

"According to ESPN Michael Vick ran a 4.36 in rookie mini camp following the 2001 NFL draft. That year during the 2001 NFL Combine Michael elected to opt out of the field testing portion."

6'0 4.36 out of the league 2 years 29, might have lost a step vs 6'6 4.37 26 just starting to reach his potential and played last season.

plus the crimes that each of them commited, imo vick's is worse. Plus even if he didn't lose much speed, it would take him a while to readjust to the NFL. Getting close to 30 I don't think he would be able to reach the level he was at before, which wasn't that great, it was exciting for some people to watch but that is about it. If he went back to qb hed have to run less and be more of a pocket passer which I don't think possesses what it takes to be a good pocket passer.Edited by: dwid
Great post dwid! The only thing I will say is I think Matt Jones has ALWAYS been faster than Vick. Vick ran his 4.36 at some mini-camp. The combine track- where Jones ran- is known to be slow and he ran a 4.37 hand-timed and his slowest electronic was 4.4 flat.

Sir, that type of reasoning will get you nowhere.

It's my opinion that vck will be picked up, bt now right away. There is that small point that he's suspended six games.

In the end, he'll do badly. We just don't know now just how it is he'll louse up his life for good. The die is already cast with him. He's done.

Tom Iron...
whiteathlete33 said:
The Packers of all teams have shown some interest in Convick.

To me that is very suspicious considering the packers have been one of the more white friendly teams in the NFL in recent years and already have good depth at QB with an emerging Aaron Rogers and highly touted 2nd year player in Brian Brohm. NFL teams act as if they are following carefully crafted scripts. In fact the coincidences are often too much for anyone who is thinking clearly to ignore. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that the NFL has an organized initiative that clearly dictates or at least strongly suggests to organizations what they need to do in order to be in line with the caste doctrine. We have examples all the time that seem to go beyond merely poor scouting and promoting of blacks at the collegiate levels to be funneled into the league. The racial makeup for teams in the NFL almost always hovers around 70% black 30% white across the boards in the league and on a team by team basis. When teams do go a little higher in percentage of whites, it is usually not long before it inevitably goes back the other way or the media starts wondering if they are too white. Of course a team can be as black as they want and never a peep is heard. Also on the rare occasion when a unit has more than the acceptable lack of pigmentation as in the case of the New Orleans saints Snow Patrol or white offensive lines, it is not long before there will be some media hand wringing and the team will inject some much needed pigmentation.Edited by: Bear Backer
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